B. C. ACHENBACH, (JonfectionßP AND d?EB|« RND FRUIT ICES PUT UP IN AW. STYI.ES. OTSTEES.. f and 19 Norm Aiiegtieny SI., - Belieronle. KPHONE, 1134. ’RS, H, HOLMES; DEALER IN noons, Groceries aim Provisions. Students' Supplies n Specialty, Us a Trial Sa?A.OTEI OOZiZiBCbB, HP-A.. BELLEE < Robert Frazier, I 209 South 3d St. Trains moving 23, Read up p, 111. 9 30 6 50 p 111. 3 p. m. 4 25 p. m. 10 30 p. ni. n 55 p. 111. 7 50 p. m. 6 40 p. 111. 6 40 5 30 6 50 p. m. 2 45 p. m. n 50 noon T 2 15 10 45 4 55 :om kewisbnrg and Tyrone connect with Train No, ji for State College. 11 flag, § Daily except Sunday. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. L. FOSTER, STATE COLLEGE, ■ PENN’A. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Toole ood PocKei Ctniery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dried Fruits and Qartlcn Seeds. Four and Feed. is. IS, 1889. ICAGO. pens like 604 1 pens like >8 others, sw York. TRAL RAILROAD TE CE I Geo. H. Wolerut, Sec'y and Trens I 209 South 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. •intendent, hellefonte, Fn. [dent I liladelphia, Pa. | t. Thomas, Super STATIONS. Take effect Monday, Feb. is, i&gs, LKAVIS] [ARRIVE Now York Philadelphia LEAVE] ' [ARRIVE Harrisburg LEAVE] [ARRIVE ....... Pittsburg leave] [arrive ~,,,,, Altoona LEAVE] ' [arrive Tyrone LEAVE] [ARRIVE William sport ..... Dock Haven Montamlon leave] [arrive llollefonte ....... Coleville ....... ..... f . . Morris f . . Whitmer ..... f. Hunter' Park Pi II more f. . Hriarly Waddles ..... f Scotia Crossing f. . Krumrine f. . Strnbles . , . . . f. University Inn . . . . . . I,enve . . . State College , . . Arrive JDEALER IN;— Excellent Livery Attached. Tialns moving W, Read down 7 55 a. m. 7 10 9 15 6 15
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