Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 10, 1917, Image 1

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Budget Drawn Up Calling for $3,423,800;
_ To Be Presented To Legislature
Preliminary steps toward securing from the State legislature the
biennial appropriation for the Pennsylvania State College have just
been completed with the preparation of a definite budget covering the
needs of the College during the next two years. The budget, which
- has been drawn up by the legislative committee of the Board of Trus
tees, in conjunction with President Sparks and the deans of the dif
ferent schools, calls for an appropriation of $3,423,800 to be used for
tthe maintenance of the College, the erection of new buildings made
necessary by the rapid growth of the student body, and for all other
expenses connected with the institution.
Two years ago the bill presented to the legislature asked for an
appropriation of 02,241,000, no that the, -
amount not forth In the present budget
an necessary to make adequate pro
vision for the needs of Penn State,
exceeds that of the former hudgt
by $1.180,800 This increase hen been
made necemary by the remarkable
growth of the College and the extension
of Its activities during the kmt me
In order that tho needs of Penn State
may be mndo known to the people of
Pennsylvania, the figures printed below
will be incoi notated In a drculat vatich
Is to be distributed throughout the
State. These figures, which give the
details of the budget as made up at the
present time, have been reprinted from
th Alumni Quart." ly. The director trill
also emphasize the insuillelent support
which the College hoe thus far received
for carrying on Its wet k Although
Pennsylvania to-day stands second in
Population and third in taxable wealth
of all statea In the Union, It stands but
fifteenth in the Rupert of its land grant
The following figures give the nmount
necesetory tot satisfying the needs of the
College during the next Mc yearn.
To meet the necesenrY expense of
maintenance of work at the Colige, In
cluding italaries, fuel, repairs, motel-
lal. and the like.. ....... —81,400.000
To eceuro the appropriation offered by
Congrems Cm the extension work in AS:
riculture and Home Economics in tho
= various , comities. and testipport tile cor
tege Industrial education In various
cities, and also the Summer Session
for teachers will require at least....
To supply recitation buildings. shops,
laboratories, banns them lands and
other equipment (according to the es
timate of We deans as printed below)
....... . . 51,742,300
School of Agriculture
Botany Building .. . . $200,000
Agronomy Building.... 04..._ $175,000
~, Gresll,s".' • • ... ......^O,OOO
Beet Cattle Barn ...... .... .2.5,000
Sheep Barn—. .... 10,000
Poultry Building.. .... ....._O,OOO
Dairy Building .... ... ... 00,000
Cold Stomgo Plant .. -.50.000
Farm Land and Livestock.. . 75,000
Storage of Farm Crops.... ......0,000
Nohool of Engineering
Industrial Education Shope .$lOO.OOO
Engineering Laboratories ... ..05,000
Arch & Civil Enginenting Bldg 136,000
Engineering Building —MOO
Equipmont . .11.300
Three Trips Scheduled-New
Teams to be Met-First
Game Here
The 1917 13/umbel , schedule Tin or
mimed by Manage, LeVan promises to
movlde a merles of Interesting and
closely contested gamer On the whole,
it Is a stiff schedule so can readily be
seen on looking met the names of the
teams to be met A total of twenty
foul games hue been seemed thus far
and at least ono more Is pending A
number of new schoals me to be met
this year, notably Leland Stanford, and
an Innovation is to be Inaugurated by
playing an Alumni team composed of
membeis of the class of .12
;'Dick" Dailey its to coach the team
again thin season and xyill arlve In Feb
runary to direct the winter indoor prac
tice, which will be held in the Armory
until the weather permits outdoor
work. - Some of hat year's varsity men.
Oho aro out again this year are Cap
tain Robinson, Dly the, Wheeling, Min
, cher: Cge, Inneldtr, Adam. infield..
der, Davis • and Johnston, pitchers;Jmd
Ruth, catcher The most promising
material from bud gent's Fieshman
team are CI übb, outfielder, Hall eat
ohm Ego. Infielder: Adam, in holder,
Craig, outfielder. Runette. outtlelder,
Strickenberg and Form. pitchers
Three tills: have been arranged as
well its 0 series of ten games. The
northern trip will atort-on Apt': 28th,
and still include, the Army, Middleburg
College, Vermont, Dartmouth, Colby,
Denton College, and Holy Clem, while
the southern till: starting API ii Gth in
cludes 1•` & M. Vlllanova, Maryland
Angles. Catholic ,Cniveisity. and Le
high The western trip ...Promising
IVent VllOlOlO Wesleyan. Cat aegis Tech
and Pitt will extend from May 17th to
19th A home game With Nest \ni
ghtie. 'Wesleyan is Pending sernetime
during the week of April 21st
Tho schedule follows:
SU 11110'11111111
April . . . W Va IVenlyar
April 26.. . Tent
Wanhlngton & Let.
Inued on Fourth Page
7 .; 4
ov t ;`[.ll.7lie, Var . sityj
Star Here ' 7-
, utters of all four clauses are
.ending into form far the big
ercloss wrestling moot which
lace on the Armtn y mat next
evening, at 7 o'clock. Placen
mo ato being hotly contontod
ten who appear In uniform
rtlay night will ho the-heat
ebonies ean pa educe An all
en urn eligible, thin will be
pportunity arm dod the stu
thin year to see thorn in net
team line up evenly and the
a tons-up. The two lowa
o dinple)ed their form In
- -
it match. The Sophomores
Ire but they Wlll hove to go
II ouch mon as Captain Long,
Smoley, Shaul's, Zerneckle
h for tho Juniors or Hoffer,
Dunkle or Dale for tho
he meet is free to MI and
led with the hint that it pro
firm vanity engagement by
'Mould bring a Inrge turnout
milt. 12, captain of tho Go-
tvrostling team of Stnto, to
anoint Conch Lewin with tho
n on tho vorulty aqund. Mr.
In ono of tho bout 176 pound
turned out by State, will re•
until the fleet moot dating
ho hopeo to got the heavy
tip-top shape Tho coming
h has lined a long-felt want
'-ouch Loyd., being n
noir, has boon kept pretty
tho molter condlitatOo. it
...Doh, who Invontod tho now
,-hold and who than taught
Lamb, State, It. The hold
We favorite and It woo with
throw Howell, the Invincible
- 4W-t4Sc
Penn State Alumnus Suc-1 7JO I' Nr Lundviltpo Cordoning So
rjotv, A,r-Club Room, Dr Fletcher
cumbs to Attack of Ty- TII 1 ID.I/Al, It—
hoid Pneumonia fan P M—Deutchet Vet °in. Assort.-
lay Room ,Liberal At to Building.
,11011,10, 12—
_1 -4 30 30,—/ "Engineering."
" ' ~l'lic Sint W ' C'elt ‘ - of [ll s e ' new lea] I by J. A Waddell. Engineci no D
btought wills It a sect... shock to the SATURSA 1, JAN. =—
entice college wnon it nun to 11 nod that :al it M. — lntereitov4 Wrestling Meet,
Albert I. Dorval t. 'lf, had died let Atmo,v
Saturday morning at bin home In Nen- SUNDAY, .1 t 11—
Cott, Penianicania Olin death cc. 111.1111 .1. M. —Pre...lnnen Chapel, Old
caused by an attack of typhoid-pm.- Chapel
mocha. The first n> motons of the dl- li 00 A 31—College Chanel. A.M.-
/tease appeal.] on 11 play, Decembel I lust
30. and In tile beginning mete thought I .130 P no Concert, College
to promise nothing mmo than 11 mild I Band. Auditot lam
Mtn& His condition glen mote set- I a 311 P 31 —A 91 C A meeting Audi
lous, hoaccet, and loot Pildity at ruing totimn
Ito took a sudden twit fot the o Don P M—"Ati,sege4 of the Wm Id
able!, finally culminated in his death I 'nets"— Pi °fess,. Cl ockett Old
the rollout.' mottling Chanel
"Abblr", an he cc. unhersallc k ~,,,, n 7 , 1 , 1:7,DAy. ‘3. 16—
throughout the college. was at/Wonted 7 00 1, trueon .., thee , of the
last June In the school of ant icalittne Neal Eustis:l Question" by Prof 0
Following his glatluation he entered P Zook Assemblc Room. Llitetal
the service of the Young 310110 011 let- A B e ndi ng .
lan Association, a field In cc 111011 he had
" "t""
opening of college 11.1 fall he nas made
associate secietaly of the Penn State
Y M. C A Thix potation he held until
the time of ids death SCHEDULE IS OUT
While in college. "A 111,10" .110 all Ile
the palticipanl in 1111 linen of student i ,
actlcltY. lie pl•Ded on the cm nit) soc
cer Five
team in htsxentw tultAhmi. >ear ,
and acted asslstant coach of the Season—NO Gime With
team during the I,IOOAOII Just past Ile
pla3ed class lacrosse ten. held Bucknell or Lafayette
an °Meet's cornmiselon in the cadet
regiment. 01111 In addition to Ills othet
activities nerved on the C A
cabinet. Ile U/11.1 member of Skull
and Bones, the uppel class nom: so
ciety. and also the Phi Kappa Slain I
national Rode: tiny.
According to ptesent tumngeraents
lbts donned Services mill he held at his
barna In NoWpart. on Thai slot Idle,
`noon at hipt pant two. o'clock. - Mem
bers or ttke Phi,' Kappa Sigma feater
illicithe T. AL C. A. cabinet
and ahem iitqiiklken..
lege vrill%Alti attendance
According to a recent report too of
Penn State% younger olumni, lei oder-
Jek C. Dome, 'II, and Cordon .1 P. Hel
en, 'l5, hove boon successful In missing
the examinations 1100101411 y to enter the
00,1100 of tllO United Shave Army and
haste already received theft commiss
ions as sewed lieutenants For the
present they aro to he stationed at Mat
Leavenworth, Kansas, whole Deno sill
serve In the field ntlllmy and Limon In
rho 7th United States Cavell y. Tine ev
aminations for admission to Oho Aims
under Olio now national defense act
valve hold last mummer. Of the 2.000
men took them at vellum. paints In Otto
United Stolen, only 400 1000011 them
While In college both tier on and
Dose held the position of colonel In the
cadet regiment Since him graduation
Heron has been In the employ of the
flertnitn-Amer lean Button Componye.of
Rochestei, Nets York, while Done him
hold to position with the American Ag
ricultural Chemical Company, of 11.-
T. w Honnoborgor, 'lO I. draftsman
with the P. R. P.. at Pittsburg
F. F Harder, 'l6 is a draftsman with
tho P. R. R. at Harrisburg.
Francis Hami11...16 is a student males
'man with the Worthington Pump and
11,Inchfriory Co., Holyoko, Masa
The Thinker (?)
BRIDGE esotLoitqc '7c), tierrrkt-
E.X.RT'leiti 41, ORAL PEtiIIANsHiPQ,,
Alublenberg College at
State College
Oct 6 Gettsburg at State College
Ott. LI St Bonnventure College
at State College
• Washington S Jefferson
College at Washington Pa.
West Virginia Wesleyan
4- 011m . s ., tt State College'
Nov. 4 ~Darttnann.Cedlelif aialan - •
over N. H.
Nov. 9 (Penna s pay) Lehigh/Univ.
at State College
Maryland State College at
State College
(Thanksgiving) Pitt at
A glance at Penn State's football
sehettule to. Pi 17 shows a number of
rollenl Cll/111g0S Illicit continued old,
that or the past season In the Mot
place the numebr of games hos been to
deco! heal ton to nine, and ha the NC,
1,1111 place the schedule for the coming
...son Includes but fial:l Monica
appeaied on the lOW schedule The
mimeo leftt led to 1110 those with Le
high, l'ltt, (iett)mbul it and Went \'ll
alnin an. The new games ate
those with Alublenberg, St, tionaven-
LW 0, WIIBIIIIIWOII Ittul ,loyal colt, Dalt
mouth. void Alar>land "Aggles • '.
The big garnso in the next football
eampalgn will bo those with Washing
ton end dotter snit, Lehigh, Pitt and
Doltimmuth, the loot two being the
ones that ton probably tot co the 13Iuo
and White team to eNtend Itself to the
limit. The home games next fall num•
bee six, Instead of (Ito seven played last
yew The numb°, of games Played
away ham home remains unchanged, i
❑. N. Lelbaalter, 'l6 hi In the engl
neeting department of the Standard 011
Co., at Elizabeth, N. J.
L[ '4,
Arrangements Being Made With Cor
nell and New York Universities
11. S. League Active
It 1.9 non altztost it certainty that the
State debuting team oil] cope with Coi
neil and the Nets Yol k University
teams Professor 11nrahman together
with W. R. Diem has been negotiating
lot some time with several of the larger
°ninon colleges, and many attractive
dittos at o note available The usual de
bate ofth Pitt will be held late In
March Clettyriburg has alto asked for
a date, and in all Mobablllty It 0 111 be
I accepted The squad noss numbers
thirty-ilve. including Netet girls, but
this number 01:1 be reduced before the
opening debate
State has again joined the Custom
I Debating League clinch now Includes
90..0ar°, Franklin and Marshall,
Dickinson and State The question
tl bleb still be used In the league will
deal ulth the arbitration of labor din-'
mites Ono of these Nautili debates 0 ill
pr nbably open the Hoax. early In
Ma: eh, and 0 111 be followed by either
Co: moll, New York University, or Clot
tyslng The Pitt dispute will, toy
doubt, Edose the so to. This closing
debate will be unlque, for thu Otis will
debate Mith the Pitt gh Is, making It
doubly Intel °sting The question which
0111 be used hall not yet boon definitely
stated, but It 0111 deal with the ad.-
, don by the United States of the Swim.
1 system of military training.
Last yeas the college formed among
I high sebools what In knouts tw the
Central PCllll•l,lvania Debating League,
I and fluting the Chtistm. vacation the
U 011( was continued A banquet U.
held at Harrisburg, and the principaln
attending the State Cducatlonal Mot
elation, oltich met there at that time,
Noels entet leeriest Prof Istarshman,
Dr Nathan C Schoafter. and °Met
prominent men spoke In the interest
of the league. It now embraces eigh
teen counties in the state, and it In
hoped to increase 11. number Semi
final debates will be held in Harrisburg.
Altoona. Williamsport and Huntingdon,
with the dnal debate hero nometime in
Howard el'iav, (TitsleS") Verret',
la atm married on Decorria..." nt
to Mina Virginia Dale of BellaiStr.o...
Hiatt. of 3' D Dole. 'l7. The Wedd ing eat. aulemnired at the !IMO of Father
(Manion of State College. Only the
immediate families of the bride and
gloom were Present lit the ceremony
Mr and Mrs Verger left immediately
for the lowa State College abore Mr
Verger Continue his ttork 1111 itn
The college band, orchestra and
chorus, will combine during the win.
ter in a series of Sunday afternoon
concerts. Each will give two concerts,
and in addrnon, there will be two or.
gan recitals. All conceals arc free
and will start at 130 o'clock. The
schedule follows.—
January 14 Band Concert
January 28 Organ Recital
February 11 Orchestra Concert
February 18 College Chorus:AL
March 4 Band Concert
March 18 Organ Recital
March 25 Orchestra Concert
April 1 College Chorus 4
• / /
Exciting Finish to 22=21 Victory; Dart
mouth Also Bows to State Attack '
Penn State fought her way into the basketball limelight, last S.
urday evening, when she humbled the Syracuse quintet, 22-21, in a
game which was full of thrills and spectacular clashes The spectators
were kept in a fever throughout for the score mounted in a see-saw
fashion and no sooner would one five produce than the other would,
equal the rise with a corresponding tally.
At the ending of the first half the outcome was in lust as much
doubt as when the contest opened, for the score was a tie, 11-11. The_
real reult was never apparent until the final whistle blew and many
were the sighs of relief that arose, for one point is a small margin to
lead with in such a battle.
Necessary Rulings Govern
ing Class Finances Are
Am lo tumidly the fume ll rill all ouch
mattern, the framing . UP of the migionl
conntitution left tOOlll tm
norm of onlinslon of 11 number of mb
in dotagm that min only be gatheitil
imethei l esperitnt Ming nod the lid.-
awe of dote Vol thin reirion, live nen
ai tides and an amendment to one tn.
(tele In the ;gement constitution bate
been drawn 1.11, bt the membei u of the
four classes foi [hell approtal nt ensu
ing meeting.
The list of articles Met been plesentml
to the senito and junior cheater, anal ac
cording to the constitution, lion been
Uttd over for 'action at theh next meet
ings The Ilst will be pt °rented to the
Wider cylasser nl, theh Drat meeting. •
Before they can become eiTecth lb all
cinares will have to approve them i All
but one of the artieler come undo Sec
tion 2 of the conatitutlon and hate tc
ferences to the financial operations of
the chtsrer Membent of the rime , fi
nancial committees deem it necerrom
tot the purrage of there al doles In the
ruccersful conduct of their trout The
It title to be amended folloar
Art 2, Sect !deli re Ids All
membtra delinquent In their dues three
months aftet date of itasectimenti shalt
he declared Ineligible far Inter-clam ac-
Mill,. /Will he liar led front pat ticipa,
lion In clams meetingti, and have
their nitwit posted on the (111 loult OW:
etln hoards. Delinquents shall to unto
mntladl> !eider.) to good standing all
on the pi*inent of their dues", iv iILI e
by it/herded and the folk/01;1g Yeeiiiiii4
*anal he indrialtuted
Alt 2, Sect 3-11.tet chum spurt Sues
and inststiltnento an tegulut (.1/104.1 1114.
scitsmento shall be paid nithin ten flap(
(10) nftet the ()looing of the 14011110 , ttl
tie/Shouted by the linfon, committee
of the chttel Colloollled All) floe (Mitt
fluent in dues ftftei the specified thnt
shall pa> n 1111 e of one flollas Isl 00)
Alt 2. Sect 4-1...01e dui, shall he
pa)altle ofthln nth t> tht3tt after the
opening of college in the full All>
Junlot ohu falls to pi, the lINNON.IIIII . IIt
thfil 111,10 !thin 110 tillt•ti 011 e •
toz ($100)
At t 2, Sect s—The name end the
Continued on , coth th Page
Work Started on New Scrap;
To Revise College
Customs , .
At the residua of the Student Coo c ii
held meat before the holiday.,
"n mat
ter of it new claim swap for h o com i ng
spring. (tier brought upnd left in the
that had charge
of the Tuipof-Witr. This committee
will worn, toward. the dram.lng up of
detailed piano fora now scup, and in
Lomposed` of R C Oreouland, chalimsin
E Ri oil; J. C Coon and 11 0
It wan suggested that the f4lllllUll,g
Illernbent of the nettle, clans should
automittcally become members of the
Student Council In fader to facilitate
legislation and to mono the Council
mote tepresentative In Mule gems
pronident of the Athletic Ansochttlon,
thulnnan of the Minot Committee,
clialrinsa of the Student Tt ll , umtl, und
the Editor of the “Culleginn" It nos
nutted that the 1111Mhel of memhein
elected [tom the nenlot clans could be
cot lespotalingly teduced The folios -
Mg committee tans appointed to tithe
up the matter and repot t nt thin vest
meeting of the Couta.ll E J Kenney,
chairman, J. R. Hunger, J M. Johns
ton and 11. 9 Coughlin
A request nom the two-year agricul
tural men that they be allimed to re
move the '1 Yr. Ag.' nom their watch
fobs, wan granted. The following no
minee was appointed to !nye/algal° the
revision of college customn•W Ei
chairman R. W. Ostermayer, P. 0. Par
rish, P. 13 Sites. and P. /3 Unger. It
Continued on Fourth Pa,
. ~'~~
Intadtd Stale nlth an 00-
collent mmall of ‘lrtmle, at litt s ne and
afield, ad n unit the 05 tllm 0 ritl -
1101111 of stall talllo lIH PlltleCtoll
111111011 K foul Imes belt lilt after for
ty MIIIOIO4 01 sloop I/11) 11110 ,11.8 totted
to admit tlttoot at the 'lmola of the
Blue 0101 51,11. Ilan tam, u Ilse do
me( 100 all the brills to till not hl nine°
the, led almout moalnuallv. 11111 11110115
nomd out a mtet 111 team 11 Inch hell
plated In the nelblibot hood of forty
R+uuty pith lola fen tleteat, on meord
Dartmouth Dimpled.
On Thu ` , l/11‘ening. the Doi t
mouth (41,14 IWO, et . la hi out little vill
age anti bottle Jr olio:. found them
seltem on tht shoo loge of tile etoro
lotpetet t tilt to the tune of 11-22 The
conte%t mot tit... Mutt (htel than Um
1",t11,1 Minn' fin the Cdeen and
l‘ Idle Into n oari f n firm being amit
tem M aria pointy MI le knit to them
on AO, th tt thp. tod to be good nail
let Insi.oti on bounding out of the
toteted noting
. 1 . 1 . .1111 lo 'loon
The big thing about these teo tictot
les Is the home flat that list tnan 61
ills inuteges In top notch form wit,
both the defense and offense. 110 1 recto.
1101,10,01110110 Lould he nutted ovot th
Juniata mune 'I Inlnui. twalltatu}n
be given - to ancient guarding. ter:
has been a big (foam In the late,
ceases. Captain Wolton, and'W
broke up tile attacks of both gyrae
and Dartmouth The panning antli;e:',
work In gonetal la of tip-top quell
mince It eureeeded nser the Orono — it
the Ssruture atm ohlelt Is rated It
001101 00 IN 0110 a the best In the noun
11, It . the ll 1111,81 fought gam
seen 11010 111 11 1,810
Vomit) Iteaketimll etpteln
, ithettut p tel. lending Part in the?,
sco•ing alt BUM tiny night, caw;
Ins four inmkets atmints his opponents
In tile Dartmouth game the scot lag
was divided urn among the the men
with ‘N Mon toil )1110 eatest hop.
m 1 t Intel vstlopr to 11010 that %,
Bothllolll l'eun to Hem oof 18
to II in the Penn rage
Tile Durintis
The Dal Plough ge
fats 11,11, and Mute
Nam 0 1, lth 11111 0111
xholx ht illaktedee 51
lee then slatted 111111,
1111.0 the basket ill
opened 1111
WWI 1.111 ee In tun es ,
added tun 111011' 111
Illnite+il•r mid Nilson
then Mal It d the at 01
unit It foot koni tutu
State': SLoie MO 11111111
thin nddrd unotllLl II
1 illlkerileo 111.1110 ilk xi
goni and Si 1111011 (II 114
the Pool fol a llotliel
After lilakexlee me,
Modgett Loden Dm in
goat and Shona (ohm
and then mole It tot
and Wilton] each Omen
the end of the half. in
24 to ft
The Thu (mouth Art
up in (ho oecond
shooting Improved I
dlotoneo, Hamden nu
boob . t , i.o--112.1ce10
marmot nit(( a two iMl
cAtitinued on '