SUITS mid OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The finest line of Woolens always on hand-all through the year. Children’s Clothing. JVtontgomepy & Co., Talons, J. A. AIKENB. Pianos and Organs to rent. Piotures. Jewelry. I.adles' Coats. Music §tors. 31 Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. B. C. ACHENBACH, Confectioner ©atererl^ ICE C#Efl|W flflD FRUIT ICES PUT UP IN STYLES. OYSTERS. 17 and 19 m mieoneny si., • Beiieionto. Telephone, 1134. JJS.S, H, HOLMES, —DEALER IN— Dry Hoods, Groceries and Provisions. Students' Supplies a Specialty. Qlve Us a Trial BTATH COXjXjHCKEJ, SP.A.. AbVERTISEMENTS. A large and varied assortment of HATS, CAPS GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Storm Coats a Specialty. Bellefonte. ♦ Pa. Mingles Shoe Stor BROCKBRHOFF HOUSE BLOCK, Bellefonte, Lies’ ruin tt’ Fine at A Specialty. W. L. FOSTER, STATE COLLEGE, - PENN’A, iDEALER INI Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tome and Pocket cuiiei Drugs, nedlclnes, Paints, Oils, Dried Fruit and Qarden Seeds. Flour and Feed. Excellent Livery Attached. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1888. And the AWABD at OHIOAGO. Wo make not only flno point pens llko 303-404-170-004 but also tho coarser business pens like 332, 601, 878, 1008 others. Joseph Gillott & Sons, Now York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers