1895-] Albert F. Damon, ’94, and Miss Emily B. Gilroy were married at the home of the bride, at Chester, Pa., on Oct. 8. ’95. G. K. Spence is with the Ohio Steel Co., at Youngstown, Ohio, as assistant chemist. ’9s* J- E. Hall has accepted a position as chemist with More head, McCleave & Co., in Pittsburg. ’95. H. G. P'lick is with the Keystone Bridge Co., at Pitts burg. ’95. W. J. Moore is with the P. R. R., at Altoona, Pa. ’9O. Philip G. Foster was married to Miss Mary Claflin, Brooklyn, Nov. 26. Mr. Gossler is located at Montreal. THE CRUET MAID. One summer night, in twilight dim, A fellow wooed a maiden prim. Around her waist, with some alarm The naughty man had put his arm, Her dimpled hand he stroked a-while. Then murmured low, with loving smile, "Could e’er so soft a thing be found, If all the world were searched around? ” With laughing eyes, and flaming cheeks, The maid replied, " ’Tis just two weeks Since I found out, that you,—My Pet, —” Have something that is softer yet! ” "That I —? I have—? Oh, can it be? You darling, now I do love thee ! ’’ Oh, Vanitas, for no sooner said, She put her hand upon his head. — A. £,, Columbia Spectator. OUR COEEEGE MICROCOSMS, The colleges and universities of the United States contain 140,- 000 students. Andrew Carnegie has given Williams College $9OO to free the infirmary from debt. It is estimated that since January 1, the colleges and univer saries of the country have received by donations $4,075,750. It is estimated that upward of $230,000 is expended annually by members of fraternities for badges and jewels. Our College Microcosms.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers