VOL. XXI, No. 61 Industrial Heads Hold Annual Convention Here Business Executives Discuss Problems Of Vocational Training—Talks Will End Tomorrow More than two hundred and twenty-C five executive* from all parts of the state arc attending the eleventh an nua"! engineering extension conven tion held in conjunction with the in dustrial engineering conference open ing here today. Convening socially yesterday morn ing, the group was formally welcomed by Judge H W. Mitchell, president of the Board of Trustees. Lunch at the University Club was followed by an afternoon meeting which included speeches on “Industrial Training," by W. F. Baum, educational director of the Philadelphia Electric company, “Shop Training,” by Charles Bell, welfare ducctoi of the National Tube company* and resumes of technical in struction by Prof. W It Young and Prof. J. '£ Davis. Faculty Members Speak The visitors will meet at nine-thirty o’clock this morning at the Center llills country club to hear an address by K> H. Spahr, of the department of manufacture of the United States Chamber of Commerce and an outline of development of executive courses by M. J. Kane, of-thc Western Electric company. Numerous, professors from the School of Engineering will present different phases’ of engineering extension at section meetings this afternoon The delegates will dine at McAllister 1101 l tonight at seven o’clock. Industrial Conference Day Meeting to determine the best meth ods foi helping high school and col lege students find the woik for which they are best fitted, the industrial con ference members will meet this aftcr . noon at two-thirty o’clock in Room 200 Engineering D. Instructive speeches interspersed by discussion periods have been listed on the pro gram for'the afternoon Additional addresses on the selec tion and guidance of students will be given tomoirow morning in Room 200 Engineering D. R F. Carey, of the Wcstinghouse companj, will offer a solution to the pioblem of misfits, while Colonel R. I. Rees, of the Amci ican Telephone and Telegraph com pany, ml! present a plan of rating scales for students and employees. A combined luncheon at the Univer sity Club will officially end the con ference program, although many will stay for the athletic events tomoirow afternoon. WILLIAMSPORT GOLFERS MEET NITTANY LINKSMEN Ten-Man Team Will Journey To Foreign Links—New Course Opens 'Here Attempting to keep its lecord of two victories unbroken the Varsity golf team journeys to Williamsport tomorrow where it will match drive* with the local Countiy Club. Although the Nittany links artists huve had lit tle trouble in disposing of their first two opponents the Williamsport ag gregation is reputed as being stiong and Coach Rutherford stated that his proteges will be pushed to the limit to win. Ten players are to make the trip. It is likely that Captain Taylor and Greer as well us Canon and Hewitt will play in the first foursomes while Meeds, Ludes, Sickles, Bunting and Fritchman are yet to be paired. Coach Rutheiford has been watch ing the candidates foi Varsity posi tions closely and is pleased with the field of pellet chasers repotting dailv. Although the first setto of the season -was pluyed with a large team, the number of golfcis will be ieduced in each of the succeeding matches and by the time the Lion vies with Syin cuse and Pitt the sqund will piob nbly be cut to the usual foui-man team. The sui prise of the first two gamc3 is the remaikable showing of the ficahmen Although it is still pos sible thut a sepaiate fieshmun golf aggregation may be oigamzed, the ycnrlings will continue to pluy und work out with the Vuisity dnvers and hi this way the Coach hopes to stiengthen next yem’s team. CLUE TAKES LAST HIKE Taking its last hike of the year the Outing dub will meet at Co-op at ten o’clock faundav morning. The officers plan to make the tup an all day iii Tau. Membois of the club and till other students inteiested are invited to attend. ffenn A Classes Meet At Co-op For Parade Tomorrow All foui classes are to as semble at Co-op coiner tomoi row at one o’clock fiom wheie they will march to the scene of the Soph-Frosh tug-of-war which will take place behind the Bull Pen Underclass cus toms do not change until the termination of the scrap. Jun -101 s and seniors will move up at twelve-thirty o'clock BIG RED TO CROSS STICKS WITH LIONS Lacrossemcn Point For Cornell Match Tomorrow—Offense Positions Improved ITHACANS WIN THREE OF FIVE CONTESTS TO DATE Changing his lineup dunng prac tice drills this week with the hope of obtaining a stionger attack combina tion, Coach Leonatd has been woik ing his lacrossemcn against plays of the fast Cornell university team in preparation for the clash with the Ith acans on New Beaver Field tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock .According to the Nittany coach, the Cornell contest will be one of the; fastest games on the Blue schedule. 'Reports from Ithacu streng then this statement with accounts of the speedy Tilton, second defense, and Tonkonogy, fit st attack The Big Red team that will appear here is made up entuely of experienced pluvcis. Cornell Has Good Record Thicc victories out of five starts is the record of the New York aggrega tion to date Before the attack of the IthaLans, Colgate bowed, (S-2, Har vaid, C-0 and the University of Penn sylvania, C-l. Cornell held the strong Navy stickmen, tanked by critics as (Continued on last page) WIDENOR TO PLAY FOR FARMER’S HOP Airnngcments have been complet ed foi Penn State’s fust Farmei’s Hop to be given on Ag hill Frulav r.’ght, May twentv-first, in the new Beef Cattle Bain The scheduled dance which will be open to all stu dents and fncultv mcmbeis will be the social fcatuio of the all-ag week end Russ Widcnor will make the eaves of the improvised dance-hall rev or hciatc from nine un'.il one o’clock. No pi ice hns jet been set for tick ets to the affair While the hop is labelled a barn dance, it will be strictly modem, with novelty num bcis included. It is the hope of the committee thut the hop will become an annual affair at Penn State, as it has in Missouri, lowa, Ohio, Cor nell and other institutions SENIORS MUST ORDER PROGRAMS BY TONIGH Graduation Program Includes List of Commencement Events, Class Roll Because no e\tia Commencement programs will be ordeied from the manufacturer, the senior committee requests that all ordeis be placed not latei than tonight. Oideis nmv be placed from seven until nine o’clock tonight at Co-op. The piogiums priced at seventy cents, aie bound in black giain Um thei and contain a filler of about thirty pages. Invitations ami an nouncements aie priced at twelve cents each The piogmm includes full Commencement Week and Class Daj schedules, a list of class officeis and committees, n complete class roll to gethci with cuts of campus view*. The proginms will be available to those who placed oideis, by Muv twenty-ninth, if the committee tail send m then oidei tomonow. A lift,\-percent deposit must be left w each ordci. STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 14. 1926 BETHANY TEAM TO MEET PENN STATE TWICE ON DIAMOND Clash Today And Tomorrow In Two Game Series—Lions Primed For Victory BLUE AND WHITE NINE BLANKED BY VILLANOVA Lefty Page And Griffith Stage Mound Duel—Each Allow But Seven Safeties After two consecutive leveisals the Nittany baseball team will en deavor to swing back to its winning stride today and tomorrow when it opposes the Bethany team tn a two game senes here. Four-fifteen is the staiting time for this afternoon's fracas, while the second meeting to monow will get under way at two thuty Harry Guflith, Villanova pitemnjj wizard, had a slight advantage rvei Lefty Page in a brilliant hurling duel Wednesday, and the ciafty Mam Liner scored a shut-out victory, 2-0 It was anybody’s game up to the fin ish but the visiting batsmen showed more power m the pinch, and single (Continued on last page) PROCLAMATION PUT ON PLEBE BUDGET Student Council Moves To Stop Electioneering—Suggests Voting Reforms NEW MEMBERS ASSUME OFFICE NEXT MEETING To insole a successfuiTinancing of next year's sophomore proclamation. Student Council Tuesday night decreed that the expenses for the placards be placed on the freshman class budget. By this action cvcrv mcmbei of the yearling class will receive the sopho more's veuily greeting turd. Expressing its dissatisfaction with the present method of selecting the Varsity chcorlcadcis the student leg islators discussed the matter hut the question was tablod to await the de-; cision of the newly elected councilors (Continued on second page) Ignoring Marcels, Girls Volunteer To Battle Flames Heroism among members of the so called vveakci sex is not merely a mat ter found in stoiy books. It was un covered Monday in ical life ncai State College Shortly aftet first houi classes started in the afternoon, a wisp of smoke nio'2f»” dip loma fiames wil be taken to night and tumoiiow mght fiom seven to nine o’clock .it Co-op wheic* they an* on exhibition. Diplomas will be collected and flamed June iitteenth, and tie liveied by expioss prepaid