PAGE FOUR STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursday of each week during the college year by the students of The Pennsylvania Scare College in the interest of the Students. Fac laity, Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice, State College, Pa , as second class matter Editor in Chief C. N. FLEMING, 'O9 Assistant Editor :.-li, IR.NES, 'O9 ..isociate Editors F. B. BEI'. NETCH, 'O9. A. W. FISHER, 'lO. K. B. LOHMANN, 'lO. J. F. MATTERN, 'lO D. R. MASON, 'll Business Manager N. B. HIGGINS, 'O9 Assistants F. H. BERKEBILE, 'lO C. F. PRESTON, SUBSCRIPTION. ei. so per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after Sate of subscription. THURSDAY, MAR. 18, 1909 EDITORIAL. We wish to commend to every State man the series of talks which are being given on the Sundays of this month by practical outside men The characteristics of DeWitt's talks this week wore their sincerity and plainness. Fall, who comes next Sunday, is according to his own statement a college man whose deepest interest is in young men Davis is a big-hearted man, only a few months out of college, whose w:..i k is one of the large churches of New York. Wood is a business man of Philadelphia who tries to combine v 'th his own interests the idea of helpfulness to others. Each of the four has 4 ,message for every State P. L. WETZEL, 'll All of these men are alumni of the college, and have either graduated from engineering courses, or have been connected with the en gineering profession since gradua tion. On account of their well known ability and professional work, they are all unusually well qualified to advise upon matters pertaining to the organization of the school of en gineering. The committee will meet at least once a year--possibly several times—and take up all questions de manding their attention regarding the character of the courses offered by the school, the personnel of the teaching force, requirements, meth ods of teaching, and other matters which have to do with the school as part of the college. THE STATE COLLEGIAN' The Wrestling Association, a grow ing club which was organized last year with over forty members has arranged for an intercollegiate meet with Lehigh on Saturday, and is con sidering a meet with Cornell and Columbia. We would urgethe sup port of every State man for this meet. Wrestling is about as nerve thrilling as any form of intercollegiate sport,and with the seven weights un der the intercollegiate rules the meet should be a good one. Besides this, the team will represent the col lege, and deserves the support which will enable it to make the trip to Cornell and Columbia. All out for the wrestling! Engineering Advisory Board. At a meeting some time ago, the board of trustees authorized the appointment of an advisory com mittee for the school of engineering. President Sparks has recently ap pointed J. G. White, New York City, James L. Hamill, Columbus, Ohio, J. C. Reed, Pittsburg, John F. Shields, Philadelphia, and J. E. Quigley, Pittsburg, members of this committee. It is believed that the appoint ment of this committee marks the beginning of further advances and improvements in the technical work of the institution. Prof, Baker Leaves for Study and Trav@L The Elrettitive Cbtntnittt@ hag granted Prof. H. P. Baker leate absence for sikteeti tnotltht frbtil July 1, 1909, to tecember 31, 1910 for the purpose of stild . 37 and Itabei along the line of forestry. Lath its June he will sail with his family fOrr Germany and Austria. He will probably be located during the sum mer in the Hartz Mountains. In October 1909 he will enter the Uni versity of Munich for two semesters' work, specializing in Silviculture, Forest Management and Economics and Forest Ecology. During the year in Germany he will get into Norway and Sweden and probably Finland, also into France and Spain and spend a considerable time in Austria. Austria, Norway and Sweden are the two countries of Europe which are producing more forest products than they are using, and in some ways their forest con ditions and problems are much like those of this country. Late in the summer of 1910 he will start back to this country, spending a month or two in India and some little time in Java, the Philippines and probab ly the Hawaiian Islands. The fami ly will remain in Germany until his return to this country. Prof. Baker will go prepared to take a large number of pictures which he hopes to use for future illustrative pur poses. E. K. Kurtz and D. R. Simpson. both of the class of 'OB, are elec tricians with the Pressed Steel Car company, at McKees Rocks, Pa. A. E. Harold 'O7 has a very good position in the engineering depart ment of the National Electric Lamp Association at Cleveland, 0.
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