ilState College has the brightest future of any town in central Pennsylvania. Real estate is bound to increase PAGE SIX New Book by Prof. Ray. "The Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, Its Origin and Author ship" is the title of a handsome volume by Prof. P. Orman Ray that has just been published by The Arthur H. Clark Company, Cleve land, Ohio It is a history of the causes which produced the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise and is written almost entirely upon new evi dence. Prof. Ray denies that Stephen A. Douglas originated the Kansas-Ne braska Bill of 1854. and brings abundant evidence to prove that David R. Atchison of Missouri was the real originator of the Repeal. Written from this new point of view, the work marks an important de parture in the treatment of ante-bel lum politics. It shows that a care ful study of state politics is neces sary for the solution of many na tional problems. The work is the result of years of exhaustive research and it brings to gether a vast amount of evidence heretofore scarcely known to exist. It contains a very extensive classified bibliography, footnote references to verify the important statements of fact, and a perfect analytical index. It is a scholarly work in every detail. The Christian Association Meetings. The talks by William DeWitt of Yale on Sunday and Monday proved to be intensely interesting and prac tical. In addition to the senior class meeting on Sunday morning and the all college meeting in the evening, he visited practically every frater nity in the college and many of the group Bible classes. Frank A. Fall, treasurer of New York University and author of - AT LcYt McALLISTER HALL ID w. T. DUNN Grub Three Dollars a week And worth it all TI IE 'STATE COLLEGIAN ‘4liii',..,jviir,.,l, ,V , . , '-' 4 Pie '' , d), , 'l/1%.',) ',,r''4‘1‘4:i.....C.' '.ll'is..2'vsipi. .. v.., „c 4 A ,•:.1.:01:41''-`- -"",:-!,...,1,,...;;,(ii! ILBest Argument we can offer kr the character iof our Clothes is the Clothes themselves. Every man who has worn them will acknowledge their superiority—their wonderful value and their undoubted merit. qWe show a remarkable diversity in the 1 number of models and fabrics we display. •<2 •• `‹ `‹ N.?. CALL. AND SEE US --7. L. D. MATTER, AGENT Bowes and Thompson Motor Car Co STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA The Finest Touring Car Service in the g_)unty Trips made to Bellefonte, Penns Cave, Tyrone and other points Rates are moderate For further information mite, phone or wire Wm F. Thompson, manger Bell phone ROOM 328 MAIN •`') ' t:tf )!: v:9 iv., , ;2 m« ,; ;. k44 , 1 ;v1 ,:: rhOgs'A., ?...q.v•PM.:4s_
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