THE UNIVERSITY SHAVING PARLOR osmetic Withdraws every particle of dirt, dust, soap, and impurities from the pores, cleansing them thoroughly. Allows the rich red blood to flow freely to the cheeks. A healthy condition of the skin follows its use. soc and $l.OO per jar Call at our store for sample and look on facial massage GRAHAM, Tfie Barber TRY THE PITTSBURG SUNDAY PRESS A live up-to-date paper and always contains a column of State College Athletic News. THE CENTRE =:---- COUNTY BANK BO L., L. E F ONT.O, Orders taken for all kinds of ENGRAVING AND Special Die Work AT The "TIMES" Office C. E. SHUEY Jeweler and Optician Repairing a Specialty All Work Guaranteed. " Women's counsel may not be . worth much but he who despiseth it is no wiser than he should be." This is the maxim to whose truth one man heartily testifies We sold him a. "Portland" Sack Suit a few days ago and it came about this way. His wife had repeatedly urged him to try a good make of ready to-wear clothes instead of going to a tailor, but he had as persistently refused. On his birthday she presented him with a Kuppenheimer Over coat and it fitted so well was of such fine material and so well made that he had decided to •• look for a Kuppenheimer Suit... :: He found the same desirable qualities of the Overcoat in one of our Kuppenheimer "Port lands" and decided henceforth he would not need to go to a custom tailor MONTGOMERY & CO., The Home of Fashion. Et ~IL-1-IEFCDNIMB, PA. „er.l Caps and Gowns Made to Order and Rented PENNANTS FOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIED IN STOCK SENIORS going Into BUSINESS or TECHNICAL WORK should write us to-day for full information con cerning desirable positions in all parts of the coun try. We already have 1,231 definite places for Col— lege, University and Technical School graduatse to begin work in July or September and the list is growing daily. A CHOICE OF THE "BEST OPPORTUNITIES is yours if you write us AT ONCE. stating age, oourse taken, practical experience if any and line of work preferred. HAPGOODS, The National Organization of Brain Brokers, Pennsylvania Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Offices in other cities. College Caps, Gowns, The Best Workmanship at Lowest Prices. Silk Faculty Gowris and Hoods Cox Sons & Vining 262 Fourth Ave., New York COLLEGE GOODS CLASS TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS A. C. HARPER, Agent, ARMORY IURINGONANEW (SUIT? Let us help you. Smart Styles Good Workman ship-Low Prices. A rare combina tion. For samples see S._ K. VA_FIN ES - •33 Annex No. 2 Fred ICauffrnann's Localßepresentative FRED ICAUFFMANN The American Tailor Chicago, U.S.A. HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair .Tudgment is all I ask. .. . . . JOHN 1. OLEWINE BELLEFONTE, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers