Any State man who wins his ‘‘S” is eligible to the fraternity. The officers are J. H. Arbuthnot, ’O4, President; J. D. Elder, 'O4, Vice President; H. C. Mcllveen, ’O6, Secretary, and E. G. Yeck ley, ’O6, Treasurer. The charter membership numbers thirty two. —Among the new apparatus recently placed in the Electrical Laboratory are a potentiometer and a photometer, both furnish ed by Leeds, Northrup & Co., of Philadelphia. The potentio meter is employed for the purpose of standardizing battery cells and calibrating ammeters and voltmeters. The purpose of the photometer is to find the candle power of incandescent and arc lights. It is equipped with a Lummer and Broadhun’s screen. —An extra room in the Chemistry Laboratory has been equipped for qualitative work to accommodate the large number of Freshmen. —'Rev. W. F. D. Noble, of Snydertown, delivered the regular Sunday sermon in the Auditorium. —Donald Derickson, a graduate of the Thayer School of Civil Engineering, of Dartmouth College, has been appointed Assistant in Civil Engineering. Mr., Derickson comes directly from prac tical work with the Berlin Construction Co. He was also for some time employed with the U. S. Coast and Goedetic Survey. He is a native of Meadville, Pa. —The following is the basket ball schedule as announced by Manager Norris: January 19, Lock Plaven Normal, at State Col lege; February 11, Williamsport Y. M. C. A., at Williamsport; February 12, Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston; February 131, Lehigh University, at South Bethlehem; February 15, Wilkes barre Y. M. C. A., at Wilkesbarre; February 16, Susquehanna, at Selinsgrove; February 25, Allegheny College, at State College; March 4, not filled as yet; March 18, Williamsport Y. M. C. A., at State College. As noted by the above list Lock Haven Normal was scheduled to play here Tuesday, February 11. They, how ever, failed to appear.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers