't 1 . --------- 1 , 1 fl ' Only Two Weeks i VI .......0.. 1.4 ~,.) .1 I Until Christmas 1• - rtit i t ~,,,.6 z. ,„ Vacation 1 7 (..r:M:e - • , -- ------- . c ,f..--' 7 )--,.,4 , • 1. !.955' ' Vol. XII CAGE MEN TO OPEN SEASON WITH JUNIATA Visitors Bring Veteran Team To Oppose ' State The Stab basketball team aril enter the arena, neat Saturday osrnmg Bee lk for the initial performanee of 'he 1010.17 season The Juniata live will Srls the °nonslip• warriors with all indite- Was pointing to an interesting game, for tho Iheitingdon team was only de feated by eiviCll pails in the middle of the past season when the State urgers wereswinging or mid season form. Coach Herman and Captain Walton lime not been able, up to the present date, to sold any definite teen, but the lining up for the whistle will in all Blakeslee, be among the following Blakeslee, Wegner, Hunter and Lau• bach forwards. Adams dial William at tenter and Walton. 3liller, Wilson and Fast contending for the defensive berths. State has much to fear in Juniata for the smiting team mill not be com posed of novices by any means. The filo which plated here last year is still intact with the benefit of a year's ex-1 ierience ni team work Practice was ' der. way in Huntingdon nearly one month. previous to the State opening which also - means somewlist of an ad antnge On the other hand, State will Imre had but one or too scrummages before meatier Juniata and null undoubtedly be a little stiff for the season's open ing Captain Walton states honorer, that things urn going along in fine shape and with the veterans from the 1910-19 season the mop null soon get together and swing along Rinoothly. Speaking in regard to tiro entire Rea son and the present outlook for the team Captain Walton admits that every thing oints tonard might) good year. With Blakeslee, IVagner, Fast and NValton and several gold Remind string men from the previous season an euellent agere- option may be built up. This is n nsidering the men era ling lip from the 1919 team of Inst ear among whom are several who hare future varsity berths in store for them. MISS CHRISTINE MILLED WILL 3 OPEN CONCERT SERIES FRIDAY ,Noted New York Co I itial Appearance i Direction of Mrs. C Lovers of good music at Penn State will lune an opportunity this meek of hearing tho first of the musical enter tainments mltich are to be an en an State College tins winter under the di ,cation of Mrs. Clara Bonen Shepard,' nt conjunction pith Dean Robinson, of the department of nun. The opening concert in tho course chief, is lima ar ranged by Mrs. Sheimrd, will be given In the Auditorium next Friday evening by Nice Chrtstufe Miller, contralto, a celebritted artiste of N. lurk mt 3. On that incest. Miss Mailer null render a Named program of s peal selections, Cr. ranged to program the different tastes of her limirers. The program will inchd, selections frolic (anions operas, national melodies and plantation songs, and se, oral special numbers The complete program will I a mund In another part of this article. . - Miss Miller, who has been selected for the opening concert of the series, is ur Questionably one of the most popular singers before the nubile today, and the simple announcement of her appearance Lan insured urn 0114111 ml houses alieretei he has sung this season Some hulas tion of her 110;111/M11y on II Nolltiltlt may be obtained from the fact that she lam been engaged and re enga,ted by nearly emery orchestra, club and - testi.' man. agement in America. The story of Mimi Miller and her rapid rise to supremacy in har chosen The forreies American contralto who will etiti ilerenext Friday evening. • field is tyically American. Although of Scotch hIrCL and ancestry, she bur made her hoire In tide country sines tory early childhood. Mica Miller has received practically her entire musical education in this country and in her success has dispreted the claim that it it iMpOnlibie to produce great. singers without yews c: study abroad Ti Mina, I.``lVhitnev, of Boston, Miss tiller rites credit tor her take place. ...oat tad early training. In Tertok., CROSS COUNTRY MEET FINISHES TRACK SEASON Competition Between 1917 and 1919 Runners to Be Close. The outdoor track season comes to n. !ORA lard Satuiday. Dee ii, math nn interclass cross country race, open to all entries. Tins race mill ho NOMO• ulna different from those held to for mer Scars for ses real reasons In the first place there mill be no liandamp Usury man will start from scratch and competition will be subject to the inter. collegiate cross country rulings. This necessitates that each class base at lutist Ilse 10011 entered and !Wishing in order to count in the scoring An, number of entries abuse Ilse tor cacti class mill be admitted. The meet in not restricted to men mho are on the different track squads for 'Bill" Martin has announced that anyone in college mill be eligible. The course will not be as long as in presi ous years, mhen a six-mile jaunt mss taken, because it Is judged that a hot. ter competition will result from a shorter race. So a four-mile path has been outlined and will be follomed Deceitibmer The final honors and most of the competition sell probably rest beta con the representattses of 1917 and 1919 The sensors mill be represented by Minter, Whiting, Garland and R. limit er and to oh mose these men the soitho• mores base Shields, Foster and Ito carry their hopes. Lose and Shay are the most prominent 11118 men who mill start on Saturday and the fresh• men are entering Morrill, Orr, Slimier anti Comet. The freshmen may need matelot, since a dark home may spring out from among their number After Saturday, track coach Martin mill meet inns men interested in troth mark. from 10 to o'clock m the morning, and from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon OR Ness Bearer rind later in the basement of :McAllister hall, Mien the minter training of the men for ale end esents will soon commence. tralto to Make In n Auditorium Under ara Bowen Shepard she has been coached by a number of German, French, huglasli and Alumna,. ousters, among aa nom may be men tinned Sir floury %Von.' and William Shakespeare, of London, and Arthur I Mean and Oscar &tenger, of Now lair!, Mass Miller • nut only a talented ' contralto, but is also a thorough anal man, being a mlinast of great abilaty Comm ring her surging, W L. Hubbard of the Boston Opera, turtles, "It as alas tinguislied by relined, infallible taste and by genuineness anal Justness of nen (intent and feeling Iler toter is exapit• silo hi quality, being rich, warm and xy mpathetic, and produced loath 111 ease and RWIIIIII, I that makes at !abso lutely relanble anti pure." . TICKET SALE ON. Tickets for tire course N 1 :I I be on sal, all this creek at and Krum., ine's drug stereo, and mutations mat he =WO at the seine places Student I tickets will be handled at Itrunwine's, .Jule those for the general iniblie ma, be secured at Gilliland's. The price of the student tickets, .Idelt will includ, all three concerts, has been set at SISC end that of all others at $3,00. Single admission tickets, good for nest In. lint 's concert only, will be placed on sale next Friday morni.,. Student tickets of this nature .111 be priced a' $1.50, or the seine as that charged for the full course ticket Single admission tickets for the ueneral public may be procured at $2OO each The program ns arranged by Miss Miller for Friday atoning's concert is as follows: I (a) Old English Melodies. I . 'Come Again " a 2 "Where the Bee Sucks" ."Come Lasses and Lads." ((b) Old Irish 3lelndies. I. "The Little Bed Lark " 2. "The Passing of the flail." a "Bendemeer's Stream." II onnwun and ,l l; l jaler. e . ' . t. .A - ‘l ' n e r , sl r o o „ ^ : 111 "Widilesgespmeeh" . . • ... Sehumnitri "Der Selimied" ...... Brahma "Diu Ableenung . llolinender "Vorgebliehes Steentichen" anthem "Winterlied" . You Koss `The Grey Wolf If. T. ➢urluigh "Deep Roar' Plantation Melody "Entreaty' C. C. Robinson "A Token" .... . ..... C C Robinson ind nod 11.3.re' .. J. 11. flown. (%‘ ritten for and dedicated to Mom Miller). ..When the 1303 s Come Home' Oley 5p1.111.8 An unusteilly interesting feature hag been arranged in CollllePtiell 1\ lilt the concert Arrangements hate been made for Mien Miller to sing sWaal selec. Mons with an Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph, uhlelt nill be placed MI the nlatform. The proceedings will in in the ;ditrn of a tone tenting experi• meta in ultich the audience In tone oaf n m o i. pp o 3 rt li m ll l e i r P 's % to o le om i p h re that of the instrument. COLLE 4. W'D I 4 6 iI; December is Famous for Two Things: Christmas and Shorthorns I _ ~ . mil _ )1 DEBATERS TAKE UP ACTIVE WORK Preparation Being Made on Intercollegiate Question. With the resumption of the regular college cork foliating the Tha...mit 111 g reeess, there has tome about a nolo, able inerease m the itetittly of the de. bating squad stiletto,' hi Pride...sot Marshman tam al o eeks 112 Preparat two for the miming se ason o has been taken up in real earnest 111111 plans hate been 1111111 r to hate the cant group meet , one to three es Clllllgll et err rteek for the purpose of stud, mg and detention'. I the subjects that adl Inter be debated upon According to the announcement of Professor Marshals:l, these ineettnys mill be germ of er to a round table dig. misslop of the ris,rular question, so that the inforniiitton of the %BUMt inditidual iember4 uuu be as sembled and made the common propel ty of the entire group. Later en it no planned to do & the main group into smaller groups or teams which smell nduct reguliti lv scheduled debates These delialris rill be attended bz, the uhule group or cer tain parts of it 'rho shomhig made 1.3 the membeis ut the teams hi than nii formal debates mill determine iei y largely the appointments to the regular turslta debating teams. This same system or preparation carried out 1114 t. Scar mfth nnunuOlm sue restful results. Under this s 3 stein of eirtching It Mll9 fond that the members of the Penn State debating squad rhou• ed almost him =ably better preparation on the quest:on than did the members of the opposing tennis. DR. BOUCICE TO LECTURE lh". Houck°, of the uthool of Mann] artc, till deliter 0 openol lecture nest Monday mooing at 7o' clock: un the "Leo:to:Me Ilacis of Prohibition" in room 23, of the Liberal Arty building The leeture in being held under the W 119111.0.1 of the Prohibition League WWI trill be gin immediately after the regular I. l'. A meeting at. (170 EN ervone in cordially intited to attend. WOMEN STUDENTS GIVE UP ICE CREAM A report