Hie University Shaving Parlor Geo. T. Graham, Prop. Go to Bellefonte, Williamsport, Philadelphia, New York. Compli ments by traveling men—Nothing better, most places not as good. Best of work, best of supplies, latest and best ideas. If you can tell us what you want we can give it to you. TRY THE PITTSBURG SUNDAY PRESS A livt up-to-date paper and alway* contains a celumn •£ State College Athletic News. THE CENTRE=§ =§ COUNTY BANK BELLEFONTE Orders taken for all kinds of ENGRAVING AND Special Die Work AT The "TIMES” Office C. E. SHUEY Jeweler and Optician Repairing a Specialty All Work Guaranteed. OUR NEW WINTER OVERCOATS MONTGOMERY ' BELLEFONTE, PA. Caps and Gowns Made to Order and Rented PENNANTS FOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIED IN STOCK a. C. HARPER, Agent, ARMORY Knisely Bros. Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Cigars and Tobacco HOTEL BUILDING Will give a Ladies’ Night in the Bowling Alley each week. An nouncement later. Men’s Furnishing Goods and Hats are Now Open for Inspection and Sale We never have gone into these articles so exten sively and so carefully. Be assured of our earnest efforts to please all of our friends and customers in quality, style, fit and price. :: :: :: We Have Larger Lines of Sporting Goods than any Former Season MERCHANT TAILORING in all its branches. Fully equipped. Suits Made and Trimmed, $lO and $l5 Manhattan Shirts, Guyer Hats. COLLEGE GOODS CLASS TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS COTRELL & LEONARD ALBRNY, N. Y. rjrYjtrfjL Makers of B 7 1 CAPS, GOWNS | AND HOODS VSV , to the American 001 l cges d and Universities. Class Contracts a Specialty. “ & CO., ingonaNewsuit? st us help you. imart Styles lood Workman lip-Low Prices, rare combina- For samples jee^ VARNES (3 Annex No. 2 .•red Xauffraaan’s Localßcpresentativc /RED KATJFFKAKN 'heAlrerican Ta:lcr Chicago, U.S.A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers