11l - PIANO FORTES, go Years Before the Public, Upon their excellence alone have attained Un purchased Prb-rminbnck, which estnb, lished them as unequalled in . Tone, Workmanship, Toueh, Durability. WAHEHOOMS ii 2 Fifth Avenue, New York, Nos, 22 and 24 Ka«t Baltimore St,, Baltimore, Md. No. 817 Market Space, Washington, D. C. Heller & Brightly, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hellish & Briohtlev’s instruments are ex clusively used for purposes of instruction at Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology. Sheffield Sci School of Yale College /rftnTks Western University of Feniia. SMgJ, Fisk University, Oregon State University. v -v(sCr California State University. Dartmouth College. Maine State College. Tin-: Pennsylvania State College ESTABLISHED 1851 EIMER & AMEND IMPORTERS AND MANUFAOTURERB ClßlffllS oni Mmi Apporaius Bohemian Glassware, lSickelware,Gor man Ginas Goods, Platinaware, German Porcelains, Balances and Weights, Microscopes, Collections, Jbo., dire, Glass and Metal Apparatus, Special Made to Order, According to Draw lugs. Glass Blowing and Eugra' ing done on premises. All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Rei gents and Bottles. Sole Agen for Renowned Factories. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. 205, 3 °7* 2 °9 and 211 Third Ave., Cor. 18th St., ADVERTISEMENTS. AND UPRIGHT NEW YORK. Schaffer & Sons, Importers and Tailors, 1303 ARH STREET, Successors to JOSEPH P. KEELER, State sieam Heat Good Livery. College Experienced Management. Hotel. CENTRE CO., PA. S. S. GRIEB, Proprietor. PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers