Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 06, 1916, Image 1

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    't 1
1 ,
fl ' Only Two Weeks i VI
.......0.. 1.4 ~,.) .1
I Until Christmas 1• - rtit i t ~,,,.6 z. ,„
Vacation 1 7 (..r:M:e - •
-- ------- . c ,f..--' 7 )--,.,4 , •
1. !.955' '
Vol. XII
Visitors Bring Veteran
Team To Oppose
' State
The Stab basketball team aril enter
the arena, neat Saturday osrnmg Bee
lk for the initial performanee of 'he
1010.17 season The Juniata live will Srls
the °nonslip• warriors with all indite-
Was pointing to an interesting game,
for tho Iheitingdon team was only de
feated by eiviCll pails in the middle of
the past season when the State urgers
wereswinging or mid season form.
Coach Herman and Captain Walton lime
not been able, up to the present date,
to sold any definite teen, but the
lining up for the whistle will in all
be among the following
Blakeslee, Wegner, Hunter and Lau•
bach forwards. Adams dial William at
tenter and Walton. 3liller, Wilson and
Fast contending for the defensive berths.
State has much to fear in Juniata
for the smiting team mill not be com
posed of novices by any means. The
filo which plated here last year is still
intact with the benefit of a year's ex-1
ierience ni team work Practice was '
der. way in Huntingdon nearly one
month. previous to the State opening
which also - means somewlist of an ad
On the other hand, State will Imre
had but one or too scrummages before
meatier Juniata and null undoubtedly
be a little stiff for the season's open
ing Captain Walton states honorer, that
things urn going along in fine shape
and with the veterans from the 1910-19
season the mop null soon get together
and swing along Rinoothly.
Speaking in regard to tiro entire Rea
son and the present outlook for the team
Captain Walton admits that every thing
oints tonard might) good year. With
Blakeslee, IVagner, Fast and NValton and
several gold Remind string men from
the previous season an euellent agere-
option may be built up. This is n
nsidering the men era ling lip from
the 1919 team of Inst ear among whom
are several who hare future varsity
berths in store for them.
,Noted New York Co
I itial Appearance i
Direction of Mrs. C
Lovers of good music at Penn State
will lune an opportunity this meek of
hearing tho first of the musical enter
tainments mltich are to be an en an
State College tins winter under the di
,cation of Mrs. Clara Bonen Shepard,'
nt conjunction pith Dean Robinson, of
the department of nun. The opening
concert in tho course chief, is lima ar
ranged by Mrs. Sheimrd, will be given
In the Auditorium next Friday evening
by Nice Chrtstufe Miller, contralto, a
celebritted artiste of N. lurk mt 3.
On that incest. Miss Mailer null render
a Named program of s peal selections, Cr.
ranged to program
the different tastes of
her limirers. The program will inchd,
selections frolic (anions operas, national
melodies and plantation songs, and se,
oral special numbers The complete
program will I a mund In another part
of this article.
. -
Miss Miller, who has been selected for
the opening concert of the series, is ur
Questionably one of the most popular
singers before the nubile today, and the
simple announcement of her appearance
Lan insured urn 0114111 ml houses alieretei
he has sung this season Some hulas
tion of her 110;111/M11y on II Nolltiltlt may
be obtained from the fact that she lam
been engaged and re enga,ted by nearly
emery orchestra, club and - testi.' man.
agement in America.
The story of Mimi Miller and her
rapid rise to supremacy in har chosen
The forreies American contralto who will
etiti ilerenext Friday evening.
field is tyically American. Although
of Scotch hIrCL and ancestry, she bur
made her hoire In tide country sines
tory early childhood. Mica Miller has
received practically her entire musical
education in this country and in her
success has dispreted the claim that it
it iMpOnlibie to produce great. singers
without yews c: study abroad Ti
Mina, I.``lVhitnev, of Boston, Miss
tiller rites credit tor her take place.
...oat tad early training. In Tertok.,
Competition Between 1917
and 1919 Runners to Be
The outdoor track season comes to
n. !ORA lard Satuiday. Dee ii, math nn
interclass cross country race, open to
all entries. Tins race mill ho NOMO•
ulna different from those held to for
mer Scars for ses real reasons In the
first place there mill be no liandamp
Usury man will start from scratch and
competition will be subject to the inter.
collegiate cross country rulings. This
necessitates that each class base at
lutist Ilse 10011 entered and !Wishing in
order to count in the scoring An,
number of entries abuse Ilse tor cacti
class mill be admitted.
The meet in not restricted to men
mho are on the different track squads
for 'Bill" Martin has announced that
anyone in college mill be eligible. The
course will not be as long as in presi
ous years, mhen a six-mile jaunt mss
taken, because it Is judged that a hot.
ter competition will result from a
shorter race. So a four-mile path has
been outlined and will be follomed
The final honors and most of the
competition sell probably rest beta con
the representattses of 1917 and 1919
The sensors mill be represented by
Minter, Whiting, Garland and R. limit
er and to oh mose these men the soitho•
mores base Shields, Foster and
Ito carry their hopes. Lose and Shay
are the most prominent 11118 men who
mill start on Saturday and the fresh•
men are entering Morrill, Orr, Slimier
anti Comet. The freshmen may need
matelot, since a dark home may spring
out from among their number
After Saturday, track coach Martin
mill meet inns men interested in troth
mark. from 10 to o'clock m the
morning, and from 3 to 5 o'clock in the
afternoon OR Ness Bearer rind later in
the basement of :McAllister hall, Mien
the minter training of the men for ale
end esents will soon commence.
tralto to Make In
n Auditorium Under
ara Bowen Shepard
she has been coached by a number of
German, French, huglasli and Alumna,.
ousters, among aa nom may be men
tinned Sir floury %Von.' and William
Shakespeare, of London, and Arthur I Mean and Oscar &tenger, of Now lair!,
Mass Miller • nut only a talented
' contralto, but is also a thorough anal
man, being a mlinast of great abilaty
Comm ring her surging, W L. Hubbard
of the Boston Opera, turtles, "It as alas
tinguislied by relined, infallible taste
and by genuineness anal Justness of nen
(intent and feeling Iler toter is exapit•
silo hi quality, being rich, warm and
xy mpathetic, and produced loath 111
ease and RWIIIIII, I that makes at !abso
lutely relanble anti pure."
Tickets for tire course N 1 :I I be on sal,
all this creek at and Krum.,
ine's drug stereo, and mutations mat
he =WO at the seine places Student
I tickets will be handled at Itrunwine's,
.Jule those for the general iniblie ma,
be secured at Gilliland's. The price of
the student tickets, .Idelt will includ,
all three concerts, has been set at SISC
end that of all others at $3,00. Single
admission tickets, good for nest In.
lint 's concert only, will be placed on
sale next Friday morni.,. Student
tickets of this nature .111 be priced a'
$1.50, or the seine as that charged for
the full course ticket Single admission
tickets for the ueneral public may be
procured at $2OO each
The program ns arranged by Miss
Miller for Friday atoning's concert is
as follows:
I (a) Old English Melodies.
I . 'Come Again "
a 2 "Where the Bee Sucks"
."Come Lasses and Lads."
((b) Old Irish 3lelndies.
I. "The Little Bed Lark "
2. "The Passing of the flail."
a "Bendemeer's Stream."
onnwun and ,l l; l jaler. e . ' . t. .A - ‘l ' n e r , sl r o o „ ^ :
"Widilesgespmeeh" . . • ... Sehumnitri
"Der Selimied" ...... Brahma
"Diu Ableenung . llolinender
"Vorgebliehes Steentichen" anthem
"Winterlied" . You Koss
`The Grey Wolf
If. T. ➢urluigh
"Deep Roar' Plantation Melody
"Entreaty' C. C. Robinson
"A Token" .... . ..... C C Robinson
ind nod' .. J. 11. flown.
(%‘ ritten for and dedicated to Mom
..When the 1303 s Come Home'
Oley 5p1.111.8
An unusteilly interesting feature hag
been arranged in CollllePtiell 1\ lilt the
concert Arrangements hate been made
for Mien Miller to sing sWaal selec.
Mons with an Edison Diamond Disc
Phonograph, uhlelt nill be placed MI
the nlatform. The proceedings will in
in the ;ditrn of a tone tenting experi•
meta in ultich the audience In
oaf n
m o i. pp o 3 rt li m ll l e i r P 's
% to o le om i p h re that
of the instrument.
COLLE 4. W'D I 4 6
iI; December is Famous for Two Things: Christmas and Shorthorns I
_ ~ . mil
_ )1
Preparation Being Made on
With the resumption of the regular
college cork foliating the 111 g
reeess, there has tome about a nolo,
able inerease m the itetittly of the de.
bating squad stiletto,' hi Pride...sot
Marshman tam al o eeks 112 Preparat
two for the miming se ason o
has been
taken up in real earnest 111111 plans hate
been 1111111 r to hate the cant group meet ,
one to three es Clllllgll et err rteek for
the purpose of stud, mg and detention'. I
the subjects that adl Inter be debated
According to the announcement of
Professor Marshals:l, these ineettnys
mill be germ of er to a round table dig.
misslop of the ris,rular
question, so that the inforniiitton of the
%BUMt inditidual iember4 uuu be as
sembled and made the common propel ty
of the entire group.
Later en it no planned to do & the
main group into smaller groups or
teams which smell nduct reguliti lv
scheduled debates These delialris rill
be attended bz, the uhule group or cer
tain parts of it 'rho shomhig made 1.3
the membeis ut the teams hi than nii
formal debates mill determine iei y
largely the appointments to the regular
turslta debating teams.
This same system or preparation
carried out 1114 t. Scar mfth nnunuOlm sue
restful results. Under this s 3 stein of
eirtching It Mll9 fond that the members
of the Penn State debating squad rhou•
ed almost him =ably better preparation
on the quest:on than did the members
of the opposing tennis.
lh". Houck°, of the uthool of Mann]
artc, till deliter 0 openol lecture nest
Monday mooing at 7o' clock: un the
"Leo:to:Me Ilacis of Prohibition" in room
23, of the Liberal Arty building The
leeture in being held under the W 119111.0.1
of the Prohibition League WWI trill be
gin immediately after the regular I. l'.
A meeting at. (170 EN ervone in cordially
intited to attend.
A report <mines from South Bethlehem
that tiro girls of the linrathotlego
for Women hero clouded that for tile
next three weeks they will totem, With
week the use of iee tream at 111.14.
The girls aro glttng up their favorite
dessert ill order that tire money tints
eared may las turned °ter to the fond
width Is being raised for relief work is
the prison Clllllll4 of Europe
The to elfth annual btaulent t obadver
rootcuLion of the Euxtern olden wilt
held at Drilled. Uniaenoty lust act*
The coventlon evlended o'er a period
of four da)., opening On Not ember Jo
nod elOslng on December Immoral
Peon State men attended the enafelerne,
;mong them befog S 0. Ni( Imbem, ortrl•
dent of the local ‘olonteer lined, \V, I.:
Preghlent, of the V. II C. A. and
A. L Dorwart, noting general xecretary
of the Penn Stele M . 17 A In all
there acre nearly 300 delegate. pacßent
from the aerlrom college. m Pentw3l.
COMM and Now ars..
6:3o—Orchestra Practice, Band Room.
7 00 P. M —Agricultural Society, Old
6:30 P. M.—Band, Band Room
o 15 P. M —Christine Miller, Control.
to, Auditorium
1 00 P. M.—lnterclass Cross Country.
7 00 P. M.—Bast etball, State vs. Jun
iata Armory.
10.00 A M.—Freshman Chapel, Dr
11.00 College Chapel, Dr. McCulloch.
6:3n P M—Y M. C. A Meeting
Club P. M.—Room 25, L. A. Civic
6.45 P. 01.—Y. M. C A Prayer Meet.
6.30 P M.—Band, Band Room.
111.1 Untie(' In published on a last
call to menthe,s of the too upper
elateos. \II Scotoru and J 111110 1 4!
1010 moire to limo their (Alm,
ltonors C publodied to the 1019 I Vio
fount Owe the follouing data to the
In VIO 110, no the first floor of Ohl 5
M o . before Mecouber It, 19111 (11
Mono hi full, on luchiox noddle ('tone,
(e) Mote addren., (al Com,e, (4)
Fraternity, 181 All college honors
Receipt of Operating Table
Acknowledged by French
Loud Aunril Duro the elfoile ot 1111 e
Ir Litgarde a relatine of 3lr Honni of
Iltinlehorg and nom in tourer in it luieneli
hu, intal these onto n stuthetent enul on
money collected fun Lim inothiming of 11
Dulling °notating table among the stn.
dente alulti faculty of Peon Slate Di
`,puha tine rocently reeeoed it teller
fainn Ile loud nutria of the hormittil olds
oloeh Alies do !Amorar us tonnectiel es.
meeelog her gratitude for the Hilt
let ter s
"Society for Ifol n on the Wounded
Committee of ( Intinhery Autlinity Dos-
Hid No. it.
Clatatlica), 15 Oet 1016
Dear Doctor
Thin the oillees of Miss de I.l,g;irde
nor 111141111 II 11.10 past termed a rolling.
°paint tug table.
'rho t
M1)111/0 Clltllllo 111 illl t 11111
prompted thin ll gilt P forces DIP 41 )111111 1 1.
coo for It doubly, for In this terrible
oar till that this in the lure of the
lI 0111111011 is of tin highest importance,
our hospitals being 111,11 N 21 lordly en•
lite mark of spilling' lit that toll nun
1 I
the atudents of 1 our 01.0140 xllOll nor
Flame is 1111 otooortig limo 111111 an 111.
I entlu. to um to ilerfot ii more nod more
tnithfully nor duty to our entintry,
The entomittee I r present begs me
to ; aor t a. to yon Ito )1 unfelt gratitmle
I add 111 this tits e‘proaidon of my
highest esteem
211A1:1)1.:IXINII 1)1,
❑OW IC/1,
head Ku se"
Prominent Pittsburgh Pas
tor To Lead Prayer
Beginning Cruh Deeensber 7and cun
t:inn:lg through until Di eember it, Penn
State thin neck a 111 eonthiet its annual
eek of college pro) or under the leader.
hip oi Dr. 13 Aunt L ti {yelorh, of
Pittsburgh, lila, in mounted uniting the
shoot pu ondnent of the Prenb) Lei lan
nun intern in the state of Penh) Banta
In connection a iilu the college Creek ot
pre) er Dr. Aletailloth a ills tank ai the
Old Impel on Mae, I
rida3 and
Saturday cucnng.r, Deeeniber 7, 8 and 11
Ile aill be the toffee° hpinikerat the
different chapel esei tines last Sunda)
morning and In the gneliint; .111 speak
at the V. it C A meeting In the Audi.
top um turning the tulle of Dr '3le.
Culloth's eta., in State College It a ill
al.° be preeable to arrange personal In
tem. s 0 ith lion through the 31. C
Or. MeCtilloelt 14 a graduate of Mon
mouth College. at uLicht plata lie se
: cored Ins bachelor of arty degree Voi
la, ing his graduation front Monmouth,
Le first took siaietal stork at Johns llop•
kips Ulmer sits, or Baltimore, and later
at the Pittsburgh Theological Smola.,
Mule or college Dr. McCulloch caught
on the Aloninotith and Johns Hopkins
baseball lean. Inc also caught t/11 the
Allegheny Athletio .10s.nation team
atoll, attending the Ptticbtirgh Theolog.
cal Seminary
It. 1110 pleoent time Dr n.cott,i, ty
' , actor of the United Presto, tempt
Linn eh of lloniontoil, a suburb ot Pitts
burgh Ile lists held that prtotoritto fur
tuents one years, it being the only one
that he has es er hill la passing it :nay
be mentioned that he sty the only pastor
that Ins congegration has eser had Di
MeCulloch 10 thairman of the United
Preslit ei Denoininatcona I I's angc
listit . 01111mittce and is also President
to the Christian oil I,ersiec Union of
Pittsburgh In addition to 1110 legular.
wilt ge (legit es he hold+ rise degrees ict
at doom, at detours One nt these de-
wet. it from Mans, ills 1 allege, in Ten
nessee, and the other front %Vestininstm
College, in Petinoy hank,
Bestowal of the mitred, of 'atonal et
among the farmers, it 14 feared that the
nt tentinate of the short m intim eolir.e%
null elima it falling oif this 3 ear So
lot aim re lake been about one hundred
applatotions reeniteti of m Welt ten mere
float aroottectite m oaten utudonto Thee
ore almo3a u small outobet uhn t nun
V.llllollt. having pret wash registei oil Oil
tl k e alumina that their m ill he about
one 111111111011 111111 1,, enly lite stallents
attending. Lila winter 1.11111,10.1 this gene
71re tophomore clang held an 1111 port•
ant oper.ittl meeting or the Old Chapel
lard Tnectiol etronna. brit they oar°
greatly handicapped toting to the renal'
courtier in ottenclance. Tt ono lthout
doubt the poorest tornont at it Ilona
mealier since 111111 entered the Inattlit.
time, ho Are( nutter that Immo op fair
tilmatartion mart the churn bantioet, moil,
Mllll to hove been until or Bellefonte 1111
Dee, O. After the chairman of the con,
natter hod reported it moll sale of tick.
eta, it Mllll tooted trold 'marled fo tont
poor the banquet until otter theClulot.
:nag bonder..
Superior Team Work of the Victors
Proves Too Much for Blue
and White
State-2 fur 10.% of 25 urdu fo 10.4 of 50
State—S, it‘oragmg :IS 311rd4 Pitt —.l, meragmg 12 garde
Slate— Pa I.
Attentpled— I At tezopt ed —•":
Completed—l for gam of II- 1,14 Cutuploled--.t for gam of 114 Nay.
Intercepted-0 1 tterLepteel-2
14U-2 out of .1 attempts
State— 1 tt—
Rubb one for 25 tads Ila+tings one for 75 t unit
Herron oat for 20 ).0 dt
11,,rrom MK, for 41 411.41.4
Outplayed and outgcncraled at \ irtually et et . ) stage of pity,
on a field of mud which made foot action uncertain at all times,
and before an unprecedented crowd of 27,000 spectators, the Penn
State elm en closed its football season last Thursday on Forbes
Field, suffering defeat by the pow erful Pitt team to the score of
31-0 A more nearly perfect display of team wort, and of clean,
straight playing could not have been hoped for anywhere than that
which characterized this game
To Putt's remarkable backfield chiefly go the laurels, for in the
skillful running of these players and m their ability to form
"stonewall" interference, this quartet of men sins responsible for
the points scored At no point in the game, sane for a tcry brief
time at the beginning of the second half, did it seem possible that
the Blue and White men would "come back," and Pittsbuigh made
no substitutions until the end of the third quarter
Eastern Trig During Xmas
Vacation—Spring Games
The tartuty soccer team trunk to
dinuoto next tottorthu, Ilsetnlot 911 k
nuance thr) mill lock borne meth the at
dependent mien.. leprerenting that place
Tins ogglegatton li Ilot a college lentil
but hate the nopotation of being fool)
fact and me pla)lng at present in on
Independent kaput, 'Ile) mill prob
ably make a good game tor the m nett )
and goo them rmm needed e)periente
1/oinig the lheirtmas ‘atation, the
team will make ats big trip stopping at
Lttfot lt,' So orl 'anon: anal IVesttoo n
A got. em ill. I'enn le 'till pooling eel
\tanager Coombe hopes to tenth an
agreement milli their management run,
l'enti lull, In all ErobaltilitN, he niter
collegiate (humph.s and l c tattoo,•i
that the State lmoslete ton c tint
ahead of the Heil and thee at out' oe
Too other games, in Om Phlhublphot
notelet, ore alno undecided at 'moult
There matches are much
oell knotmn plolerstonal loom and
with the Ilerion l'utket 1101/ It in
hoped 11011 n satofitetor) atrangement ,
not) be mode Audi belle there limns
%latioger Coombs intends it porsiblu'
durinv, this s,hurl hear In turoutte
soccer stbelltile Ito the silting This Intel
not lo en ottempted before 111111 /le he. I
III( all,. 1111111 L at present mill toolmble
round into lino , Plans ore made one
to lining Ohio %%tolesau here and tine
mill be realised u the oestein tame
able to seente n um more genies in the,
eanterll 111411i1 M miler to Inake
um twilit oldie
lording to Ilguren oho Ti hate ttiqk
brut poltlethed there are sindentn
enrolled at Poneeton Lttlteleits thin
incur Of three, 1.110 .tre enrolled In
the UnHorxth proper nun! the 10111111114er
ill the Oradtutte College 'line total en
rollinent., no toned to dote, et sllghtlt
tonstller thin: lhal of loot
The present SI.IIIOI ehtsnumbers
Jill members and has the largest enioll
meat of env graduating clinee m tho
lilstorr of the utstlttition ‘Pith resold
lo the °this pillows the figures are as
rollout, Junior tlass, 1+34 , Sonlionioro
eh., 351, Freshman i lass. 371 'I he
enrollment in the Freshmen
l'ollillierably loser at the beginning of CAPTAIN HAROLD CLARK
(ho subunit ' roar. but ninny new students Who has PloYod his game for Stale
hose matrieulated dining the hod, tu li p
months on that lit the ?appeal tune It, (lie toss (fleeted to ilefi•ad Ilia
looks 118 ugh Ilia first (ear classnot tli goal.
would Counter Ideked ill lo Mil area tho
break o all previous enrollment
records. (Continued on Pus 1.3
1 ----- ------
The Basketball Team--
Gets Into Action
i Saturday
Number 12
• tin State lost the game )I t the
does not roil, et. MIN thing but hon.
°ruble deft. It upon 1119 I/11, vi.. for lima
.11t1 Ito Mush de gat 0, to the matt, the
let) best the, had, and unit b,t to-e
the, pinlul against a, belt, team, ,aro
the, dereated lit , Pantile, Ides cu
am Intl hisl it tell 011191 11111L111110 111111
tlatr plats np
e.. run oil s,9th
prtqlstoii It I. 11011110ln nhether 1111
1,1111 111 the 1000103 tottlit have told Pit.t.
tt arum's; ant gained Linen, 011 1 1 11 d
run., &mild° passel and lot n it.
thoughillicitnetesear, thaw off tinkle
Monne. gained n lot of grotind 1t ith
Ilantonts or Dellart arr ing the ball
and (he ;Aka 'ton 111.111 /1111 tlere,
it is almost, onposslble to pre% eat
large gams. and n hen the State ott•
ond.trt &lens.. 11111 close opin ..1.11.1 to
111111 1111 1 into,. nellatt n matt tall tor It
fornard pas, i-tead The eater ot
tbt. 'State line le Id , t , ii 11, is sta..° Ity
the hint that milt one ot sLorev
bun made till (igh the Inc
Claris pbl%ed la, I lot game for 1.1.
Blue and ll hi., 111111 lit gatlol thant
In. hod l'or tour tens he Ints. neen IL
ton tr oli etiength 111 till' 1111601011 111/11
LllO 11911111 S 11/1, 119110 Irttborry
net the panto;; sane Oat!. too n l: no the
task ne is the wilt man mho 11 he
lost thiongh gt o limn ()II of iur
hand, l'ttt losen I'etk, lit Ilan 111111 Thorn
II AAII4 II then! des for football
game owl the .111 11111111. It appear:ma
tor 0111 about tits. It doting the
game 'I he field on.; It sea of tittic! nod
Lilo pl tler. I.lipped toohnuoll, 'there
ons little or nu ono!. Calatun l'ick st un