Co. C—i, H. H. Kauffman; 2, E. L. Rafter; 3, M. C. Ready; 4, M. C. Sandies; 5, R. B. Gerhardt. "Co. D— 1, J. R. Munday; 2, C. C. Cassel; 3, W. McCormick; 4, J. H. Zarfos; 5, P. J. Shaffer. Co. E— 1, F. M. Hindman; 2, R. M. Caswell; 3, C. L. Griffin; 4, E. E. Koehler; 5, S. K. Varnes. Co. F— 1, W. J. P. Dunn; 2, A. S. Butler; 3, F. J. Kaufman; 4, B. A. Smith; 5, D. W. Swallow. Artillery Detachment—Gunners with rank of sergeants, J. R. Kelly, H. J. Stump. Signal Detachment—Sergeant, J. G. B. Hammond; corporals, J. K. Mentzer, R. L. Kester. —The senior electricals have recently organized a society, which is to be a successor of the Samurai of last year. —The senior mechanicals made their inspection tour the week beginning October sth. Prof. Hunter had charge of the trip, which included Philadelphia, Camden and vicinity. The section arrived at Philadelphia Monday afternoon, and made the Han over their headquarters. On Tuesday they visited Baldwin’s Loco motive Works, the Mint, Bennett, Miles & Co., and the Mount Vernon power house. Mr. Meek, of Bellefonte, showed them through the Mint, and they saw more of that interesting establish ment than is usually allowed to visitors. On Wednesday they went to Cramp’s, League Island, and saw the Southwark Foundry Co.’s works. They were unable to get on any ships at Cramp’s, but went on board of the Prairie lying off League Island. On Thursday it was raining. They visited the North American Build ing and witnessed some of the operations connected with the print ing ofa large city daily. They also visited the Betz building and the Bourse. In the afternoon they went put to the University. Here the dean of the mechanical department showed them around and took them to Houston Hall for lunch. Further operations for the day were suspended on account of the rain. On Friday they went to Tacony to see the Diston Saw Works, and then to Ger-
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