drill of the cadet battalion on the campus, and showed great enthusiasm at the various manceuvers. The regulation uniform for the week consisted of the ordinary fatigue cap and blouse and duck trousers. At 8 p. m. the Hon. John B. Robinson, of Media, better known as Congressman Jack Robinson, delivered an excellent address before the Alumni Association on the “Forces that Make for Civilization. ’ ’ It was greatly appreciated and very instructive. Wednesday at io a. m. the graduation exercises of the class of '95 occurred and the following program was presented: 1. Music. 2. Invocation, 3. Oration 4. Oration 5. Music. 6. Oration . . 7. Oration S. Music. 9. Valedictory Oration 10. Music. 11. Commencement Address . The Hon. Robert C. Ogden, of Philadelphia, 12. Conferring Degrees and Awarding Prizes. 13. Music. All the orations and the address were interesting and instructive, and the large audience listened attentively to the entire pro gram. Quite a feature of the exercises was the singing, im mediately after the valedictory oration, of ’9s’s old favorite hymn, “ Lead Me On,” by the class, with orchestra accompaniment. At 3 p. M. the ball team avenged their defeat of Memorial Day by defeating the Demorests, 7-2, in the most brilliantly played game ever seen here. In the evening occurred the most elaborate affair of the week, namely, the farewell assembly given by '96 to ’95. The armory had been tastefully decorated for the occasion, and with the beau tiful gowns and ornaments of the six hundred whirling figures oil the floor to add to the brightness the scene was truly grand. Such occasions are always indescribable and this Was no exception. Stopper & Fisk’s Orchestra, always excellent, seemed to excel even its own former efforts upon this occasion, and only one word de- The Free Lance. Budd Gray, David Leslie Patterson, Jr, ll Utility the Criterion of Worth.” Ralph Lashelle MacDonald. Melvin Jesse Kiefer. [June, “ The Monroe Doctrine.” ” The Coming of Liberty.” ' 1 The Ideal Voter. ’ ’ Byron Barnes Horton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers