Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 18, 1917, Image 1

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    Bost the "Saving
Daylight" for
Penn State
Class Started in Reserve Officers' Train
ing Corps--Red Cross Work- Ac
tive--Great Opportunities.
' Penn State has enlisted in the cause of national preparedness.
With the entrance of the - United States into the great world conflict
the college authorities hove definitely taken steps to provide the
students of Penn State with the training which shall enable them to
do their share in meeting the military and industrial needs that con
front the country during the present crisis To this end arrangements
have been made to give those who desire it-special training in the
various phases of military science and tactics, in first aid work, and
in the Red Cross service. Plans are_also under consideration which
will enable part of the student body at least to engage immediately
in the work which is being done by state and national authorities to
meet the agricultural needs of the nation.-
- Military Training Class Started.
By far the most outstanding of the projects now being undertaken
along these lines is that of training Penn State men for responsible
positions in the military reser ve.forces of the country This movement
was started last Friday evening by Captain Ahrends, commandant of
the cadet regiment, when he organized a special training class for
upperclassmen who deslie to preprun
themselves foi commissions in the Of-
Poe' Reserve Corps, a military unit
created under the National Defense Act
passed by Congress last spring• At the
that meeting of the chum, held last
Monday evening, more than five hun
dred students were in attendance
The plans for this class as outlined
by Captain Ahrends nro as follows
Meetings will be held three times
week on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday evenings from seven until
eight o'clock At these meetings In
etruction will be Olsen In tho theory
of military science and tactics, the sub
leets to be taken up including army 04-
mlniatmtion, topography, military law
and court martial. Infantry dalli, In
fantry tactics, and small arms firing
regulations. According to moment ar
rangements the class will be conducted
over a period of live or nix weeks, at
the end of which time It Is expected
that the men will be propel od to take
the - regtilat government examination
for commissions In the °Moors' Re
serve Corps. Daring thin polled those
In the class are expected to supplement
the work received there as far as It Is
possible with practical observations on
actual field work done by the sopho
more companies on Thursday after
Full Credit For College Work
In order that as many upperclassmen
no possible may be enabled to attend
the clans, the collego authorities have
arranged a plan whereby under cer
tain conditions the work done in this
training class may be substituted for
regular college work tinder this plan
all upperclassmen, teonty-one years of
age or oven, wino hose had two full
years of military training or the equiv
alent thereof, and who can pass a phYs
!cal examination ghen by the cones°
health service, will ho allowed to sub
stitute their training chum work for
threo hours of regular collego work
with the consent of Captain Ahronds,
the dean of their school and the howl
of tho dopartmont In N !doh they are en
rolled. Full modit for the work dropped
will not bo given, however. unless the
student posses satisfactorily the °gem
ination given by Captain Ahronds at
the gloss of the training cheat
In making arrangements for practic
al work with tho sophomore companies
on Thursday afternoons, men who de-
etre to engage In this part of the work
must make arrangomonts with Captain
Ahrenda the dean of their school and
the presidont of tho coliego.
The foregoing rules and restrictions
apply only to those students who wish
to subsUtuto the training claws work
for regular college work. Students who
wish to attend the clams without drop
ping any of their collage work may
do so without the necessity of consult
ing their dean or department heads or
of passing a physical examination.
Commissions for Two Mon
In connection with securing cognate-
Mon. In the oMcors. Rosary,. Corps, It
Is intorosting to nobs that two Ponn
State students have already passed their
examinations succoosfully. The mon In
question are Clyde A Fowler, 'l5. and
It A. W. Cates, a member of tho eon
end year two ,oar agricultural Moos.
Both men are oMcoro in the cadet reg
iment at the present Brno and laws had
additional osporlonco in summer train
ing comps
Commissions In the °Meer.' Reserve
Corps may bo 000ured In any ono of
the numerous sub-divisions into which
the Corps is divided. Of these sub
divisions the two In which Ponn State
students are most likely to be Inter
ested are the Infantry Officer.' Reserve
Corps and the Engineer Officers' Ro
tten's Corps. The Instruction close be
ing conducted by Captain Ahronds will
prepare men only for commission. In
the Infantry (Miser. Reserve Corps.
In this Corps It Is possible for Penn
State students to mere commissions
as majors, captains, Unit lieutenants
or Second lloutonante
'To secure commissions In the En
gine.. Officers Reserve Corps It will
be necessary for student. to pass en
examination to be given by an officer
in the engineering corps of the regular
army. Only seniors ore eligible far
commission. In this brunch.
' In accepting commissions In - any
'branch of the °Moore' Reserve Corp.,
- the term of serviiiti hao boon sot at
two - yaws. In t/mo of puma mon hold
ing commisalons may be called out
(Continued on Laid Page
rtut #tat t
"Go Slowly and Use
Your Head" a
Good Slogan
Civic Club Will Conduct
A Campaign This
Great Interest has boon shown in the
post by Penn Suite students in the es
tablishment of a state law that will pro
vide facilities enabling qualified voters
to cast their ballot during an enforced
absence from their homes on days of
general election An the Collegian has
provi,otly announced, such a 1111 was
Introduced in the Boano of the state
legislatute, and has now been reported
back favorably by the House commit
tee. it is expected that the vote on
the bill will be taken by the middle of
next week
Tho Penn State Civic Club gave its
support to a shriller bill scrotal yours
ago, a bill Dint bad been drawn up by
u member of the faculty: a Pi ofessor
Day The aune club has this nook
undertaken the support of the mosont
measure, and will call upon the stu
dent body to walk them In various
nays Present plans Include the draw
ing up of a letter to be sent out by
Individual students to their Senators
and Representatives, and the Club asks
the cooperation of every student In this
There can be no doubt about tho ne
ceselty of un "absent voting" law In
Ponniksivanli for the benefit of college
mon "Dread and teaseling men who
frequently find It Impossible to get to
thole own voting dletticto on election
days Thin fact sloe found to he es
pecially true at the last Itreoldential
election sshon many college men were
denied the privilege of their neat pros
idential vote
Tho Civic Club will include In Ito
plans the seeking of cooperation from
other colleges in Pannoylvania, work on
which they have already started Tho
campaign Is unfortunately to be a
shoe t one, but every effort will be ex
tended In making It successful
if It la at an pomade a muse mooting
of all students still Ina held within the
coming neck to get united action on
the matter.
Due to the fact that Student Council
could not moot just before Faster ra
coon to approve plans for conductig
the tug-of-war between the Sophomore
and Freshmen classes which was sched
uled for next Saturday, the scrap 'has
boon postponed until Saturday, April
28. It had been planned to revise the
rules before vacation, and adopt thorn
finally at last night's mooting of the
Council, but this could not bo carried
Norman B Thompoon 'lB, for the pant
throe yearn actively connected with the
work of the Ponn State Young Mon%
Christian Association, was olocted-pree
!dent of that organisation last Sunday
evening. Ho will serve during the term
1917-1918, and succeeds W. E Kroll
in that office. The other association offi
cers were chosen as follows• S Richard
Brinker 'lB, first vice-preoldont; Wil
bur I. Kitchen, second-vim-provident:
01lbort 8 Watt.. 'lB. ...rotary J. Lyle
Stool% Jr. 19, trommrer.
0000 0000000
Thoro is still a great-demand
for Froshmen candidatos for the
position. of socond assistant root
' ball managers. Candidates are
requested to register at the a
ilee of the Omduato Mooogor
o before May 1.
0 0
00 000 00 . a .0 '
-.....-.,-.. p,i
To Continue Unless Orders
Of War Department
"Unless the plans of the Wet De
partment should conflict obit the athlet
ic activity of the college. Penn State
tt 111 continue to play out tel schedules
In all lines of spot," Thin statement
yule glyen out by Graduate latmitger R.
11 Smith when rho question oas
Nought up no to whether Penn State
Ayoub' follow the mo, °mem of some of
the other colleges In Web coding their
athletic teams. ifoothel. If it Is
found that the War Depot tment's plans
when they ale announced ulil be con
flicting. tablet!es will be alf.tndoned
Up to the pi esent time, no olllcial can•
collations have been It...felted except
I that of the Univereity of Vitginia,
j ohich have beta met In a dual
!flack meet doting the E WWI holiday
!This tancellation made It neceeattry for
the Penn State authorities to call off
the othet too meets which were to
have been held on the same trip Al
though newspapet townie say that
Oat tinotith hue abandoned all smote. no
official notification of ouch action has
been retched and the dual track meet
scheduled for 21sty 12 on Beaver Pleld
In expected to be held
Penn State's position Is similat to
that of the United Staten Millen y and
Naval Academies in reg. - 4d to athletics
Both of the. Institutions lathe certi
fied theft intention or continuing their
schedules, because time enough is al
toady devoted to Milling and it 10 not
noceseatty to give Up Sporte In order to
allow more time In institutions where
no military drill le given. howevet. It
le deemed fitting and ptoper to glue
the time formerly devoted to sports to
preparation toward staying the mout
Orders were recently received from
the Navy Department requiring that
the urrolevt telegraph motion Wwuld be
dismanthdl until further orders All
stations In the United States except
those directly operand by the govern
ment are required to letter their uoro
lines and 'mane their Immanuel. With
in twelve hours from the time of re
eel% Ing the orders, the State College
station scans dismantled The equip
ment was offered to the goner nment
for its use. This station In so situated
that receiving and transmitting to tine
Arlington station at Washington is
comparathroly easy The State College
station may be made a Unit of tiro
gmernment chain of intercommunica
ting stations
The now editorial and business board
of ••The Penn Suite Palmer," has been
elected for the ensuing year, and has
taken chtume of the publication The
kit* number, xhich will nounnotice
Itsappearance, will be the first imite
which the new staff will handle. Tho
new board in made up as follows•
C A Fowl., associate
editor, P. R Kraybill, business mana
ger, .1 • L Way; assistant business
manager, P II Sprenklo; circulation
monomer. T M Huston. The editor
ial staff is composed of 11 M. Citm,
P L. Koenig, W. L Funkhoutier, anti
IC Anderson, while the business
mbar Is made up of C F. Buss, W II
Poster, H H. Good, and L M Irwin
Track Men Prepare
For Penn Relays
The nest objective of the Dian and
White trackmen is the Penn relay car
nival on April 27 and 28 Penn Suite
Is entered only In the charnplonnhip
events thin year and will not run In
any chum relays. Entries will be made
In the various relays as well an in the
special °yenta, such na dashes. hurdles,
Jumpn, weights and pentathlon Gan
semuller, Marling, Ullruy Peek, Ern
shank, Cubbage, Dacron, Cottom, Kroll,
Whiting, Jones, Dembley. Runyan,
Enoch, Wi!non, Shoe, Steele, Shields,
Poster, Hunter, Love and Kaltley will
all be entered and the teem will be
picked front title lint.
'Ulm' . Shea was officially elected
captain of thin year's team at a meet
ing loot week Decides the Penn Ro
byn and the Dartmouth meet, the team
will enter tho Western Intercononfat.
at Pittsburgh on_ May 19 and will also
compote :walnut Pitt here at Com
mencement Tho interclass meet will
ho hold on May G.
Tho southern track trip which was
to have taken place during the Easter
vacation had to bo called off when the
UniveralD of Vitginia notified the Penn
Stub management that owing to the
w•ar situation, they had decided to
abandon all athletics. This forced
Manager Dadenty to call off the other
two moots that were scheduled for the
same trip Contrary to reports that
Dartmouth hue cancelled all athletics,
they have no far failed to call off the
meet scheduled for hero on May 12.
Tho dato of tho next Senior Chitin
dance, which was to have boon hold on
Saturnlay April 28, has boon changod
to May 12, the day of tho Intore holm
tioTrack most.
Proposed That the Hands of Old Main Clock E.! Turned Forward
One Full Hour To Gain Time for Evening bporto.
'Save an hour of daylight!"
lure toe hands ut the UM Main clock forward just one hour, set
all our clocks and watches to agree wits it, and then forget about it:
I<esuit: An extra nour gainett in tae best part of the entire say—
evening—to be devoted to recreation, sports and strolling, ana mere
wilt tallow a general ail-around satisfaction that comes from tnt
knowledge of a day well spent.
Here is a great opportunity for Pend State to come to the lore
with a unique stunt, ana a beneficial one also, for so tar as it is renown
no other college lies [Mop= toe "saving daylight" scuenie. iiele are
tew colleges so situated that tney can make it possible to auopt sues
a system, out the isolation of Penn State 'way up here in ti,e ,rittany
Valley, makes it not only posSiOle time, but highly pructmauit wite
a view to bentlicial results.
the noilieme =ow, taluined hoe It mould mean, 1,, Inlet, that lit mould Om.
0) otanuutd Untie et o u'Llocic In the mooning, and taunt sltmete Lai tit/ anicau
of at 5.00 tout one mould'ut loam Mu dllletuneu, fun tliu Old uoulu
indicate the 1.1111.10 1101110 110. 1:1 SW:. I 'Of. the du) Wollill in ULM. an uul
01111 UM excektien that Old Oul mould hang for It full hoot 111111,1 111 tilt memmin
01,108 tomarde moiling, tilting moisone u chance to el5lOl a game or ousul.ll,
,nand of tennis, u u ottull into the country after dininei. In icalio, dhunen
mould be mer at 5 o'clock, and with tine° bourn of duolight alto, that, the ad
santuges to b 0 gained we innumerable Then me moUld ha off to hod an hum
catkin and never lotions the diffuctice.
A representathe of the Collegian bus spoken to many prominent attlttentai and
faculty member. during the past meek, and the plan hen el" elth Inetant ap
moml on all side., President Sparks is himself a hearty InaNuettle of the plan,
particularly from tire standpoint of athletic exercise to be enjoyed by all Mer
chants of the town should benefit [loin the gain in thee duo to the fact that
more people will be out dining the evening it hats been pointed out that train
and buss schedults running on standard time may be Intel fir red mith in such
a mos ment, but since the change of time mould be a full hour in advance, there
could be no chance of mlasing outgoing connections
It is proposed that if such a change were adopted, it could go into effect on or
before May 1, and be under taken only as an experiment to last until Commence
meat week activities begin. It it most feasible to operate such a tin.henne only In
the spring .d early fall months end Its Micelle Is Wolfed foins.ted min ith great
anticipation by all mho hale heard of it
"Sating daylight . " oilglnated In some of the EUI opeatt "mini]. where it le
being carried out with unloolted for SUCCOON In all plum.; of Ilfe The scheme
was recently adored by the rallrond shopmen at Altoona and allows the men to
Indulge In basball and nthet monis that would otherwise he denied Ito adoption
at Penn State Is abated fol dbreueslon In Student Council and If It ineite with
approval there mid be brought before thu proper college ollleirds and then the
student body for tatillcallon.
It is also possible that legislation could be considered 0 booby the ttftetiloon
hours would ho shortened by bye minutes each, pioviding fin the dietnigsal of
college for the day at 4 o'clock, standard time. but 5 o'clock he. "raised" time
The posibliities of such a step at Pens State nic indeed ccii great
Freshmen R-port Tomor
row to Stet Business
The annual Collegian buninews compe
tition for Freshmen sill sta. t with
a meeting of first-call c militates In
Doom 529, Old Alain, at 7 o'clock to
monow evening The candidates will
be In entnpetition until nest Decem
ber when the mon will be elected to
the Collegian stuff These will then
continuo until about Mal eh let, when
further elimination will result In the
selection of three men to tin taken on
the Collegian Baud as assistant bus
iness num:wets At the end of the next
)ear these three men will be elected
Bust.. Manage!, Adsertising Mana
ger and Cliculation blanaget, am-ending
to thell respectise übilitles
No other line of bonsai about col
lege man better train a man In the
Intik:Mar branch of burin°ss that
these candidates will be offered In Col
legian work 'rho Collegian tompeU
tion does mote than movide mot for
a future business manager of a news
paper It Is a distinct help to ever)
who underlidcon the 1, tok In the
might spirit Such mon will find that
they have entered 01011 IL putctical
course lu business tntumgement that
It Iv impossible neon fin the college to
pro, tile
During the competition the .uullt;ates
will come Into active [malt whit mory
ope of business man Tlic alll also
reedit e the beneficial Instauetion of the
business stag of tho Collegian at all
times. profiting it? the 11110,1.1ga of
oxpoilenced mon
7.00 I , 1,1-I , orenti 3 000104, Fol es
toy Building.
700 I' NI —0 It. T C, 0111 Chapel
7.00 I' 'SI —Land/mum Gardening So
1.1013. Hort MI11(11111;
700 P. M —Freelenen Candidatekt
tot 'Conon-km liuninens Stet re
port to tOnom 729 Main Building
700 P. Nt —Colonel Shiolds 40000 on
Birds and Wild Aninelln, Old Chapel
Lae, nxxe, reIIII SLIIIO nt SWllrtilMOro
7.00 P. AI —0 10. T C, Old Chnool.
ROO 1' 11-511100 I P A. Oratmical
Contort. Auditorium.
0.00 A M. and 2.00 P 01—Business
Sonnions of I P A. Contention
200 P M.—Traci , Trinln for Penn
Relays. Now Beaver.
300 1' 1%1 —linaenall. Susquehanna
Univ.. New Rent es, Freshmen vo.
Bellefonte Aenden”, m Bellefonte
LaCrosse, Penn State nt. Lehigh
8.00 P ess by IN-Governor
ifniy, Amino: lum
SUN DAY, Al'ltlL
10 00 A. M —Di. Coll In. is OtalMall
11 00 A. M.—Prof Scanlon, Abdltor
him Collogo Chapel.
iral) P M.—Dr. Colvin and °Mora will
opealc in Auditorium.
0410 P. M.—Prof. Scanlon at Y. M C A
7.30 P. M.—Pro[. Scanlun at Prom
lerl. Church.
700 P. hi —O. R. T C., Old Chapel
7.00 P. HL—"War Pln‘nce", Prof.
Douche, Old Chapel.
Production Receives Good
Houses at Home and On
Trip; Well Entertained
The must suLcessful nip of a Penn
State 'rhos!,huts production that has
been tudanienced In tntnty 30.110N1 1.
thought to a closo olth a final perfor
munto In Bellofunte lust Prlclo* night.
Thu phwirs teport enthoolastlc recep
tions all along the 11110 of match and
ore toty much pleused unit tho out
Just how well the play wan ieceit ed
by the public can he seen Pont the fol
lowing clipping which, appeared In ono
of the leading newspapers of Pittsbuigh
"Add a lot of "pep" and a pinch of spice
Snow in a number of dusky "gills".
then crown tine ',Mama with Homo
Penn State "froth" and you lime IL
tame of "The Salted Truth" sm pro
, dated at the Sehenley Theat.o by the
Penn State Thespians"
As usual, the men we, well enter
taintli In utety town Sisited anti dances
and utile. moans of entertainment were
furnished by the alumni and Cr lends of
the players The Thespians were
treated especially well in Dul3ols where
the play was given under the 018111004
of the Civic Club The fll7O of the
11101111.11C0 at Pittsburgh was almost
double that which attended hot year's
Inc. fon mnnco Mete the
ti 1p 01,10 the most successful . at
tempted Three good results v .•.cr
largely to the energetic ad, ortishig
campaign and set cad othet Innen idiom;
introdured by the club
Tito Thespians promhied something
now and different front the ordinnt v
runt hone m ell titer lit ell up to thin
(Continued on Third Paso)
Two Ball Games
CAVIIIIII 1201141.011'S 111011 wIII Vin
their onental home game on Salm du)
with Stasquellanne while lit Bellefonte
on the annte (late the Intel) -forme!
Freshman leant will 0)1111140 the Am
Little Information In mailable about
'the Susquehanna platers or their Ilist
:tome NOl he played twin) with Blooms
. burg Normal Slunion ttldet, and
retol4 are the sole !mon:nits of last
{Olio 4gund, but some good materiel
ban been developed stare the Matt of
practice Sneely proved to be it good
enough short stop to cause Riden to be
!shifted to oecond, and Clink and Calli
han ore doing good nork at the ration
bags. Reports hate it that the 13onser-
Shenon-Llmerlelt combination In one of
the bent ever witnessed In the outfield
of a Sitertitelinnna team. Potent, it last
years man. nod Phillips, complete the
team its the battery
10 the words of Captain Robinson
who Ix .81sting Pies.. Coach, 13 J
Kauntie 'ln, ..This 3ear's Freidman
team q 11l be the best for novena Sou
The probable lineup for the game Sa
m day Includes 11111 cot and Brumbaugh
nx the batten, McKelvey, Mearkle, and
Dunbar on the Mace, and Jelin and
Lang In the outfield with tho remaining
outfield and shortntop ismitionn to be
pallet by Mull. and Cooper, Mull.,
who played in one of the small league!.
mew Pillnbury& lent summer, Is an ex
cellent hitter, while McKelvey, once
captain at Kixkl, oleo succeeds In hitt
ing the hall enough to Ito noticeable
Robinson also said that Nome Freall
men, known to ho good ball Players,
hare net reported tot practico O.Y ytt.
Lehigh Mars Perfect Record For First
Week by Topping State
Prominent Speakers Will
Address Pa. State
Penn St rte IS to be tilt host to a
nunibel of ‘isiting Lulll4, nice en I II-
Satulda) and bond., hho ate
tanning to ILtand the 1/11111 1 / 1 i state Lon
cntion of the Int,collegl Ste
lien Association hhicit in to be held
bete on those cht)s
of national t eout shun Situ been se
toted Ica tilt conctntion. Including us
gut chum J nanl. Ilahh) of Indiana,
plesident of the L'4114: hinnallon of
Pittsbusi,ll. lhofescos Charles heanlon,
of well bulk A main fcaluit. of Ills
LunNunion hill he the annual Stott.
Ut atom lull Coolest
The loud PtoISLAM. Ltagut It iv at
ranged nit inteitsthig t- , elttii
fur the cutting delegatts The oglottit-
Sun of the %Mho. on Ciltisi urtunoun
mill be followed by the UlAtOl ILA 1.011-
tent in the Auditorium at eight o'
On S.atii dayMOI !ling 111111 after gluon
ontiMettos and the larilnevs meeting
xlll be held, him in the I-Ye:ling, also
tit eight o'clock, t%-butettnn Hanley,
still be the speaker Doi-tot Colvin and
noicusot ht.:Anion still uddtess Ftesh
intim mid otllegc, Llutitti tesget.thely o
Sunday mooting At Olt Docket Col
vin %till sheult amtht, and at El JO, no
tessis Swabia Still talk, both addresses
being lit the Auditot Mtn. Moressur
Scanlon .111 Jaen nile.tlt . tit Mosby
tetlun Church ut 7.46 o'Llock
C S Speneel. 18, mill telnevent l'Onn
Statu In the mute:lad etatte.a, lie hat
lag mon 1110 loud auntest held last
month Similtu contests me:e held In
the label eulltgae and the minntas mill
compete bete ha the state wine The
runner sill be Shen a Nino of $lO and
antanta of $2l mill be autudid for sec--
and plaee The competing Lullty,es ale
l'rankiln Mai than, 0,11)011010, hJlek
-Innell. Juniata, Unite:shy of Pandang,
Cant u City Collage and Penn htate
A double system of Judging' the Lon
teen hes been &nixed Piet W. to the
eons °nthn one set of Judges vtill ...h
-olden the ess*s from the standpoint of
thought and Lannitualtion. These Judges
1)111 be Interest. I' Henson, Ludt
Iltnen Montan Scheel, Mores:on T
Dasis, supei Intention of tattoo!, Blunt
:Count), tool Pt onesaos I' I. Pante,
Penn St in' A Neltled not on nudges
trill decide upon the hest method of de
nse, I at the tannest, sod this bond is
composed of Pt °Navel Minns,
supenintendent of St 110018, Wiiii.tM4l/01
Presbyterian Church, 11,ellefonte, Pa ,
and 5 D. Feist Intorno-at-lan, Luck
Doyen, Pa
I.lx-gostinto llnnit•o 14 ono of the
most noted lot tuters of the country
Beginning Its IL Warhol, In• soon deLithsl
. to 1/1 . .8101 lot did fot
I numbei of yems 111.3 public life began
!in 1800, o hen he uas elected to the In
' Mann State Legislatut o 1 le 04
membet of the 54th Conmess and In
1905 u as mode go, co not of his state
It of Scanlon has long lit en 0 noted
tempetanee adLocato and It ot attended
many Prohibition LonfelettLes A 0 mot
ion he is 000101013 of the National In
tel -chin eit Temper: nu, redo t n t lon
Doctor Colsin Is the meson head of the
International In ohlbltlon AshoLiatlon.
Charles M. Alexander and Party Will
Event Next Week
Conduct Y. M. C. A
Charles Alexander. the noted °van
! gelist af Itit minglnrtm, England. who
neared a big success during bin Unit
to Penn State about a month ago, will
rotor n next IVednesdr* for a four &Qs
campaign, lasting mull Sunda). Thero
la a poss111111t) of The fey J
l i bur Chapman. D. I),assisting . Sit
Alexander in tills%wilt, although he
has been 111 for einemd months and at
Present Is t eating In Nate York.
Slr Alexander Is ma Icing In Bridal,
Columbia and mill make a special trip
east In order to bo pa °sent for this cant.
palm] In addition to Ills soloist, Albert
Brown, and Ins pianist. Bent 0 Bat:m.-
01mM, mho mere both Mao last Mlle. he
11111 In, accompanied by his at Ito, mho Is
the founder of the Pocket Testament
League Thal: canting here mill repre
sent the annual 'Y St C A eatniralgn
Special emphasis 11111 be placed on
music. riming this crunpaign. It In
the hand of many that the campaign
will he the means of inculcating and
stimulating . an Interest In music In ad
dition to the rellgiou. Virg. With
Ith t,tecnlnt: Iterol34
\ Rental(111110M ttators bundled
In 0,01(0 lit till I'ollll Stttlu baseball
nlln opeind tin Inoue season on Satur
1' dot nfttl 11000 11111.11 n 11-0 1./411/1) xux
11,11Eill Ind I),lnt I 11111/Llll. College
1111 1,11111 Itl 1111 1,1,1 C 010 C ILIIO.
Ile t nit d till toss, n fell berol e the
!due and N% Isla id tt 1. , In I% ashlngton
to I but 011 lII° (0110,111 t, tilt Lehigh
011_ Nltt/1111 II Olt 15- , In South
Stahl. hem
Intend t "(hoed pi, tioall,no resin
-1 tan, to t'u It it lose hien and the
H.ontlAlt td o t t.otal In nAILe game
I'm Penn ist lte plait es
t% Ith o n ,illt in till' halt Inning,
(o ul.ll sl ti toil thing+ hn tilt 110,00 leant
Ileit 1 , 1 halt 1.11,4 1/11d tins Cul
Itmt ll l t t Iwo It It, Itoldneon and Wheel
ing till.. I maul sift it on log to trims
Ott till nIIt of Int onponente Chubb
Vt./It'd MI( II lit/NUMMI hit and Robinette
and %lin tint, v o.shtttAl across the
pl tie 113 I:go hill 13nIng McCauley
and n hen Ilona: d lilt to fleet
ed but 1:n leg n 1. , pinned at the
pinto ziali the inning n Is o, et nith the
"'no 1-0
iinVlll,l I,lliLisi) ended the Nis!torn
end ten m en the bench hi striking
nut (lure b.. 4 1111 d in ilium Ito( tied
er ,he print Penn State added three
es. tank s bin n Si heeling connected
be nen b Ist n di in int; (hi tibb and 1313 -
the tarot o him
l'orlll Si A.O XI 01.1 1.0111 111 the next
Inning „hen lilt the .13 of 1' Ull lug home.
11111 mill the I Otltot o unable to
I eclat, Th. Itlue and White total
ros. inning 111 liming until the tighth
a tom a It titatm 111111 a tllO
o knee time I loam 11 hold the Juniata
{1.1q,.1'1 vho t, h' , ' The R one ended In a
010,1111111111 101 1 . 01111 'Ante tootling
I.l—o Tho
All II 0 A E
' Illnln If 2 0 0 0 1
1:11110. •IN 3 4 2 2.-%
Wm! In, f 4 0 0 0 0 ".
Conk.: 20 4 0 1 1 1
I lot - 1 210 I 2
lb 4 0 0 0 0
nt Inlngni. lb 4 1 1 0 0
ib umbnonll tf I 1 0 0 0-
L.M 40,1. p 2 0 0 .3 0
•)111101 I 0 0 0 0
Istb 1,101, p 1 0 0 2 0
ulalq 12 1 24 Cl
lion 4101 e
AlI If 0 A ff.
020 2 0
lo I I 0 0
11/ 0 0
112 1 0
611 2 0
211 0 0
023 0 0
I 0 12 0 0
111 1 0
103 0 0
110 0 0
LI% lilt HI
Th.ll ji, -I
(,will, if
Rol Ins 11, 11,
Wht cling' ss
Lau A , ot. ,r
lo t
I lot% it I 11
\lin w'
C t tlitl; II
• r. 1.1m40n In the tight], ."...
.lind it I 011 1/ 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
111111. 1 1 / 2 1 2 0 0 0 —l3
Itiniv von ea—Blythe, 01 übb, 1, ROl,-
111;00 2, Wheeling I. Biro. Ewing . 2,
110, aid 0 111.0 Tilts—(ltubli, How
in it I linni•nil, Whoollog—Strucic nut
ip 110,01.1, 12, II) leinson, S. by
1010.1%. 2 11Ibt- rilT Iln, 5. OR
I.ineein 11 In my Inning Off Brickley.
2 in tn. Innings on
liou tot 1, tiff leturen, 5, Off 1311c/tie),
2 1 hue 00 Omen, 1,0110,
The collo)) hut hut o been elected to
menthet4;ll; In the Skull and Bonen up
111'1 ig nonlet‘
it I•Ci nil J II NV ;411but
II 11111 on I) If Cre•isu ell
It 5.A..)
thin 011,1 In N Iv,, aped d monk In being
atrang...l 'Meeting.. ts 111 ho held nt
5.10 mete evening during . the Inmantan
In the Auditorium and the Chapel. on
Sunda... Ain II 20. 1,111 he addreamed
elthet IA Mt Alexander or D. Chap.
Mr Alo,nnder In one of the meet
0111o1) tumult of the meson[ dui , none
gellsts, hat but mstdo tea mot hi tours In
the couple of Ills moth On the first
tout he nos associated with Reverend
Mutton A. Tom end on rho second he
\MS 11,01111141.11 W b) Isle ulfit. Since
1904, met tient]) all of his tour. hate
been outdo with Di Chapman
special I °quoit, Mt Alexander has
adds °stied sonic of tho !oldest colleges
In the • 111111t1) and has also spoken at
tl\ford Ind 01101 , 11dg°
Me Is it film bellesse In the power of
mesh. WO lion V.Oll hall) 1 01 01 1 10, Nllo
eto maimed by the Holm., by the
pone. of sonle hymn Ito himself Is
the Outline of many of the hymns that
ho linen. His specialty aim. ho sold to
(COlllillhOd on Thhd Page)