rowing ten cents of the Instructor in Ancient Babylonish Languages, started for the barber shop, trying meanwhile to screw his courage to the sticking point of demanding a clean towel. M. J. T. —The annual report of the College will be out the latter part of this month. —The history class which was previously taught by Miss McElwain has been taken by Professor Sparks. —Hereafter the catalogue will be published in the Fall term as it was for the first' time last' ses- —The enrollment this term shows that the number of permanent students has increased over previous years, —Mr. Brown, of Williams College ’9l, who had several years of practical chemistry in New York city, is assistant chemist in the laboratory, having had the position since the beginning of the term. —During vacation the post-office was remod elled, the boxes rearranged and another entrance door put in so as to give the public more room. Let the good work go on, it is not half large enongh yet. —The Freshmen are taking chemistry this term, four recitations a week and four hours of practicum. Formerly it was taken up first in the Sophomore year, but by the present arrangement in taking the subject early in the course, abetter idea will be obtained of it and at the same time it will be better fixed in mind. THE FREE LANCE. —Miss Foster entertained her many friends with a whist party on the evening of Dec. 22nd. —The State College band deserves great credit for the good music it furnished at Harrisburg on the 15th. —The informal entertainment at the home of Mrs. MacDonald on the evening of Dec. 21st passed off pleasantly, and was enjoyed by all present. —T he Christian Endeavor society gave a social at the house of Mrs. McKee, on Friday evening of last week. The many present were delighted with the entertainment. —The students are all glad to welcome Miss McElwain back again after having been absent during the greater part of last term to take a much needed rest. —The Misses Clarke entertained their many friends in the spacious apartments of the Inn on the evening of Dec. 29th. The decorations were beautiful, and everything was arranged in a man ner conducive to a good time. Mrs. McKee entertained the young people of State College at her home on the evening of Dec. 20th This was a delightful gathering, and all are indebted to the hostess for one of the most pleasant evenings of vacation. The poverty party at the house of the S. A. E. fraternity on the evening of Dec. 28th was unique and enjoyed by all present. There were many appropriate costumes, and all agreed in their assurances of a pleasant evening. —The Farmer’s Institute given at the hqme of the Misses Patterson on the evening of Dec. 26th, was more than a success, and highly appreciated by all those present. The event was in honor of Miss Hutchinson, of Washington, D. C. —The young people of Stale College and Le mont assembled at the Phi Kappa Sigma house on the last evening of the year and ushered the new year in with dancing. All were robed in white and masked until half of the evening had passed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers