Miss Hill, the director of the gymnasium at Wellesley College, proposes to teachthe gills how to play lacrosse. She says that is a dignified Johns Hopkins University draws a conservative line as to the admission of women, and tolerates them only in the medical department. The business managers of the baseball and foot ball teams at Rutgers have been allowed 80 per ■cent, of all excess of receipts over expenditures. It is probable that the Harvard, Yale, Prince ton and University of Pennsylvania baseball teams will play the New York League team during The coliege yell is purely an American inven tion, and is unknown in other countries. In Eng land the students simply cheer or scream the name of their college or university, no attempt being made at a rhythmical yell as in this country. At the International Congress of Amateurs, held in Paris last June, it was decided to re-estab lish the Olympic games, and the committee re solved to hold the first series at Athens in 1896. In 1900 the games will be held in Paris, and the meeting of 1904 will probably be held in the United States. Student oiatory will be excluded from Yale’s commencement exercises in the future. An ex ercise that requires several weeks’ work upon a speech that is limited to eight minutes, and deliv ered before people who don’t want to hear it, and and who are auditors only because they have to be', has no place in a college curriculum.— Ex. It ought to be abolished. Everyone is bored by student oratory at commencement exercises. EX CHANGES. A young MlcUUoman Chemistry tough, While mixing a compound of stougli, Dropped a match in t he phial, And in a brief whlal, They found his front tooth and one cough, THE FREE LANCE. Gin.—A trap. Virgin.—A man trap. —O. IV. U. 2 But strange to say, it’s the kitid of tn likes to find himself caught in. Prof. James put his hands in his trousi ets, leaned back in his chair, and remarlt off-hand way: “There is on primal tel reagibility in a protoplasm.” A wan grateful intelligence lighted up the eagt faces of the class —Harvard Advocate. How dear to our hearts is Cash on subscription, When the generous subscriber Presents it to view ; liut the man who don't pay— We refrain from description, For, perhaps, gentle reader, That man might be you. * * * ■Host be the tie that binds Thu collar lo my shirt. Willi gorguous silken front it hii At least a week of dirt. A CIIKMICAf, TRAGEDY. Our Willie passed awuy to day, His fuco we'll see no more, What Willie thought was 1120 Proved 112 Sol. -.Hum * * ■A man. A RONDEAU. Witli plpo and bowl when duy is done And all my cares gone with llio sun, And fires are lit and candles shine, 1 sit alone,—the world is mine, Though battles may be lost and won. I care not for the vapid fun Ofolubs or routs,—mankind I shun ; For solitude is most divine With pipe and bowl, How sweet the smoky minutes run Scarce note I time when I've begun. Give me my punoh and take your ■ For France’s brands L do not pine, Nor envy richest port in tun, With pipe and bowl. —A ’otre Dm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers