No. 2 Planer and Matcher. Planes 24 in. wide, 6 in. thick; matches 12 In. wide; specially designed for custom work in small plan ing mills, carpenter shops, technical schools col leges, etc. Makes, siding, moldings, beading, flooring, etc, A low priced and a favorite machine. n. ray & E6nn co. 165-185 W. Front St., Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. EntahUshCfl t 8&. Al! kinds of Testing Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles. Sole Agents for Renowned Factories 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Ave.. Cor. 18th St., New York. ADVERTISEMENTS, ONE OF OUR =—SPECIALTIES-: is the out-fitting of Colleges, Technical Schools, Religious Insti- tutions, Trade De, partinenls, Etc. No. 2 Universal Wood-Worker. With Upright Mandrel. Main Head, wUl Planes and edges at one operation. The Largest Line Will make glue Joints j plane out of wind; clinm for; cross gain, groove, cut straight, circular or wave moldings, tongue and groove, plane taper, rip and cross-out sawing, boring, routing, etc. select From. g en( j f or Q a f a | ogue> information, gtc. Originators, Introducers and Constructors of EIMER & AMEND, Chemicals and Chemical Apparatus. Bohemian Glassware, Nickelware, German Glass Goods, Platinaware, German Por celains, Balances and Weights, , Microscopes, Collections, &c., &c. in the U. S. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY OP THE MOST IMPROVED and PROGRESSIVE TYPE Importers and Manufacturers ttißl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers