The Orvis prize for the highest rank in mathe matical studies in the Sophomore year was award ■ ed as follows: First, William Silliman ; second, John B. Hench, third, John White. The election of officers of the’ Alumni Associa tion resulted as follows : president, John I. Potter, ’62, of Bellefonte; secretary and treasurer, Miss E. B, Patterson, ’B5, of State College; historian, Prof. Wm. A. Buckhout, ’6B, of State College. •At the third Rhetorical exhibition of this term, May 25, the following men took part: William son ’93, Damon, Dickinson Banks and Barndollar ’94, Baumgardner, E. H. Harris, Price, Scott, Rutherford, Oliveina, Wilsen, and Wieland of ’95. The base ball team of the preparatory depart ment played a game with the Bellefonte Academy team on the athletic grounds May 20, defeating them by a score of 22-11. June 4th, a return game was played in Bellefonte in which Academy boys were defeated by a score of 9-10. At a meeting of the athletic association on Monday evening, June 9th, the students of the college showed in a measure their appreciation of the interest taken by ex-Governor James A. Beav er, in our college athletics, by naming the athletic grounds after him, which will hereafter be known as the Beaver field. The contest of the preparatory students for the Oratorical and Rhetorial prizes was held in the chapel on the afternoon of June 3d. The oratori cal prize, which was offered for the composition and delivery of the best oration, was awarded to Mc- Cormick, and second to Lytle. The rhetorical prize was won by Trout; second Gingerich. The battalion was inspected Friday, June 10th, by Major , the government inspecting offi cer. The order of the drill was, review, inspec tion, and the battalion, company, bayonet and skirmish drills. Considering the length of time in which the cadets have drilled according to the new regulations they made a very creditable ap pearance. THE FREE LANCE. The annual address before the alumni was de livered in the college chapel on Tuesday evening, June 14th, by the Hon. W. U. Hensel, Attorney General of Pennsylvania. He selected as his theme, “The Ideal in Oratory” and proved him self to be an eloquent and fluent speaker. Music was furnished by the Stopper and Fisk orchestra from Williamsport. Stopper and Fisk, the well known Williamsport orchestra, were engaged for commencement. Their pleasing and attractive music enchanted all who heard them. The most fastidious were charmed. For the lovers of classical music they rendered selections from Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner, and for lovers of modern they played the brilliant parts of the latest light operas. The members of the faculty gave a reception to the alumni and their friends, in the armory on Tuesday evening, June 14th, immediately after the address to the alumni. Refreshments were served. The object of this gathering is each year to promote the general interest and in crease the bonds which hold the graduates to their alma mater, and the object was certainly realized by all present on this occasion. The debate between the representatives of the Cresson and Washington Literary societies took place in the chapel'Friday evening, May 28th, before a large audience. The question was—“ R esolved that the annexation of Canada to the Unit ed States is desirable.” Dr. Atherton presided. The Cresson, which had the affirmative side, was represented by Loyd and Pratt, ’92, and Will iamson, ’93. The Washington speakers were, Hile and Pond, ’92, and Brewer ’94. The con test was very close as was shown by the judges’ decision which was 2 to 3 in favor of the Cresson society. The prize was $25, which is to be used for the Society library. This was the first debate of the kind ever held in the college and it is hoped that it will be set down as a regular event on the college calandar. The Theta Nu Epsilon Banquet.—The fifth
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