cEvery man must make a start. If you have not started, do so now. Young man, a spot of ground somewhere. See Leathers Brothers, State College COX SONS & VINING 262 FOURTH AVE., NEW YORE Have the record of always giving the best values, the finest workmanship, correct styles and t absolute satisfaction 0 % ifj.•We have made ' ?, ~/ , Caps and Gowns for I Harvard, Yale. Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania and many others H. H.'Acheson our representative Photography : all varieties Tank development for plates & films Postcards a specialty J. W. BARBEY 428 Main Penns cave Do Quarter mile underground in a boat. Most won derful formation in Pennsylvania. First class hotel on the grounds Bell phone J. 1. YARNELL Foreign Fruits, Confectionery Oysters in season 116 College Avenue Both phones Three Reasons Why You Should Wear the Crawford Shoe They are all solid leather throughout; they are the best wearing uppers made; they hays sales that will stand hard wear. For sale at Hartswick's Shea Store Bleak Bleck W. C. KLINE Doctor of Men's, Women's and Children's Soles Allen Street TOWN& COUNTRY SHIRTS meet every requirement as well as the highest ex pectations. $1.50 up. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., Makers R. K. WANNER ;528 Main 0. F. SHAW, Harnessmaker J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker Allen Street p. IL Meek Hardware Company wishes yon to call at the store to inspect their fine stock and get prices F. P. BLAIR dc . CO. - BELLEFONTE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Cor. of Brockerhoff House All mail orders Promptly attended to. Fine watch and jew elry repairing a specialty Both phones P. L. Wetzell at Lowrey's on Frazier street J. C. MARKLE All Kinds Choice Meats Fish in season 138 College Avenue Both phones Sheasly & Gentz The up-to-the-minute purveyors of reliable Furniture and Carp Dry Goods, Groceries, Noti Picture Framing a specialt Nos. 200-206 College Ave State College Meat Mar C. E. Decker, Prop Wholesale and Retail°Dealer 104 College Avenue Both ° pho
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers