STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursday of each week clurilig the college year by the students of lue Perins)lvania Stair College in the interest of the Sttidents, hac uliy Alumni and 1' mods of the conceit Nmtered at the Posteffice, Stole College, Pa , at se and class matter Editor in Chief W; S. KRIEBEL, , 'l2 Assistant' Editor W. P. LIT'T'LE, 'l2 Associate Editors R. MASON, 'll G. A. BARKER, 'l2 B. S. RUSSELL. Jr , '133 R M. EVANS, 'l'3 W. '. KRIMMEI„ '133 Business Manager C. F. PRESTON, 'll Assistants E. A. JAMES, 'l2 H. S. COCKLIN, 'l2 THEO LENCHNER, 'l2 SUBSCRIPTION it. 50 per year or $1 25 if paid within 30 days after Late of subscription - -- ----- - - THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911 A Convenient Hereafter in the Change ' Railway Guide, and all time tables of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, the name "State College" will ap pear. ' The change is very con- venient in that it permits an easy method for strangers to obtain di rections for getting , to the ,town. Formerly, one was compelled to know of the railroad connections at Lemont or Bellefonte, as a basis for consulting the time schedules. The new method simplifies matters, and causes an easy system for looking up connections, even if only the name "State College" niay be known Pocono Let us give the Pocono Pines conferenc. se- rious consideration. Whether it be for the good of the man, or the welfare of this college, it is an important factor in college life. Let us keep June 14 in our thoughts, and strive to be a part of the great delegation Penn State will send. FRESHMEN WIN. Interclass Debate—Great Spirit Shown in Annual Contest. Last Saturday night in the Audi torium the class of, 1914 met and defeated the class of 1913 in an an nual interclass contest. In this " scrap", however, brain and not brawn was the prime requisite for victory, The contest was a debate of the question Resolved,' That the third class cities of Pennsylvania should adopt the short ballot system of voting. The Sophomore class was repre sented by H. R. Rosen, of Philadel phia, Pa., H. P. Young, of Easton, Pa., R. E. Atkinson, of Newtown, Pa., and D. W. Atkinson, of New town, Pa., as alternate. The Freshmen debaters were J. P. Rossiter, of Erie, Pa , W. H. Bul lock, of Plainfield, Pr., M. Horst, of Schaefferstown, Pa , and C. S. Adams, of Eskeily, Pa , as alternate E. A. Cottiell, as chan mai, of the evening, read the question and showed its timeliness and impoi tance by stating that there is at present a bill pending in the House of Representatives that provides for a short ballot system of voting in the cities of out stale. _ Mr. Rosen was 'introduced and opened the debate for the affirma tive by giving the history and cx plain:ng the phraseology and exact meaning of the question He also pointed out some merits of a short ballot system of votrng. Mr. Rossifer opened the debate on the negativ: and ptOved that a Si11)It 1141110' •-.N. .k 111 11' ,) necesSbi V 11l furthei ~ lin\\«l t plescnt sv , ,loin of \ (I I i Mi.'Youtiv ic , ,ildied 11. c at , hi:,, r I foi the E, in otit C aik that the plopu , a_al kid siniplit) that it %%01,1(1 ti 11l electing hi:U(l ruin to oia ' that the public ofiftea,, mote clucc.tly te , polp,'Ne I , t t},c people lot theil (opi:lP't a J, Mr. Bullock, tip ~ e (ottcl , on the newttive, pit st nt( d ti ment that the existmt, evil. wouhi not be lectifu.(l nedei the sl.tut lot system Sonic MlllOl t I'd.lllT` were ploposed by him. whip h wcic to be insetled with the syht em now in use. The closing speaker foi the at firmative, Mr. R. E At ,ap,oe, brought out in the comse o; speech that the system ad\ oc attd would be effective, that it is rum cal; and that it. is adapW)lc to the third class cities of our state The debate was closed on tht negative by Mt Hoist, who 1 - nongl I to the attention of the judge , in rl forceful and convincing v,a) tl at a system of voting by shod haft. would be unsafe, and that the itio posed change was iadical io tilt limits of its provision', After a shoat inteimisston, dining which the debaters were allowed to prepare for rebuttal, the teams again took places at then le:i f :cc-live tables, the Freshmen bump giceted by an insphing eldss minutes were allowed each man rebuttal and every member of the teams, came back with lel iitat cci with a vim and vigor that Fluved his spirit to be of the fighting kind The three judges, Piof Fied L. Pattee, Mr. J. F. Jones and MI M J. Curl were asked not to confer one with the other but to cast then vote for the team which, in their es timation, had gained the best of thel argument, Intense inkiest held the! attention of everyone present a these °allots were lead The entire audience gave vent to its pent up feelings in a ringing tound of ap- 1 plause when the decision was known to be unanimous foi the negative. It was not a large audience that had collected to hear the .debate. but it was an interested and respoi sive one. Mote than one hundred members of the class of 1914 win( in attendance while the men of 191.) were very few in numbeis. Prof. Fred L. Pattee, on bemir asked for his personal opinion of the contest, said that the ll'eshmen gave masked evidence of mole pup. atation on and a cleat ei irmght inr,, the question. They. picsented stronger arguments m a mote force ful manner than then opponents, Taken all in all, he cleclated the di - bate one which refleclod credo o-t everyone concerned. Sophomores Defeat juoiots The juniors los.t then fourth straight game last week when the sophomores defeated them by tht scale of 11 to 1 The sophomores took the lead in the fast inning and retained it throughout the frrtttc. game. Evans made a beaututil three base hit but wa , , tin own out d home plate. Murphy ha to leis held lot a home len MIII ph v I hie(' hit, Evans "nto bast. hit, Shtick out, byNitislcyl, 131,5 c on bark, 0 11„II maniht. The First National Batik State College, Pa a,„ on limo (1 , [ semi-at , m,llk Accotiot:, solic.toci 4 ( , ii 4 fill r j I f f }rd (,1) .r,rl \\,:i S l' 1 pl I ' ( ,'( - ".11 `II (1 .lit,„ , ~ n I inu-i ne f,'"tr:gl():‘e Gnzelle ',A 1-1 il • ~It ,it, 10,4(1,,-,1 ( )1! 1 , ',,,., ~1, i\n„'l . falul 11,0 , ~ Vint d",nl ot cr! 'Pt": A. D l.-1 - -- 4'l 1 SAN! 1 I,l — ;Y I 1 "risi,H(7.,, ~'..; li , \M,; I ii.: I ,;,/ It I' VAi , 'l' ANI) 1 VA 111)11 fIRAII,i, Star C Ih r,c . 4 1 r 'ArOl43 Gc•nei 5r.)61,11,0. ,111,1 Futll,,,,ce \'\' diz Shod, Smith sheet 1 - r C. 2- Oi kS....c.viint!; ~tsu ht"; r SIMI E acid I 'lNC'y' Gi;{ , (Nill 3 FRITS ' I ,P • 1 1 0 v I 1, 4. mu' soh( I ( P, IN IM I ' I < el•I TI 17'e r, ior , (:11.)1Le \\L! , IN "f Ali Kiliki` I'l t:I 't , -4 11 I t I ',WU( iii10:10`, AII Kith( s (2110 i, L: I;., Coll , , 'Nt lay U I-, 1 , , i-, , J ~r,d()),} !LOC. di. Y 1,7 L , 1",) S(") 0 Ii \A/ / ' 01 . 1 /11 " I ) ( 7/ iA NJ I=l 6 _, ___ - ....,~.~_.,,,._ .~ .. ~. ,_ _.... t (~' tI A , ,r-k . ‘F,I t-'' 'I L- H =MEI 4Th L , .• • .., , :', ", , II: 1 , ' , , , ',; , 1 ,; c) t i „c , c z-, ;.1' 1 lit ,d Y..- ' I ~ 1 1 I I a ; ; 1 ; 'I :11" t)--, I( 1 t I , Il 1 , 0 11, i'i =ME rm:,,y1”,11 '2,3,sllfolito 01).,,, , 0tc Hot I 1,11,1(1wu Soups \1 \ kill, 1'.:11 rhriii , 5 =MEM =ME - \-(2 lid' \ 011 are Tll isr , ing the opportunity to get excellent lawn If you want to be convinced, ask somebody. I /I 1( t :r2:h -17:An ;Ilan rci l_elunciry I 'hilin .1,1,tg„ .\\'( carry a full line of ~ Students' Supplies , R3e. it.ifgogite• C"-entral Railroad H THOMAS, General Manager I t II 0 In ; 1, 111 I , III; q ~t,l 1 '1 I I I I .1 In 1 . ~. oil; 1 111 7 iti' ,{ (itli I I') rl l o 11 . 1 I II II 101 i 1D ii,ut I Ho , lei I .. I (3 19 , 1 , I , ; It J ~ I 'I , 1 , I 13 tr. 61 10 , 1 I 1, - .v 1I h ,1 10) 1 - 0 7 till l i I , r 7 , m f , -: -, i 1 , ~, , , vrizimixs t I , 111 (1(111S1)01W 7 't t',.. l'l';,, It; (11t0 \ F A1111,;,-; a at ' \ 1 t .1, ttt -toad 1 \ tt- ,\\ 1111 Pt III.) llama 1? 1 ":„e Park Hotel Williamsport, Pa. livadotvirters for all “Staff,' tr.,llll.s—. I ocnted opposite till , : P. R k station - ---. Free NI; to P & F st ation klt^s $2 50 per d,ly and up ward C C MISH, Manager ‘,s l\i ,\AN ‘. \A\c, TAkq'tovavhci. ail 1 deli, to Eastman sxyvvVte,2, Al+o.q cid for ep\xlintita. 9-vaNkovheiNkes aw.d. - (,e,stnackkbkc Records 1.12. East Ctokktge NnAme, stakt, Co \ \tqc, (11.ORGL 13 JACKSON CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS .11111 m of ' , moktrs' I iinc), Ankles 11.1 EN ST., S 1 ATE COLLEGE. OA. The Fi rr:t. Na t, i oti al Batik 4, S BrLLE:FONTE S I ~ it 0 i rio ,1111 `3 ,l r plus Sito,ool I 0,. F. SHAW; Harnessmaker ----- J B MINGLE, Shoemaker , Allen St , eet -• Patronize the Cipliegian's Advertisers STUDENT AGENTS (T W Pullet W Whir, heta Psi The Athletic Store FiLLLLI oNTE, PA EMEZIMI I,‘ \NW 1 012 K li. In NHL \DEI,PIIII. At IA II \ 10.1SlIITIM Ar In PI I'h,III. ItG At. L , 11„1.1„)\ 1 A, IA TY IZON li A, I,‘ W 11.1,f1V8PORT Ai IA LOCI\ If 111 , IN Ar PON'l PI/ , 7.01)1?1:15 tit 1,1 II \'I•I.It, \ I %Ul' 1)1)1,Ks 11 M Itl 1 4•l' \'l I' 1`01.1,1:014 Sheasly & Gentzel . Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions -........m0nie• ...............__ Furniture and Carpets Headquarter, for FINE -:- CONFECTIONERY NOs. • 200-206 College Avenue Kavkswkek.'s Shoe More iloul q uarters for 11,)akk -ever Crawford SV.I3ES 'Banister "Meek 'Mock 31.k1en Stved The Potter-Noll Hardware Co. Eve')thingm Ilau(Nroe Diqi !Intim. fm Hie PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line . ASPHALT ROOFINGS , . , (tar specialty BFLLEFONTE, PA. 1 I (I I I, m m I ill 15; 7 17 • 7 I In i No I 1) m I q TH 6 21, e 't 5 07 0(1 11 10 I In
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