“GLOBE PRINTING HOUSE." Edward Stem & Go., Inc., PRINTERS, BINDERS AND PUBLISHERS, • Printers of ’95 La Yie. • iia and 114 North Twelfth Street, Philadelphia. L. OLIN MEEK, DEADER IK General Hue, Stoves, mare. Wood and Wlltowware, Glass, Paints, Otla, Etc. STATE COUEOE, PA. Wall Paper, Pioture and Room Mould ings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything Pertaining to the Trade. S. H. Williams, ■l7 West High St., BMILEFONTE, PA. WHITE-CMSBY COMPANY, Contracting • Engineers, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. New York Office, 20 Broadway. Complete Electric Hallways, lighting Plants and Gen eral Contracting. ADVERTISEMENTS. DREKA FineStatlonerysEngraving Houie ii3i CliMtnut Street, Philadelphia. College Invitations Wedding Invitations Class Stationery Visiting Cards Q£JO Society Stationery Monograms, Addresses Coats of Arms Menus and Dinner Cards Steel Plate Work for College Annuals. Heraldry and Genealogy a Specialty. Coats of Arms Painted for Framing. Wm. Nairn Company, Blank Book Makers and Stationers, • lithographers aid Printers,. 599 Market St., -v*rPHILADEI/PHIA.'^- BUSH HOUSE, W. L. DAGGETT, • EXAMINER .• BOOK JOB PRINTING HOUSE, No. 9 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. T. B. & H' B. Cochran, Proprietors. Bellefonte, Pa. PBOPBIETOB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers