1895-] I have never had an opportunity of traveling through the West, but I am told that the localisms are as mixed as the population. Coming back to Pennsylvania we find it hard to point out many localisms, because the expressions are sill familiar to us. But when one is asked, as I have teen several times when traveling through other States, "are you not a Pennsylvanian?” I feel very sure that Pennsylvania has her localisms and that I use them freely. F. T. B. STATE, 48; GETTYSBURG, o. The opening game of the season was played with Gettysburg September 28th. The game reminded the spectator of our game with the same team last year. The following is a brief account of the game in detail: Gettysburg kicked off. State carried ball to 30 yard line. State gained 18 yards, 4 yards, 3 yards and then J. A. Duusmore took the ball for 50 yards. Robinson made a touch down, minutes. Gettysburg kicked off. J. A. Duusmore caught and State car ried ball in three rushes within 20 yards of goal. Robinson made touch down. Goal kicked. Gettysburg, kicked off. Thompson carried ball to 30 yard line. Robinson made 10 yards, Thompson 2 yards, Thomas ro yards, no gain. Robinson 5 yards. The ball changed hands. Gettysburg failed to gain first down; gained 2 yards. State secured ball on fumble. Robinson carried ball within 15 yards of goal. Curtain gained 5 yards. Thompson tried field goal but failed. Gettysburg’s ball at 25 yard line and kicked. McCaskey car ried ball to 40 yard line. Thomas made touch down. Failed goal. Gettysburg kicked off. Robinson carried ball to 40 yard line. McKibbin gained 6 yards, Thomas 6 yards, Thompson 4 yards, Robinson around end 15 yards, J. A. Dunsmore 10 yards, J. A. Dunsmore 5 yards, McCaskey 10 yards. State fumbled, but Mc- Kibbin recovered ball. Robinson made touch down. Goal kicked. Time, 5 minutes. Gettysburg kicked off. Robinson carried ball to 40 yard line. McKibbin gained 5 yards, Robinson 5 yards, Thompson 2 yards, Football. Goal kicked. Time,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers