SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The finest line of Woolens always on hanel—all through the year. @o.y j. A. AIKENS AIKENS 9 Pianos and Oi fff/ns to rent . pictures. | Jewelry. | Xo ' l,l Alte l> l,et ‘» st -’ Ladies ’ Coats. | _ Bellefonte Pa B. 6. Aehenkaslj, MKKR, eONFECTIONER ©-A- V-I-R-B-R. Ice-Cream ani Frnit Ices put op io all Styles. OYSTERS. —t Bishop Street, Bellefonte t Telephone 044. JUS. M. HOLMES, *T=®DEiaER INs=*-*' Dry Goods, Groceries * * it Provisions. STUUEXT’S SUPPLIES A SPEVIALTY. i^T' B 8 8 8 8 8 8" 8 8 8 8 8 Give nw a Trial. STATE COLLEGE, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS. Children’s Clothing:* Storm Coats a Specialty -♦•Bellefonte, * Pa.*- « Music Stored A large and varied assortment of HATS, CAPS and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODB. ]y[mGliES JQhOE gfTOI^E, BROCKERHOFF HOUBEBLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA. Lata’ anil Geits’ File Shoes a Specialty. W« &« 79BMSU a«ava comaaea, -+$ DEALER I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, rjIABLE AND JJOOKET DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dried Fruits and Garden Seeds, —FLOUR AND FEED.— EXCELLENT LIVERY ATTACHED. G'LLOJPq ! 'vPensi. j GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, IS7B. | Hit Celebrated Humbert, ) 309-404-170-604-302, > and lilt other tlyltt may be had of aU dealert \ throughout the world. ’ Joaeph Gillott & Sons, n«w York, j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers