Tuesday, May 29, 1928 GOLFERS DEFEAT CENTRE HILLS IN FINAL CONTEST Win Ten' of Thirteen Matches ream Country Club Team By Decisise Scores Winning ten of the thirteen match -09 played, Penn State's golf squad found little trouble disposing of the Centre lifts country club team on the College links Saturday afternoon. The Nittany linksinen emerged victorious by a 11-S score in the final contest pf the season. Cant= Bunting, of Penn State, had the low medal score of the after noon, shooting the muse In 77 ,holes Hugo Bezdok Ji . of the Centre Bins team, and ll Vernon Filtchman, of the College team, fol lowed Bunting, each tut mng in a card of 79. I=l The first tiro matches, mhtch ended even-op on the eighteenth green, were probably the most closely fought bat tles of the afternoon In the first en counter, Claude Arkens and Hugo Bev