11 lIM 0 1 , • „ tic 2., 1 _:,,, 0 i i tie, leaven rtmt zoninarv..d 1 • i , ~. •,• -., - . , -,-- 1, • July - 2'3:1 , , ilks^-, ,----'l ll ' fl; Sih A dernin yea? li a . St terta u I a 1 C 2, ` r' ` ).— 1 ' V of tlii, 4 inYtitutis4o 4itteoilin'ilm:l TI.10:4-' 1 .:" ' Per-I. `" 14 e lll ''' 1.1.-it the - 2Stli nt Au 3 usi - icrl nrol dontincp; , I '.''• ; 1 r' , ‘-`• 10161 '.? 0 - i'.l)) ,' ;•-• s It) rus cloi ig itio 2btlt kit 1 1 • I a 's, •-, i ;t _i, l „, , 4.lt .........Itif.E. . , 4,4 1 1 '4'l' N;, , e , ut•er, , i ; ; t• ' 3 W"" rt '''''' . ;''' "' i RI:V. I,:. T TAILOR, A. NI PTinbipal. ? 1 t 1 ` '- 1 " 'in'i?'' `r c'ar 1 Mi:zi A o. T.1,17,1,01L. ituverw44. er . i r...att:re or so.;• I i i : , 1:3. t) L. iaNG, t. M., ftior. - -ist , ii;tal:t. is ...ii peetate i a elugle 2 , 41 ;A ! $l. p Roligst. si..comi. 1 - E earin2 it I .e: - 'n td .r. i - -.0. m . --r.' ViOtt rIiII.CGTO:. bra Very 'Truly, j er. _ E. `I. Stour. , a . k .i. AL :TEINTrey.., Paiu,,ting at , I I `.' , ~ • ---. I t I `,rdong tae 1)...0,5i1ig adstuttag.s 1 • amo, Jill) :: 1 31r - 1 ,1 `; 13 . 1 ; ert-I'ti.:it are the, foliuyiug: • j r Ib : ,he I rintipril . has beer 1' 1 ! II P II U 4r1:: , • • ‘'.l% ••I MEE Ell WM El Mini 41P ; 1 1 1,:,'• CIEE 113:MMI uout • • nk.:r-r, L. • 'VI i~~ltil9, A:a Of%tlP' . I I t.lf DI 1 :1,4.7, :1,4.7, SEIM tlee-: in i t . ! ed frills] the gri.:t.i . li) . .', t , whjig fjr.sevtilteett 'Tears and I,i , h . .. , . ,i;:i., e: vor,rir.::ndeifta; “fr,pectiLl•,l' •• i,,,, i i it ,i to h i m 1,.r0f. . t , 5; 0 0. 1 , • r _ ,I. , , . f',.'att 4-ev,r , ..-i - mriit." Fo:•s.ri.r:.l .1. - t• T-rs I • ...s.! lile. lin i no ce•hgregolion orotir ratgattert i: tii s'tifte , -M every/ o' ~n tri,‘ river tv.i/ l diviiie, Ids atlet4iou'hiit ali lti b energice are gry '4. - tht 4ring ...iy 1i,::,. wi , r•i. t ~ -, - Itent,2., 1... i, r I vu to it .e ,ehnoi. .v . . i i . . ' t ,ie , ly 'bag dei•tvoY''' tLe • r.- - '' .`--`, 8 !!' 1 :/ 1 ~.,1 Cie FAcalLy of;tilDinte:tt!ittil'-iN mien"' - i,y iiti.ting ; ii :iiitiititiY.itd sti•Tigtn. i ~... i i n i ‘it ,,i ni ,„ iit?i, i i tt p ity i,rl:l ft itift " .!as by ctlikl3y, Yi.iilrn. D. :c. 2.!111i0N. c ,' i tli.,: tit{ t, ; , :nilitr liti,titittit4l. I- ii i i • -- Li , , , '', ' l •, i • r ik _ ,. I , , q *til v Vow:: r.u: perctii , ve i..ni env , .iil- , iftiptis ti ,, ili - e rimer.. t.eiie do att.. /41.'4 weilqy: . l•" - ~.; mid !Ape mid 'l,' - "iii:o - ." l.r . i. , :is. .. , :ii ili^ I :itlt .sii-eiitl‘..ttearto is given' to he Cotuntl)n i ,..-„I, tivi :ii, ,: , ;,t, t)e.st, n.ii.i. •-,-,. re,;..i.d. of . ...:4I ~:1, . ). I.ilrittichtit aLd etliirte Wade to rend .t. the traFn• Ali•i; :•••-r IkAte .41 an r,•••:,..0...t.,:, , ,, I..;riz4ist.a wi l di i•,,,, nr v ti ca i. .- ,• , , . •_ li (:.anire ir. , . ee.g. • , - ' • ' , I ' tiro 1.4- l 4 litiirii , r'.i4va l .,t?tgec fur acii9 - • Print-4.44 ftr.l . 11.1 It Al 116;16 cl,.rr, I iz - S .1•,1,1r, : awi 1f..A. - ii:D.i.i.t ‘l l bsfr i 1 u, al.o OiVt'il Sift_ T, I!i ,- .1 . 4,•in - . I, 1 7 .1.'..• ,:zich 0e., , , 0..,k ibf I .70, 'l' , ..tnis arembdrrithi.and tai r....Ln L..." t.....,:g .- N..Y. :AI - 141e. 24 • ' 1 I filvi,rilyly vri.ih /my, Instil uti , ,n, e' f,, 44t-,- Ji •tI,N Wll.l' - 'N. .: Ali 1 ha:lnc int.) critiiileratiiin the sti.et) i - - 71.1.til‘,inrsta . ca offeied blv this over Itr.y• i•:Vig • I I Ai i a , Appare.tiis frt . lllttdratilig ill l ike) , ..' . I tit!, Lii . ..4l.lrES on %iirioug.l.uldvet '. ?:: I . •'\ , 4..), I=l ~ ice. I r•il i Teri c.iit utertkin T• es.li,y,l, r' ' ' Ti - 1 • N -•.' I _ 4 ' 1.i.' 0 ,' , 11• c;ii.iii. ,ur bi i ny,•, iir, ~ hit tligi, - : _ . - r ,t..,r St4,3vti "NalikueliCPA DeCcuaLCe ilik 'c; !:1.,:: E. rill eh I ith, I'B6'l. :Si.ring I,r.ii , iices, .lialc4:'Atli, - it.,;;1,• clotesl , i . z t Ic•.•l. I [i• I . ' , - - : , , ~..-• . 1 • . - E l s:l l E'it - L.• a 1 ' , .., '-: . ' r ro ll:J. . .1.1 j Re t 'use t' =NE ES ',z).' Ir., .----',. , j _- A ,' 7 - arI LL ' . SP' 1 is tll lI6 A t mir j il.l 110 ' 17.1 - iiirW . -L. , • iiimi 1.-- , .....,. - , E 2321 o _ igt ..... ,...., ," '7% c.sE 11 00 r e 10 I ... ....c II . • lIN i • ,A) ..• 4 0 • 41!`, - 41 , • Cm. rin ir t irt lig Ea sar Po • rMiisie.— Lessons en Piano, per To I 31,..1ad e 0n I,o,l6tiiihr $. I 00 I ' • SIO I ' Daily use of Instrument Painting in Oilai I Embroidery or Drawing f'r - [ Venal Mukic—frde to 3lnsie i , li i , others I ' , ,:l :i..% ESTABLII- For tut thcr pantilularsadd-ess ti ; • - . MONROE f ENT. li . _ ,- 1 _.:..,_______l_ _ . .;. c „. ' P difl. ICidi T 0 N ' lIIOIVARD I ASS()CI ,_ , ... infg lett eto 121101171 the 1 . rticiJtFiELPHI. - ;- •tee opened a New Dye- 1 , • , 1 4 lil th.. , ; , ,at c , , lnt .". Sc.,' Itri g h- 1 A gcnevvlear fitatindina ethibliiiized jihy li , ..ir, l,:her of Cotton, 1 eperioll'Enanzeniebt, Jr the Lebo . / o - s,die „,,..,, a ok i ..llfortor,--, Cloaks. I Sti X. Gat/ DiNirecr.etio , :reted tcith Vitu , - 'I an ;l '..!lr rry ..ga.als, 6:e , 1 1,7.'1 purl Eitht ent i c 1,1; $ r , ),:e s , and f:pe I! I to till he , t ra..nut r. . . / ft he IC er . D o f I ~.]. ,i , .., 1 4 0 4 „„„rei so as (11 /1/ , '-'r r nr -'r . I P7' lle '' ~ 'r Le I to .0.v.i. , 1 - hey will alao B‘ ll lo l Or:P"w• . I 1 `P ' ,. 1 . f . tle , :htit.t., , .. . 1 11 F.DICAL .`.‘ by ICE giNeir"gruti=. by ,the !, -1 of Le , ' undo:it:olle 1.1-1-I 'acting Siii , ler, : to all Who aipidy hi 1,, t ,., rom e tly ~..ne and warranter. with a de,,crintion of tkut co tditi.J7a. (ige i.:' , .i• re, .s m:' o:is,. Droadw.v. , Gce9Pation, haws vf life, Sc..) Aria in ease , s of ht. lez'Yl / ~ 1 et c'l l cxtrenie p.vtrt:, , , MetliLines furnished fr.'el of i t- ••:t ..Is - F• ? Gr,El3 l charge. , I , 1 - * ' U''E rt PT 6' 1 r 1 ”-, ' ' . I -in. tai old that he has ) 1, AI A. , L It .1 01. $ on . p.-, tnatorrhera, 4 1 "' ' t-t• ..t.. o.t I ‘e .. s, !Dyer for dresses... 2 rind othet Di-retECZ of toe Sexual Orans. -lid on ;.1... :-.-in , stiviufacturers. to } he NUN bESIEDIES•employed in l the Di-pim te his fq... 1113 I - 11 11 refer. may ??, tit l e.trysent . to the afflicted in bc:11.4..d ;Etter l e' . 1 .,, I I . , i• i elopes, free of rhurge. Two or three atatcps 1 :.. OVID : ... ....INt:W .GOOD 3. f,,r pLstage will! aceeptlble ' 4 ' ~ 1 Addreas, Dr . NEILLIN 1101:011T0N,1,A,c -: N , , Ting 'ku rgeon, - 11 'ward 4.1540ci ,tiont No., 28 oth I Nii.t . arrest, till delphia, Pa. , I! I 1 ItVorder of the Orectors.' f I : GEO, FAIRCiItD, Se. ret•iry. ~- , • I EZRA Dill KART ll't LL. Vre.idet t. : I M .IINITO o , 0: - 11 i 1 110 W LOST, IIOW HEI:iI01111 . 1) 1 , t I UST published, in a .9 Eril LEIII ) 1 - a VE.IIMI:. 1.1 On the Natuie, TrF itment, laud ..d i cal 1 Cere l of .SPI:101'AT011itlIOEA, I. er 'Sint nal Vt eal.iiet-., '...4 , .xtn . t i l I.llity.N4,vousees. ) ittni I In‘oinotary Emun., , sio. iedtl.7irg lir.pote V lia IA Aleut:ll on I I hlsical Incapacity.l , 1 BY HOB. J. 121.71;r1:11WELL, M , 1),, , ' • ~ • ~ , , tArilhor '/ the "Green Lgrai , k " d.-c 1 . I " rot 1 The, important_ fart that the law f ul elt;se• quenees of gelf-aba,e tray be 'elrectually,; re move 1 without internal medicine. or the Iden -1 I gelollii Applleatlo7'.9 Of caustics, i nstrum ent:, medieuted boogies, nod other 'einpirical tlevi- Ise's, is here c;learly demonstrated: and the j en tirely nen Fuld highly .uccessful4rentmenr, Ns i adopte'd by the celebrated aut/or aily cxoain.- ied, by meauslof;which every one i s enabled to , cure hiMself perfectly, and at the Feist poseild e. • cei.t. thereby asoiditig all the at yertised I now 'trums of the , lday. This Lector will pr.:ire a ' boon to thousands add thousand, 1 i Fent under seal to any addreSs, po se pan jj It, on ' the receipt of tiro postage ,staruPs, by addres ' sing Dr. Cu. , d. 0. MANE, )l. D., tlf 4 o First . Avenue. Nevaork. Post Box 458 l• [jy 25 --_--1----,- - '1" -- - I . ' Ullail AGE GUIDE - - - l i i , .---....... TqwF.ING a pri. ate instructor : P.r B married per-ot s, or Shaer -41 r-iiar those. about to he married, both male and female, in everything cone. rning'the phySiology and'relations of our salmi system, and:the production or preventatitin of offspring Inclnding all the Crew' e, di , coverie's never before given in the English langune, by %Vtt. Youv't, 31„ n. This is really h valuable'antl intjrcsltug 1 , 4 rk. It is Written in plain lab urge tor ; the general reader, , and ie. illustrated with nuttier- oue l ; Engravings, 1 All young married pedple,,, or those contemplating morriagi4 and_ htitiug iheleast impediment to married tiro, should read this book. It di.eloses secrete that every Gni , should be acquainte . 4 wit ; still it Pia u hook thai maid be locked up, sod not lie fibunt the boner. It will be sent to al' ono oa the , .. receipt of fwenty-five cents, in e'ecie or post age stamper ; Address Dr. Wm. usa, N 0.1416 ,Sprace street, above 4th. Philad :pbia. ,! SM. AFFLICTEDR- `l4 TUNATE.!---No matter,, AN II FO wha m tie4our disease, before you place' youriel Joder the earn of any one of the notorious I setz_,,s— na. tive or foreign—who advertise in this any other paper', get a copy 'of,. either oil Dr. Young's Books, and read it cart fully. It , v. ill be'g the ruerne of saving ck.ll ra.my u .dtillar, your ltealth,'undpossib_ly T ypnr life. il ct Dr. TouN'' can be h - cmadlted ion any 4 e e Li., -.Ns:Jibed in;frig publication., at 19 ()Mee. No, -116 Spruce street; ahtve 4th. (-:r3: s ; , fir' "S EN , DIE 'A, AND . -t, -3 1[5,1115 - frrher:".. that tfieN rtic , f , tirina E;tl t 's •!Ir_2. S ' I • ,t • .10%! Lli .. I ;fi / I v fru . • t,:j.woik-y, I i e r 11 ji9) , innand t : tett I .t 1 crry dyel oehdeni I, °c i s I.' • i t teu t , =;t keen; f 4 13: e ,wi: lial -.1.1 I id, 011!-A '3. A L i • I of 1:' i? I'D 1; & : I 'II '.' i" .V'r id I, c wa • Ila : ' P 4 rl Irrrr nucTer.ignetlihls rt.) 4- Iblls ni.:F 1 --- . . ‘' IFitil & 'ate' ' 1 1 \1 ' .1 11 - -; , 4-„p i s;;. q in l ":pf I)7y 11.•• • •14, LI. (rnpS; lo r t .)11 4.11.3 Wa r ,, 'TY:lYrst &•.`1:2'11 Fie I, 16. N, ti e ine kiiti :. , iiii.k,. ..,.is iars Ch.”lt) 'for 4;.0 . 1) or i' oduce. - 06 , -1?. ; L ai, 'Oil.. TI i. ---'—.! --- 1 - -- -- —,,.. • .\! , ti 1 ;:,' ~. t Z-L.V. , , t . L. 4 ,,. i ~ • r p e l.. l t :1\ r , , MEN -IPA I wvlo■ MO NER dF CLAIR • .0. • ..LT1•31. - itTy isT , • cpeue • t'll I • 4at ‘,. .s• pict a`w-iers are ft,t `, , IL. i ?eft et , ki 3 • • ' • _S A a POR•SALE-.l'/' .• 1! • 11 .? - . 97 E 17.!G0 a tame C OH Ate- Liviccd MEI of AIR ME EMI , urtlt• 1 7 D. 4 1 1 EXEuli i Eirrtrl testamentaryhaling.kten grant -... 1-4 e 1 il 2... t. sabscribers on• the estate of ..-, ,k.irrodil, dee'd, late o Ohio tp., Denvet entt 2.ct . sil• persone knowing themselves intiebe i ed to . .t -I estate are 21a:welted to make itntne li .tisyMt at s.: - .41 those hiving claims' against ti c.: -....e,tii1l , :irti. , e it the irjto tlet.j Todd, lu '-anstly, preperly a4thenti tecl for settlement. • I I . 1 I ' p.A.XI'I. TODD, • i LIE-s — l. TURD; (:r . r...'1 4 'fit Elocu tcrs. ' .. -- 1 - . 3 6;! , 2N1!•TE1t)1i S NOTICE. - :iv i ofti t E it teresiy gieto ;that letters. testa ...-..n. 11, 'n eittsry open iii. es ate of John. Miller. • _dui ;el", .1,.., Qf tto Into gh, or 'Bridgwater, 8 01 -4 1 1 : . .ont.ty, Lave he tl' i i.. anted to the untie 5- igueal. .1.11 persons i' tittout to the estate of t,hee sifi - dress'de.l are etit. ge f2.l to make r t 4ttien isnmedi•tte...y, 'an , tht,:thaving juig . elatms 4-tii.ni:t the tun-te wll 'r.,,..*ent them to thi l ialetbselhers, prrerly at the y tied fur set - Citne t: F,. li 'GINA .113 ti OR, ) ('et. 2sx.'6o. Gr F. NrAtUdiu. 1 Adill'il Al irrierett-s•haiug ins ttleeti Adminietra t.on ~.):2,.lrpt wtto ihe Ber l , ,er's °Mee during mytei trr.mll pleas. mikes eon+ en:cut to retilv 1., ' ti.fetex:4i2•2.2ln of my arm , which will be the •S' :, i. ;.-- of Suem .tr n it. Persons bar irti4ct:✓ • t uaor:g4 ,, l s; ii.e , to the office, will t• pl ci t lhautl lift hem bef re toy time expires. - Iteppectfully, e Ntob•r2lth,l;lY S, IV WILSON, 'Reg. ZWI9 t -; sl:2.p4rp.r exN i 1 xati , ing tviiich,costs twenty-five ee tbeir 914:n irvaing. et pilquei nit:above the common. • I , :hr.r,gc.of from one to 4-ma dollaes. • TrIIIION. iiirari Department per Tetut teen weeke.ii j Ist year, Pr o paratoey. Pepartm '2tl " • I I.t B*l " " •I 4t4 " " : " ENGLISH COUR a :st year, Cl , 4tienl let Sear. 60; 2.1.1 ye' I Afi incidental ciairie of fifteeu..ce• will elorged. for Wag, ink 'in,o niess'impild pt~ciile ? tltcineelces _. le ntaA fie is charga. I 1.1. N A3l NT A 47-EY 1 .4 h'ICET er. . • h.. 4 And opelied - 101)(1S. C, -- ries. &c. .3r1.1 evi.jn ra.l will be sold El= F JR 9 STS., and well 'telentcd tlery, , &e. FE es, advance. ou'; the call and examine f ti., 1860. . , r, Cloths. !TING, RODS, PRICES, AT IDIE IBM = li. 31 ci iii.ir i ME MN ;- j . ii ' (,i; 0 01) SI is r:. ' • • ii i . - J ' L.: (!. N F , Mr • 6-- 0 , D s!. ! . p , TILIILIP V.EF. bits receivednd will : c in 1.7 . treel4receii.i'aleir arti :es ycruitniug to :tiv baiin. New Style' l'iluts. - 1 , l: '. 'New' Stj e Dela?' 'New. Style Chatiox. ! 1 : 1 ',April 18a ~ l ietly Sty,te*lpgham4„ CELANIiE4.I4N -6; CUTH,ISEIVION. A.ttemers and Counsellcirs at ILaw. Office on firOadirlity, 841siabr bilow I}errick llou e. ew Brighton.'' ' I itpil9. G Ul4 LOG '91'4113S 'cheap, f K 1 ST 11 Priraul73 nd Draiving of thfd 41- it .Dpi) 2 1 irege , ll 111. rJcutly 4t- FM3 FOtt Shath It \V NT EM .' !I A-011141 ! T 1 • yliriug vocal Outing II 411comp1 , 4e keo withtiut •utity ufV . ie . sct l yol 0 6e irtim,! hall, =RE $(4 , 111; F It TEVEI 2:Ftli, l l lli, rrot.tio, e . ,4n- J.une 27th, S l ) r h,alk 6311/1011E 1. 7 'calk f or y~LE h se l e7C ( T I td per (bizet, the brault• ill be made I 5;111 ME Wit .lem!e sa,.op 4 4; 00' iOOl oiool' 5 GO October 2 111'06'1' V3 l l l OO 7 'OO 8•i00 DR. .0 PIIEPAREI, NC I, r;110 Op I bti per l'rtri C.:py 11;;ok c eget. The R . 2 1 66 • gmoo H • 19100 IL, 0 Too Ireet L•II and certian i Pitiuful!kat whi:ther fiche, pain in t tihttirlop blee itoil of u i tun., • r Ur.. Cln-Temn on, it,. blies al La arc of Oh qinifidence in • that tley l irzpr, NUT (4.1 C-, Watroilied ininrie.44 l ) life n.liicit e;llyuld Price - S.:Li , . Se: the vt.erkr eg e've.ry to • n = drjS`o wh nt al r.e.l. Fvr er, Pa. Nc~ gu N 141 - I ' ... _ i Ciio 1 . I C; An of vrel kopost i ' I(SW for t; CO'UN 1111 Y as cart be b'img-lit Fe r lt DEEM IJ EIIMM W PI EPA TI PitIDNI6t SHOAT F-AL,' ll IT # 1 No. M MEE Giover _— Biker Sewing 'WA, chine. • • I. ,1, . :, • rill - Sfree4 Pittstyry74, Pa 11 I. ... r l ito!tbe public, Grove „S: r llnke . S .mnchine . 3 Int reduced Ipriee•, ll eonfideneelin their merits n.. tl e 1 riliabie Sewing .1iielliti•••• 'Pliny tF . onstrtieiiim. - more spet,ly in d more 4 - Ithble and _1(101, liable to ittlthstn any btber nilielti4e. Vi e luetions Ito' emit le tbe.parelm* ?ry' seams,lliem felt. tick.!ititthe'r, !raider. all kin the same ttlaebit, ;him forltlihie years , , petnining testimonials from trn, E !siamliuls,l 0 .4.4 411 , 1 IV elljPrnsill ntlig•direeli*, se., will lbe fuj i e• (ln niillfenii , ,ti i,a per:ioL or by V i,Y k W fLrEll.. Sole l iVevals. 4 Nlachit es , - Needles, Sq - k, Olt liana. 1 i .l . • lire loca? '' Al.,_ L e __ L OKI IC' Yo 113 11A/Eloffer ! t w e i s:ht Simple in truoverietit an dicarrne,geme . !give fell iret to twit 'retlitie quiltirind euai aoft ernvenot Cil-en'qrs c of the b ghee onti, ni,hcci letter.: CtIATO 11. 1 131 ton alie!tys or e,&-jAn Sept. 12 1 rIDEEI C ri! e i 'A RI ITESL P4P ' i)? ./.; Can 1, 1 tibia April ] 1 it !lies, ILE 130 ti 1J • ,i Pglip It Henry's. . I i .... AL 1VILLI()11, I A, c M • I - 1 It 1111 iy Tg: Sturhatll s r NESS rreilsio , n it 1 - Slontarn a4ders Etc,taro EIMEM 112111152 Stoilich 8 hters rPhif . o kf-zS ANI ID SICK lIKAD .11 Fromich P-rtc;s .Xrcis hi, t El= 4031 Pb tirricrs LTE 111 Y • Excel ~: ;:> NJ A Is. [E.c, CISW S•folp.,tch - 111!rrA 107: S tft ;lc FF is iExcelsii:, f ; :• , tonvich !Title's bit. MI IS, IN aver . r 1 Gen et} % :sis Gener Ity 1 1 • 1 MEM ME Snit hrield g 1 4 4 1: 3 I I -- I il, 61) IZMIR 1 '11."I' le; E S E II Vs PILV[. taus L t. COEtN MAN, M I=U MIMI i ugrolienta irif thes, ' long and exl,usis' in tilde opiratiol nil irreptl.j:.:Aritie rtiions. of +ll (I irn mil colyee!in trktions. r 4 fnoviog 101 t,btrtus i 4or etherwiseo hood] litation of theilienri, ii 'ievs from interrov i from cf,ltl te!side, pat, pirried -4 Pills erel ho ni.uchiy i! lne' r 11111, cnri I r 4 (.Ihei•se l cui Isd,ut to I d thei !period with regulni en disappoitlied , tha place the ,ngt.9tap) place Pills , a ' • 4 ~l it - gi - al 1 , K .- --• nu 4.1.: liroly Teol . o - ole. and tre Al from 01l !wall tt. 1 Explicit tisr4tielei e t•ea,l, ae.Orap.iny each . box --f ,t Iby real! Inu e,1.C1 Vbi:lsl:i; I tt.; 'll. S lid :Py one irrUg;;lSt i 1 11.11..Tutt , N1 Stataa ' 1. I P. it.` ItUrCIIING I i, I Agent for lie Unite.l - :Stlqe. I. j lu6 i l. 11/111, berg :ti N 1 ‘ 4 llritemile i 4rder3 I•li"old 1e. , ..11 415 by br.l li Sn.;,t. - • Cl_ 0 0 i ; 1 i 1 :Int i l (ii;e f.i . ms li:Ny, 6 1 S It '. 0 7 1) 1 , 90 : T G AR hick.' , S (w • • RO I DUCIE, n the Coilnty. it . RA NG 1.4 t. JAN. 71.41.A1f ME ME gm ezei i 1 !.(1 1 tt, OFFER TOICAStI TINIIS nuyE:oo. E xlc:.i. 11110 r G MDT NC4.: * ON COST ME HT AD V, d, 1 o ST ft bilrgh [g Fitt OE rat wanted - .4-,-E It E .1 Ji t ril I , ' l lt 'WINDOWS [loth liii)r A laiis 60771 iIOR , FLOORS, 1 11 r• 1 • I' Es' a i r t 4 oo t PETS FOR STA I ttg r , lliPFAtigt 111)11DF IT F ) i t INDS ed i ii 7 Oß'Wl - 11 7 ap ver . i"w a! ! 611.1 P DER . I _ll BRINIEW 4Nr 4.4.-",711'1'11--4-ti.F .DBE Ate. 1 1)1 .s ~, ,iri.- 1 intkin. - ' ! 4,', f? ..; : , (1)ll 0 1i,171 , ,,i r:ii re • iqre a ir-1 . 1: rll 1y rent in" , rirl cliilo,: 1 teteed of y decii/.1 il , KJ f; t is ri".l,loiii it ib!aia i e o sit/ ii!iad'e pi•epriratiati l piaw a IC 11'1,01117"ir PiAitllli6lli:‘, IN IN lIE BGINZI,A, LACII I .JITsI r ‘; NP.I liii.l? IC vik . FlR.ti);lindi . aft niimltheEittrite. ,redr'teht 1 ' t t'' n 1 'l9] he .tii4.elit. and rWierily pain ~1 .i : an #t4ii ' puiiiicific it ti,i!•eil o+, se ial 't i ll cases f, Cosi'ut.- 'l!rs A 1, et veiht 1111(leitraill ii eit. Ad ,trigh ( l a , ve -:thcil4 . ,i O I blight ny onrefi l oe a ,t'Oii-li' l t ee ?ram the tr,s .orleta caiio l af I 71t icsf r:i I gi.tittzlit (' ritylliiyii it ti l t ht t1.14,' ' Ekettte It I:4•Att -1 (. is , ). L!u F . inctrely ppop. l'..lt.is , ‘.. i'o!most Y " 1 1 7 -- 71, t , ti t il 0 .Pii i i 1 .1i 'cif it q/ lt:n4 l . , ~ OelajTerinl enin s it: S 1 incinti it,i4 gni 71 fo'rl k , ~ , ors :FirAult fir. 11.4 z.roli i eitopp. ni,; t7anidtion.ll;4 .if litiSna.egn I ritt,2l;infyg Hui?: lOR I OR OT i lealii of y> froisAiltose S are !certain! ti,AlO ail Of4 are 'Finnpuier TILE I Coltt1)1 I Pe" ,r 1 re. Xil tak4 1 I , L ' til EZ 1101. n SEE "y$ are , aLd cze flt IT. Al) LEI Sc I Unipti4 I tin thi; o!y PI! ' we 1141, OM tegl toll or nOL: !~f!S Co rii.At?: l 2? Dlr I LITY,I 101' LIVE?! tl lies 2 alreafl DY Ditop#[j eirculotioo; HO No H 4 liTstuivi r . 1 hosts for Chi. qtt•Ft7torti K n ~ ifq No . 1 5. 1 I / Strielly fl ' )/ OW I. For NI! air t per ~ ' ~ i EEO _botile. fiord t.yi fi'll t ,Mt.id,t) Lin •,1 I ti7gills] !lir) 10 for tittlr. t y 11 " Y 4 :AA/I - _ S. IE • I . T troti ler andlle I tn cake 1; 1 1 :1'.;A in 12:retzery fl +Qy I . IPST 1 1 1 other 114 . -•1 ,so l ycn Fr; ntofty 'Sot 1.6 . " 41 i the 1 Ino 0 .ont : ‘ h eers Lliw la. gfil tEr 1. T we bla I; LEE SR MI eit awl if .I their as nll , g i. DO •1 or t. ou cid .1 ,T SIE MB WE la I ISM r.l ntl P r firers; liIOIISiSBYIS .1 rtt4l ICuitutti4 tire' F I . , •4t, 'the r N 6 B. 1 1..a0. ;I. 1 I MIYBAGER, , • IP' IKT : 1101 • . . • I TO4 1 1.1/ I in our .on 1111 ar H r peotrunv /. 11( 11 illMli one 11 ; 01303 Irl Ea ir • , s. , 0 ws rt oik U. MS ITo Ruyerr fp El • For a b~ • • T. 631 I , ; :NOV MI Leg "4 I s nme riss(4iti.li rj is TatigslrAnsizA -suit .141,tre., i jug t r Liiut. I 1 J •yllept: 1.21 ett i i.r.y iutint ii gloluleiot1P! find yltiu ftrelir.: rmiutlecl I , pn , ,i , : t tg r tliklersi. Tli C( of we i iii t fu ~idL liPne i i. rodil tgtot./ o ~~ El r :a 4 IF if 1 ' 1 TC/ of , thc PrIOSi-USI kr LigrlNE 14r4 Mt ); ir c iiic I I i n N 7 Tu : MI I tyd c Tam e N.l Cr4ki r. Poo ult7A STA, ed ri(4 , l nb' FI! • .ig, 3. (lir 1) eori !lam it mediate:), ry p i !. 'lit li g A 0 r• ti. fl,tl ggitp ARi Tl, trFT:IS Att•L.All 4 rn MEI kiEtrxi d tnwit Co r i e dire i tio# realars. T,llll CIS 122 I It DI Y., tit i n N u l t . :t by nil red 1 r pee. „ t+ 11111 A t ~I I for .T h 74 I.he e.ry , kti lee a lib hesep s 'P he ell t ?eill let ill lee. • MI me 'o trtir 1 ' Oi l I IVI R P .1 1%1 TCP9t.'44O - lorm iglt sold 14we I• . • 1 .11. hr . , Cosie.;t thi fur.. i l n i l!' IA I ulp oulil MEM 11E1 PPi~l EMI I cit tL j di•ler: to *(3 ornettup4 sit ti. 4 a . mitv ove I :IL' FL P GE B l' ' . EMI ElZfi ( e wT 114 G 0 'LI • r,' P:A. 0 H! c Eillf * ' te OE) 1 1) !Ili tw El/05,1! , LL$ FE 1.1 O. ;1.3+ NMI Bonn tiful cenlcllPa- Chnin,he* t'ntt rub 12 i I 7, 1 4 . 011., 10 cteull', inaow , I • 1 , b . 87 11; .Street, (td sit ! )/ 1, i'.a Led fr4l4t. j . (ui & I , 0. it Bbl I ',!, 'ft ANtikriScio ~ 111 ,, u SR ZS 'Stn. 'lllllll . OB, ,; s generally I, a offelito raj sorer of iCb r ti will ifisl ruin.. A ill is~ r•ep Ds d® • No to' wept: cd I coni . ol to e• city sorth e t, G I}, R O?,'HES2 i •ow OP, cte4.f ,vitei ? "' l , 1 b Sprier, good -i ttstioti46 or . , [4til '1 11 MEI BE ucicw 4.. HEA iT §t ° it Bilditkvate 11' 1 - 'Air joitqf ' cATHA A TO P'oil I rder. with IILS• • sig . Utak est aaapieftint " yogi dater ofetale. dia. rairged, and dietinff im e Ml p condortahhit, Theis scats ere saitowt=o=lll 11 ;I , l e sickness le neMill •Peleireeti and thoeld be'evertot by it lithely me of the sight[rom My. Mike Ay• [ 's 11111, and doom put the end ha mpri-t putilY , s blood, and lel 'the Auld. li on unob. In thl eleht• Aye g i t i lmulate: • (outdoes ofi the body int:deign/one we. ~ tivity; purilycli*system from the obstructionewhich make ,a c4d se.-_ nneeritenal In the linly, and ob. streets its sultana [functions. i Those, if , not-relieved. , reset upon themselves awl tile surbaundluitorgans, pro. ducing general aggravation; Nufferfog, end Came. While In this condition, op premed by thei l derangemente, l' take Ayer's ills, iusd see hew directly t of restarsi the. natural action of the systuni, and isrltli t 4the pro anti feeling otibeallla again. What is Owe ittot ed epparent in 'ebb trivial and commit complaint: Walsh tfno Th ha many 'Of the diiloceated said dangerous dlitempere, • e urge , Purgative &fat expels therm i Caused by Ofinitar obstracr. I ovi.r. Wits and dmungeinents of the natural fituttions of the tittle 11 , 11 sL body, the are rapidly, and many of theneettrely, eund is i r tifthe Naas town. None who know tite,vittues (Athens i tit I to t i lte lithe ot 1, lls, will neglect to employ them wheil'atalrering froi ' l p i, I 've•if e % er3 t ltiiig i re., _ the dhordere they cure. 'I Ii 1 •4 • . ~ I , ~. Statements from Isedist 'physicians la apes of the f 'T 1+ pall myself. Mil:. WI , tit *rte:oel aths, and from other well Mier polite per lemirtwlin the nature ,r thi; (li;e a t is,. lona I I I pi'. - fiiiilly a-ftitvita in every ortset otj a'o ;11 c - 44,,,a a Art/yarding iterditted of ..e. .rintisv Jib. 4,144 4 . O. I. ' I, , • . Da. Attn: Your Pills eflt the Plug= of all that is Tr. , eye awl no , oil .t tci I . :until I. tidt.•, / , : greet ill medicine. They haveiciuod my little delight& l I . , 1 . 1 • ~ of Ulcerous sores upon her hands and AM that kmd Proud luf , t" ril'sol i iv 3 l '"" i'rtiX 111 , r Incurable fur years. nor nether luta beat long fvitiv- 1 Which' I h.% ve or e'r % i e/it,on 6 I ouily afflicted with blotches and pimples °White skin and A T ., 1 1 , 4 h , 1 r ,,, r ,,,,,, I t. l ,il n in her hair. Aft& ear child was Cured, she also tried , i ,-• •1 ' , d 1 , y l'ills, and they have cured her. 'l' 1' - I ' 4 '11.1",- P i‘t l l:. ~o In. 1, • • , AgA, WOnosRIDGE. i hut, :.s leV ell , . t iAi a litamlly Phyalei , - I 1 01 II) I, •Peon Di. R. W. anlioright, Nov Oritai, ; lent 4'' T 1 Your Pills are tile prince of purges. Their suallent , ii , ' qualities mtrpass any i cathartic we ponmel. Thsj'ars mild, but ve certain and effectual In their action in the • ry hole's, which makesthem invelnidde to in in the daily • treatment of disease. I 1 ! I' [',,,'/ _ Iffieddsolar , ,Sleilfestaistehe ,Tront,Stosnack. I 1 , I ,Prost iii.. inward .D:rod, Daffintere. I ' Dein frao. Arm: I cannot answer you ofki complaints "I have cora with your Pills better thauto*y ail OW its per trent with applied's' nialitim., I 'pin. griet &Pen* doors be! an effectwil cathatlo; In my chit' contest with lit. and believing as I dethet your Pilf afford the iz i e lave, I °founts e value them bight .i I I 1 1 ' PiTimullitir Pee ilt•Y 1, 2 1 458. ' r DC J. C. ATM 81zil hsvit been repeatedly c i u u f: i l: 1 16 wore leedsidfile body Fe}µ hare by &se r 'two' 'of yone te. It see to arise from .1,,a ,t, , which II sy elegem at one. I 1 ' ' 1 I ' [ T with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, 1 i'' I 1,, -, aerk 0 . 2, ,, ,finer ckoort. , .1 , Blltona Dlssirderi..: Liver eatspiainu. ' IA.. rfr. Theodore &l 4 ql Noy re+ My. • t 1 1 . ,Not only are your rills admirably adttat to the r_pur `Pas* as 4risPeirica, bat I fin their benefi eller, upon the Liver very narked indeed. They hate in my prac tice proVed inure effectual for, the cure of bilious com plaints then sun ou. remedy I can mentkni. I sincerely . Notes that we has. at length a parmstlvel which MI war my the confidence-of the protieriou and the peep DtPlll.7llltalt or tint Intsima, 1. Washington, D. C., Ith r 0,,, 185 j r i Bil: I have used your rim In my gained and offal pracUosever slim you made them, and carrot h nil to say they , are the best cathartic we employ; Their regu , lilting acb r oj on tbs liver is quick and doeAded, nee. qbentlyl the are an &Makable remedy foridetangenteubs of 'that o p. IndeodJ I hare seltioui Mond a die of ahomi • }e so obstiume that It did not &eddy yield to i . erebanally yours, ALUNEVALL, 311: D., • I I I'4:iciest of the orms LiMpilai: 1 1 i j. !I r t:te. y ntery, Ellarrhreta, 1te.......1 4 Woritai. 1 tiol!4 Dr. J. 0. (been, of Chicago. I• ' • your Pills have Shad a lung trial iuray,prectice, and I hohl them in esteem es one of the but iMerients I have o ver Nand. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes 1 them nit excellent remedy, when given luktualldmes for iha.lil I dystraery and dierrhab. Theirs sugar-coating 'mkt them very ;acceptable and court ut for the use of a nieu add children. ~ y pepaln, Impurity h Blood. 1 # . oft [. l l Ann ee. J. V. Litons, tinier ef',Aanebt "%web, 801,101 L r. AYER: I hare need your Pine with! extraordinary, in die re my family and &mops those 1 sin called to visit To regulate tbil organs ofd digestkin and purify, e bleed, they are the very best remedy I have ever Marren, and I can confidently rec.:unwed them to la, lards. • Yours, '.l l . Y. 111.3 LES. , [ Wittetw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., 'Chit. 24, 1 / 1 555. DLO!. Slit: 1 alit using year Cathar i tle Pllta in my prat- , i. ,.• ,N 1 D . K 1 . , ---- 1 3 i3l f, ,, le, I i ,\ l. 1., , 0 Ice, and end them an excellent purgativir to cleanse the : Syntent and purify Me, fountains of Um hfond. l • I 4 •'• ' , I -I •1 •-- I , ii I 1 1 JOHN. G. UHACIIA3I, &TD. j s _ ~ i s , , , i j r l, Vl' 11 0 Olt '• F . A''i'li ' i' I - iffotaattgia..on, Costiveness, 11 ppresalion, , , 1 " ' • ' I Rh' urnatlina, Gout, Neuralgia, Droll.. I , A if , A ' N i• 0 ; I [ i 1 I I ,sy, Paralysis, /Wei etc. l ''a 1 i r rt Si l- , ~- -, ,t VIII) .. ...rt', .1 .., ', , Wet Pr- flt nufg, ol , Ireetreal. titinads., , Fpr the 0ee , 13 . in ch •,1 I, vi 1. , efc.+..t.ln , cit-J A . 1 Too 'much cannot be gala of your Pint', for the cure of 1 1. .of 111 Ili -[ ,, .n-.• , r,t-:t. , ':. • , 'll. • p.v '':,beery. If others of our, fraternity hate band them 1 f . 1 , j • ii effittuialla al I hare, thiq should join basin proclaim. i f ' I'`' 1 I.' d [ I , , ins it fir the benefit of the multitudes' M sutler from. I l• •-- - -------- --- -- ----l-• , C h at m 1,,, i ,h,,br, w hi c h, a ltho ug h bad enongli in anat . ,. is • IT 1a s rIT. oli ei be his et! I.lg , I 111 , e-1 , 1 , 1 , t in•• ec 1 • - the prexenhoe of other that are worse,( I believe ms- till t 1 Tr en ..., iu ..., ••=.t L.,:e! e ..., ~ of rirencro to originate in the liver, but your Rills 104 Unit ,!,,1 , , ' ' r , 1 - • organ and cure thedisesse. ' , ,-, 1r "I' , , I i'..l.,N.i.i.ii. fo- h., II *las I • • ' I ..... ' i' ' n In:IP , . 14 114 e 1.....4 . • r „...1 , .4...„ r ,,.„... Pro .11.,. It, :Nuarti Phytiebee and Jledwift. &lbw • 1 I.r . . ~1 '' ~'" l HI Std one o 4 two large dos& of your Pit Ir. taken at the I I, , • I ' ',', r • •, p t pun , time, are excellent nv • mot ire' of the natural acme- I .1. • Stu Ir It! 1 n 11‘.. r , . S. I 't' II vi ~ I . $ pen when wholly or partillly suppreased and idao veil_ 0.1 I lel !like 1., s, ,!,.:., 5..,..'t1.- (.11). ,rei , is, 1 effectual -to wants i the * emus and itse t worno... They A fi, 5 „ e „,..4 , . I are so much the best physic wa hare t I rosommend ' ' , 1, -',. t ~1 A . : „ I I , ' • no other to my patients. , ' ,• ,I II . 1 Jou nt.tee, , '- 1 ~,, ;11 tit um.' • . I ' 1 . 1. • 1 1 I ' I - ' 1 11 '' • Ykosi the Rm. Dr fAsokai, of the agoodiat• Apo. ch,,,, , ~. t t t.ryt irou..i ,-,,, 1 , , h ~ 11 ~ , i lo riAlm 1, 1 1 0 , A ,„ .. gftvaimils;6 4 Jen. a . las & II p. i..r I• 1 . p's.i,t , 1 . , e,s t) 111,. le 1 , ' ' Ilafttatill SIR: I should le ungrateful fisr the relief„ m YIA :.I.i i 1.4, i Fott '..4e.ti ~:lf, your airJll hes bon:lett me If I did not report my csetto..; I- r,•,..,„ 1 1. (~,,,,T . I . . 1 •, 1 p h .; ~,,,,.... ~ ~ „ ~,.....,..... ~.n.g ... 1 ,... A cold settled in my limbs and brought on =cm- 1 f . I • .- • ', cLating netrrolpte poops, which elided In „Chnmierhrunta- ( " 11. ' in •Vil in "it 1111 1' 111 e 't''tls 2 1 . 1. • CP.!: t. ~,. 1. loon.' NoterPhstandingl had the best ot' pushier's," the I 1 .) disease grew worm and worse, until by the adelpsof your 4 , excellent agent in Baltimme, Dr. Mackenihs, 1-Mrled that. I j Pill, 7h4.4r effects WOW g?W, hut suns. I ,' By lolunfiirilielf 'I [. fu the use of them; lem now entirely well. I. r [bassi, [ _ ,, _ _ , • , . CIIMIBItt, =COD Itouge„ Le:, 5 Dec. 1845. 1 , • Da. Attn: I have been entirely cured,l4 your Pills, ofl i m Rheuatic Gout—a painfill ammo that had afilltied me 4 for year& , • iVINCEIiT SLIDS I EL. , *n - tloet of the Pills lin market contain Mercury, which, although ''.a valuable remedy in skilful hands. hi ' dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful Jennie quencer that frequently fdllow Its Incautious use. • Thc s ze ' contain no mercury or mineral mbitance Whatever. I , . Prliee, , 2s cents per Box, orb Rozestor Si. , , , IR Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATER & qx ,powen Iles& I h `','" *all' . n—c, r :•:111%by 111. I .llinito, Jr Beav.c r i I: s[ 7 ("ro•ts. 1: ociw s o . er: IY-to otter St. Ile et , „ Fr , e - du :• J. Ni.lliols, Baden: J. tilrgeur, N ••,v 1 !trig htunl &gin i3ink, barlington tenth by I , , i 'l , r . r ,.. den.crs i verynhere. ••1' J , Octal bis. i . _ 1 ~. , . ..., •' ti 110 V E W & 1 ;ti Aii-E ft S i , ~.• . ;.,......! . t i ) i 1tA .„ ,.... li t .....-- ...- . I ' i .,.. 1 1 I • , ( i ~4,,, .. ) . 4 A Li v • 4 '.: I . 'st'l: ,/ 4,1 e 1 \ ,',, ~.. .) . • - • • --' - Ir' *rt'l l '' N .1 1 /i:A N i : "Pl. ” ..., 1 • ! 4 .- ''''. 4 ' ' -.1 - rlr4o‘•-•••• 'e•- - 1 ,..•..••• i \ , '5 . :7 4 5i.,•:.F.,.:, - ,•„1,2.-- -'-:' i 1 1-. t I 11 !I is •re ell 6 r t , , I ' I NOISELESS ELY . SH WING' in 3 1 9 ,irv, ri t.lersigr.ed, rfesiiletts , of, Pittatliirgh . 1 , and vieinis.y Inive,t urchn , 'ed and trseld•in our'f ilirt ies ...CroVe.i . l& Ilakerl (aleited ,Noiseless Falun.); ..fiviing mn hiti , c,'' 'rike pleasure in recommending it m lii instratilent fully' carribining the ,ii,st;rithils 'ofFit goCil4ria chine, ' Its beautiful riitnpliCitY, - erase of . un tt.gement, 'and the strength :nail elstieitjr , its stitch, unite to re dder; it a machine tied, , pas sett by any in i the. Market, and i ttrt oe-r(bicll we fell vtonfident rill give' Bat i k : ction •tp all who may purchase anti luse it ; ..' , • .: . 1 • ti toirs.. Allen Krainsr,.. Mr Wm. Ni Jonoti,V. Mrs. Joules t'. lliter; Mr Chn-v." l'Knignj, Mrs. Josiah Niug, i . 1 :1.1 essrs. - H ' led ..t. Barker )Ira J. W. C a rr ; 1 I Mrs .116hla ch, ~': Mrs: \Vol. Col , man, 1 lts . I J, I,J Nl'eori.ll 4 Mrs. A. W. Hardy, ' Mes 1. S • •E•e6h,j .. Mrs: (i..i..qtrane.l. I. \lra. E. S. Harries. ' 'M rs:3IAV. Jacobus'. iiiirs. AnsiallSicktuak, t trm l o an i t l: o p()%e Ire-- S a . . • ~ 1 I r'Alckws. •FreOfiegle - ifi. tilifuer. Office of Extllition'and.ale. = . i NO. 17 FILTH STRE T.! PITT811U1LOH;:l'A. IN, 13.-13 Agent rrilOte'd iinoledia4ly.' .. . , , ,- inQrN.l'pn.i fa r a Cinitilikr ' ' . 14" . Apr. 11.- ,ash Stb. A I I LLS ' NAILS, , 1 • ' .. ' " All • sizes. fer • sale, I Wholesale and Retail "Gheaper than the Cheapest,'.' by A. S. H RVEY,, Sept 6, XBO B dgewaier. t ` BM --7 ' I 7 1 '-- ' 1 1 1 ' T }III 1 I , , I, 'f) li 1 fli'F, P A 11T tO l , 1 ‘, 1 . • , 1 i .; [ Haasio prwitis .tr o '3ifofig dn. d dui. i,t:irFt 1"11P 1)111111 , 1' 4 4 op ii,' 1 tor .Ftate,mtln, Jnose•t, 11..1t0r5,, , i nettle's:ll4st j grbuols tu,„aril i u new, 1 - MO ai!quAlltfid sethetieu. tri,l reetruH Li all lessee of in at 110110. and . 4lsos4obl ic4lp tinci brein: but ell 11/bo i l:eve ivied it , it itestiA3 ug that it will r•resrrvo the hli '1)04 irr.y, nod f,rfatt fel•it,s Natty age,: .iiirr•st.r4.. "lend 'he folluuitig.-- 1 " 1 1 }..tlii Grove, S. G. .g. 11,0 2.411 t, 1 punli 0. J. ‘‘ (pop: Peer Strt--Your II ..tsiratirt is rr.pitily geinine popuivrity 1 eomMutti ty. ('have !Intl ,es 01111011 111 10 1 itl4lCO ns tle, end pive your lair llustor , prifSetkeist 1 ' ; . I , ,1; : Purtl {4l the yea rO,l I s•re sot 41 ,for, s s ,•ts he throvvu fr.irti ti.y sit kytge hist 6 nt•tw the iro•dbitle. fr. , te nfu -li I, r l- held k eli'a rul , s,t. tort 1.1., 1 1 u ../ 1,111 1/1 i :. nt.7.reatl , l I trr,it.it .. .nl %pule e .::.t.ott ti 1 'e I t 6 Lite 1,a11, , i eat. Vriall r urf..ce if' 'lOl ,• - •:•1, , fr..rn : ' I c e i. te o f wi t icst 1 0 t ' 5 l t.r 15 , 51.11 Ihi;114 dt55:11 1;111'11 :5;14 / .-I{q, I oii.r. tt.'et r.t}rt. lull ul th'l h .'eal 1 Fri bkilElili 'OPE S. ktitile II 11 .t ~ t atsonvered ' ' it 4 411 1 , 0, .... h i , , FA r; .% it iv - sILKs,4 f . 1 1 ut.i l to t l he lithe .. it. 1.,tal , lirappesr.ineel [ofevery ‘arnte } ' Pit Ye 1 ,, el' r'r) "'lug i c4 11 :•1 I thinglof, l L•lt L 11; \ rir t % s i t prlfes 7 touttl.mell tuy.elf. nit( lot i thoni [ . :-.. k ..% iS S; ' hid TF V ' rth r - derlanding the nature .. e . 1,1.0 se 1 (if tlie r1et70,4 Hylett nod de,;,;-% - filial y il•rfentell in 01ery pr. set trijun ft, Weak -I:• - f et.ti. At'te:.* - 1 ,'t , , !ft , ' el and no otl.tr eir..unoiteiote,l, itolneetl I .0 (1 11 p ll ' ; 1' 10 s i n ''' !" r '"" I ' 3. " 1 r ' w i erth rl', ll ' h "!'' ..:Wht.iV el wl telt in tegerd to .iuulity 111 ,1, i ti ,„,..'1 1 A 1,71:2 , C iv) 15' , 1 , 1 , ;1 1 7: y r, v .. r i :: ,1 1 1. : t.s l 7 , : i sn nt ! , .l i t t; t l t ., l-4 1 : i f t: 2 1 . 1 1 r1 1: 1 ,, 11 fi ie r e:i t I he .flit . pt. t .re t l et, e y e b et e c ' 40 ". i reelli•td 1 . .. 1 e tuts 1 lt%. f I l'Ir•r • • •••'` - .C 11 .1 W• Ab. fit( I. I ,Cllll. It ItH 1 lit ~t 1.1/ 5. ~,t i / taring -- - • C hair •••• 1 ev•r' ~% 1. r e. 1,41. le. r'..il.:) owe " 1 ,11 . T 1' I ' " : 5 . 1 51 kilil l l'll l I ([(4 .1 11 \ J.- 1 5 tit. I I, all Al): 115 or ~ ; nevi. . 1 .11, ~,. .4. • ~•-•st e.,..atre.„.. , . t 4 . J i ' d ,E,ltar i ~11., i4l allt•.eon,to. • to! .„„ r r 4 0 .„ 13 , to all i , , , ..;.) • : 1 ., ;.; ; _ I tnro:r , r+. tt., I t50v15 1 15- I Itli I I 0 , 0 4 y infllence, I!, ♦ Ili _t_ C) I t , I, A j IN[ - l tvi•lel. 1 llatfer toys. tole lr :}. is, not 4 litte. - ------...--- ---- „ ' 1 • :yuu C5lll 1:1.1t115•71 slit if vost tiiittk prop. r• . ' FL:B:411 A R1?1 V.:l, i ' , I ' )ti nt l •I r .' • e'• It . ft, J . %, ri 1 I I/ i 1 1 i " ll' F•ali ' , i4t •.1 gt' 3 - ii J ;Vl'lttil'n Al D • ; -.-- l i/(••=i• 1 - )11 ' .;/ 11 ' ' i' . 1 • 4 ‘t .• ,I 111.t.e !of 11..• J.:Hemp:jun l'hi)hr t i v s , - i , , Dee.. 1•... th, IS.'S 1 1 i . .. 1 FI-VE C- 1 1 / I/A R E Sll'' 0R I -!.(,\' (.\ I iDeer lar-I leel It - my a ity 1" 1 "'" 5 " MY I c,,1 ciT H 3 , FO" - ' C'' P r } ple:i , ure, to sttito to you the, f.,ilo4vis t r et. rura. -.."' _ . ', -, . I . 1 1 ,ittlll , ere, VOl/0/1.,1,14 en ,l 00 rhi .7 ll tit,/ pro • • _ ~. , t t 1 . I t I li • . • . . -V r.STLNGS. Tit I NiNl !NOS, ~ ta ', .;.c. f cift... I I 17,ent'eitii of lids pl .....1( .. fenyer) I W PP. nici-1 1 1 haslieerill,4l,l ever sin,•k his 'of, 11:1 0 0 c,,,, i t so , . _ _ 7 thit he W1.14C"")'.11("I 6' W"r 1 Wil P wis \ II I R R 2 .. r ,te l w l a A rt :'1 1(11 1. 1; sv: l l3 ' r A idg i i l y, ;( a i t : I f ' hill 1,....1 to uses ‘1,...tt1e of your i'l hair Restore- c ( • tive " tv‘.ich he liked %try tnit4,, -- t•I ..vier i using tome tvroLor turee ~ , ,t tlesl ...is 11 h a i r grew . I A ~.i.u . ,,1 , 4t , 1i ,..._.;..t0 [ ;P1 1 Y1 , .3 7 ft 5t..1 ,t5 e :) : :. 1 ).-4 k e l p ' dt ' i e,, ( 0,_, ; , : , ' , ":; I , L '' i ' l o l7 .l j e ' I li l i? e e d l i l i 1 0 1 x f u i r i l d i r ii .. t/ Y",.;,: i n : 1 i .1 ' 7. 1 i ii ::. l: ll ,, j , 4 n w . i 4 l i i i , ii : :: : : • ;,::1 - 4 i l tiu he :Id ;__ iilsO. a e.,refully 1 selected it• • c ( u! (,u l:, tor Custom Wo , rlcs. 1'.11..;,,,1, LlSs l .lfor.h and as he , s very well ikt.r.sii in our PPeer 1-,14,),,,,,ing t 1 •e .`unties ni..ny perslt • eni can. )( ,l a y ''PH"'n'lll' " I "i'le in the 55E551110E And 011111 .1.11.,. I g i vt , l , to ~t t I. l'•.ut tat 1r..5t , i.1..r........,, 1 1 vt .r.r,repd to tit. i t. ,, 1t1 , e trt tit ot this ..tutenient; 1 the rofiti r egt of • Mr. I3rtulfor I. IY.IAI can 4 , 11 a I 241 : 4 -' If I . LI - 1: :' S • % / 4) D.4. U -ITE "lis . l gt,ent detil of play tiairlit.-st)riiiv , 4 in this and 1 ' - ‘I rii ':'''''! 6 ' o 4 '• 1% 11. eir! , 1 t..e ,s , lj.?l,nittir.. counties If yr.tir Ive tlw rp , per 11s-1'1,1:N16114 . a ll )(' K OF' 11 , ..L1, Got 1 1 eg‘• lts. II Yhurv. &c.• .' t "1 ' 11 , ,, rtißciiii ,„ „,.,, su , ~ I J • -, 11 5 " • • . / 1 'lllO/1'7, 4 0N S Ulll3llNi I[P. . 7 , ,_. V 1- 1111. W I CVI•I* Deli Six: - Perini t nil tue xi revs i la I v ort h: E u ., c, r l ic ,. .1,1, r , m , „,d , r ,, A N the oblig tt tons 1 :On raider fur ihi• eat re res-1” ' ' .. . , toyeti.o, °rely hair o. o its ri7iti L e.. 1, r. :,bout 1 PIT sisuet.f ,the time of my arri%el in the [,'ad : 5 1 beg , t i 'III deLnines for l'-'i %Col 00 9; 1 1 .. V !, : 419 Tarl(fly beCOlllll/g gra, h i t ;1! . ,.: Ow an 11 Cl ,worth _> all wor,l DeLah.es t ( ). 1 I pile tt ton lof your t•ilrilelte r t.. e 0. 4 , . t it ann re- ,ey altl Plain Drcrs Sias ,, lipil 'e, / / t,I i i CC, e e r/551 fits °nom.. ibir. r'', ed1.r..1. 1., r Sour rill.); °tuna .ii Vll.)r.l.New iltl‘le ‘,. 'CA - 1 P.l.,llJrllli Veas.a vet wl , tlo , . fill iilistlai).. , rlite i Tin,te e rg, Gn M.1,11:1 13: t,, 4. -k1 it( ~ 1 , ,L , , I riot cunt as lien Iti ti L , ll* . /.05.1..'([ i 1" : a 1 W/Ja Ltiill l Dees 1',1,1•.,k S:ri vt iti C 4 i i - ) : 4 11[ 1 :I % E REV(I. 't, (Slick lulu, !....t..l)..ieres. 5.t...ct5,,. 1., t 'Tie if ;1,4 diet i*i iii li p iii,ii4itt. , . of three l , •Jelil: ''lnc e.le . Utoli r ....' hit ri .i 1 I,` t . ..ifirs , tAi g e, - utt-iit...t, 01...„1.A1 ....11 'tile .... ~,,Il 4 Wl' 11 eaviltal Ali cling/55,011ittaz it s , .1 p 1. 5, and i 00, 1 , , 1 r ~re 41 dlar i t t ( r Imltio; the I Lin.ni 81,11 0 , m,.., Ft r Iro vd , it • L. I) 1 Illetlitillt 11,11 , 5 S nt11051.2 - 150 , 11111* Ilt:ts Ce tt More 1 k°2Y"rlit•ir Sc,ek ~ ...i. hi v e ... I I 1 in ilr.pertiou .11T ti e , ...will, 1 refm t thr two , full in every de f . ,In ••• 1 . -11 :, 1 I I , ,161 , q! i t p. 15 h... ii ... the :n• 2 .e lt,•is •I • 'l,l t. •Dy ent.t.ot fait to t :lt- -11 5t tcsl -1 Iper rent i mineg” I•15.p5• 1-5 t , irl...p.lre'l.ii.. i r 3 1 Sept. inter 2.Ct•. 1-1, .. _1 i 1.(1 s , It 60.1.) &II: )., Prop! I,t I._ ? 1), 8r0n4,1 1 i, - ,: '. al .I lI I ‘1 , .(.,.. t. -- T .- 7 -- - - , --- ,, - -- 1- ;, -- --I- 'll, i rely, it,. ' St ~1 . -1 I,ll'l-, tin: AII Ill' it.lill :1:1 '.i.:',11 / .si 1 . I 4 Awl lid I) , all Itrozal-fs ni , .l I , in s% 11...(1.1,.1 .1 ',. .- ~, ~.(. , ~, ''. 1,,,,1 1 ,„„,„ _. i S 1Nt , 1.1 ~ Ur 1....1.: , :l , / ./.... , L., -51 1 1 /I Ili, al crtn.. LA (' ..i r.„, 11 t i t i. / 1 bee/I, 01 erat- ; 1 I t ' • - 1 : T.l I,' L,l,i,P , '. I Fren , l. lieti:.ov. , - I ,All ISoril IN lain.- 11.91). - ... 1.. i 'All V...... 1 Del titter/. 1'51,110 all 15r 'I 1 '• C.i.oimer.l 7 ., Plata 41 -7, , ,1pitt , „ t, • A t i wrom.i'Llid- r • 1 r 5,11,1. MA .1:. ,rj.qi- .i . h , 1, Calicos awl n.i ()tiler "L'111 , 11,;- ! In! i h rel wilt. b... i ,11 .14 1101 ri 111/C : I ether linneet. It, It hey .n i Ilyt.ir' l l ~ I . 515 " :: A 0.1/ Il 510 , ..1 10.5,0 10 10 l 'll. -e; i l'ittsh•trv, +it• e bell. ', The tro, a portru",, „.. 'pp ... .ry, if lifipllr .townaltip, who,hAin: the tflat day of zuguat. l l9sB, made affirfmttionfich'rii Jii-t:Cre Gorky that be Film treated for the cure .if Cun— del' by three pit iiiiiiiins 'ifilledford:eonlity, mid hyl,Dr. 7.4elrtou. of the I.:ftlefrie ill I, in, Cill' chinati f for !.period of nearly ! ei . ght toi l lat 4, ilaWitilSt:llnlilll'• Willett, illi• . lip, doss, acrd a par i 6all of his 1;1 Meek were enitrely, , :eqtrn airy! ! ! kle!Md i';, iivoi,up - all hope s , when, he heard .4 GIS 4 :1;lood Anrelter,”• and -Was - bid nett' .bi'tny it.,' Kur bottles cured Kiln ; and idilioligh•i,i'd ly disfigfired; there is uo question hurt ;what this inialuable, 'medicine saved liis - ,life. toe Nil pi, r tieubir l . of,-,thi., remarkable !case 'stay be aeen iii - a cireidur. which 'can be bad or any of 1 , ! , ' ' ! • i ou r ;, R .e l its.., --i . •, 4 , .. C - 'lle . 'ftl! l, ,o refer to tye, mist of.lNAncy Bleak." row, of Rlderion; ArinNtrong county,' re.; rui edhof Scrcfula after being unable, to g k out of •lie for three ytiara.- I . _. *9 i,lie.caso of a lady in. AnsenriLle, Clear- - field iiOunty„whwas o altlo afflicted with*Serot. 111:i in; its worst form. IL I f • i .To the coat) of (3eorge woad., !reatdin in Carrollton, Cambria: county, Pa!, who was, so hally'aftlicted with Cancer that heat ale entire no .e off) and bit ease Was worse, if Pfm.iible., .11: n Meerearys.l I 7'he particulars'of these coace—every,one 'of `w Itch wits cured by' 'the' flee lei thh Blood searcher—toy also, be ;found in a circular to ibe hed of tiny of th; Agent! . I. i' !! ~ ' . - 1 ,- It M. LENION, Propfieter. i ahriiitoY - for the mariulac tire '4,0,1 Bak Inehr thl . P . R K. Depot , Hollidaysbtirgh. Pa: 1 Dr[ G II; Riyaer, Wholsale Akt.; Pfttabbr , * ' • ' , e' i .Forsa,le by' L. E, Raiset. and; Samuel Milutieno,, 1 Alleater; Duncan, Edgard & All , V. , t ‘Fa l liston; ' ,4lin Sargent'. New Brighton; Wm: 'P. Philiin.t, Freedom.' G. Curiniughti,m, Bea_ vetrz Stephei Smith, Bridgewater; F. q P.V.ty . •Indiurtry; fella C. Doff, Darlington; 3olin- me ` Farren &Co. , Smith's Ferry; John Aber, Fair riew,l'affd by'llealern generallY.' (' • t i e6— fon. 3 ln _.......,..._ NMI ME= CHINE. .11.1180 A I .lIALL,k, MARKLE; i t liiii,43 . ,TERS AND DEALERS _, 1 - - • iii L Drugs, liensicals, Dye E4ufs, ;left., etc • I 1 - . 4 , --I . 1 0. 2 i!laiden 11an., t • -' •' , NEW. W:iYORK..- ' pill:44EB, freikh Andgooc—nilleriti's. Ml=l D Y GO4.)D, • • :i { run !claw ive it • i Nos, . 102 11Iarket, and Streei f Pitisburq, l'it. - , OI'ENE 4 I)7 I OI'DIVEL eittl Attie unite frern 1 1 well 59. 1 it re- Ilia pre- i) 1 N !rt 41! rt 1!1;E` ,LA : i:GF;sT AND 7ift,sT rom riii(;•4 the " • sf , cl:-of • kPitING & SUMMEII .0 (x5D . 3 - ES,er , o l rere'l to to, pu!. 1 ; ,, 4 . ..:;,;:•.ittng ;4 . . 4 ,1 14 i:iteht i!opo. t ELI I .G A iI.PEN Al' elk ho , ir - 1 - 11 . .. k II lA.3 l\ rof tl f!,j:Liitina. efoip. ,rtsied, thv• tiulr teat' .i/ver I :s.re ti ener, fiavitig bet% 'l4 in Ou . Cpdr I'...riOlito • g I ac.c...l:mateti by. leaving, " - _ SO,IA JOAE P.ll 3I L.I:: . . . ' • • .1E31•111174t. Pen AV ING thoroughly ktt,Cd yhtl f.rmeriy knovilti •astho. Hc!rsg," ig prepared to iaceonim* friendc and the gencralig. ill satisf. & otury nwinor. . EXECUT"OIt S 2*(1.[1C11 . .. f - grfERS 'TESTA NIENTAItY hn I , I granted tte lata;eri ,, ers' th Dr. akivra (suNNINGliftiM, lafe, rif the Beaver, Beever . - . knowing thcm..3.ielveli indebte3 to A:ti,ki i.f-i',11., .r. 1 requegted to make payment in,nielliiii33ly. Pr those haying claiini agains a iid etit 4 . 333_3 . present -thew duly aiithenticati,l - . 1 - 3.73 limit. • ' . 1 ' ' 11 1 ." ' Also, thes‘e - knowing thinsel-res ti '3 . 3 .., 1 the lute firm or O. StNcorviin ,, foini 353.1 t:..31 1 . notice that Oldie accounts tenet tieN I , e .i 5.,3.i..1: without ilelny. . - fr 1 .....- , S. cbssiNan vm. 1 . ~.p , -, . -- II: S. ~,AnquO. it .-- J. fii. - Vi itiliy:lN,. -. flak sh- -.Dressinz,‘ - inpooUla ke , I, 4.1 BridgewaleP,. , (Opposite „T. B. Suittil's N . J.!, Troy , ” • • Li. As. lately . fitted up a Shop _in th.e. h 1 , ..1. 1., , lodatjou,"where be . will always be 1, :pl.!. to wait On hie fr iends and the iPutilic ( 1 0 ,1 " allY. ' r _ ,NI - ' N .• I El., I A. M . BrA h g b Manufacturer & Deajcir lE47' CENT' S Cll I LDRE OOTS I 4 , Stewares • Raw, ' riVge Bridgewater. Pa. ill M. B:WELSi, ITIORNEY ,AT . . . (PubFict - Attorney,) 1., . i , in tile. Court llouee; 13e' r ver, pi. ly 16 11457. 1 v ' ...ID3IINISTICA.IOI{'S NO riG.FA . ALL persona indebted ta•the.est:iti a - .1,,1m. Makhersqii, late et I:coaouti • tp.,_liea ,,,er Co.. tlec'd.• are reqUebtad to mak- ilat.t , l ,, ;ate 'payment, and theae having e dinine ag a:dtt laid estate. will plea et; present th:.ro tu 1 1, e. subeertner ; properly ato,hantnit4eti for .settle• !neut. ..[eot3] . - .40...--11tilio'r• '. Ju • _ DISSOLUTION. - - - 4 • 1 r . 1:1 lIE Partnerahip heretofore exh4 l tingi order 1 the firm of Woonami & NlcQrttbr.N ,, i i / this day disolved h) mutual copse t, pii,tlll tf-tae tirm will he settled by Davit, W•N,oartr, shd will corttinue the tatiatleei at the old slti 43 Ind all Claims gill be paid ; -,by him. 1 ": DAVID WOOPRUFF . , -. . • ' G.i.lija-r. N 1 'QUILIEIt , . Brldgewates, .oet. 24,, isi6g, .. --- H 11 A :4 1) IEI NMI bz. A UM =8 =1 r{. MIMI n.rb a =llla lIE t• , 1. ir MEMO 111 Mil 'if:, ' i =II 11 i• l~ MEM I z t 11. e e-t e Uri IL.V. I IME
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