Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 14, 1926, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI, No. 61
Industrial Heads Hold
Annual Convention Here
Business Executives Discuss Problems
Of Vocational Training—Talks
Will End Tomorrow
More than two hundred and twenty-C
five executive* from all parts of the
state arc attending the eleventh an
nua"! engineering extension conven
tion held in conjunction with the in
dustrial engineering conference open
ing here today.
Convening socially yesterday morn
ing, the group was formally welcomed
by Judge H W. Mitchell, president of
the Board of Trustees. Lunch at the
University Club was followed by an
afternoon meeting which included
speeches on “Industrial Training," by
W. F. Baum, educational director of
the Philadelphia Electric company,
“Shop Training,” by Charles Bell,
welfare ducctoi of the National Tube
company* and resumes of technical in
struction by Prof. W It Young and
Prof. J. '£ Davis.
Faculty Members Speak
The visitors will meet at nine-thirty
o’clock this morning at the Center
llills country club to hear an address
by K> H. Spahr, of the department of
manufacture of the United States
Chamber of Commerce and an outline
of development of executive courses
by M. J. Kane, of-thc Western Electric
Numerous, professors from the School
of Engineering will present different
phases’ of engineering extension at
section meetings this afternoon The
delegates will dine at McAllister 1101 l
tonight at seven o’clock.
Industrial Conference Day
Meeting to determine the best meth
ods foi helping high school and col
lege students find the woik for which
they are best fitted, the industrial con
ference members will meet this aftcr
. noon at two-thirty o’clock in Room
200 Engineering D. Instructive
speeches interspersed by discussion
periods have been listed on the pro
gram for'the afternoon
Additional addresses on the selec
tion and guidance of students will be
given tomoirow morning in Room 200
Engineering D. R F. Carey, of the
Wcstinghouse companj, will offer a
solution to the pioblem of misfits,
while Colonel R. I. Rees, of the Amci
ican Telephone and Telegraph com
pany, ml! present a plan of rating
scales for students and employees.
A combined luncheon at the Univer
sity Club will officially end the con
ference program, although many will
stay for the athletic events tomoirow
Ten-Man Team Will Journey
To Foreign Links—New
Course Opens 'Here
Attempting to keep its lecord of
two victories unbroken the Varsity
golf team journeys to Williamsport
tomorrow where it will match drive*
with the local Countiy Club. Although
the Nittany links artists huve had lit
tle trouble in disposing of their first
two opponents the Williamsport ag
gregation is reputed as being stiong
and Coach Rutherford stated that his
proteges will be pushed to the limit
to win.
Ten players are to make the trip.
It is likely that Captain Taylor and
Greer as well us Canon and Hewitt
will play in the first foursomes while
Meeds, Ludes, Sickles, Bunting and
Fritchman are yet to be paired.
Coach Rutheiford has been watch
ing the candidates foi Varsity posi
tions closely and is pleased with the
field of pellet chasers repotting dailv.
Although the first setto of the season
-was pluyed with a large team, the
number of golfcis will be ieduced in
each of the succeeding matches and
by the time the Lion vies with Syin
cuse and Pitt the sqund will piob
nbly be cut to the usual foui-man
The sui prise of the first two gamc3
is the remaikable showing of the
ficahmen Although it is still pos
sible thut a sepaiate fieshmun golf
aggregation may be oigamzed, the
ycnrlings will continue to pluy und
work out with the Vuisity dnvers
and hi this way the Coach hopes to
stiengthen next yem’s team.
Taking its last hike of the year
the Outing dub will meet at Co-op
at ten o’clock faundav morning. The
officers plan to make the tup an all
day iii Tau. Membois of the club
and till other students inteiested are
invited to attend.
ffenn A
Classes Meet At Co-op
For Parade Tomorrow
All foui classes are to as
semble at Co-op coiner tomoi
row at one o’clock fiom wheie
they will march to the scene of
the Soph-Frosh tug-of-war
which will take place behind
the Bull Pen Underclass cus
toms do not change until the
termination of the scrap. Jun
-101 s and seniors will move up
at twelve-thirty o'clock
Lacrossemcn Point For Cornell
Match Tomorrow—Offense
Positions Improved
Changing his lineup dunng prac
tice drills this week with the hope of
obtaining a stionger attack combina
tion, Coach Leonatd has been woik
ing his lacrossemcn against plays of
the fast Cornell university team in
preparation for the clash with the Ith
acans on New Beaver Field tomorrow
afternoon at three o’clock
.According to the Nittany coach, the
Cornell contest will be one of the;
fastest games on the Blue
schedule. 'Reports from Ithacu streng
then this statement with accounts of
the speedy Tilton, second defense, and
Tonkonogy, fit st attack The Big Red
team that will appear here is made up
entuely of experienced pluvcis.
Cornell Has Good Record
Thicc victories out of five starts is
the record of the New York aggrega
tion to date Before the attack of the
IthaLans, Colgate bowed, (S-2, Har
vaid, C-0 and the University of Penn
sylvania, C-l. Cornell held the strong
Navy stickmen, tanked by critics as
(Continued on last page)
Airnngcments have been complet
ed foi Penn State’s fust Farmei’s
Hop to be given on Ag hill Frulav
r.’ght, May twentv-first, in the new
Beef Cattle Bain The scheduled
dance which will be open to all stu
dents and fncultv mcmbeis will be
the social fcatuio of the all-ag week
Russ Widcnor will make the eaves
of the improvised dance-hall rev or
hciatc from nine un'.il one o’clock.
No pi ice hns jet been set for tick
ets to the affair While the hop is
labelled a barn dance, it will be
strictly modem, with novelty num
bcis included. It is the hope of the
committee thut the hop will become
an annual affair at Penn State, as
it has in Missouri, lowa, Ohio, Cor
nell and other institutions
Graduation Program Includes
List of Commencement
Events, Class Roll
Because no e\tia Commencement
programs will be ordeied from the
manufacturer, the senior committee
requests that all ordeis be placed not
latei than tonight. Oideis nmv be
placed from seven until nine o’clock
tonight at Co-op.
The piogiums priced at seventy
cents, aie bound in black giain Um
thei and contain a filler of about
thirty pages. Invitations ami an
nouncements aie priced at twelve
cents each The piogmm includes full
Commencement Week and Class Daj
schedules, a list of class officeis and
committees, n complete class roll to
gethci with cuts of campus view*.
The proginms will be available to
those who placed oideis, by Muv
twenty-ninth, if the committee tail
send m then oidei tomonow. A
lift,\-percent deposit must be left w
each ordci.
Clash Today And Tomorrow In
Two Game Series—Lions
Primed For Victory
Lefty Page And Griffith Stage
Mound Duel—Each Allow
But Seven Safeties
After two consecutive leveisals
the Nittany baseball team will en
deavor to swing back to its winning
stride today and tomorrow when it
opposes the Bethany team tn a two
game senes here. Four-fifteen is the
staiting time for this afternoon's
fracas, while the second meeting to
monow will get under way at two
Harry Guflith, Villanova pitemnjj
wizard, had a slight advantage rvei
Lefty Page in a brilliant hurling
duel Wednesday, and the ciafty Mam
Liner scored a shut-out victory, 2-0
It was anybody’s game up to the fin
ish but the visiting batsmen showed
more power m the pinch, and single
(Continued on last page)
Student Council Moves To Stop
Voting Reforms
To insole a successfuiTinancing of
next year's sophomore proclamation.
Student Council Tuesday night decreed
that the expenses for the placards be
placed on the freshman class budget.
By this action cvcrv mcmbei of the
yearling class will receive the sopho
more's veuily greeting turd.
Expressing its dissatisfaction with
the present method of selecting the
Varsity chcorlcadcis the student leg
islators discussed the matter hut the
question was tablod to await the de-;
cision of the newly elected councilors
(Continued on second page)
Ignoring Marcels,
Girls Volunteer
To Battle Flames
Heroism among members of the so
called vveakci sex is not merely a mat
ter found in stoiy books. It was un
covered Monday in ical life ncai State
Shortly aftet first houi classes
started in the afternoon, a wisp of
smoke nio'<c in the ducction of Shin
gletown. It soon attained the aspect
of a dreaded forest fire No soonet
was it detected than a group of for
estry students gi nbbed fuc-fightmg
apparatus and dashed in the direction
of the flumes
Upon ainval the foiestcrs came up
on two girls bravely buttling the
blaze. So interested were the stu
dents in conquering the ravaging fire
that they failed to notice the with
drawal of the girl emergency fue
iighters. Now, accoiding to .T A.
Feiguson, head of the forcstiy depart
ment, the students aic speculating as
to the identity of the co-eds that so
recklessly lisked complexions and
Five Wayward Fresh
Clothing, Expert
A quintet of erring plcbos, almost
vvitlun reach of the haloed sophomore
estate, weic given what will probably
be their last taste of u ficshman’s
huid lot on New Bcuvoi Wednesday
night. It was a sweet taste, too,
strongly flnvored with antiquated
eggs and sundry vegetables which
long ago outlived their usefulness.
Such is n typical molasses feed.
Soon after dusk the five unfoitun
ates were matched m solemn proces
sion to the far end of the gridiron
wheic, in the flickeimg light of a
small bonfire, they were ieduced to
the state of Adam. In this gurb, or
lack of it, refieshmcnts vveie admin
istered, each yearling acting the part
us both donoi and lccipient.
boon the five toisoa glistened, cov-
In order to place the question of na
tional sororities before the entire
group of women students, the Camp
us Club association has called a mass
meeting for Tuesday evening at eight
o’clock in the Auditorium Talks
will be given relative to the value of
sororities The meeting will be con
cluded with a general discussion of ar
guments for and against national
Bartholomew Expected To Win
Dash Events—Midshipmen
Powerful In Field
Facing its first real test of the rea
son, the Penn Stare track team will
have to prove its vaunted prowess to
defeat Navy at Annapolis tomorrow
afternoon in what will be the Lion’s
second dual meet.
Penn State is a slight favorite, but
the Middies’ strength in the field
events makes them dangeious op
ponents Against Pitt earlier in the
season Navy, winning 90*35, levealed
a weakness in the distance runs but
great power m the weights.
Bartholomew Best Sprinter
With Bartholomew and Filkins as
tho threats, the Nittany Lions appeal
certain victors in the 100 and 220-yard :
dashes, although Kern and Summers,
veteran Navy speed merchants, should
push the Blue and White uecs to the
limit Taylor is the favorite in the
half mile with Navy almost sure to
gam several place points In the <llO
- dash, Karb&ch, Torrence and
Sands will have to step fast to bout
Tobicman and June .
It is doubtful if Shaplcy ot Ben
jamin, leading ■* Blue and Gold
.hurdlers, can give sciioua trouble'
to Penn State’s "flying bainer-men.
Captain Moore has regained bis 1924
form while Eggers has consistently
cleared the 120-yard high huidles un
(Continued on second page)
Experiment Station Heads And
Farm Representatives To
Banquet Wednesday
Mmc than thirty delegates icprc
sentwg state agricultural orgaima*
tions will meet m conference at the
College Wednesday, while dircctois
of twelve experiment stations from
New England and Middle Atlantic
states will convene heie Thuisdav
rncl Fndav.
| The confcience Wednesday will be
; foi the puipose of studying reseaich
vvoik lieie In the evening the visit
ors will hold a banquet at the Centre
Hills Country Club
Experiment station duectois from
Maine to Virginia will come to Penn
State for n two-day meeting at the
invitation of R L. Watts, duectoi
of the local station Duectois from
Maine to Virginia expected to be
present the latter pait of the week
arc W J Moise, Orono, Mutnc; J.
C. Kendall, Durham, New’ Hump
shne; ,T L Kills, Burlington, Vei
mont; S B Haskell, Amherst, Mas
sachusetts, W. J Slate, Jr., New Ha
ven, Connecticut, B. L Ilurtwell,
Kingston, Rhode Island, R, W. That
cher, Ithaca, New York; A. C Mc-
Cue, Newark, Delaware; II J. Pat
terson, College Park, Maryland, 11.
G. Knight, Moigantovvn, West Vir
tmen, Devoid Of
ience Molasses Feed
ered with n thick coating of the best
Kuro. Ripe eggs furnished the inu
tcual for seveiul beneficial shampoos
and selected canned goods were re
moved from thou eontaineis that serv
ed to increase the trials of the already
nuseiable plebes. On complaint of a
slight thill, the yearlings weie wann
ed, not by puddles, but with a heavy
application of saw dust which clung
tight to the adhering molasses.
A few uciobatic stunts, and the
party disbanded, guests of honor go
ing struight to the shovvei looms to
remove all tiaccs of the odious pun
ishment that had been meted out to
them. Those favored at the reception
were K W. Miller, E. W Custci, C C.
Travis, G. D. Williams and W. S. Sei
sJv d d s^opies
Wear Lion Suits As Juniors Don Blazers For All-College
Dance Tomorrow—First Planting Ceremonies In
Decade Held On Front Campus Monday
College Donates Ivy For Senior
Class Memorial—Henry
Gives Opening Talk
Ivy Dav will be ob&eived foi the
first time in mo* c than a decade at
Term State when seniors gathei on
the front campus Monday evening at
seven o’clock At that tune Virginia
Creeper will be planted to commem
orate the class of 192 G
As the Old Mam clock tolls seven,
D. D Ifcnrv, senior class piesidcnt, l
will welcome the students and visit
ors to the icvivnl of an old Penn
State custom, and will introduce Jules
Prevost '2O, who was the choice of
his classmates to delivei the Ivy Day ,
The ivy, to be donated by the Col
lege, will be planted at the west eoi
rcr of Old Mam A white stone tab
let beaiing the inscnption “Ivv Day
1920” will be placed on the corner
in commcmoiation of the occasion
It will latoi be leplaccd b\ a bion7e
tablet, accoiding to H W Cohen ’2O,
chan man of the progiam committee
Following the singing of “Alma
Matei,” the seniois will assemble on
the steps of Old Main foi the fust of
a seues of three sing-,.
Iv\ Dav was last ob'-eived at Penn
State in 1698, when the custom was
abandoned because of lack of space
for planting along the walls of Old
Main At the time then* vveie no
other suitable pcimanent buildings
on the Penn State campus
Accoiding to jneaent plans, Old
Mum will be the first building to be
decorated with class plants, while
the Liberal Arts building will piob
ublv be the next to be honoied The
College will turn Virginia Cicepci
on the bale walls of the mining build
ing but all othcis will be available
for dccoiattvc class planting
Wild Youth Makes
The Strictest Father,
Declares Warnock
If the pie&ent gcneiatmn of pai
ents does not abolish the “liquoi
mess” and its evils, as thev
involve bovs and gills, the next gen
eration will ccitamlv do tho clean
ing up, accoiding to the belief of A
R Wuinock, dean of men
“If I cvei have any childien, be
lieve me, thev’ll not be poim.ttcd to
do the things that we aie getting
awav with now,” is an expression
similar to those m ule In nine out ol
ten, when asked to voice then opin
ion . ,
“It is a fact,” -a\s Dean IV ai nock,
“that the so-called wild son glows up
to be the sti iciest kind of fathei, and
vice vci*»n It looks to me, theie
fore, as if live duldien of the next
genemtion are going to be made to
walk the stiaight and nanow with
a \engeance ”
Leltei - uiging the puients of the
graduating class to attend the com
mencement cxeicises weic sent Wed
nesday by Judge H Walton Mitchell,
president of the boaid of tiuslees
It was announced in tho lettei that
reservations would lie made for all
\ isitors who plan to attend tho Bac
calaureate scimon bundav and the
graduation cxeicises on Monday ev
ening , ,
Judge Mitchell’s invitation ended
with the statement, “We arc always
mteiested in antcitaming puients of
students on the occasion of then vis
its to the college, but on the occasion
of commencement, when fondest
hopes aie lcalmed anil yeois of study
and mclustiv icwaided, we have an
especial desne to have the puients
of seniois join with us m mutual io
joictng ”
Who’s Dancing
Aiete-Alfost—Centie Hills Cuunliv
Theta Chi.
A 11-Collc*ge—Ai moi y
Kappa Delta Rlio (closed)
Tnu Kappa Epsilon.
j Final Move-up Dance
j Ticket Sale Tonight
j A final ticket sale foi the
a Move-up Dav dance will be
j held tonight at Co-op from sev
| en to nine o'clock No ticket-,
I wiM be sold at the dooi tomor
} irnv night Tickets are pi iced
| at fifty cents pci couple
Sophomores And Freshmen Will
Bat lie In Tug-of-War—J 929
Colors In Balance
The colois to be embodied in the
1029 bhwcis will hang m the bal
ance, when the sophomures and
ireshmen stiuggle foi supremacy lo
moirow afternoon on Old Beivei
field in the annual tug-of-war, the
last undeiclass sciap of the ycai
Should the second vear men emeigc
victonous, the choice of the futuie
coloi combination foi the ficslunea
v ill icst with the sophomore body.
■ A fue hose of ample capacity *vd'
' cool the feverish blows of the loseis
lin every heat. The sophomore'- will
I leave the Movc-up Day process ui at
Holmes field to piganwc, wh.h* th"
yearlings will continue to Old Beav
Fifty men on each vide will com
pi iso a heat, which will be of five min-j
utes dilution As m.inv heats vvillj
lie contested n« the number of un-|
derebssmen will permit Freshmen,
me icquiled to wear then dinks and
‘•ophomoics their hats dunng the
sciap. The mid-class sciap- com
mittee will seive as judge.*- Paitiu
uemts will be m uked to picvent thmi
entinnee into more than one heat
Strong [’anther - Team Engages
Untried Freshman Squad
Hole At Tno O’clock
Penn State’s freshman tinch team
»%,U have tncu woik cut out for them
when thev attend to check the victoi
mus maich of the Pitt vearlmgs to
mouovv afternoon at two o’clock on
New IJeavci field The Punthcis
boast one of the strongest freshman
tennis in the East, while the Blue and
White y e.uhng squad is, not up to
past stand.nds
Bill Cox is the Lions’ most depend
able pci foi over The husky spcedstei
i-, a suie point winner fiom the hnlf
nulu upvvaid, and will be counted to
come Unough in the mile. Bowie and
Ingrahm will give Pitt’s star, ibe
cun. u haid lun in both the lf)0 and
the 220-yard dashe* In the distance
gunds the Nittany fieshmen have
outstanding lunncis in Buss, Pettit
and Monlgomeiv Offenhausei, cioss
counliv stui, is enteied in the 140-
yard urn
Pitt will have a decided edge in the
(Continued on second page)
Bishop Ward Will
Give Chapel Talk
Bishop J C Waul, of Erie, has
been seemed to speak m Chapel Sun
day In IS9G, Bishop Ward was grad
uated fiom Harvard university and
three yeais latoi received his Baclie-
Joi of Divinity degiec fiom the Gcn
eial Theological Seminary In the
same yeni lie became a deacon and
in 4900 was made a pnest. He ic
eeived his piesent title m 1921
Bishop Waul was chaplain of the
7lth Infantiy (lifting the Mexican
Double* in I'UG and when the United
Stales entered the Woild Win, the
Eric* cleigvman went to France with
the expeditionary forces While in
the service, Bishop Ward was wound
ed and honorably disehaiged with the
innk of captain. Bishop Waid is a
member of the American Legion and
the Univci-ity club of Harvard.
“Wc Ain’t
Work No Mo’ ”
Second-year Men Doff Coals
As Freshmen Throw
Dinks On Pv re
That the fust Move-up Dav in the
history’ of Penn State will be a de
cided succcrs was virtually .ii-micd
fiom the repoits by the committee re
ceived late last night Advance sales
of Lion suits indicate that a great
majoiity of tho seniors will don then
class costume tomorrow noon, while
undeiclass opinion seems to favor the*
movc-up progum vvhole-nenrtedly
Seniors will appeal in then white
Lion suits and juniors in their blj7-
ers after twelve-thirty o’clock tomoi
iow when they will move up Sopho
moics and freshmen will take a step
up the customs ladder immediately
after tho undeiclass tug-01-vvai To
cap the festivities, an All-College
Move-up Day dance has been arranged
for tomorrow night with Russ Wide
noui and Joe Machbn furnishing a
“battle” of music fiom eight until
twelve o’clock
Seniors will airay themselves m
then newly-acquued Lion suits and
juniors will slip on then puipie ami
silver bla7eis at twelve-thirty o’clock
Co-op comci will be tho iende7Vous
for all students at one* o'clock, when
each class will foi in behind a hand
to maich to the scene of the umlei
class tug-of-war The Lion-suited sc
mois will head the piocession, follow
ed by the other classes m mder
Immediately aftei the tug-of-war,
sophomores will don jackets or slip
over swentcis, symbolic of their new
! social status The dink-ci owned venr
lings will march in single file to
| (Continued on second page)
Singlet, Line-up Allured For
Matches Wilh Cornell
On Armory Courtis
Pldung it-- fiist homo match tins
season, Penn State’s net team will
attempt to eke out its initial win
against the sliong Cornell tennis
combinition on the Aimuiv touits
lonioiiovv afternoon at two (Abel,
Although the Blue and White
couitmen turned in close -unes in
the Lehigh matches last haluidav,
Conch Ham whs not enlirch satis
fied The tennn Coach intimated
that mdical changes m the singles
line-up will be made bcfoie the team
takes the courts tomuriow
In the doubles matches igumst the
Brown and White, the Nitlauv Hit
men vveie baiclv nosed out, each
match going In thiee -ets In an of
toit to bolstei the combinations
Coach ILun has paned Captain Mai
pa«s and Mitchell on the in-t court
An inspection tup kept Mitchell fiom
paitieipnting in air. of the pievious
Ilcllnuch and Lgglcston will pioli
ablv pl.iv logcthei on the s tC und
court, while a sophomoic* combination
of Barr and McC’nvvaU. will oppose Uie
Ithaca thud doubles team
No definite line-up has been sel
ected foi the singles matches Cap
t.iin Malpass, Hellnueh, Eggleston,
\lcCowatt, Gaunaii. McCabe, ,Schus.
lei, Bari and Hinkle have shown up
to advantage in practice matches this
week It is piobable that Eggles
ton. who has won both his matches at
numbci six, will be shifted highoi in
the idling*
The fust thiee singles and all Ihe
doubles matches will he placed on
the Armoiy comts, while the fouith,
fifth and sixth singles tilts will In
contested on the icet.inglos belnml
Varsity Hall.
Diploma Frame Orders
Being Taken at Co-op
Oideis for the u H>2f»” dip
loma fiames wil be taken to
night and tumoiiow mght fiom
seven to nine o’clock .it Co-op
wheic* they an* on exhibition.
Diplomas will be collected and
flamed June iitteenth, and tie
liveied by expioss prepaid