State College Hotel J. B. SHUMAN, Prop. Centrally Located. Special rates to students. Excellent attention given to transient trade. Livery in Connection. Steam Heat, <M Cuisine. A fine line of cigars always on hand. HOUTIPOD LAUNDRY. f*. li. DOFF, Fgent. Soft OCJashi 50ets. per doz. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. liaundry Bags pvee to Customers, 4 a neat* Hair Cut*, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment*. Call on C. P. WOMER, Successor to C L Croy'e (Shop in College Hotel.) KBUE & PEfiRCE. STATE’S BIG STORE DRY GOODS. In all the newest effects in wool and Wash Fabrices. CENTS FURNISHINGS The Best Line of Shirts, Collars, Ti'S, Hosiery Undei wear is found here. SHOES and then some SHOES We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Tiy a pair of the State Shoes for winter. 53.50 and §4 00 Croceries and Table Supplies The finest and best line in the city is found with us. CALORIMETER EXPERIMENTS. The Bureau of Animal Industry of the U. S. Department of Agri culture has assigned one thousand dollars of the recent Congressional appropriation for experiments in animal breeding and feeding to the co-operative investigations with the Respiration Calorimeter now in progress at the Pennsylvania Sta tion. Plans have been made for an investigation upon the influence of age and individuality upon the metabolism of caltle and two full blood yearling steers, one an Aber deen Angus and one a Jersey, have been purchased for use in the inves tigation. Careful records will be kept of the food consumed and the rate of growth of these animals. In addi tion, occasional digestion experi ments will be made with them to determine the assimilability of the food and the actual production of lean meat; while each winter there will be made, with the aid of the Respiration Calorimeter, scientific ally accurate determinations of the actual gains of lean meat and fat respectively. It is expected to con tinue the experiment until the ani mals are mature. In this way, it is hoped to secure more exact know ledge as to the actual points of dif ference in the feeding qualities of the dairy and beef types of cattle, while at the same time valuable data will be obtained as to the na ture and economy of the growth made at different ages. On Friday evening, September 30, the Preps furnished a barrel of cider to the Sophomores, as is cus tomary. The campus was quite lively for a short time. SHOES Every student at State and every Alumnus should subscribe for the Collegian. A college paper can not flourish on mere verbal support it must have financial backing. PREP CIDER. 0,9 Wear Internafional Clothing Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Corduroys, Prices Right. Fit Guaranteed Room 578 Main Hid- P. M. RAINEY, Agt, Go to J. W. Harvey , FOR Cigars, Tobacco and Fresh Roasted Peanuts. A mil line of Pipes and Smokers Fancy A rticles Allen St. - STATE COLLEGE PA. Sheasly’s Bakery FOR Confectionery. Candies a'ways fresh because we buy direct from Manufacturers. ..Restaurant* Department*.. Quick Lunches a Specialty Oysters, Soda Water. We always try to p'ease our Customers. C. B. SHEASLY, Proprietor, (lotlies Pressed and (leaned. Suits 50c. Trousers 25c. Dress Suits 50c. Overcoats 50c. H. D. EASTON, Room 578. Agent for Belmar Clothes Hangers. Students’ Orders Called for Weekly. College Book Room Headquarters for Students Supplies Ist Floor Main Big. Room No. 105 Ice Cream,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers