Centre Farmer. VOL. 2. “PROGRESSIVE AGRICULTURE.” CENTRE FARMER. SUPERINTENDENTS OF DE- | PUBLISHED BY THE CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL | SOCIETY. JOHN A. WOODWARD, Howard, Prof. JNO. HAMILTON, State College, B. F. SHAFFER, Walker, Publishing Committee. Officers of the Society for 1876 : President—Joux A. Woopwarp, Howard. Vice Presidents—GEN. Gro. BucnaNAN, of Gregg, GEo. L. Pererg, of Union, A. 8. Tieton, of Curtin, SAMUEL Ginrinanp, of College. Secretary & Treasurer—J. WESLEY (GEPHART, of Bellefonte. Librarian—Joux T. Jounsron, of Bellefonte. Ewecutive Com.—J As, A. BEAVER, of Bellefonte, Joux Risuer, of Benner, JouN A. HUNTER, of Halfmoon, LeoNArDp Ruong, of Potter, Joux Hamirron, of College, B. F. Suarrer, of Walker. RN ———- THE CENTRE FARMER will be issued monthly, and is devoted exclusively to such subjects as have a direct bearing upon the interests of the farming community in gen- eral and the CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Sociery in particular, Terms Free, and Postage Prepaid. To Advertisers. The Centre Farmer will be published for six months, with a total of twenty six thousand | copies, and distributed, through the mails, postage prepaid, to every farmer in the / county, whose address can be obtained. The object of its publication is to advertise, and | oreate a renewed interest in the County Agri-, cultural Suciety, and its annual fair, and no | pains will bo spared to have it thorodgify circulated. This makes it a very desirable medium for that class of advertisers who desire specially to reach the farming commu- nity. We have still room for a limited num- ber of advertisements which will be inserted at the following rates: | One eighth column.......ceevenicivnenniiiinnnes £600! One fourth do ..... siribssensssirensiakisere we 10 00 One half do viens ardivpiives aieriisiany . 20 00 Whole do ..... ereiRe as Eien ah veecees 40 00 Address CENTRE FARMER, Howard, Centre Co., Pa. ——Our next Annual Fair will be held on the Society's grounds, at Bellefonte, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, being the 3d, 4th and 6th days of Oce tober, 1876. DR. E. GREENE'S Iniver Pills. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. | Dr. E. Greene's Liver Pills are always and ' only put up in OVAL boxes, not round—and | have on the bottom of each and every box— the name of the Sole Agents and Manufactu- ers, J. ZELLER & SON, No. 6 Brockerhoff Row. AF~See other advertisement in this paper-ga ' W. 8. WOLF & SON, BELLEFONTE, PA. MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in all kinds of STOVES, TINWARE, &C., &C., &C. | ets, w - and most experienced farmers. farmers to be compelled | against their neighbor's stock ? On this PARTMENTS AND JUDGES. At the Executive Committee meet- ing held on the 8th of September, the Superintendents of the respective De- partment and the Judges for the differ- ent classes were selected. For the lat- ter duty only one person was chosen for each class, and the gentlemen named are empowered to make the decisions in their respective classes without selecting assistants, or if they do not feel like assuming the sole re- gponsibilivy they can call to their aid two or more persons to assist them. The following is a list of those appoin- ted : Cuier Marsnar—Samuel Gilliland, of Boals- burg. SUPERINTENDENTS, First Department—Stock—John Potter. Second Department— Agricultural and Horticul- tural Products—Christian Dale, jr., of Spring. Third Department—Agricultural Implements, de.—A. 8. Tipton, of Howard. Fourth Department—Home Department.—Mrs. M. B. J. Valentine and Mrs. George Valen- tine, of Spring. Fifth Department—Amusements—F. P. Blair, Bellefonte. Rishel, of JUDGER.—CLASBES. 1. Horses for General Use—John McCoy, of Potter. 2. Horses for Heavy Draft—Henry Corniman, of Miles. 3. Driving and Riding Horscs—J. D. Shugert, ' of Bellefonte. 4, Jacks and Mules—John Curtin, of Belle- fonte. +5, Thoroughbred Cattle—James Keller, of Potter. 6. Grade and Native Cattle—Henry Beck, of Walker. 7. Working and Fat Cattle—Henry Moyer, of inden Hall, 8. Dairy Cows on Trial—Daniel C. Keller, of Potter. 9. Swine—Hon. John H. Orvis, of Bellefonte. 10. Sheep—Isaiah Struble, of Walker. 11. Poultry—D. H. Rote, of Haines. 12. Pets—Theodore Deschner, of Bellefonte. 13. Field Crops—Jchn Grove, of Potter. 14. Flour and Meal—Jared B. Fisher, of Gregg. 15. Vegetables—William Shortlidge, of Belle- onte, 16. Fruits—Pres't. James Calder, of State College. 17. Agricultural Implements—Wm. C. of College. 18. Furniture and Utensils for Farm, Dairy Huey, + and Household Use—George W. Campbell, of Linden Hall. 19. Wagons and Carriages—Isaac Lose, of Bellefonte. 20. Lumber and its Manufactures—Dr. Gi. F. ' Hoop, of Philipsburg. 21. Leather and its Manufactures—Thomas Downing, of Bellefonte. 22, Iron and its Manufactures—Hon. John Irwin, of Bellefonte. 23. Flowers and Designs—Prof. James Y. McKee, of State College. 24, Wines, Pickles, Preserves, &c—John B. Mitchell, of Ferguson, 25. Bread, Cake, Pastry, Butter, Honey, Sugar, Meats, &ic—Balser Weber, of Howard. 26. Quilting, Needlework, Embroidery, dc—W, W. Montgomery, of Bellefonte. 27. Fine Arts, Penmanship, #c—Prof. Henry Meyer, of Miles. 3h dges are entitled to complimentary tick- rich will be furnished on application to the Secretary at his office at the entrance to . the grounds. — ROAD FENCING, HERD. - ING, &C. Correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune, An inquiry is made by a Pennsylva- | nia farmer #8 to herding, or, in more common words, keeping and maintain- ing road" fences. that has occupied the most serious and thoughtful consideration of our best his is a question Ought to fence ; ! subject there are various opinions; but Roofing & Spouting a Specialty. I can plainly discover that there is a — ALL WORK GUARANTEED. growing feeling against road fences, ‘may safely say I ave been here 32 years, and think I am an impartial BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA., OCTOBER, 1876. judge of the present and past condition of the needs, wants and necessities of our country, and the present views of our farmers, Southern Wisconsin is well timbered, and therefore farmers could fence, as they have have done, against their neighbor's stock. In the early days of our settlement fences were built of rails to protect the culti- vated fields. This rule was the stand- ard one until a few years since, when farmers began to ask whether they ought to fence against any other stock than their own. The more this sub- ject was examined and investigated, the less apparent it became that a man was only bound to fence against his own stock. The law requires farmers to build line fences, but nothing more. It is a well settled principle in the law of this State that the highway is only for a public easement, for the purpose of allowing the public to pass over it. The adjoining owner parts with no other interest, but to all intents and purposes, occupies, pays taxes on, con- trols the two rods wide taken for a public highway as much as any part of his farm. This being the case it is clear that the public have no other in- terest in the highway or road other than a public easement or a right to ass over it. The public being by law ih our highest courts have adjudicated and decided) only entitled to use our farms as common or public highways, it clearly follows that no fence is re- quired to protect us from the damage of the public. A road is only a right of way for specific purpose, and who- ever passes over it must see that no damage is done to the one who owns, pays taxes on, and gives the right of way. “The question now presented is, Shall farmers in the United States take up and not build road and line fences ? For one, I say, let every man fence against and take care of his own stock, but not that of his neighbors. The subject of fencing, or of taking care of stock with but little or no fenc- ing, is probably as well understood by the farmers of Nebraska and adjoining States as by any other people; Here are found farmers from all parts of this country and many foreign countries. I do not think there is on an average as much fencing on the quarter-section (160 acres) farms in Nebraska as will be found on the ten-acre farms in New- England. Why is it? It cannot be the extra cost of fencing, for the hedge fence, which is the cheapest of all, is easily grown here, and wire fences are built with but little more cost than in the Eastern States. Outside or line fences have here a greater relative val- ue; for if the farms were all fenced, horses, cattle, and sheep would get their living for one-half of the year on the unoccupied lands, an advantage that would more than compensate tor the additional cost of any ordinary fence. I believe the sole object of fencing here is to enable a farmer to take care of his stock cheaper than he otherwise can. In Vermont, fifteen years ago, we were continually build- ing and repairing fences to keep other people's stock off our farms. It was not enough that A. should take care of his own stock, as it certainly was his interest and duty to do, but he must also fence against B.'s stock. Now, if B. is rents to take care of his own stock as he ought, where is the necessity of A. fencing against it? While the fence should have but one object, to enable a farmer to take care of his stock, there are many reasons why it should not be unnecessarily used—the present high price of material, labor to build, and annual repairs. It isa harbor for weeds and vermin. It oc- cupies considerable land, as the plow cannot be run close to it. Cross or subdivision fences make the farming ing smaller, require a great deal more time per acre for plowing, harrowing, cultivating, or reaping with a machine, as so much time is spent in turning. Road fences often cause larce snow drifts in the road where snow falls to any amount. But granting that the farmer is only required to fence for his own stock, how much fencing does he require ? That depends on the amount and variety of stock kept, and the cost of the various modes of taking care of it. If soiling, herding, or lariating is cheaper than pasturing, then a barn lot or corrall is all that is required. 1 do not think one farmer in twenty in Nebraska has anything more, and many have not even that. The team and the cows being fed in the stable or lariated, while the young cattle are herded for the season (about 6 months) at a cost of $1 50 or $2 per head. In this State, if A.’s stock injures B.'s crops, B. can hold the stock till the damage is settled. If they cannot agree on the amount of damage, they select arbitrators, and from their decis- ion there can be no appeal. I have been in the State eight years, and have only known of three cases where the arbi- trators were chosen. I do not think there is any more ill feeling engendered here on account of stock injuring crops than is occasioned by poor fences and unruly stock in the East. Where there are no unoccupied grass lands, and land is not very valuable, pastur- ing will probably pay best.—C., Lin- coln, Neb. OST OF FENCES. We find by compilation of the re- ports tc thieidepartment of agriculture, that the cash value of the annual farm products of the United States, is over $2,450,000,000, while the value of all the live stock, including horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs, was, on the first day of February, 1872, $1,- 659,211,933, or about $800,000,000 less than the value of the annual farm products. To protect this $2,550.000,000 worth of growing crops from being destroyed by the 81,6569,211,933 worth of live stock, we have built 1,619,199,428 rods of fence enclosing 250,505,614 acres of ground, with an average of 6.46 rods per acre, costing $1.08 per rod, or $6.- 98 per acre, making a total cost of $1,- 748,529,185, or about $89,317,192 above the value of all the live stock. The annual decay and cost of repairs cannot be less than ten per cent. of the original cost of fence, or $174,852, 918; interest at seven per cent. per annum, $124,319,811; total annual cost, $299,172,729. But this is not all. A fence occupies and wastes an average of one half rod wide, or one acre for every 50 inclosed, making a total for all the fences of 50,101,123 acres. The gross proceeds, per acre, for the culti- vated grounds in the United States for the year 1871, amounted to £9.78. Call it $9 per acre, and taking two- thirds as the cost of cultivation, we have $3 ae the net proceeds per acre, which would show an annual loss of $150,303,369, which, added to the an- nual cost to settle up and develop the country, and who have the heaviest burden of taxes to pay—to expend more than all the stock in the country is worth to fenc: in their crops, and give free range to the stock owners, who need not own or improve, or pay taxes upon a single acre. But people are beginning to believe that when they have bought a piece of land, and paid for it, and pay taxes upon it, they ought to own the land and the crops growing thereon, and be protected in their rights to do with it as they please, providing that noth ing which they do,or grow,or keep, shall interfere much more expensive. The fields, be- with the right of others.
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