Bost the "Saving Daylight" for Penn State VOL XII STUDENTS ADOPT MILITARY MEASURES Class Started in Reserve Officers' Train ing Corps--Red Cross Work- Ac tive--Great Opportunities. IMPORTANT STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN AGRICULTURAL MATTERS ' Penn State has enlisted in the cause of national preparedness. With the entrance of the - United States into the great world conflict the college authorities hove definitely taken steps to provide the students of Penn State with the training which shall enable them to do their share in meeting the military and industrial needs that con front the country during the present crisis To this end arrangements have been made to give those who desire it-special training in the various phases of military science and tactics, in first aid work, and in the Red Cross service. Plans are_also under consideration which will enable part of the student body at least to engage immediately in the work which is being done by state and national authorities to meet the agricultural needs of the nation.- - Military Training Class Started. By far the most outstanding of the projects now being undertaken along these lines is that of training Penn State men for responsible positions in the military reser ve.forces of the country This movement was started last Friday evening by Captain Ahrends, commandant of the cadet regiment, when he organized a special training class for upperclassmen who deslie to preprun themselves foi commissions in the Of- Poe' Reserve Corps, a military unit created under the National Defense Act passed by Congress last spring• At the that meeting of the chum, held last Monday evening, more than five hun dred students were in attendance The plans for this class as outlined by Captain Ahrends nro as follows Meetings will be held three times week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from seven until eight o'clock At these meetings In etruction will be Olsen In tho theory of military science and tactics, the sub leets to be taken up including army 04- mlniatmtion, topography, military law and court martial. Infantry dalli, In fantry tactics, and small arms firing regulations. According to moment ar rangements the class will be conducted over a period of live or nix weeks, at the end of which time It Is expected that the men will be propel od to take the - regtilat government examination for commissions In the °Moors' Re serve Corps. Daring thin polled those In the class are expected to supplement the work received there as far as It Is possible with practical observations on actual field work done by the sopho more companies on Thursday after noons Full Credit For College Work In order that as many upperclassmen no possible may be enabled to attend the clans, the collego authorities have arranged a plan whereby under cer tain conditions the work done in this training class may be substituted for regular college work tinder this plan all upperclassmen, teonty-one years of age or oven, wino hose had two full years of military training or the equiv alent thereof, and who can pass a phYs !cal examination ghen by the cones° health service, will ho allowed to sub stitute their training chum work for threo hours of regular collego work with the consent of Captain Ahronds, the dean of their school and the howl of tho dopartmont In N !doh they are en rolled. Full modit for the work dropped will not bo given, however. unless the student posses satisfactorily the °gem ination given by Captain Ahronds at the gloss of the training cheat In making arrangements for practic al work with tho sophomore companies on Thursday afternoons, men who de- etre to engage In this part of the work must make arrangomonts with Captain Ahrenda the dean of their school and the presidont of tho coliego. The foregoing rules and restrictions apply only to those students who wish to subsUtuto the training claws work for regular college work. Students who wish to attend the clams without drop ping any of their collage work may do so without the necessity of consult ing their dean or department heads or of passing a physical examination. Commissions for Two Mon In connection with securing cognate- Mon. In the oMcors. Rosary,. Corps, It Is intorosting to nobs that two Ponn State students have already passed their examinations succoosfully. The mon In question are Clyde A Fowler, 'l5. and It A. W. Cates, a member of tho eon end year two ,oar agricultural Moos. Both men are oMcoro in the cadet reg iment at the present Brno and laws had additional osporlonco in summer train ing comps Commissions In the °Meer.' Reserve Corps may bo 000ured In any ono of the numerous sub-divisions into which the Corps is divided. Of these sub divisions the two In which Ponn State students are most likely to be Inter ested are the Infantry Officer.' Reserve Corps and the Engineer Officers' Ro tten's Corps. The Instruction close be ing conducted by Captain Ahronds will prepare men only for commission. In the Infantry (Miser. Reserve Corps. In this Corps It Is possible for Penn State students to mere commissions as majors, captains, Unit lieutenants or Second lloutonante 'To secure commissions In the En gine.. Officers Reserve Corps It will be necessary for student. to pass en examination to be given by an officer in the engineering corps of the regular army. Only seniors ore eligible far commission. In this brunch. ' In accepting commissions In - any 'branch of the °Moore' Reserve Corp., - the term of serviiiti hao boon sot at two - yaws. In t/mo of puma mon hold ing commisalons may be called out (Continued on Laid Page • rtut #tat t "Go Slowly and Use Your Head" a Good Slogan COLLEGE TO BOOST -"ABSENT VOTING" Civic Club Will Conduct A Campaign This Week Great Interest has boon shown in the post by Penn Suite students in the es tablishment of a state law that will pro vide facilities enabling qualified voters to cast their ballot during an enforced absence from their homes on days of general election An the Collegian has provi,otly announced, such a 1111 was Introduced in the Boano of the state legislatute, and has now been reported back favorably by the House commit tee. it is expected that the vote on the bill will be taken by the middle of next week Tho Penn State Civic Club gave its support to a shriller bill scrotal yours ago, a bill Dint bad been drawn up by u member of the faculty: a Pi ofessor Day The aune club has this nook undertaken the support of the mosont measure, and will call upon the stu dent body to walk them In various nays Present plans Include the draw ing up of a letter to be sent out by Individual students to their Senators and Representatives, and the Club asks the cooperation of every student In this matter There can be no doubt about tho ne ceselty of un "absent voting" law In Ponniksivanli for the benefit of college mon "Dread and teaseling men who frequently find It Impossible to get to thole own voting dletticto on election days Thin fact sloe found to he es pecially true at the last Itreoldential election sshon many college men were denied the privilege of their neat pros idential vote Tho Civic Club will include In Ito plans the seeking of cooperation from other colleges in Pannoylvania, work on which they have already started Tho campaign Is unfortunately to be a shoe t one, but every effort will be ex tended In making It successful if It la at an pomade a muse mooting of all students still Ina held within the coming neck to get united action on the matter. TUG OF WAR POSTPONED ONE WEEK, TO APRIL 28 Due to the fact that Student Council could not moot just before Faster ra coon to approve plans for conductig the tug-of-war between the Sophomore and Freshmen classes which was sched uled for next Saturday, the scrap 'has boon postponed until Saturday, April 28. It had been planned to revise the rules before vacation, and adopt thorn finally at last night's mooting of the Council, but this could not bo carried out. THOMPSON ELECTED= ,-- Y. IH. C. A. PRESIDENT Norman B Thompoon 'lB, for the pant throe yearn actively connected with the work of the Ponn State Young Mon% Christian Association, was olocted-pree !dent of that organisation last Sunday evening. Ho will serve during the term 1917-1918, and succeeds W. E Kroll in that office. The other association offi cers were chosen as follows• S Richard Brinker 'lB, first vice-preoldont; Wil bur I. Kitchen, second-vim-provident: 01lbort 8 Watt.. 'lB. ...rotary J. Lyle Stool% Jr. 19, trommrer. 0000 0000000 FRESHMEN NOTICE Thoro is still a great-demand for Froshmen candidatos for the position. of socond assistant root ' ball managers. Candidates are requested to register at the a ilee of the Omduato Mooogor o before May 1. 0 0 i 00 000 00 . a .0 ' -.....-.,-.. p,i , ... STATE COLLEGE, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1917 PENN STATE WILL NOT DROP SPORTS To Continue Unless Orders Of War Department Conflict "Unless the plans of the Wet De partment should conflict obit the athlet ic activity of the college. Penn State tt 111 continue to play out tel schedules In all lines of spot," Thin statement yule glyen out by Graduate latmitger R. 11 Smith when rho question oas Nought up no to whether Penn State Ayoub' follow the mo, °mem of some of the other colleges In Web coding their athletic teams. ifoothel. If it Is found that the War Depot tment's plans when they ale announced ulil be con flicting. tablet!es will be alf.tndoned Up to the pi esent time, no olllcial can• collations have been It...felted except I that of the Univereity of Vitginia, j ohich have beta met In a dual !flack meet doting the E WWI holiday !This tancellation made It neceeattry for the Penn State authorities to call off the othet too meets which were to have been held on the same trip Al though newspapet townie say that Oat tinotith hue abandoned all smote. no official notification of ouch action has been retched and the dual track meet scheduled for 21sty 12 on Beaver Pleld In expected to be held Penn State's position Is similat to that of the United Staten Millen y and Naval Academies in reg. - 4d to athletics Both of the. Institutions lathe certi fied theft intention or continuing their schedules, because time enough is al toady devoted to Milling and it 10 not noceseatty to give Up Sporte In order to allow more time In institutions where no military drill le given. howevet. It le deemed fitting and ptoper to glue the time formerly devoted to sports to preparation toward staying the mout hy WIRELESS STATION IS ORDERED DISMANTLED Orders were recently received from the Navy Department requiring that the urrolevt telegraph motion Wwuld be dismanthdl until further orders All stations In the United States except those directly operand by the govern ment are required to letter their uoro lines and 'mane their Immanuel. With in twelve hours from the time of re eel% Ing the orders, the State College station scans dismantled The equip ment was offered to the goner nment for its use. This station In so situated that receiving and transmitting to tine Arlington station at Washington is comparathroly easy The State College station may be made a Unit of tiro gmernment chain of intercommunica ting stations PENN STATE FARMER ELECTS NEW BOARD The now editorial and business board of ••The Penn Suite Palmer," has been elected for the ensuing year, and has taken chtume of the publication The kit* number, xhich will nounnotice Its noce Itsappearance, will be the first imite which the new staff will handle. Tho new board in made up as follows• C A Fowl., associate editor, P. R Kraybill, business mana ger, .1 • L Way; assistant business manager, P II Sprenklo; circulation monomer. T M Huston. The editor ial staff is composed of 11 M. Citm, P L. Koenig, W. L Funkhoutier, anti IC Anderson, while the business mbar Is made up of C F. Buss, W II Poster, H H. Good, and L M Irwin Track Men Prepare For Penn Relays The nest objective of the Dian and White trackmen is the Penn relay car nival on April 27 and 28 Penn Suite Is entered only In the charnplonnhip events thin year and will not run In any chum relays. Entries will be made In the various relays as well an in the special °yenta, such na dashes. hurdles, Jumpn, weights and pentathlon Gan semuller, Marling, Ullruy Peek, Ern shank, Cubbage, Dacron, Cottom, Kroll, Whiting, Jones, Dembley. Runyan, Enoch, Wi!non, Shoe, Steele, Shields, Poster, Hunter, Love and Kaltley will all be entered and the teem will be picked front title lint. 'Ulm' . Shea was officially elected captain of thin year's team at a meet ing loot week Decides the Penn Ro byn and the Dartmouth meet, the team will enter tho Western Intercononfat. at Pittsburgh on_ May 19 and will also compote :walnut Pitt here at Com mencement Tho interclass meet will ho hold on May G. Tho southern track trip which was to have taken place during the Easter vacation had to bo called off when the UniveralD of Vitginia notified the Penn Stub management that owing to the w•ar situation, they had decided to abandon all athletics. This forced Manager Dadenty to call off the other two moots that were scheduled for the same trip Contrary to reports that Dartmouth hue cancelled all athletics, they have no far failed to call off the meet scheduled for hero on May 12. Tho dato of tho next Senior Chitin dance, which was to have boon hold on Saturnlay April 28, has boon changod to May 12, the day of tho Intore holm tioTrack most. "SAVING DAYLIGHT" Proposed That the Hands of Old Main Clock E.! Turned Forward One Full Hour To Gain Time for Evening bporto. 'Save an hour of daylight!" lure toe hands ut the UM Main clock forward just one hour, set all our clocks and watches to agree wits it, and then forget about it: I