and yet he was silent for some minutes. , But hearingu great deal of noise in the direction of the Armory, he suddenly faced about and exclaitned. "0, I'll tell you what to do'. Write, something about the basket-ball team. Go for them like the Dickens. Of course we have a good team, plenty of new material, they're practic ing hard, have defeated one team, are liable to make a good record, and all that sort of stuff. But how about the foot ball, team last term. Same prospects, and you.went and wrote an enthusiastic editorial about it. What did it amount ;to? Why at the end of the term, people thought you didn't know what you were talking about. Yes sir! the only wise thing you did was to refrain from saying anything about them at the end of the term. 'We journeyed abroad and were whip ped' is the plain truth of the matter; and although there were undoubtedly many reasonable excuses, 'yet defeat though it gives us a pain, it can be swallowed down with a curse; but for gad man ! don't try to explain it'. No ,Sir don't you ever again praise the best of athletic teams until the end of the season. The Critic paused s again and turning to the ll"klitor ask ed, "Well what do you think about it?" But what the gai t9y, thought about it will probably never be • known, for the last-page of manuscript was 4inished, and he had fallen fast asleep to rest for another month.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers