Dial.—Vol. 22-23. 1897. Eaton. Rebecca.—Geography of Penn. 1835. Eh-, R. T.—Labor Movement in America. 1886. Ely. R. T.—Problems of Today. 1888. Ely. R. T.—Taxation in American States and Cities. 18! Fiske. John. —Civil Government in the U. S. 1890. Forsyth. William.—History of Trial by Jury. Foster. T. J., Ed.—Coal and Metal Miners’ Pocket Book. Genung, J.'F.—Working Principles of Rhetoric. 1901. George. Henry.—Progress and Poverty. I9°3* George. Henry.—Social Problems. 1901. Goodnow, F. J. —Municipal Home Rule. 1897. Goodnow, F. J. —Municipal Problems. 1903- Goursat, Edouard.—Cours d’ Analyse Mathematique. V< 1902. Gunton, George.—Wealth and Progress. 1897. Hadley. A. T.—Railroad Transportation. 1903. Hall. F. S.—Sympathetic Strikes and Sympathetic Lock* IS9S. Halle. E. von.—Trusts. 1900. Halstead. Murat. —Pictorial Hist, of America’s New Poi sions. 1899. Hart. A. B.—Actual Government. 1903. Hart. A. B.—Practical Essays on American Government. 1 Hassall, Arthur.—Balance of Power. 1896. Hobson. J. A.—lmpelialism. 1902. Howell. George.—Labor Legislation, Labor Movement Labor Leaders. 1902. Howell. George.—Trade Unionism New and Old. 1900. International Year Book. 1902. Janssen. Johannes. —History of the German People. 6 1596-1903. Jeans, J. S. —Railway Problems. 1887. Jewish Encyelopa?dia, V. Johnson. A. H.—Europe in the r6th Century. 1900. Julian. Frank.—Text-Book of Quantitative Chemical Ana’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers