Penn StateCgllegian I'ubliihcd on Thuriday of each vcek during the college year by the students of "liie Pennsylvania State College in the interest of the Students. Fae ulty. Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice. State College. Pa , as second class matter Editor in Chief R. M. EVANS, ’l3 Assistant Editor M. A. KRIMMEL, ’l3 Associate Editors G. A. BARKER, ’l2 J. D. HOGARTH, ’l4 F. C. DOSE, ’l4 D. HESS, ’l4 J. R. MATHERS, ’l5 W. S. PARKINSON, Jr., ’l5 BuslnesslManager E. A. JAMES, ’l2 Assistants THEO. liENCHNER, ’l2 M. M. GRUBBS, ’l3 B. R. HENDERSON, ’l3 SUBSCRIPTION. $1 SO per year or J 1.25 if paid within 30 day. after date of aub.crlption. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912 Our Adver- The "Collegian” tisements. has been recently criticized for having so many columns of advertising matter. We are sorry that this has to be resorted to in order that ex penses can be met. About sixty per cent, of our student body have the idea that a college paper can be published and sent to them free of charge. This is not the case. Our policy is to try to please as many of our readers as we possibly can. A recent editorial asked for criticisms, especially at that time, yet very few ideas were advanced by the student body. What is the result ? Is a weekly paper not needed, or must we find some way to present the “Collegian" on a silver tray. We asked for ideas and got ,few, now we ask ior money. Subscriptions can be sent to the Business Manager. An Unnecessary From the re- Election, cent selection of the Faculty Fel- lowship Committee, it would seem entirely unnecessary for senior classes in the future to cast their vote expressing the selection of the class for fellowship candidates. Where Are the shall it not be Books ? “fair play” to the Library to return all books that are held by the stu dent body ? Practically all books now circulate, and it is unfair to keep the other 99 waiting for certain information that perhaps can be secured nowhere else than in that particular volume which you still hold. The act of taking books from our Library without records being made, and then not being re turned, is something that will l.ot be tolerated by the student body. All books should be returned before June 1. The Next On account of our ex- Issue. aminations which start next Friday, there will be no issue of the Penn State Col legian next week. The last issue, the commencement number, will be printed Friday, June 7. Election Results. At the Athletic Association elec tion on May 16, the following were elected to office for the college year 1912-13: L. F. Engle, President; B. R. Henderson, Vice President; M. S. McDowell, Treasurer; P. M. Hittner, W. J. Gauthier, J. A. Bowman Assistant Baseball Managers; J. M. DeVoe, E. M. Byers, F. R. Gould Assistant General Athletic Manag ers. BY THE WAY. Wesleyan established a six months rule by which no man is al lowed to play on a varsity team un less he has been in college at least for that period of time. The Michigan Glee Club has been offered a trip to Japan at the ex pense of the Japanese government. There i$ a little matter which some of our subscribers have Seemingly forgotten. We like not to mention the fact, but it i$ of import to the Sustenance of the paper. Dr. Holmes, who is to be come our Vice-President, gave a series of farewell addresses on psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. The girls of Ohio Wesleyan in a mass meeting decided to abolish all dates for ball games in the future, and to attend these games by them selves. (Did they all approve of it ?) The singing of “Hail, Hail, etc.,” is forbidden in the University of Nebraska, upon pain of expulsion. Alpha Chi Sigma, the honorary chemical fraternity of which there is a chapter at Penn State, recently instituted a chapter at Syracuse University. 1914 Victorious in Debate. In a very one sided debate upon the question : Resolved, “That the adoption of the recall of judicial decisions as advocated by Mr. Roosevelt would promote the gen eral welfare,” the sophomore team completely overwhelmed the fresh man team, winning by a score of 3-0. The arguments propounded by the 1915 gladiators were extremely vague, and not until the last speak er had deliveied his speech, was it possible to follow the line of reasoning. The sophomores on the contrary evidenced adequate preparation and presented their side of the ques tion in a clean and forceful manner. The refutation of both factors proved itself to be extremely in effective because each side con tented itself with opposing the un essential arguments or facts of the other. The affirmative team (1915) con sisted of : Aaron J. Helfrecht, Francis E. Thomas, George An drews, Harry Van Horn, alternate. The negative team (1914) was made up of : John R. Bracken, E. Clark Stiles, James W. Carpenter, Benjamin F. Swartz, alternate. Dr. P. 0. Ray presided at the debate, and Prof. Agee, Prof. Pat tee and Rev. Reed acted as judges. Attention 11912 1 Its a Grizzly l The Pittsburgh Alumni Associa tion has inaugurated an employ ment bureau for the help of “State” men in and around Pittsburgh. Sec retary A. K. Little ’O7, 1012 Park Building,Pittsburgh is loyally taking a large portion of his time to drive this venture to a successful con clusion, and all Pittsburgh Alumni and ex-students are requested to get into this work for the Alma Mater, by writing immediately to Mr. Little concerning any technical positions which are open now, or will be about June 15th. By means of some co-operative effort on the part of the Pittsburgh Alumni this movement should result in locating many 1912 graduates around Pitts burgh, as well as many alumni and ex-students now in that district. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, God in his infinite wis dom has seen fit to remove by death, the father of our esteemed classmate, A. Goytia, be it resolved, that the class of 1913 of the Penn sylvania State College, extends its sincere sympathy to the members of the family in their bereavement. PENNJESTATE COLLEGIAN TT he TTigln Standard mt_tndry The Student’s Laundry •IWe make an honest efiort to give you the best to be had in our line. <JOur laundry is modem in all departments. tJIWe cater to those who desire high grade work ‘at hon est prices. tflYou will appreciate the snappy appearance of our work. H. E. Shore ’l3 ) I E. T. Asphmdh 'l2 J. L. McCreary ’l2 > STUDENT AGENTS STUDENT AGENTS JB. M. Herman 'l2 L. A. Davis ’l2 ) ( T. W. Harris ’l3 Steamship Tickets Schedules, rates and itinerary of trips quoted to Europe, Bermuda, Panama and other points w. B. HICKS Insurance and Steamship Agency Altoona Fenn’a Get in the Habit of asking us for a bid on your job work We will su r p r i s|e you in quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte Both Telephones Z. 3V. Knots’ ’iowstm.&V TavVoT \\2 East CoUeqe 3Voe. Hair Cutting a Specialty Moles and Warts Removed dRj" SctVVOTS, qct (La\)S awi. Soma MijjfiffljflMh C.OTS. Sows ta\A "'OVo.lwq 72-74 Madison Ave. "Kcco 'VJOTVt C\Va E. Glavin H. E. Zullinger 464 Nam •*. 406 McA. Hall NOTICE! The largest and best line of APOLLO CHOCOLATES in town can be found at Harveyßrothers Bakers and Confectioners —SUNDAES and SODAS— our great specialty TfieNittanylnn Building The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South flMen Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, readymade suits in stock. Orders taken for made to order clothing. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT tft. VjoxwWl, 'E'COV Be it also resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be entered upon the class minutes, and be published in the Penn State Collegian. Furthermore be it resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. Committee Ira S. Nippes. H. P. Kocher C. E. Swab. The Rifle Club has secured a 500 yard out door range for the use of all faculty members. The range is situated near the college. We carry a full line of Students' Supplies Bellefonte Central Railroad F. H. THOMAS, General Manager tGBO 6 85 6 88 6 43 6.46 6 50 6 55 7 00 7.12 7.25 7 27 7.81 7.85 a. m. except ion— V t Sunday. EWith Pennsylvania R. R. The First National Bank State College, Pa. 3f o interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited Have you tried “Buffalo” Smoking Tobacco? For Pipe or Cigarette GEORGE B. JACKSON ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA. J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats Fish in teaion Both phones 138 College Avenue G. B. Je.We’Pe.v uni post cards College jewelry CHAS. A. WONIER Tonsorlal Artist Your patronage toileted Firatclast work guar ant* UNDER HOTEL S. E. K IMPORT Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones (Patronize the Col The Athletic Store BELLEFONTE, FA. Dec. 26. 1910 .. Lv NEW YORK Ar .. Lv PHILADELPHIA Ar ,Lv. HARRISBURG Ar, . .Lv PITTSBURG Ar. Lv ALTOONA Ar Lv TYRONE Ar, Lv WILLIAMSPORT Ar Lv LOCK HAVEN Ar Lv BELLEFONTE* Ar ... COLEVILLE MORRIS ; STEVENS . HUNTERS PARK .... FILLMORE .... BRIARLY .... WADDLES . Ar KRUMRINE Lv . STATE COLLEGE .... STRUBLES .... .. BLOOMSDORF .. PINE GROVE MILLS Sheasly & Gentzel Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions Furniture and Carpets YUVate ■3T&m\Tvq & Spec\a\Va Headquarter, for FINE CONFECTIONERY Nos. 200-206 College Avenue The Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Everything in Hardware Distributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO’S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE. PA. H. A. EVEY CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both ’Phones A. D EA L SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania llegian’s Advertisers:
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