SUITS and OVEBOOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundanoe. u 1 , ,' i The finest' line of Woolens always on hand—dll through the year. Childrens Clothing. Storm Coatt a Specialty OO J. A. AIKENS AIKEN® 9 tPianos ~ and Organs , torenti Jewelry. Zadies * Coats. B. B. Achenbacl}, . BAKiet. eOMFEOTtQNiEB AND , , Mien ail M Ices pat ap ii all Styles OYSTERS. I i __ ' ' —t Bishop Street, Bellefonte. t— . Telephone 044. : ■ JUS. H. HOLMES, : ~_» =: = ®bESLER . i Dity Goods, Gt*oeemes * . * & Provisions. • STIiItJEXT'IS SUPPLIES A ' SPECIALTY. *?4~1 § 8 8 8 1 f~ 8 8 1 8 8. 8 Give un a, Ti*lul. STATE COLLEGE, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS. -* Bellefonte, * Pa.**-, 1 __ , { Music Stored No, Hi Alleyheny St., Bellefonte Pa. A large and varied assortment of HATS,’ CAPS and ' GENTLEMEN'S furnishing goods, '' , jyijINGLiES jgHOE gTOI^Ej BROCKERHOFFHOUSE BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA., Ladies' aid Gents’ File Shoes a Specially. W.' It. «o3>a.s«a. h-JDEALER INJ-i- DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ■ IJABLE AND jpOOKET, OUTLEBY, DRUGS, MEDICINES', PAINTS, OILS, ' - Dried Fruits and Garden Seeds, —FLOUR AND F£ED.>- EXCELLENT LIVERY ATTACHED.' GU-LOTpg si&teet 'UPene. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878., Celebrated Numbere, 303-404^170-604-332, 1 and Al# other etyleemali be had Of all dealert throughout the world, ' Joieph Oillott & Sons, Now York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers