run of 15 yds. and Atherton kicks goal. Kick-off . caught by Curtin who makes a run of to yds. Hoskins, State's veteran centre, is here compelled to leave the field. Fisher takes his place at cen tre, and Dole fills the vacancy at right guard. After gains by Robison, Suter, Atherton and Har ris, Curtin makes a nice run of 15 yds., Robison gains 4 yds., Harris and Curtin 2 yds, each, and Suter 8 yds. A cross-pass between Atherton and Suter results in a short gain, followed by gains of 6 and 5 yds. by Curtin and Suter and 8 yds. by Atherton. Atherton tries for field goal but fails, and the ball is kicked from to yd. line by Gettys burg. Harris catches and makes a brilliant run of 3o yds. Time called. Score : Gettysburg o State 36. The second half opens with kick-off by Gettys burg, Suter catches making to yds. and is fol lowed with a run of 25 yds. by Harris. Curtin gains 4 . yds. Robison doubles that, and Sitter is forced outside after a run of ts, yds: Curtin gains 7 yds., Atherton 2 yds. and Suter makes a touchdown. Atherton kicks goal. Robison catches kick-off and makes a short run following with a gain of 5 yds. Atherton gains 3 yds. and Suter makes a touchdown after a run of 65 yds., the most brilliant play of the game. Atherton kicks goal. Gettysburg kicks for 3o yds. Harris catches for a run of ro yards. Robison and Atherton gain S yds. each, and Suter* ro yds. Atherton fails to gain and Harris loses t yd. The ball goes to Gettysburg who fail to gain and kick on third down. Robison catches for a short gain. After runs of 2o yds. by Suter 15 yds. by Robison and shorter gains by Harris and Curtin, Atherton makes a touchdown and kicks goal. • Gettsyburg's full back kiCks for 5o yds. and Robison catching carries the ball back to the center of the -field al most equalling Suter's long run. • Harris arid Robison together gain 8 yds. Suter gains 35 yds. and after a loss of 2 yds. by Suter, Atherton makes a touchdown and kicks goal. Robison again catches kickoff and makes a run of 35 yds. After some short gains, Harris loses ball to Gettys• MNM2M=I burg who gains i yd. in two rushes and then kicks for a short gain, Atherton injures his ankle and Thompson takes his place. Gettysburg gets ball on fumble and makes two short gains. Curtin, Thompson and Robison make short gains, but ball goes to Gettysburg when time is called. Score second half; --Gettysburg o, State 24. The following gives the positions of players. Apple Byers left tackle....J. G. Dunsmore. Menges left guard Cap. Fisher & Dole. Ronk center Hoskins & Fisher, Manges.. Kendig.. Mickler. Keefer.. White., Louden Smith.. Score—First half, State 36, Gettysburg 0. Second half State 24, Gettysburg 0. Total, State 60, Gettysburg 0. Touchdowns, Suter 4, Atherton 3, Robison 1, J. A. Dunsmore 2. Goals, Atherton 10. Referee J. M. Wolf. Lineman, M. J. Thompson. Umpire, &hies. Attenance 500. State gave to Lafayette the worst defeat she has ever experienced on a foot-ball field, and succeed ed in piling up the largest score ever made by a State College eleven, on Saturday afternoon, October zoth. Four hundred people saw the game, and went wild over a victory which ex ceeded their fondest expectations. State's play ing was marvelous, her interference, tackling and running being almost faultless. She had little chance for any defensive work, but what there was, was of the finest kind. Lafayette had no interfer ence at all, while their tackling was avretched. Following is the game in detail : —Lafayette won toss and chose west goal. Atherton kicks 55 yds. Lafayette returns and ball goes outside, and se cured by State. Taken in to yards. Robison 7 yds., Harris z yds., Atherton 3 yds., Robison and Suter r Yd. each, Atherton 3 yds. followed by a touchdown by Suter. Time four minutes. Atherton kicks goal. Lafayette kicks 45 yds., GETTYSBURG. ,right guard Dixon. right tackle...T. A. Dunsmore, right end Curtin. ~quarter hack ..left, halt hack right bait back.,, hall back State 72, Lafayette 0 POSITION. Harris, .left end .MeCaskey. Suter. .. Robison .Atherton
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