Literary Notes, PROF. ESPENSHADE’S RHETORIC. Professor Espenshade's “Compo sition and Rhetoric,” which was is sued by D. C. Heath & Co. in the early summer, has already reached its second printing. It has been cordially received by educators and has been adopted by many lead ing colleges, among them Bucknell and Dickinson. The booK is.. a wide departure from rhetorics. It is first' of all practical; it is adapted to the actual needs of that constantly increasing class of students of which our college body is representative. It lays emphasis constantly upon the fundamental principles of correct ness, force, and facility. A large amount of illustrative material has been given, all of it taken from the actual work of students, The learn er is constantly face to face with his own mistakes and short-comings, rather than with those of literary men who at times have been care less. ‘ ‘The author has not imagined himself to be a literary man address ing a literary audience, nor has he taken it for granted that the students who use this book are going to pro duce “literature.” The book can not fail to be helpful. One who de votes a semester to the careful study of it will surely be set on the right track, if he does not develop a terse, correct business style, together with a greatly increased facility and con fidence in the use of his pen. Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. will soon announce for publication in the early spring a new novel from the pen of Professor F. L. Pattee. The scene of the book is Central Penn sylvania, which will be realistically treated. The title is to be “The House of the Black Ring.” Bill had a bill board; Bill also had a board bill. The board bill bored Bill so that Bill sold the bill board to pay his board bill. —Case Tech. “Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long,” but when it comes to his wearing apparel he’s pretty particular. The apparel bearing the label .of KUPPENHEIMER & CO. is designed for particular men. The suits and top coats sell at SIO.OO TO 315.00 Guaranteed by us and the makers and sold by us exclusively. KUPPENHEIMER & CO. clothes and our sons are destined to do likewise. There’s something in a name after all —Shakespeare to the contrary notwithstanding. Step into our store and examine the new arrivals —the neatest, nobbiest ready to wear apparel ever seen in this section. FOR SALE BY US ONLY MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. OHOUPS BOOK OP FLASHLIGHTS COLLEGE VIEWS 'SVyyvoNA Successor to W. E. Ketcham 3\.U TSAnAs 3\.maUviT 'PVvo\osva\>\vvj SOUR BUSINESS K IS TO K MAKE FACES £ AND FRAMES THE MALLORY STUDIO Bellefonte, Pa. j Guy L. McEntire, Agent, 3d Floor, Main First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. Our fathers stood by THE Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Has always been, and con- in the HARDWARE line. We solicit your patronage, The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE.PA. Give others a trial if you wish but if you jvant your work done right every-time, send to the “OLD RELIABLE” EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY OF LOCK HAVEN Soft wash, J. J. MOROAN I . 50c a dor. P. A. RAINEY f **«**» tinues to be, HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING you may want
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