Knisely Bros. Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Cigars and Tobacco HOTEL BUILDING Watch this space for announcements Al WOMER Tonsorial Artist SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE First Class Work Guaranteed UNDER HOTEL S. E. KIMPORT, All Kinds Choice Meats Both 'Phones STATE COLLEGE The Palace Restaurant Sandwiches, Soups and Pies always on hand. J. C. SIIEFFLER, Proprietor. Tie Park Hotel e' Williamsport, Pa. Headquarters for all "State" teams---. l Located opposite the P. R. R. stationLmFree bus to P. & R. R. R. station. Rates $2.50 per day and up ward D. KAVANAUGH, Manager THE STATE COLLEGIAN the toasts with a few well chosen reminiscences of the old days. After the dinner the organization was completed, a brief constitution adopted, and the following officers were elected for . the ensuing year : president, F. A. Bryan, '9O; vice president, T. R. Cummins, '95; secretary and treasurer, W. M. Camp, '9l. The success of the dinner was due largely to the efforts of Messrs. Camp and Bryan. Those present from Chicago were: Dr. Edwin Erle Sparks, -Prof. C. Alfred Smith, '6l, George C. Mc- Kee, 'BB, W. B. Jackson, '9O, W. M. Camp, '9l, H. E. Dunkle, '93, Thomas R. Cummins. '95, Howard H. Jones, '96, A. Otto Heister, '9B, Thomas Jenkins,'o2, R. M. Rumble, 'O3, C. L. Armsby, 'O4, C. N. Fenstermacher, 'O4. E. R. Ale, 'O4, R. W. Bair, 'O6, C. D. Flickinger, 'O6, W. G. Heckathorne, 'O6, and W. J. Garrison, 'O7. From other places, Prof. Louis E. Reber, 'BO, Madison, Wis.; H. D. Miles, 'B9, _ . _ • i 46:1, ---.: .... -_-_ :,:-•::,. -..,21,-...-4 r ~ -• .; -,. i t 4 -.'t.ii- i •:::.7.-.._ ; ::-.• . 4 7 • F.:::„. ,‘ ....,,p. .. . 1 ~....,. ~,,.. ---.--_- --- ___ ADD.O a • 5 "reb :A SIZE COLLAR Made of Clupeco Shrunk Fabrics 1.5 c each; 2 toe• 25c CLOETT, PCARGOV 8 CO MARCOS 1 Cox Sons and Vining 267 Fourth Ave.. N.Y. -- - • . ; - .;••.-.7- -. ' , i , . : 1 i CAPS r ~„.,._... and 1 1 , VA ; . . '' $ :441 ' , ';'', 4 .• " ' 4. , V .1:, .'/r 1 GOWNS J. G. Stoll, Representative Buffalo; H. N. Breneman, '9O, Mil waukee; F. A. Bryan. '9O, South Bend, Ind.; J. C. Mock, '9O, De troit; H. E. Greenwood, '93, Co lumlius, 0.; John E. McCullough, '97, River Forest; H. E Diller,'9B, Oak Park; C. E. Denney, 'OO, Cleveland, O.; H. A. Mott, 'O2, Jackson. Mich.; F. B. Stieg, 'O7, Aetna, Ind. All Aboard for "Breezy Point." The second annual play by the college girls will be given on Satur day evening in the Auditorium. The main feature of this year's pro duction will be a three act comedy "Breezy Point." Although not strictly a college play, it deals with the vacation experiences of a group of college girls, with amusing com plications and funny situations galore. The opoprtunity for local hits has not been neglected and a number of good ones will be sprung. The play will be preceded by a short sketch as a curtain riser. The college orchestra will add greatly to the enjoyment of the evening by furnishing appropriate music. All who attend will find it well worth while and will at the same time be furthering the work bf the Y. W. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Nominations. The Nominating Committee of the Y. M. C. A. places before the As sociation the following candidates for office for the college year of 1908-'O9: for president, Borland and Fleming; for vice-president, Bennetch and J. B. Watson; for secretary, Stitt and Wharen; for treasurer, L. M. Fisher and Kantner; for assistant treasurer, Eldred and Rhoads. Other nominations may oe made on the evening of the annual meeting. This annual meeting for reports of committees and election will be held in Room 529 Main at 6.30 on Tuesday, March 31. Chicago will play seven games of football this year, six in 1909, and five thereafter.
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