1895-] A stag dance was held in the armory on Thanksgiving before the hop. The music was rendered by the band, for whose benefit a collection was taken. The Glee and Banjo clubs are practicing three times a week, and the members will be picked out at the beginning of next term. An extended tour will be made during the Easter vacation. In the early part of next term a minstrel show will be given by student talent in the armory; later in the term a play will be ren dered. The students should take hold and make a success of this new venture. Captain Dunsmore, of the football team, proposes to put the backs in training during the spring term in the practice of kick ing, especially at which the team was weak this season. In the scientific society Dean Reber proved that the State Col lege students have more hours of work than any other similar in stitution in the country. A building has been erected near the college campus to be used in connection with the short dairy course which opens with the winter term. A large number of students are expected at this We have three weeks Christmas vacation this year, December 18 to January 8. Quite a number of students spent Thanksgiving at home. The armory is open every evening for the accommodation of those who wish to take physical training. Photographer Bretz was here the latter part of November and took photographs of the first and second teams, and the classes of ’99 and ’OO. J. Edmund Schueler, editor-in-chief. William J. Auburn, C. W. Hardt, E. Reber Heilig, Paul F. Sellers, associates. J. M. Dom, artist. C. B. Alexander, assistant. J. Warren Miller, business manager. Op account of the Christmas and New Year Holidays the Central Railroad of Pennsylvania will sell .special excursion tickets Locals . ’97 DAVIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers