Jo ry | » FARMER JOHN. BY J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Home from. his journey Farmer Johny} ii Arrived this morning safe and sound. Hig black coat off, and his old clothes on, “Now I'm myself!” says Farmer John ; And he thinks, ‘I'll look around.” Up leaps the dog: “ Get down you pup! Are you so glad you would eat me up?’ e old cow lows at the gate to meet him ; “Well, well, old Bay! Ha, ha, old Gray! Do you get good feed when I am away ?” “You have not a rib !”’ says Farmer John, “The cattle are looking round and sleek ; The ool is going to be a roan,’ 4 beauty, too, how he has grown! | Won Wen thie calf next week SYR £14 Says Farmer John, ¢ When I’ve been off, To call you again about the trough, i] And swateh you, andl pet! you, while ‘youl drink, : Is a greater comfort than you can think!” And he pats old Bay, ..1 And he slaps old Gray ; J ‘““ Ah, this is the comfort of going away! ‘*For'after all,” says Farmer John, ' * ' ‘‘ The best of a journey is getting home. I’ve seen great sights; but would I give This spot, and the peaceful life I live, For all their Paris and Rome? These hills for the city’s stifled air, And big hotels all bustle and glare, Land all houses, and roads all stones, That deafen your ears and batter your bones? Would you, old Bay ? # “Would you, old Gray ? vi That's what one gets by going away 1” ‘““ There money is king,” says Farmer John, ‘“ And fashion is queen; and it’s mighty ueer ; To see how sometimes, while the man, Raking and scraping all he can, The wife spends every year, Enough you would think for .a score of , Wives, To keep them in luxury all their lives! The town is a perfect Babylon To a quiet chap,’’ says Farmer John. ‘“ You see, old Bay, © “1 Yon see, old Gray, ; I’m wiser than when I went away.” “I've found out this,”’ says Farmer John, ¢ That happiness is not bought and sold, And clutched in a life of waste and hurry, In nights of pleasure and dayk of worry; And wealth isn’t all in gold, Mortgage and stocks and ten. pei cent. Few wants, pure hopes, and nobie ends, Some land to till, and a few good friends Like you, old Bay, And you, old Gray, That’s what I've learned by going away.” And a happy man is Farmer John, 0, a rich and happy man is he; He sees the peas and pumpkins growing, The corn in tassel, the buckwheat blowing, And fruit on vine and tree; The large, kind oxen look théir thanks As he rubs their foreheads and strokes their flanks ; The doves light round him and strut and 00. Says Farmer John, ‘I'll take you, too, And you, old Bay, And you, old Gray, Next time 1 travel so far away !”’ | —New York Tribune. Potato Bug Killing Machine. Lice, Flea, Worm, Slug and Caterpillar DESTROYER, thoroughly Dusts the crop with Paris Green, or Wise Gn ody a walk, saje an opera a boy. Sent pre-paid, by mail for $6.00, Circulars free. Made only by S. L. ALLEN & CO., 119 So. 4th St. Phila. PARIS GREEN supplied. » a Live Agents WANTED. BELLEFONTE PRESS CO. PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, BOOK-BINDERS. - PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Particular attention paid to Printing Books & Pamphlets. BINDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF { MAGAZINES, MUSIC, LAW BOOKS, PAPERS, &e., Bes In every style and in the best manner. “G38 OLD BOOKS & SABBATH-SCHOOL BOOKS, RE-B0UND AND MADE AS GOOD AS NEW. PRICES MODERATE. v | infanticide will continue so long as par- LET IN THE SUN! To ‘‘Blest power of sunshine, genial day ! What balm, what life are in thy ray ! To feel thee is such real bliss, That, had the world no joy but this, To sit in sunshine calm and sweet, It were a world too exquisite : For man to leave it for the gloom, The deep cold shadow of the tomb,” Moore. Few, very few, properly estimate the value and potency of the full force of the sun. The sunbeam is the most im- portant beam in a structure designed for the abode of animals, whether it be a dwelling, a stable, a sty or a kennel. Yet how often do we see. it as carefully excluded from the dwelling as if its gen- ial, balmy and vitalizing influences on the lower order of animals were unimpor- tant! A truthful exposition of the sad consequences of the exclusion of the sun from dwellings, would astonish those who are ignorant of the fact, that from this cause thousands have suffered, and hundreds have died outright. In de- signing both dwellings and ‘abodes for domesticated animals, I make it a point to provide most liberally for the admis- sion of the direct rays of the sun, and endeavor to impress on the minds of my clignts the great importance and econ: or ‘of this\much- neglected" feature in" such structures. I have carefully observ- ed the influence of the sun on both plants and animals for a period of more than forty years, and am thoroughly convinced that the hygenic influence of fhe sun on both can scarcely be overra: ted. By observing the development of trees on the margins of woodlands, it may readily be seen that the profusion, vigor, and brilliancy of foliage is strikingly greater on that portion of them enjoying the fullest degree of sunlight. The same influence is visible on the standard trees. The north side is almost invariably dwarfed more or less, for the want of just what has occasioned a more vigorous growth on the sanny aspects. The effect is especially observable on fruit trees, in both foliage and fruit; the latter is bet- ter developed, and richer in flavor and color, This influence is no less striking in the department of Flora. The maximum richness of tint and fragrance is depend: ent on a proper degree of sunlight, How great is the contrast inf the ap- pearance of peasant children, rdared in the open air, with bare heads and feet, and often half-naked bodies, all well sun-bronzed, when compared with that of children reared in fashionable, sunless affluence, enveloped in furs and flannel from crown to sole—the pale, puny spec- imen of parasol production ! : The same effects of solar influence are equally visible on animals of the lower orders. Young chickens and turkeys kept from the sun will be dwarfed, their feathers will stare, their appetites will be feeble, they are subject to disease; and are generally infested with vermin, pre- senting a striking contrast, when com- pared with those of the same age, that have enjoyed the genial, invigorating effect of the great vitalizer. The very great economy derivable from solar heat in dwellings, and in abodes for our animals, if availed of in the fullest degree, well compensates for the slight additional cost of glazed walls. The fear of fading carpets by sunlight, is giving to many a luxuriant dwelling the gloom of a prison, and giving support to a hoard of doctors, who gither know not; the cause of the non‘hygenic condition of many households on whose misfor- tunes they live; or knowing the cause, selfishly withhold an explanation of it from the unfortunate slaves of fashion. Thousands of as promising children as ever were born, have been hurled into untimely graves by maladies produced and intensified to fatality by depriving them of those freest gifts of heaven, pure air and sunlight, and such wholesale ents are ignorant of the true and all- essential influences of those vitalizing elements. God speed the day when that dark ig- norance shall be banished by the light of lights, and when died for want of sunlight would, if embraced in them, cease to be the truest line in infantile elegies.—/J. WiLKINSON, Baltimore, Md., in Country Gen- tleman. . Strat minim tet) Eterm A FarMER complains that a hook and ladder company has been organized in his neighborhood. He states that the ladder is used after dark in climbing into the hen-house, after whieh thé hooking 18 done. eet 4 Easy keeping an orchard when nobody robs it. “ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY INVI- TED TO CALL AT ZELLER’S DRUG STORE, No. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW, FOR A GLASS OF THE BEST SODA WATER IN BELLEFONTE. ONLYS5 CENTS A GLASS. [See other advertisement in this paper.] BURNSIDE & THOMAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jobbing & Commission House OPPOSITE THE BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. Save your money by doing your trading with BURN- SIDE & TIIOMAS. ALLKINDS OF GROCERIES Great Bargains! Quick Sales! Small Profits! AT BURNSIDE & THOMAS. Boots and Shoes, Notions, Wood and Willow Ware, Leather, Shoe Fiuitings Hats and (aps, and a Thousand ther Articles. WE OFFER YOU ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF THE CITY MARKETS. ’ The country is flooded with damaged and cheap TOBACCOS, SNUFFS & SEGARS. We offer you none but pure articles. All goods are GUARANTEED just what we represent them to be. BUTTER AND EGGS, And all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex- change for goods. Go to BURNSIDE & THOMAS and do your trading. IMMENSE BARGAINS at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’, PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL AT BURN- SIDE & THOMAS". WE WILL BE MOST HAPPY TO SUPPLY YOU. GRANGERS! POWERS IS STILL HERE AND PROPOSES TO STAY! IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT STOP AT HIS ELE- GANT STORE OPPOSITE THE BUSH HOUSE, ON YOUR WAY TO THE FAIR AND FIT OUT YOUR WHOILE FAMILY WITH BOOTS & SHOES, FOR THE WINTER. HIS STOCK IS UNRIVALLED, AND PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. MERCHANT TAILORING AND | Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, No. 7, BROCKERHOFF ROW, 3 Our facilities for manufacturing goods for Mens’ Wear being better now than at any other season, we are pre- pared to fill all orders with celerity and promptness. A perfect fit and good Joel manstp guaranteed. The completest stock of HATS, embracing all the leading and desirable styles, always on hand. A fact which we wish all the people of Centre county to consider is this, that we can sell all, goods in our line cheaper than any other establishment. Based upon “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,” our business is proving satis- factory to ourselves and our customers. THIS WILL BE PROVED TO ALL upon an exami- nation of our price lists. MONTGOMERY, Merchant Tailor and Gentlemen's Furnisher. HOFFER & KLINE, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ready-Made Clothing, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queensware, &:c. Flour & Provisions, Plaster, Chop, &o., &e. ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. LOEB, MAY & LOEB, BELLEFONTE, PA., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS CT.O T HT NG, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., AT BOTTOM PRICES. BELLEFONTE LUMBER YARD —AND— WW AREEIOTSE. JOHN D. LIEB, Agent, Pine, Oak & Hemlock Bill Lumber, WHITE & YELLOW PINE AND : HEMLOCK FLOORING, Sash, Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Posts, &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. The LARGEST & BEST WAREHOUSE in the County for storing Grain, Implements, &c. Terms moderate. CEMENT, LIME, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. GEORGE L. POTTER, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, OFFICE— High St. and the Diamond, BELLEFONTE, PA. REPRESENTING Home Insurance Company, N. Y.,...cccees assets $6,000,000 Fire Association of Philadelphia,.......... “3,155,000 Royal, Liverpool,.....cceeecevssncssssnnessscses 13,000,000 Royal Canadian of Montreal,...........ccoeveernnnes 10,000,000 Lancashire Insurance Company, 10,000,000 Girard Insurance Company of Philadelphia... 833,000 Watertown of New YOrK,.....ccooeereeeeesneiernecaes 650,000 Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. of Middle Penn'a. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. My HE demand for the Celebrated BUCKEYE DRILL and BUCKEYE CULTIVATOR is constantly on the increase. This Drill has for the last 16 years stood at the head of its class, and has had the largest sale of any Drill in the world: its reputation is not confined to the United States but is known in England, Germany, Rus- sia and other parts of Europe. FORCE FEED WITHOUT CHANGE OF GEARS. D. W. WOODRING, Agent, BELLEFONTE, PA. 15 GO TO Gu John Brachbill’s, WHERE YOU WILL FIND A GOOD VARIETY ~~~" OF ALL KINDS OFF ~~ FURNITURE, ~ BELLEFONTE, PENNA. J. BARTLES & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Glue, Soap, Bone AND OTHER FERTILIZERS, NEATS-FOOT OIL, &ec., WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Our Fertilizers are kept for sale by SHORTLIDGE &' CO., Bellefonte, LUCAS & BRO., Howard. We also manufacture the Favorite Old Erie and Mag nolia Soaps, that are kept for sale by grocers generally. A. S. BARNES & CO. PUBLISHERS OF THE NATIONAL SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS, A."P."PLINT, General Ayent, £22 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Send ‘for Catalogue and Special Price List before changes are made. J.& J. HARRIS, DEA LERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, &c., No. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PA. J. ZELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, No. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND, CHEMICALS, AND ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, THE ONLY STORE IN TOWN THAT SELLS DR. E. GREENE'S LIVER PILLS, [Bee other advertisement in this paper. | |
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