*S nud OVERCOATS mnde to order NECKWEAR iu abundance. The fluent line of Woolens always on hand—nil through the year. Children’s Clothing'. JVlontgomery & Co., AIKENB. Pianos and Organs to rent. Pictures. Jewelry. I.udies’ Coats. Music Store. 31 Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA J. N.&S.KRUMRINE, ry Goods Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Fancy Goods and Notions, Student Supplies a Specialty. iyder Building, W. R. Brackbill, 20 Spring St., Bellefonte, Fa., Denier lu mid Importer of Furniture and Bedding, Parlor Furniture, I/ibrary Furniture, Chamber Furniture. ecinl facilities forfurnisliiufif Fraternal Chapter Houses, advertisements. A largo and varied assortment of HATS, CAPS GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Storm Coats a Specialty. Bellefonte. ♦ Pa Mingles Shoe Store llclld’oulc, - Pit. WE KEEP THE Niiesi Line oi Men’s Shoes See them before purchasing. DEALERS IN apd G r( >cerie He Hoiace Partridge 61 E. B. Cnrler Authorized Agent at Sti College. All orders given him will receive our most care ful attention. State Colleg 335 Washington St., Boston, Colli leiie fillers
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