The Taylor System. While the Taylor system of effi cient planning for- industrial plants is revolutionizing the present meth , ad of doing work and handling men it has until quite iecently been con fined entirely to shops and facto►ies The department of Industrial Engineering has, however, made a start along the study of the subject with the point' in view: of making a thorough study of the question, and has added to the present shop equipment a Tabor tool grinder, made by the Tabor Tool Co, of Philadelphia. Tools will be shaped and ground on this machine, which will be made from high speed, Tab or process steel, donated by the Bethlehem Steel Co. A system of planning for test results will be started and cards made out and tabulated from data obtained on this machine. Mr. Hathaway, who is interested in the application of the Taylor system in the Tabor Co's shops, will be at the College some time in the near future and will give a talk on the Taylor gystem. ... . Mrs. Endlyss Payne, American heifess outraged in her, palace in Bellefonte. Full account in Audi torium, April 7, at 8 p. m. X. M. C. A. Nominations. The following have been nom inated as officers of the association for the next year: For president, L. It Evans and Paul Forsyth; for vice president, B. R. Dunlap and B. Detchon; fdr treasurer ,L, H. Dennis and R. W. Heim; for sec retary, T. C. McConnell and D. F. Hoskins; for assistant treasurer, R: E. Atkinson and E, L. Rinkenbach. The election will be held on Sunday evening immediately after Dr. Gren fell's lecture.. • 'First Lesson in Climatology. , Student: "How can T. get to the top of Bald Top mountain. 'lnstructor: "Climate". Riotous ' house-party , in Belle fonte. Story of scandal ,in Audi torium April 7, at $ p. m. ' The students in Flour Milling En gineering, tinder the direction of . Mr. B. F. Dietrick, went to Bellefonte on Saturday morning to inspect and study the flow of stock in the flour ing mill of . Gramble, Gheen&Co. The trip, which . was beneficial and interesting; will be followed by others to neighboring mills during the spring. Will Dr. Knowlittle get the chair of . Climatology ? Auditorium, April 7, at 8 p. m. An addition has been made in the engineering building in the form of a large chart,,showing by various curves, the increase in, the number of students in the different schools the past ten years. , Mc ravish, winner of Butter Cup in 90 cylinder, 60 H. P. Jamhard. Auditorium, Apiii 7, at 8 P.' m. ` Ten strange girls in State College at the same time. Auditorium, April 7, at 8 p. m. 0114 , \l,l. 14,t '''', ' ,'-' f•t...,„ ' ' ' ' ,',' .; . ,' :•' , \ ',: , t ; ' , :,0 ., , r : *.U . ' : Viiiilll 1 ' .:j . I .... ‘• . , '.... '.. w :/... , A '. C ,pyliullt II id ',.L al), , t, at Itx SIM THE CLOTHIER CCIRRECT DRESS FOR MEN BELLEFONTE e Toggery 'Shop • Men's -Furnishings •s A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods -i; THe Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing -4' y C. W. SMITH South Allen Street Flour Millers' 'Trip The Sim Clothes for Spring and Summer are the liveliest, smartest clothes we've ever of fered. As soon as you look at the clothes, and see the perfection of style, the finished tailoring, the collect fit, you'll easily uncleistancl why we are so enthusiastic over them. New ideas in suits, English models, Shape makin; Vaisity, Nor folks; new ideas in over coat styles, button thi ough, Raglan, Chestei field, combination collar raincoats, new colors, patterns, weaves The San clothes will be shown at State Co - lege clue it g the coming week upon a date to he announced late t. We wmlt you to see them Also custom tailoring line will be exhibited THE STATE cottrmuor Studies, LUOI ! New Chef at McAlhder Dtr,iulg Hall I If you are contemplating changing boarding places give us a tri al $3 per week I d 3 VARA ° S ` Dye e&S MIND AND DRY Cl CANINO Goods sent on Thursdays of each week l ik.QAMkTee 119 South Burrowes Street HENRY GRIMM I FINE TAILORING CLEANING REPAIRING THE NIALLORy STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY ) BELLEFONTE PENNA ) B C Detchon 'l2 Student Arent Rate pet day 6 - 250 With bath SR tier day BUSH HOUSE i BELLErONTE, PENNA L. DAGG wirr- 'The . Patime South Allen Street Life Motion Pictures Illustrated Songs THREE BIG SHOWS each evening, beginning at ' 7:15 8:15 9:15 flatinces every Tuesday and Saturday at 3:30 Ladies and children especially invited Singing by Gray and Wingerd Music by Amschler and Snavely ADMISSION TEN CENTS Children under 10 years of age, half price A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the +Largest Manufactures i n the World of The Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT qp. O3lNO 4 , C ? TRADE AS4 S SPALDINC ?) ..1,, MARK ..... 10 :f FOR ALL Arm' LETR; SPORTS AND PASTIMES Is known throughout the world as a IF YOU are loteresteel to Atlot to Sport sou should It LVL aL copy of the Spalcltim Catillopue It's a complete, each clopedta of of WIIA I'S NEW IN SPORI and is se la free on request Guarantee of Quality R. c . SVAS, vz‘o ehtskwa blt. E) 13'.135 t Bk , -Ptt‘kadeAvlwa. N'IL-_.zkilit!.- - >tc...,-r. . , We, keep the quality up b ecause the . quality keeps us up I ' Try McAllister grub and be convinced Extras at cost Our preparations for this spring season have been made on a broader plan than ever before, with larger stocks, greater variety and better values We would be pleased, to show you our first shipments of clothing,' shirts, hats, neckwear and other lines Montgomery & Co. Bellefonte ~ . . taakwznm.ssosoraossEseZpitso 1 W i$ 1 PlStyle Quality Price w 19 ,o Aro three things most eS• sentlal in the selection of irl- your printed stationery to teNI CO dill ' Our printing has a command ing ()a 1 4 style—one of its own--and • w la , it satisfies the most exacting 19„ kl . ' customer Our prices, too, are lust , right--and that's an important item WPhotographic Supplies i co sole agents for the Ansco Company's products LO IV .V.: The Nittany Printing and 0 Publishing Company nt - State ..IV2M2IB.P,PoSEGMEYSIDBMIaIEa PRESSING i 11.1tita.n ZkOtt., V.szat and ?cram Company The, Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P 1). Alanager Drugs, Sundries Stationery Students' Supplies Prescriptions compounded Zovk 'PM 'Kfatek E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY - Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods College avenue .-sSOCIE I Y AND CLASS BANQUETS A SPECIALI N'''?...:s.kT State Co\kege,:i3elva's. C. A Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street TkttaVargh, Ta. Dire ii-1. 4. F-1 111 "Ik.laht on the Campus Students' regular Wald pei week $ 3 HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Full line of Loney, Apollo and Fuller-Greene Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors Excellent service at OUR NEW 1 dUNTAIN ' ' Nittany Inn Building .5. B. Vteek. Co. "Mi.Vtardl 3 arkor "%man% "Mktg .... Cigars and (. t:tbac,c,os . • At.ota lieoMiilust 3Meu Stvett J. P. HAGMAN Strictly :. Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 129 S. Allen Street F. D. WEAVER UP.TO=DATE LIVERY J. B. PAARTIN SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice State College Supply Co' - , Genera,l Merchandise Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes R. C. i% 1 ;CE Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce- ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave Phones w '1 KINN :08 W 11 WOOfJex 11
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