Oliver Wendell Holmes commenced his liter ary career as an editor of a college journal. The fall meeting of the Central Inter-collegiate Press Association will be held in Philadelphia, on the 29th of November. Harvard was founded in 1648,, Yale in 1701, Columbia in 1739, Princeton in 1746, and Dart mouth in 1760. Mrs. Susan Brown recently gave $lOO,OOO to Princeton which will be used to build another dormitory, similar to that now being erected on the campus. In a German university, a student’s matricu lation card shields him from arrest, admits him at half price to theatres, and takes him free to the art galleries. Ogden, Utah, was the scene recently of the the laying of a corner stone for a new university. Letters were read from many prominent persons, including Gladstone, Blaine, Depew and others. The attendance at the University of Michigan is uuprecedented and bids fair to be larger than that of any other American University. There have already been registered in all the departments, 2,244 students, and it is expected that the tota registration will reach 2,500. LANCE LETS. Sing a song of Bosnian Coming up to college, Thinking wlmt n lot ho knows In every branch of knowledge. But when exams are over, And ho lias “flunkod" thorn all, 110 will then dlsoovor Ills learning very small. Tho Vassal 1 girls say, As at vespers tlioy pray, Help us good maidens to be ; Glvo us patience to wait Till some subsequent date; World without men—all—mo I THE FREE LANCE. TRAOBDY. Spcdntuv “An original package” case—a tortoise si AN ODB TO ANTHONY AND BRACKBTT. Though many times the midnight oil lias burm ’Tls little from this book wo over learned. Its dcolded inoonslstenoe Is the bane of our existence, And its authors Into ashes should be turned. THB t'ROFBR OAPER. Take a “trot” horse Into elass—why, of course To see a stem tutor Beeomo very cross. And show what respeet In his “ribs" for roposo By reading your “pony” Bight under his nose. THE FAIR MAID WHOM MANY COURT. As the smoko from my Hookah arlsos, And the rings float away into space, I see an ethereal vision ; A maiden with hcavonly grace. Lovingly beckons she to me, And points to the treasures that sluno, To honors and pleasures and rlolies, Whispers tlioy all shall be mino. Although tho proud world may seek To oovor my offortß with shame, I’ll strugglo through hardship and toll, U ntll I win thee, fall 1 Famo. LA ORANDB PASSION. Would I could 11 vo and love upon tho stage, Where hearts are generous, blood flows free and stroi Love's vows aro deathless, liate Is deep and long, Wo only play at love in this oold age. A shephord maiden strays through woodland glailo, A huntsman clad In Llnaoln greon am I. I gazo, she sighs, tho ohase’s rout goes by, For love Is all, bonoath tho groen wood shade. Her father's rich—ho has a cruel oyo, While I am poor but noble, tall and proud. Tho fifth aot has a wedding or a shroud, For I have sworn to win my lovo or die. We only play at lovo in thiß oold ago, A summer’s idyl gilds the lagging hours; Now loves will bud whoro blow the now spring flowoi Would that I could live and lovo upon tho stage. Spectator. Cornelian),
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers