the Team Needs Now Is a Little Student V. No. 3 LEGE WILL BE WELL TERTAINED DURING YEAR Department of Music Arranges For Series of Three Musical A. Books Entertainment As Part of Annual Pro- MISS FLORENCE HINKLE TO GIVE FIRST RECITAL i NCERTS AND TWO LECTURES IN COURSE A series of musical I ecitals. to bo mid In the Selman Auditorium this eliool year, have been arranged for rider the auspices of the Department f Menlo with 'Mr Evan S Morris 'IS it manager Tile artists who wiil rea ler these recitals have been selected 01111 great eae rind no lover of music an afford fo r miss the opportunity of tearing them The first of these recitals mill be gi‘en Friday. November fourteenth, by Ildtl Florence Hinkle, Soprano, cello rtainment course will be given ditorlum this fall and winter auspices of the Y Id. C. A. art of the nnnual program of but WIIS omitted loot year nt of the' war The course lot of eleven numbers, dye of .ical recitals, and two of them Talent of the best kind boa red for each of these enter and the course will un be very entertaining and bon a!' those who attend .t number on thls course .111 Corelli-Bonelll Company. and , hen on the mooing of 00- Incenth al eight o'clock In the tickets will be on sale In the a few dabs nt a very reason ° 10 addition to the tickets I admission. reserved seat 111 be sold By buying a coo t the average price of admix oh number on this course will re than the price of otion picture show For this end can gain admission to a nee for which be mould have o or three dollars In the city time Opens on October ',deb it continue/I, nitlt a number or three weeks. until March The folloming la the ached- elghteenth—Correllf Donal VOGII or Ilfteenth—Amerlean Con d Quartet ter thirteenth—Doctor Oniniel re, lc It, 0 S., Trateler, Ex cturer has appeared fiequently at the Metro politan Opeta Howie. rind n sololot with the fdinpliony orchestras' of Bos ton, New 'York, Citimgo, and Philadel phia A complete list of the various enlargements that hate been filled by Athol Hinkle, nit° is knonn no Amer -IMI'N foremost improve', 50.113 CON Or tine pages of u good-al ed volume. Each waxen she Is entrain' to give lecitals In cities, all over the United States, and In- addition to these, d'ilgui l'iltdrle al wayil appears nith many bf tholending musical societies and orchestras. Each >car she aloe' gloss a recital In New York that is oe of the !night spots n in the musical =lender. Last season Zia alnam, the pima nos enthusiastic about the charming young American singes, and the critic of the Emning Telegram, Robert Wolin], gave as his opinion that tuba Illnkle's voice re mumble,. MMe Melba's Ins purity nad fieolineso when that famous prima don na ttno in her pilule The American public knows Florence Hinkle without am extended introduction Ilor Vic tor Talking Machine records have che ated thouxands of admirer., supplemen ting het perontuil efforts with many distlngulohed Org.tal.adoes Local deals. In Victor records have records' by Allan Hinkle In stock, end to hear them io to he convinced of her artistic ability seventeenth—Mama Com llnWt and humorla. y fourteenth—Tachalkowel