CANADIAN WILDS Dr. E. S. Moore Lectures for th'e Benefit of the Episcopal Church. On Friday evening May 16, in the Auditorium, Dr. E, S. Mom c of the School of Mines gave an illus trated lecture on the beauty of the Canadian wilds and the curious geological formations to be found there. Dr. Moore had spent seven sum mers in that country as a representa tive of the Ontario Bureau of Mines and the lecture was composed of material gathered during that pc! iod. The lecturer showed by means of maps Cast on the semen, the route pursued and then a number of slides made from photographs taken by Dr, Moore himself gave views of Lake Nippigon, Stutgeon river, Sturgeon lake,the gold reg.on, Lake Louise and the beautiful parks ,at Vancouver and Victoria. - Dr. Moore had personal ex periences to relate about many of the views exhibited which gave an added interest to the lecture. The slides were excellent, espe cially those showing Lake Louise, the glaciers and various beauty spots such as split rock and the rapids on the Nirpigon. It is to be regretted that a larger audit rce vas not present as the lecture was at once interesting and instructive,' and it -is seldom that we have the privilege of 1 eating such an admit ted authority as Dr. Moore. Schedule for Senior Examinaf ions Monday, May 29, 8:30 a. m. An. Nut. i, 206 Ag.; E. E. 6, 24 Ei. Ex.; E. E, 16, 109 Ag.; Ht. Eng. 14, 10. Ag.; Met 5, ,Mining; Zool. 11, 20( Main;' Zoo!, 16, 206 Main. ' : Monday, " May 29, 1.30 p. m Agro. 11, 109 Ag.; Dom. Art. 7, Worn. B.; Ex. Ag. Chcm. 109 Ag., 19, Lib. W.; Ilort. 7, 109 Ag.; I. E. 4, 21 Eng.; Met. 6, Mining. ' Tuesday. May 30, 8,30 a. m. Bact. 4, 251 Dairy; Bot• 10, Botany; Bot. 11, Botany; E. E. 4, 109 Ag. HCEng. 15, 20 Eng.; Hist. 16, Lib K; HiSt. 19, Lib. K; Mining 9, Min ing. Wednesday, May 31, 8:30 a. m. Agro. 9, 109 Ag.; Eng. Lit. 12, 367 Main; Forest. 12, Forest; Geol. 1, Mining; Jur. 1 (Elec), 21 &24 El Ex.; Jur. 1 (Mech); 20 Eng., Math. 5, 126 Main. Wednesday, May 31, 1.30 p m. Pol. Sci. 13, Amph.; Pol. Sci. 17, Amph.: Pol. Sci. 18, Amph. Thursday, June 1, 8.30 a. m. Ag. Ch.,14,109 Ag.; Ed. 2,Lib.; E. E. 7, 21 Eng.; Hort 12, 1, 109 Ag.; Jur. 1, (Civil) 9'C. A.; R. M. E. 3, 11 C A. Thursday, June 1, 1:30 p m. Ag. Ch. 10, 109 Ag.; Dom, Sci. 7 Worn. B.; E. E. 9, 24 El. Ex.; Hort 8, 109 Ag.; Hyd.l2,Amph.; Mining; 8, Mining, Friday, June 2, 8:30 a. m. Geol, 3,Mining; Ag. Ch. 5,,109 Ag., D. H. 13, 259 Wiry; Forest. 13, Forest.; Ht. Eng. 16, 24, El Ex.; L. G. 6, 109 Ag.; L. G. 8, 109 Ag.; M. Des. 21, 19 A & B Eng.; Phil. 3, Lib. K , R. R. 6, 367 Main, Friday, June 2 1.30 p. m. Ed. 4. Lib. K.; E. E. 12, 24 El. Ex.; E. , E. 17, 24 El. Ex.; Math. 12, 126 Main, Math. 26, 126 Main; Mech. 31, 29a Eng. Classes for Seniois end on Satur day, May 27., at 12.20 p. m. The Weather Wins One 1 Last Friday the baseball game with Gettysburg was prevented here by rain for the third year in succes sion, While no play at all was pos sible on the two former occasion,, the recent contest went two and one-half innings and we were able to show our superiority MCI the Gettysburgers in that sholl period Klepfer struck out three men and allowed neither hits or tuns luting the three innings before the big downpour descended. In the last half of the second, Eberlem and _ Now on, Exhibition I The Toggety Shop at our store Knox's Straw Hats Specialties for Summer in Sennits and Mackinaws Men's Furnishings A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Milans and ID anamas Goods r The Heidcap and Prices Tailormade Clothing -4. 3.00 4.00 5.00 C. W. SMITH MOlltgOMely & Co. South Allen Street Bellefonte Haddow scored on Blythe's long triple to right and "Spi" scored on Manion's single to left. Then as our nine was Ftaiting its half of the the third inning hostilities had to cease with us three luns to the good. Oa account of the disbandment of the Pit nine, theli game lieu. oti 'iatuiday was cancelled and a wain' battle between Varsity and es ensued with "Itish"Mcllvecn, "Bull' McCleary and "Pdt'c,y ' Lynch working for the Rest ryes. On Tuesday Captain Kelly's nine 'eft km the East and games with Lehigh, Amht rst, Dartmouth and Lafayett-. The next games are at home on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30 and 31, with St. lionayen tui e. Engineexing Notes In a valve design competition conducted' by the Nelson Valve Company, Philadelphia, designs were received from nearly all the technical colleges of the country. A large number were submitted from our school, and although none took the prize, the work stood well up in the first rank. Prof. Mehse and Dean Jackson represented Penn State at the conference, which Was attended by the heads of the dif- Lrent schools of machine design. On Monday evening, Prof. Walk er delivered a lecture on "Sewage Disposal," referring incidentally to the existing conditions at State College. The lecture was followed by a meeting of Bellefonte people, farmers between here and Belle fonte, 'and representatives Of the college, to discuss the question of road improvement between Belle fonte and State College.• Arecep tion was then held at the residence of Dean Jackson. Resolutions of Condolence. The following resolutions were passed by the class of 1913: Wheicas, God in his infinite dom has seen fit to take from us our dear fliend and classmate, J. B. Gilrgan, his father. Be it iesoked that„we the mem bers of the class of 1913, extend our heaitfelt sympathy to him and the family in this their hour of son ow Be it further resolved, that these resolutions be published in the State Collegian, be spread upon the minutes and a copy be sent o the beiciaN ed Signed, R. F. Bigham Jr., Sec'y. The Intel( lass league standing, , rucc,clay, May 23, 1 °flows -- W. L Pct. 1911 3 1 .750 1913 3 1 .750 1 9 1 , 1 1 ' 1 .500 1912 ' 0 4 .000 '1 he Chapel spealcei I . or Sunday, May 25, will he Aithin A. Ham erschldg, auectoi of the Carnegie 'Technical schools, Pittsburg. THE STATE COLLEAMEN Stucies, L,c)c•lr.. ! New Chef ai McAllister Dining Hall I If you are contemplating • changing boardpg places give us a tri al $3 per week 1 300keV .I S `SJ lz Vcycks Dv, INO AND DRY CI rAmtiii Goods sent on Thursdays of each wedh la vs. ikonikdtvce, 119 South Burl owes Street HENRY GRIMM FINE 7 AILORING ?LEANING PRESSING RE.AIRING BUSH HOUSE fiII,T,EIVONTF, P1.:515ZA Rate per day 11150 With Alat ti ri te'r (lay ( -W. -f.. DAGG The P astime " South Allen Street Life Motion Pictures . Illustrated Songs THREE BIG SHOWS each evening, beginning at 7:15 8:15 9:15 Matinees every Tuesday and Saturday at 30 Ladies and children especially invited Singing by Gray and Wingerd Music by Amschler and Snavely ADMISSION TEN CENTS Children under 10 years of age, half price DING& BROS. A. G. SPAL are the tLargest Manufacturers . i n the World of The Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AN D PASTIMES is known throughout the world as a IF YOU are Int( rested in Allotlie Sport you should have a ropy Of OK Spaldnic CaMloime. It's n complete emit clopedm of of WHA I'S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request Guarantee of Quality tILS E) 1 - sa.e.s , M., l'htkallaph\ a R. b. SV"itt %MO Chestwa ML--A.ll We keep the quality up because the quality keeps us up •p 7 k,s-SOCIE I Y AND CLASS BANQUE! S A SPECIAL :1 Y-z. Try McAllister grub and be convinced Extras at cost Tfie Qttality Shop An t 41,thlt hment wht h II nni, d for ns lint iitthltly t I klk'pr +, pluilin 1 I %LIS' Older IV I use, , dif pr V. nil AI 111'1 , 11 of 111.. 111'1I1 I r Ilion morn Pt tf rl + iii,l ..11on The Niitanv Prinfing and Publishinr Cnmpatis , -.F . Slaile Citll , ge , --------- THE MALLORY STUDIO, ptioroc;RAPHY (-31, L I, FON TS R C Detcluin 'l2 Student. Agent 11.1.ktEt tight, "kteal. anti 1 3 013302. T Contrim State Cakege, ?can't The Meek Drug Store Ray D Gilliland, P D, Manager Drugs, Sundries Stationery Students' Supplies • Prescriptions compounded Zovt , I ) VA "ktokek s C A Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street ' "Pittalmgh, Va. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods Eat College avenue - L) ira i ri. c_ , - I—IE - 1-A- 11 "R:..ghit OA the Campus Students' i egular board per week $ 3 HARVEY BR OS, Bakers and Confectioners Pull line of Lowney, Apollo and fulls r-Greene Chocolaiei always on hand Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors I,xcellent small e at OUR N F.W FOUNTAIN Nittany lon Boiltlioa 0 b. B. MAO& Co. PFNNA IRl.l:tar&Parkoc "Botaing ?Mtn eigaTs an& "Jobaccos ;Cote\ MI:MMus 3Men Stted J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firgtclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 129 S. Allen Street F. D. WEAVEFt UP.TODATE LIVERY J. B. MARTIN SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffiee State College 'Supply Co General Merchandise Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes R. C. EARL! Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block Phones W. College Ave ,W, T DUNN 'OB W. H W 001) ex 'll
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