KMABE GRAND SQUARE and UPRIGHT, t PIANO t FORTES, t FIFTY YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. a,ollu '"ivo iitliilnod an UNl’Uit- CirASltD l Rlt-KMINJiNOIfi, which oslubllshos them ua uiioiiualloil in TONE, WORKMANSHIP, TOUCH & DURABILITY. ( 1I‘2 Fifth Avunuc, Now York. iYaiikiioumsis Noh.22mid !M East lialtlmnroSlrool, Ualllmoro.Mil, (.No, 817 Markot Space, Washington, ]J. 0. Heller tfc Brlglitly, -:--Surveying Instrument Manufacturers,--:-- llidgo Avo. and Spring Oardon St., Pliiln., I’a. Holler & llrlglitly’H liiHtriiinonta tiro exclusively uaod for imriioaoa of In- Htruotlon nil Columbia College (School of Mliioh) MiinHnuhiiHoUu Colleges of Toeli oology, Hholliohl Sol. School of Yale College.. WcKlorn Uulvorally of l’oniia. Flak IJnlvoraltv. Orogon State Uulvorally. CalllornlaSlnlo Uiilvuralty. Dartmouth College. Maine Stale Collogo. Thu l’uiiiiaylviiiiln Slate College. liHtabllHlu'.il INX •All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles. Sole Acgnts for Renowned Faotoi 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Ave., Cor. 18th St., New Y ADVERTI EIMER & Chemicals and Chemical Appar Bohemian Glassware, Nickelware, G< Glass Goods, Platinaware, German 1 celains, Balances and Weights, Microscopes, Collections, &c., &c. SEMENTS, gJu)j).(ii'l(fs iitti ®a SUCCESSORS TO JOSEPH P. KEELER, &tate College CENTRE CO., PA. Steam Heat, Good Lvery, Experienced Management. S. S, GRIEB, Proprie AMEND, Importers and Manufacturers 1303 ARCH KataMh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers