Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 08, 1919, Image 1

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    the Team Needs Now
Is a Little Student
V. No. 3
Department of Music Arranges
For Series of Three Musical
A. Books Entertainment
As Part of Annual Pro-
A series of musical I ecitals. to bo
mid In the Selman Auditorium this
eliool year, have been arranged for
rider the auspices of the Department
f Menlo with 'Mr Evan S Morris 'IS
it manager Tile artists who wiil rea
ler these recitals have been selected
01111 great eae rind no lover of music
an afford fo r miss the opportunity of
tearing them
The first of these recitals mill be gi‘en
Friday. November fourteenth, by
Ildtl Florence Hinkle, Soprano, cello
rtainment course will be given
ditorlum this fall and winter
auspices of the Y Id. C. A.
art of the nnnual program of
but WIIS omitted loot year
nt of the' war The course
lot of eleven numbers, dye of
.ical recitals, and two of them
Talent of the best kind boa
red for each of these enter
and the course will un
be very entertaining and bon
a!' those who attend
.t number on thls course .111
Corelli-Bonelll Company. and
, hen on the mooing of 00-
Incenth al eight o'clock In the
tickets will be on sale In the
a few dabs nt a very reason
° 10 addition to the tickets
I admission. reserved seat
111 be sold By buying a coo
t the average price of admix
oh number on this course will
re than the price of
otion picture show For this
end can gain admission to a
nee for which be mould have
o or three dollars In the city
time Opens on October ',deb
it continue/I, nitlt a number
or three weeks. until March
The folloming la the ached-
elghteenth—Correllf Donal
or Ilfteenth—Amerlean Con
d Quartet
ter thirteenth—Doctor Oniniel
re, lc It, 0 S., Trateler, Ex
has appeared fiequently at the Metro
politan Opeta Howie. rind n sololot
with the fdinpliony orchestras' of Bos
ton, New 'York, Citimgo, and Philadel
phia A complete list of the various
enlargements that hate been filled by
Athol Hinkle, nit° is knonn no Amer
-IMI'N foremost improve', 50.113 CON Or
tine pages of u good-al ed volume. Each
waxen she Is entrain' to give lecitals
In cities, all over the United States, and
In- addition to these, d'ilgui l'iltdrle al
wayil appears nith many bf tholending
musical societies and orchestras. Each
>car she aloe' gloss a recital In New
York that is oe of the !night spots
in the musical =lender. Last season
Zia alnam, the pima nos enthusiastic
about the charming young American
singes, and the critic of the Emning
Telegram, Robert Wolin], gave as his
opinion that tuba Illnkle's voice re
mumble,. MMe Melba's Ins purity nad
fieolineso when that famous prima don
na ttno in her pilule The American
public knows Florence Hinkle without
am extended introduction Ilor Vic
tor Talking Machine records have che
ated thouxands of admirer., supplemen
ting het perontuil efforts with many
distlngulohed Org.tal.adoes Local
deals. In Victor records have records'
by Allan Hinkle In stock, end to hear
them io to he convinced of her artistic
seventeenth—Mama Com
llnWt and humorla.
y fourteenth—Tachalkowel<l
:tying quartot
helfth—Doctor Nets ell Dhlght
metier, Lecturer. Author
Corral Bonelll Company are
line Caroni, a soprano Who has
uch interest In Now 'York and
. during the last few years,
and Bonelll, a baritone Mr.
as met It'll, great success In
don of operatic parts, both
d in this country, during the
years In addition, Miss Ruth
rile, an accomplished ♦loilnhst,
. Blarion Elydo, solo pianist
millet, arc members of the
oilcan Concert Grand Quartet
f the beat and moat Poncho
M aunrteto In the countm
ember Imo a nolo voice, and
Imrlanced conceit singer All
IX-xoldlere, three or•them Ma
d In France.
inbiiel R. /Mktg , . Med for
ifrica nn a miasiontim. While
christianized a tribe of An t
extile! ed regions which hod
re been visited by Yvhito men.
if his great work In Africa.
finlike wan elected a Fellow
ynl Geogiabilical Society up.
ire from that continent. 'With
oh wit he describes Ills many
1 experiences In Africa nod
Second Recital Dec. 4(lt
The comma MILO UM he on There
day, December fourth, by Miss Sophie
Montan, Contralto, COM fins already
been declared by Now York critics an
ung the grentent contrnlton of (Mc
generation" She line been featured
at all the great munleal fentlachr CM
elnnottl, Memnon, Springfield, Mang,
RICIIIIIIIIII/, Vn : Newark, N .1, and a
do.ten others She ban frequently op-
.rd Adams, of the Adams Com
an accomplished ‘lolinlst, and
vide experience on the L)-
trot m 11111 Interpretations of
select and popular music are
Tian Glodys Evelln Gibbon,
and talented humorist, Is an
unber of this company Mies
ott le the accompanist and she
utes several piano solos,
: . chnikonsky Quartet IS n won
musical organization. Each
is n trained musician, horn and
the world's greatest musical
lid trained under the hand of
Tschnikowsky himself The
Is composed of two violins, a
d the Plane.
rovocal Enseable le compos
e," concert harps, violin, and
es Unusual combinations of
d violin ore Introduced, in
ensemble 131anche Unborn
•prune, and Alexander Maxon,
der delightful ducts and solos
Newell Dwight 111111 s, farness
acher, lecturer, and nigher,
It on March twelfth, In the
ir number of the course Doc
has made a careful study of
and problems arising out of
both tram extensive rending
personal observations on thu
battle. Ile bon also gained
Me tame as n Liberty Loan
pealed with the New Yank Symphony,
Bootoo symphony, Chicago Symphony,
and Philadelphia Symphony At the
Sunday night concerts in tine Metro
politan (Mesa House, her name on the
bill It sufficient to draw a house. So
phie Broslou and Cobriella Desantonl
aro in obably the only living contraltos
ulto can sing the sole of 'Talmo:I".
The port awl written originallY for
conussito, but for several Snort It hus
never been done by anyone except non
ram., Calve and Farrar being two
Como. one. A yens. ugo, Mitt Orat
ion tong the rola In Chicago with truly
sensational toccata. Voices like hero,
on many critics have pointed out, are
only too rare, the range is phonon"-
mud, but the real contralto outdity
muint throughout all registers, In
addition to being noted no among the
bent in singing. Miss 13roslou also pot
souses the charm of youth and a Ploot
mg personality. Miss Braslau ham al
(COntlnued on last pogo)
U AND rnovusson
:1 ATTEA 11 CO:in:RI:NCI:
S. Moore, of the School of
d Profesuor Chedsey, of the
opartmenp returned recently
..burgh, %%hero thol were nt
IfoUrth National Phut Aid
Renew, Content
as the largest of the national
ever held and there seas a
I of enthusiasm and interest
this work, not only by the
mansion concerned, but by
g operators In menet and the
of Pittsburgh. Dr. itfoore was
ho recorders In the First Aid
Pnd Mr W. 0. Duncan. Assist
sser of Mining Extension. was
Pee Judges In the Anne Rescue
prfit #tatr t#
Lewisburg Collegians Are Bring
ing Strong Team to State Col
lege—Game Will Be Close
Penn State's second game of the
football season will be played on Sat
urday afternoon on New Beaver Field
at three o'clock, when the strung Buck
noll eleven will be met Undoubtedly
It will be a close game, and the Lenin
burg hackers are so confident that their
team mill take the measure of the Nit
tany Lion that they are betting even
money on the must certainly be conceded that
the BucknelHans have a melt-organized
anti well-balanced team this year, and
on it are some players who are bound to
yhtim attention to their work In the
football warid. Tiloo far the team has
lost one game and mon one game.
Tile season opened a little user two
necks ago 011th Penn and the strength
of 'Bicknell in attested by the fact that
they held the Quakers to It 16-0 score
Trait Saturday Bloomsburg Normal 01110
stomped by a 45-0 score, and most of
the Louisburg players mere chosen
front tile second squad
One of the stars who has been de
veloped at Bucknell to Bonner, a big
freshman fullback, who Is an adept at
bucking the line for substantial gains.
and who 1n last Saturdns's some got
off punts averaging fifty-the and sixty
yards Captain Ifendren and Kontos,
the the Nihon, are also stars on the
team, and In addition to speed lire also
able to make substantial line plunges
While the nork of these men - lins stood
out prominently In the games played
thus far. the playing of the other mein
hem of the team has also been of ev
eeptional cabbie, and tile some on Sat
urday should be n "nip and tuck" af
fair from the nod to the last.
I'enn Slate Team Beady
The Penn State team, however, la
ready (or the beat that Bucknell can
produce The Getßaburg team last
Saturday furnished the varsity a Go
vern teat and :showed up a number of
acak points In the team play of the
Blue .d White. Them, tire being
tat engthened tills ASOCIC in the secret
practice which Is being held, and nd
doubt stove. Mick plays are being per
fected which will be need to good ef
fect on Saturday.
Penn Sloth's line-tip for the game
lies not definitely been decided. but
(Continued on lost Pune)
Interclass Track
Meet , on Saturday
A cross country meet with Lehigh
Imo been scheduled no one of the Penn
slivania Da) events It will be run
over a ihne: mile course and will be
gin and end on blew Beaver Field.
Loch team will enter seven men, the
first deo of each teem Ilnishlng will
count Tile Penn State entries have,
of course, of been picked yet, but
among the most promising candidates
far .rrying the Blue and White colors
in this meet are• Shields. Foster,
Otr, lecncomer, Seems, Kele)
and Gardiner
No Freshman 11111 be run In any of
the %amity meets but the., will be given
a chance to win their numerals in the
Freshman - Sophomore cress-country
meet to be held early In Not ember and
in the Inter-clam meet which will take
place the later part of NON embet
other meets may be arranged Inter for
Dntrlen for the Inter-clean track meet
a bleb In to be held on Saturday, Im
mediately after the football game, must
ho In today, Much Interest Is being
taken In this event and It Is sure to
be both contented New material Is
continually turning up, particularly a
mong the Freshmen elm, Dudley, of
Philadelphia, the three-mlio Junior Na
tional Champlon, has reported to Coach
Martin and .111 represent the class of
. .23, and Pont, a sprinter from Pitts-
Wirt:li, aloe a Freshman, will also run
Post Is a brother of a former member
of Penn State% track sound
The Penn State Prom Club, the new
literary mocietY of tho college , will hold
Ito first regular meeting Monday, Oc
tober tnentleth, the place to 'be an
nounced later. For yearn Penn State
has felt the need of a literary coelety
which %lb get nil studentn interented
In jourallzm, litetnture, and creative
writing and 101 th In organized to do
effective work
The club Ix immolated with the Unit
ed Amntuor Press Association of Shish
Mrs Renshaw of the Department of
Public Speaking is 01110101 editor. J.
A Allard TO and Miss Edna Of Sell
. 21 aro the only members from this
college nfillinted with the national or.
ganlcation All members of the Press
Club cc ill become members of tho Unit
ed Association on joining the college
society The club alms to publish a
mnrowlne in which the literary efforts
of the students will be printed. Thp
club won mg:mired Monday and Is on
ticlpoting n sucoessful career.
AU Juniors who aro trying out
for 010 position or nesocinto editor
on Lilo editorial staff of tho COL,
LEMAN should report at this
onion, Nittnny Printing and Pub
lin/ling Company building, 110
Wont College Avenue, - on Friday
owning at seven teclock sharp
Fifty Students Out of Three Hun
dred Candidates Retained for
Further Trials
O 1 ei three hundred students tried
out for the Thespians on Sulu.lay
and Moodily nights and of this number
approviinntely fifty mere retained for
further trials Conch Clentingli sou
vet y well pleased mitt the motorist
ion hand, especially among the lower
Lianas Mal while it will be impassible
to use nil of these prospects in the
Present play they will form a valuable
reservoir of material for future time
It bi Professor CluotlngliS nUn
to from an all-college group for the
purpose of nutting on good sketches
at laments of every felt months One
net plays sill be given, °Leading to
the piesent plans, and the dramatic
art will be studied es such, with it
vies to elevating the standard of Penn
Suite productions
Comedy To lie (Shen
The comedy. "Stop Thief", side's will
lie given about the middle of November,
is a farce comedy is Caryl° Moore
It centers about the exploits of `Mack"
DOogllll, 10110 gains Oh entrance into
it well-to-do funny iq Posing 00
private detective. He also assumes
the tole of it college chum of Cluny,
Who belle% en himself n clentomanie, and
It Is the adventures of Coogan and his
accomplice, the maid. along the queerly
assorted Carr family that makes the
comedy. Thin play mail ilist given
by on all-stor cast to Nee Verb and
it hoe been a success wherever pro
duced With the material that turned
out at the rehearsals and ski] the as
sistance of Mr. Mason, It is certain
that lqofessur Cleotingh 1,111 resat Ills
numetas Successes In dramatic sonic
Plans for the "push hair ecrap to ire
held Saturday of next meek are rap
idly nearing completion and this method
for tile fostering of class spirit betheen
the two Inner classes gives every Mll'-
0011011 of success All contestants ate
to report at a quarter to one and the
scalp will be begun promptly at one
The periods hill last;for lite or eight
minutes and the number on each side
will be ono hundred for each period
The dice where tho Heron will he held
will bo roped off and thespectators will
be compelled to remain behind the
pes, - Membero..efaflialdent, Conned
VehuroittelnlZ , - •.'
The "push ball" scrap vats abolished
several years ago because of the danger
to life and limb Involved. This was
mainly duo to the fact that the whole
of the too lower classes participated
at ono time, no that there wan usually
a mob of front 400100 hundred to fif
teen hunched students centered about
the bull. Under the new plan, whereby
small numbers only enggge, all danger
In educed to the minimum.
Philadelphia Alumni Making Ar
Will Be State's Headquarters.
As a pilot of the ^big doings" nt the
Penn State—Penn football game on
Saturday, November nest, the Philadel
phia alumni - of this college lia‘e
eonged headquarters Mr Penn State nt
the Dellevue_Stratford lintel, and they
Intend holding a dance (or alumni and
undergrialuittes at that place in the
evening after the game.
The Plilindelphia alumni recently or
ganized and have elected the folloving
oilleers. Ilerliett llntheta 'II, Mull
dent, Ralph Tonnsend 'l3, vice-presi
dent. and George Doyle 'l7, seerytary
tressurer At the orgnnicallon meeting,
fort)-three men Mere present and the
1301,11P-StratrOrti M. then selected nii
Penn Staten hendquerteis at the game
and arrangements acre also made (or
the dance
AN soon no tickets for the latter are
printed, they will be sent up hero and
placed on sale Admission to the dance
for undergraduateo alit be 82 20, pro
vided the tickets are bought nt State
College Alumni ndmlicilon %ill! be
34 40 -- These amounts include war ton
in nrranging this dance, the Phila
delphia alumni inane token the andel
graduate students into careful consider-
Wien, and their pion In to make the trip
attractive end help the students have
a good time. Willintlt tnaklng the trip
too mmensive Good music will he fur
nished and the donee will strut prompt
ly at nine o'clock
Mr. John A inpp, under the nuapicea
of ten Commerce nod Finance Club and
the Pre-Legal atticlents, will give n
very Intereatlng address to nil Liberal
Arts student. trent Monday evening at
coven o'clock In the turaembly room of
the Morn! Arta Rending
Mt Lapp won at one time Reference
Librarian of tile State of Indiana and
Inter Director of the Social ',moron.
investigation. In 01110. All Sentare.
Junior. and Sophomore. in the Com
merce and Finance neuron and all Pro-
Lognl men ore especially urged to :A
The York County Club In planning to
hold a feed next Friday night, October
tenth, behind the football grand/nand.
Among the meta who will be Prevent
will be A. II Warnock, now Dean of
Concerts, Athletic Contests, and
Mass Meeting Will Feature First
Post-War Program
The program for the Pennaylynnla
DtL ONI`IIIN in one which In in keeping
with the spirit of the times, and which
glees mein!se of being the best one in
trt my tears duo to the return to normal
of all college aethitles
The events trill begin Fridny.Novern
ber setenth. at 3 30 p m. when a
football mtme will take triune on Now
Beater Field between the Penn Curio
Freshmen and the University of Pitts
burgh Freshmen. In former years
tills hag aiwn)s been a hard struggle
and one which demands the best of
each num. The Freshman team hex
not yet been selected nntl the Pitt
Freshmen hate not played so that no
conclusions can be drawn ttt this time.
although It Can be taken for granted
that the geme will lie worth while
witnessing Classes will bo dismissed
so that all students will be able to
witness the game
Friday evening In the Auditorium
t u h l ' a r nt ' e " m " 4 l l it i l re olTee " tt i 7i t l '' br ' t ' oXlT„ e t " t ' ll g e .
visitors how lire team In supported and
also to Instill enthusiasm Into the team
for the Immo with Lehigh on Saturday
The Miller meeting will be dismissed
In time tot the alumni to offend tile
dance in the University Club lit elght
lhlrly for tire students to attend
the fraternity house dances
SaturdttL will be the biggest day of
oh The events will begin nt nine
thirty when the Pennsyltanin State
College Cadet Corps will be reLlewed
(Continued on last Page)
Popular Right End or Blue and
White Eleven Unanimous Choice
For Leader
..Fighting Bob" Higgins v.. the
unoninto. choice of the 22 nearer. of
the stung) 'lt" for captain of the 1019
football tenet at n meeting held on the
melting prectdlng the game with Get-
Gilbert; The election should be It imp
ohm one, for Penn State It. never
had to play et oho wan bettor liked bl
the titudenta titan Higgins The new
lender Ul originally .Began to cap
tain-the 1017 loam, but the
United Staten mitered the war, Higgins
wont tiff to a training camp, St 011 hilt
1201111111 . 01i011 11/1 lieuttnent In infantry,
end when the fall of 1917 rolled around.
he nret .191. the "great game" for
Uncle Sam.
"Bob" . uns one of tho early arrivals
In France and he took part In some
of the !wittiest lighting In which Amer.
lean troops nem enhaged After the
signing . of the 1111111 alee. the Penn State
motain.gave up tackling the Huns In
order to again don his moleskins and
take part In the games far the champ
ionship of the expeditionary forces
IVith Higgins pixy lag at right end, the
team rein °seining the SUM Division
won tile A E F championship and
Higgins mix ultimately selected for the
mythical All-A 1.1 F. eleyen—qulte an
heron When It Is considered that there
were former All-American players on
neatly et cry divisional team
The 111. and White contain entered
Penn State in the hilt of 1914 from Ped
dle Institute, and due to the fact that
the one-year I eshlence rule at Penn
State did not go Into effect until the
following year, lie was eligible for tile
team. Ilia work In that year wog ex
ceptional. but It Wax not until 1918 and
tote that he witne Into great prornl
nonce DM lag these years him work
ranked him fix one of the best ends In
the counti y and he wax several times
mentioned for All-Ante! icon honors lie
v.. elected to captain the team In hie
Senior year, but as has been said be
fore, he did not return to college.
Penn State faced a peculiar situation
title fail At the end of the season hug
year. no captain wan elected because
so many old men were expected to to
turn thief Oar The expecuillons were
realind when IT letter inen reported
to the coaches, Including two captninx
elect find one ex-captain. In ndilition
to 11nrry Rabb wnx captain
elect for 1918 but he also entered the
service anti did not return to college.
however, Robb was detailed to Colum-
Ida University and while there, lie cap
tained the S. A T. C eleven lost fall.
Comre. was the ...Maim having
been chosen to lead the 1917 team when
Miming failed to return. , With hie
glee the oldest mall lit point of ser
vice on the squad, It was expected that
he would be chosen to lend the team
this year and the COLLEGIAN feels
confident that he will prate to be a
successful leader of a successful team.
Outplayed in First Half, Penn State
Warriors Come Back Strong and
Win in Second
Score 13y Quarters
Gettysburg 0 0 0 0 - 0
Penn State 0 0 13 20 - 33
Goals From Touchdowns
Gettysburg 0
Penn Stnte 3
First Downs
Penn State 12
Penn State 3
Average-43 years
Fors ard Passes
Penn State—
Successful I
Unsuccessful 5
Penn State 4 for 30 yards
Under a blistering sun Penn State's 1919 football team ushered
in the fall campaign on New Beaver Field last Saturday afternoon
by overwhelming the eleven from Gettysburg College 33 to 0. Al
though running far from smoothly, the Penn State machine, neverthe
less, accomplished what it set out to do and as the net result of its
afternoon's work amassed a total of five touchdowns and three ac
companying goals. Of the former, two were scored by Captain Bob
Higgins, two by Haines and one by Way. To the trusty toe of Ben
Cabbage goes the credit for the three goals.
All of the points tallied, by the Blue and White - ream - were Made
in the second half after Coach Bezdek's proteges had gotten off to
a start that looked anything but promising. To give credit where
credit is due, attention must be called to the fact that the boys front
Pennsylvania's historic battle-field displayed a mighty snappy brand
of football in the early stages of the game, and for the twenty long
-iariiirnost minutes 111110/1 marked the
Ilrot half the Penn State rooters he,
kept sitting on the most anxious kiL I
of an anxious bench.
Line 01:0 Ragged
The most glaring fault in the Pins . ~f
the Penn State team uns the ragge I
hork of the line and the Inability to
break up 0:01 runs of the visitor"; Tin a
and again In the (hat half the Gettys
burg hacks nldrted the ends fat sub
sts:olol gains and on at helot one rs
r mice only 0 timely fumble IleMent.,l
the enemy planting the oval behind 11 M
State goal line Tile entire nicer of tl
Ihilt half may be Gleaned from 010 fa , t
that In 010 first tho periods of pin
13eadeles men here bare]) able to
the Gettysburg leLord of four lint
Freshmen Eligible
for Scholarships
Information has been receiNed that
the Legislature of 1919 enacted a law
utile]] establishes competitive ankle
seholornhips to aid loung men and
'nom.% in obtaining a higher education
The main provisions of this net ore ns
1 Young men and young oilmen
who have been graduated from a four
3 eat high school courec may compete
for a scholluship
Tile person receiving a scholar
ship inuy enter any collet.° or univer
sity apprined by the College and Uni
versity Council, and while In /Mena.
ftlltt upon such college "echo one
hundred dollais per year for four 3eurs
to aid In meeting college
3 Mich count} Is entitled to one
scholarship. If there in mole than one
entire senntnrial Mon lot In a county,
such (Usti lot Is entitled to as many
echolarsidps as there are entire sena
torial districts.
4 The competitive examination moat
be held under the direction of thu State
Board of Education and the nebular
ahlps anarded by such board.
In order tonriangc far the quell)).
cation of those persone mho are eligi
ble to compete for these licholarehipe.
the Department of Education has net
evnininations et the the Penneylmola
Stole College far Saturday. October 11,
1910. in the following nubJectn. Eng
lish, lllstory (either Ancient or Amer I
bon) 'Mathematics (elementary Alge
ra and Geometry). Wm.. anologl.
Chembitry or Phyniciii. rind Language
(Blench. German. Latin or Spaninli)
Candidates moot furninh all piper, and
all writing must be In ink. Any iirtic
near ntudent now attending Penn State
who wee graduated from a. four near
high school courne in Pentunlymila In
June, 1019. In eligible Each candidate
snout be intro Out the county In much
he madden appoint on each examination
paper. The time for holding these ex
amination» in net for Satudroy, Oc
tober 11, 1910, 8.15 ❑ or, and 1.15 th
nn. Those desiring to tompete fon
then° examinittionn nhould :radianr Of
once of the office of the Donn of Burr,
171 Old Main. Each candidata , Ix re.
nuked to take the lire examinatiOns
Sophomores Notice
All metobern of the Sohhomoto
nines oho ore trying not for PDX-
!none as reporters on the editor
Istl staff of tho COLLEGIAN
should report on Frldny.ovening
at this office, 10 West College
Avenue, at seven-thirty o'clock
Penn State's Biggest Penn
sylvania Day Is
Almost Here
Gettysburg 0
Gettysburg 4
Gettysburg 3
Average-36 yards
Successful 0
Unsuccessful 2
Gettysburg 3 for 20 yards
Penn Statue grst ticore came earl.
in the third quarter the tesult of a
801111 Int bit of 001 11 on the pelt of
Robert A Iliggins, one time lot Lieu
tenant in the United States At no and
noo Litton/tin of the Mutiny Valley
unifiers The foregoing incident had
Ito xOllll on the !sitars .18-3ard 11110
Just aftet tile Gett3slottrg aggiegation
had seemed the ball all goons On the
111111 11113 Oasis, the Gettysburg quart
et 11..8. fumbled a pass Guide as a
streak of memo! lightning. lliggine
bloke Ott °ugh, snatched up the hound
ing pigskin and with a den 1101,1 ahead
aced across 88 3so 110 of 8110013 tea • Rory
for the iltst seine Of the dal. CLlbill{to
11111.1eti the goal by Inches
Witli Melt goal line crossed,
\VOCAL'S men tteemmt to lose matte It lilt
of their pep Alettiothile the Penti Stele
Iruntie 810111 Op set end degrees Tile
14eCellti toucluitoot fin the Blue and
White came Heal the end of the thiol
quarter and 1111 x also ditvetl3 nattibuted
to the wilt It of Captain lllgnlnx As tie
1 mutt of a series of 11 OH tomcatted off
tackle plays 1,3 now, Dock and Ithille4
OP DIU 11ndotoceil to Getty sbtog's
10-yard line llo
i 11.1 0, aftei one unsuccess
ful attempt at fot ontd passing, Robb
Ranh) got the right combination and
slog It perfect patet to Illggins oho re
ceived it on the enemy goat line. A
fete stops and "fie. hod planted the
oval diteetly behind the goal poidit
Cabbage added another point by kick
ing tile goal after it perfect punt-out by
Higgins The scoot at the end of the
third period stood at
Slate it, Get
-03.m g O.
The opening of the foul 111 geomer
eitneesed tile Iltst substitution In the
State camp, iirnon taking the place of
Snell at left 01,11.
Placement Kick 1)1114
Shortly sifter the morning of the
quarter. the Moe and \VIIIto or ganlm-
Son. having been hold for three Hun
coaster, thrum., tried a goal front place
ment on Gettyoburg's 40-)ard line. milli
Ben Cubbnge In the role of chief hooter
The line failed to hold. however, and
the kick won blocked. Fortunately the
hall was recovered by Cublmge baron ,
the varltors nuke 100110 up to what had
At Ode point new blood wan Intro
duced into the Penn State backfield in
(Continued on Pogo Five)