siat4z4, - % 4'I4'4VLD4 0VU43%.4e1ti0 --4•TDEALER DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, TA EL E AND pooK ET CUTLERY, DRUGS, AIEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dried Fruits and Garden Seeds, -FLOUR AND FEED,- Eai►:{d ih~~M : 4~~4i~~ai ; b~ 4~'J _ C.:las~! Established 1851 All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles. Sole Agents for Renowned Factories. 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Ave.,Cor. ISth St., New York... ADVERTISEMENTS EIMER & AMEND, Chemicals and Chemical Apparatu Bohemian Glassware, Nickelware, Germa Glass Goods, Platinaware, German Por celains, Balances and Weights, Microscopes, Collections, &c., &c. LLOYD LAUNDRY SHIRT MA.NUFACTURING COMP Nos. ill AND 11.13 WILLOW STREET, WEST, SECOND 1)000 ADOVII PINE STREET, WILLIAMSPORT, ESTABLISHED 1841. W. R. Braohbill, No. 20, Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa Dealer in and Importer of *FURNITURE * AND .* BEDDIN parlor Furniture, Library .Furnitur CHAMBER FURNITURE. Special Pact Utica, for Parnishing Prater Chapter Houses. Importers and Manufacturers ---AND--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers