2.(1,1 5.07, .Ctj 0.r, 50.- SO, 3.1 b mti lEg !5S Si:. is al HI e t th- pTar d t ttb Ofii: prir .CE BO: car ilOL lie I the 08 AC a, any ; thro: S 8g opFL" CD " 1 jrt vn4ilKEIt Editor and Propi I'i'nnv iiirrcuixsoar, iuiiisii Editor and Proprietor. ter. yoLUME 7. ,-Rorted especiallj for The Alleghanian. ' W CORE HOMICIDE CASE. trial of Jo!in Gore for the Mur- der of Policeman Ed. Holmes, jB Johnstown, on the SOtli or August, 1865. r. ih Court of Over and Terminer for Cambria ; . frt i o?t rr. " . Count', jjecemoer strut, iouj jvn. ucviyv Taylor, President Judge ; Geo. W. Easley end II. C. Devine, Associate Judges. i. True Bill having been returned by r i T . ., Inch .Turin fJnro'nnd the urauu uuij "c"'u-" " - Vharlcs llobinson, for the murder of IV cemen Holmes, in Johnstown, the case :ine before the Court on Wednesday, Cth . 1 c . 1 ; aslant, The counsel ior me prisoners Vked or a separate trial, and the District y.oroey elected to try Gore nrst.O At Ll.'-past nine o'clock on Wednesday Dior- Ling. Gore was accordingly brought into YVart aud arraigned in duo iurni. lo . indictment, the prisoner in a subdued m of voice plead "JTut tut'lty," and ask itobc tried by God and his country. ABEARANCE OF THE PRISONER. John Gore ii a young man about twen- y-four years of age, in stature about five cet six or seven inches, and as he appcar- 1 when brought into Court, neatly attired, eanlv shaven, aud with a bright, intclli- til i i ent countenance, wou.d nave oeen tatcn , - 1. .1 . 1 - or anviuiuii but a criminal jiau uui ms rows, either irotu habit or di-psition, eat a contracted and sullen expression to is feu tu res, winch, aidjd by a restless, I Itft-I 1 " . 1 trt gray or iiaii-isazLi eye, muicareu a ifosiiiou that would brook no contra .ciiuu, aud a temper almost if not alto eicr beyond hLj control. His manner -as rather more that of a person uneasy :,1 repentant than excited or nervous. THE MURDERED MAN. Edtrar.i Holmes was a married man, ,..ut thirty years of age. He was a c'jiuet-uiaker by occupation, and for mauy .iih worked in the 'different shops in .'.hustown. lie was known as a jovial, . .1 natured felhw, (as appears from the liuiony, fund of gamiug and irohek r, and was frequently in the company the prisoner lor a considerable time vious to his death. At the time of the '.u occurrence, he was actim? iu the ca- it-iry or policeman tor Johnstown boro., avitig been appointed as buch by '.urcs ocl? a lew daws before. He tne kit wie, but no children. The wife i in ..cucaiiCe at Court, aiid Iier ncf appears Anow no bounds as the wuund.s in her r-kU.tre torn open airesn bv the recital J tit-.: witnes.-es of the history of the sjd veat which deprived her of her earthly rop aud fcupport. Till: COUNSEL IN THE CASE. John 111.3V, lo., and District At- ivnts appear :or t th e CtKiiuiou- tbe defense h represented by R. WoUnitoa and A. Ivopelin. Es. THE JURY. The process of tnipanncling a jury consumed considerable time. The excite ment viub regard to the case had been llied as iurvuitn had formed or evrros. Vcd an 0:.init,n na tli n,.;if y ;n, f the prisoner, which 'disoualificd them ptom shuocr. Of thirtv-two regularly f uiwuoDed jurymen, only seven were ac feptcd and sworn in the cause. The rejr- unire Leit: then cThaintfifl. th f.ioraercd tho callini: of talismen. 1 ifie whole numhpr P.I 1 1 oil intrniAii r rl wiiimeD, was S2 : of th ,rt ,m a; Ijaaiiiied by reason of having tormed or expressed an otiiuuni t..., v fl j -Z T" C."sciculls scruples against cap- i. & j vu.& A ' ' tXA tUlLl" troai deafness " ",l1?.03 ?"? ln Kx- ulJ Peremptorily cha - heg(VmiPm0D,V tUree "cnged by tne Commonwealth: anrl tv. 4f?. named tweli . i 1UHOW1H' Ue sworn as jurors: . OHN Rtav. -'osKrn Shi, f AEDBICS S.VTDER, James ekso.v, CllARtE3 FaHABAU-GH, Has Naole, Jr., s Kelly, James A. Skih.v James t. Evans, - ILLIAM Mviv A JLfiOR OPPOSED TO HANGING. ii may be proner tn M th ns.i . ve. here, that ""AHstion bewff out .to Pter the omh . "("""ieu an opinion us he bar . j ,uuocence ot tbe prisoner at ,t; "u Br ne entertained . -mentions ficrun es apainut h,r,wi anient. r,w 'j.i.. Fuu answer .Of the inrrmnn i "jf mm The Court held that ?f Jurvmaa was efficiently The I J,UStlf his caenge for cause. sfcd tw; Z.." TV?01 ,.eeun u, . vuun examined the witne ft PR. fol!o0 . questions and answers, as CSli?Mr; eyw, Could you iu me nrat degree, where the 'ment would be death 7" Jud ltt? uia not. consider , thii an "owini,. iucouu aQ proppsea tne on tK ,'uu "J conscientious Bcrutdea F tla Tct ot rendnng such a verdict An, evidence would warrant it ?" I should Bay;! havei' r your EBENiSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 18C5. The prisoner's counsel then proposed the following question : "Please to etate, Mr. Somers, whether you have such conscientious scruples on the subject of capital punishment as would prevent you, if sworn as a juror, from rendering a verdict of murder in the first degree if such a verdict were warranted by the evidence ?" The juror answered " I could not say positively, as I would not like to take life. It might have some influence on me." The Court held that the juroi should not be placed in a position in .which he might feel forced to do violence to his conscience, and therefore decided that the answer of the juror 'disqualified him from serving on the jury. Prisoner's counsel urged that the an swer should be positive and unqualified, and asked fer a bill of exceptions, which the court granted and sealed. THE PROSECUTION OPENS. At C o'clock in the afternoon, the pros ecution opened. A jury having been ob tained, District Attorney 13arne3 opened for the Commonwealth in a speech of fif teen minutes leugth, merely detailing what the prosecution expected to prove, without usin-j time iu displaying powers of ihetorical or flowery eloquence, or traveling beyond the stern limits of the case to abuse the minds of the jurors. The father of the prisoner, Mr. Henry Gore a highly respected and valued citi zen who at at his side, as well as the prisoner himself, appeared deeply afrected ac the narraiive of the circumstances as made by the opening counsel. THE TESTIMONY. The testimony for the prosecution com menced by calling Robert P. Linton, who was sworn, and testified as follows : Am constable of the Third Ward ir. the bor ough ol Juhnstown j on the 29th of Au gust last, I had a warrant issued by Squire M'Kee to arrest John Gore j the warrant said "John Uore, ore una otners -y gave lb ft warrant to Edwin Holmes and Joseph Oter the same evening, at Joe fchosmakcr's house ; they agreed to exe cute the warrant ; this was about 4 o'clock in the evening; Holmes and Oster were police officers, as I understood. Cross-examined : Shoemaker's house is in Conemat.h ; do not know how thev were appointed, but saw th in arresting times ; the meu uu ilie street :it dlttereut warrant was directed to Amo.i 13. Davis ; don't know fV-r certain which of the two took the warrant out of my hand ; Holmes had it next morning y saw a paper in his hand that I supposed was the warrant : he wanted me to take it : I did not read it ; Holmes' residence was in Concmau h borough; Oster's was also in that borough, ilcitrv Chambers, fcidorcd. called and sworn : Live in Johuatowa ; um a barber; on the day Holmes was shot, Charles Robinson aud another young man came to my bhop along with John .Gore ; came to got shaved I believe : a little while after that, Holmes cauie to my shop and said he wanted John Gore; he put his bauds on him aud said he was his prisoner; Robinson then struck- Holmes two cr three times ; in the scuffle Gore got away; Gore made one bleach at Holmes but did not strike hi in ; Gore fell to the pave ment when ho struck at Holmes ; Holmes backed himself out to the street, then Mrcw hi3 revolver, and told them to keep on ironi mm: uiu uoi near auy Liueuis nor anything of the kind; Holmes was standing in the door when he put his hands on G-re ; then went off down street; did not see Oster with Ho.mcs. Cross-examined: Gore , appeared to be very drunk ; he fell down when he made tho stroke at Holmes; did not, sec any weapons about auy of Gore's party ; dee'd had a revolver ; don t mind o: having heard anything said about a war rant by any one ; didu't hear John Gore asking dee'd it he had a warrant; did not Fee any ; heard dee'd saying,' after they backed out to the street, that he would shoot them it they didn t keep away ; dee'd appeared perfoiIy sober. David Patten called and s.worn : Live mi Johnstown; woik tor my lather, W ni. Patten, cabinet maker ; on the day Holmes was shot. I saw the prisoner, Mtooinson and Ilessel going over towards the Island ; they turned back and the prisoner came up to the shop; M'Clelland told him noi. to pass the Foster House, as Palmer, the proprietor, was "going to shoot him ;" the prisoner had some money in' hishand, and said he was going to buy a pistol to shoot Jlolmea before night; he asked M'Clelland for two chair legs ; M'Clelland told him he had none but what he wanted to use ; the prisoner then came to my bench and I gave him two chair legs ; he said they wouldn't do; as they were too short; he then went to Pender's bench, who gave him three table chair legs; he went down stairs, and Hessel cameup and got a short one and then . went down ; prisoner and RobinsoH then came up to gether; Robinson wanted to trade me his cap for mv hat ; this was the same day the dee'd was shot, sometime in the morn ing, about 10 or 11 o'clock : the prisoner did not say what he wanted the chair legs for: just cot them and, went out: then weut down to the Post Office, and coming Dack. saw a crowd at Jake Fend s saloon, and 'stopped; .Mr;; Orr- was standing at tho door . when . tho dep'd . came up and Q it told him to go down to the cellar and I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hinby C arrest Robinson, as he was the prisoner ; the dee'd went down and told Robinson he "had to come Robinson said he wouldn't come; then there was a kind of a scuffle, when prisoner said to the dee'd to wait until they had eaten their oysters; he then got up and said "he must come, must be!'' and then shot ; when prisoner shot, the dee'd staggered back against the counter, then ran out of the cellar; pris oner ran out after him; when he got to the top of the ptairs, prisoner drew a re volver and said to Mr. Orr, "stand back or I'll shoot you, too;" he then went up street and I saw him no more till he was a prisoner. Cross-examined : Saw all this ; didn; hear it; from where I was couldn't sc? the prisoner shoot; knew the dee'd was shot when he staggered back, "as 1 saw him put his hand on his stomach; didn't take notice who all were in the cellar, but saw Robinson, Hessel and prisoner ; dee'd had a club, didn't see him strike Robinson j saw dee'd take out his watch, &c, to have given his wife, after he wag shot ; prisoner was not drunk, but had enough to make him funny ; ho told M'Clelland he was going tq buy a pistol and shoot dee'd before night; think it was a Colt's revolver prisoner had ; was about 10 inches long, I suppose ; eaw it in his hands after he drew it on Orr; he said, "stand back, Orr. or I will shoot you too." Su?an Gillespie (colored) sworn: Live in Johnstown, on Clinton street, next door to Mr. Chamber's barber shop on the day dee'd was bhot, saw him walk up street and cross over towards Dan Gough nour's ; he beckoned to some man and said, "come, lef us go over ;" this man came with him to the shop ; heard a noise and came to the door, just as. prisoner iell on the pavement ; dec d said, "it you pick up that rock again 1 11 show you what I'll do;" prisoner said, ''Robinson, find d d brains out:" with that dee'd prV up his pistol and walked down 6treet prisoner then said "he d go down street and buy a pistol and shoot dee'd before night he swore there wa3 not a police man in Johnstown could take biui ; he said, "come on. with your police ;" he weut down street and I didn't see any more of him; after the deed was done, saw the three conic up street, (meaning prisoner, iiessciana itooinsonj; prisoner said, "1 swore this morning 1 d have before Dicht. and I have had it : fight ho repoated that there was not a police man in town could take him ; Robinson and Hessel were with him at the same time. Cross-examined This was the dav dee'd was tdiot ; heard the report that dee'd was shot before prisoner and party came up street; knew prisoner; didn't observe if there were rocks laying about tho street near the door of the shop; prisoner tell nearly measuring the pave ment ; he had been drinking, but couldn't tell how drunk he was; dee'd had his pistol in his hand when prisoner got up ; he told tho prisoner if he'd pick up that rock he'd shoot ; prisoner said, "Robinson, hand me that revolver," but I didn't see the revolver. John Pender called and sworn : Work in the same shop with Dave Patfoc ; pris oner aud Robinson came up to the shop; prisoner pulled out a roll of botes and said dec d had pulled a revolver on fciin, and he was going to buy one and shoot him ;' he came -o my bench to get chair runjrs ; told him 1 needed them: he then went to another bench and srot some don't mind of him saying what he wanted to do with - them ; this was about 10 o'clock in the morning. Cross-examined : He pulled out a roll of notes and said that dee'd drew a revol ver on him, and he was going to buy one ana snoot tne son oi a d ; Know me men by sight ; prisoner was about one half tight ; Robineon about three-fourths tight; Hessel came up afterwards., - Mark Graham called and sworn : Saw prisoner and companions the morning of the shooting; saw, them on. the street by Masterson's old. corner; prisoner and Robinson went up. to Patton's shop and caoe down with three chair legs ; one was smaller than ,the others, like , a rung ; prisoner went up to the one who had the small stick and said it was no use, "for," said he, "the police have a warrant and we may get into a fight to-day, and that stick is no use, it is so little ;" he then went up and got a larger one, the size of the other two as near as I could tell ; the three of them then started down towards Chamber's barber shop ; heard no conver- lation only what they said about the po licemen ; this was about nine or ten in the moruing, perhaps later. Cross-examined: I was within eight' or nine feet of the door when they came out of Patten's shop ; saw Robinson and pris oner go up and then came down with three sticks; then walked down to the barber shop: knew dee'd : prisoner and he used to be irood friends; dee'd was a. man of genial spirits : didn't see another person with them at the barber shop ; have acted iu .capacity of police. David Patten re-called : Prisoner and I were in the army together; we had a lit tle difficulty : not much of a' one : it oc curred in ' the army, v - - Court adjourned,- to meet again at half- past six o clock. " i LAY. Atyht. Court met per adjournment at six and a half o'clock. Mark Graham re-called : Prisoner was under mv custody while in Joh also assisted in bringing him to Ebeiis (Mr. Johnson, for the prisoner. burer. here objected to Gore's statements while in custody, being used as evidence. Tho Court held that if no inducements were held out to the prisoner to make state ments, they would be evidence.) Question by the counsel for the prison er : "Had Gore been drinking before he started from Johnstown ?" Answer : Tho prisoner had been drinking; the liquor was furnished at the "lock-up," and also at the station in Johnstown; no induce ments held out that I know of to him to make statements ; heard no one sug gesting it would be better to acknowledge ; a young man got into the cars at Cressoo, or the first station this side of Cresson, and asked prisoner "what he was doing with those wristlets on ;". prisoner answer ed, "I shot Ed. Holmes ; the people say I shot him ; it was d d good my pistol didn't go off or I'd have shot more of them;" don't know who the young man wa3. ' Henry Chambers, (colored,) re-called : After the party left my shop, they came back again ; couldn't tell what time elapsed ; they had clubs with them when they came bacc. Cross-examined : Dee'd wa9 not there when they had sticks ; they went over to the liquor store when they left my shop. Daniel Goughnour, called: Live in Johnstown, Clinton street, nearly opposite the barber shop ; sell liquor ; dee'd was in my store with about half a dozen others ou moruing of day he was shot; there was a noise across the way, and dee'd said, " there is Gore and his party, and I have authority to arrest them ;' he called on George Beam, Jr., for assistance ; Ream said he would have nothing to do with them ; he then called on Krepps, who went along across to barber shop ; dee'd went into the shop and came out again in a few minutes with prisoner by the collar; his back towards me; Robinson then struck dte'd on the head with his right hand: then dee'd left prisoner loose, who jumped back to the door; dee'd and Rob inson then got in contact; prisoner then struck at dee'd and missed him and fell with head towards the curb; prisoner got up and wa9 looking for a stone to hit dee'd or somebody else ; then turned round, and as he was gmng into the shop, called for a pistol ; came out of the shop after a bit, and dee'd had a pistol drawn ; said some thing, but could not hear it ; both stepped back ; dee'd to the middle of the street; dee'd said. "If there is nobody here to help, ' I'll go and get somebody to help arrest ii . dee'd went down to the Foster House ; prisoner and his party soon left in the direction of Pattou s shop; they went to the corner of the Arcade, in which the shop was, then turned across the street, then turned and went across to Patton'-j - shop door and went in; I then l l a : . wen; to my nousc; in auout ieu unuuies heard a noise again ; they were coming along by Orr's shop; went towards Cham bers' shep; they had sticks in their bands ; they came as far as Chambers' shop ; went in ; they were in perhaps 4 or 5 minutes ; then came to my place and called for ale ; I was busy and let on I didn't hear them ; they called again ; and also the third time; prfsoner. said, "J s U t, cant we get ale; ' I brought up ale, tour tum blers; they drank it; after which; prison er remarked "by J s C t, 1 am going down street to buy a pistol to thoot Ed. Holmes, the son-of-a-b h;" they then started down Clinton street; when prison er called for a pistol at barber snop, can not remember if he said he wanted-to shoot Ed. Holmes. - Cross- examined : Was well acquainted with dee'd and prisoner; they were on good terms before this; aidn't want to give them ale, as 1 thought they had as much as they ought to have ; they were drunk for two or three days before ; every time I saw them they were halt drunk ; eaw : dee'd pull : his. revolver out of his pocket just as they came out of the bar ber shop, and before the prisoner, called for a pistol; "he was within shooting dis tance all the time, and said if they didn't stand back he would shoot; did not see any warrant. Jonas Horner, called : I was in Johns- town the day deceased was shot; was at Goughnour's, before 'his door; heard a fuss at the barber shop $: the first I knew of it, des'd came over and asked Beam, for : assistance ; prisoner and his crowd came to Gougnour's and asked for liquor; they made a fuss, and Goughnour told them it they'd leave he would treat; prisoner said dee'd had a .pistol, and he'd be d d if he wouldn't get a pistol and shoot him the first chance he'd get at him; they started towards Main street. Cross-examined : Prisoner said dee'd had a pistol; he didn't say dee'd tried to shoot him ; didn't say who began the fuss ; don't know if they were drunk. .'William Krepps, called: Was coming along: by Goughnour's; met dee'd, who said, "Bill, here ; (saw prisoner over at the barber shop,) help me to arrest him ;" says I can't;" he said I'd hav& to as sist him.. .We .went to the barber shop, and dee'd went in, Jaid hia, hands on the prisoner's breast, and said "you are my prisoner ;"-brought him to the door, and a nt, iu u'u, my ijoiu ; puc mv tiai; on his right arm ; Robinson then "struL at me; next blow he struck i-.f, dro'd; ti c: j nr. tin ll 1 1 VI .1 . , was a 20od deal ,f pfii-Tiin." . PCUl.l insoa and dee'd: pns ): ij (; them, "give me your pistol ;'' haint got it;" pri.;. r;-:r s:u.l buy r. pistuii and shoot t!i ..o:- act dee'd had dravr.i his pii -1 an -:;-o .1 ; to.u tnom to stand back or Wd shoot them ; couldn't eay how often Rjbiusou struck dee'd, but i more than once; he, the de-j'd, drew his pistol after he was struck. Cross-examined: Didn't see thenrison- er falling on the pavement; didn't see any warrant shown by dee'd : didn't hear the prisoner tell him it was the second time he tried to arrest him without a warrant ; the party were a little drunk often saw dee'd and prisoner together; aaw them playing cards together; dee'd was work ing for Orr in the cabinet shop about the time of the difficulty; thought dee'd was a policeman ; he was looked upon as such by me; he lived in Conemaugh borough; heard he was a police officer about a week before this. Jacob M. Swank, called: Keep a hard ware store in Johnstown; on the morning prisoner wa3 shot, three men came into my store ; it was about 11 o'clock : didn't know them at the time, but learned their names afterwards; prisoner was one of the party ; he asked me it I had any Colt's revolvers lor sale ; said 1 had : aseeed on the price for a four-inch six-shooter; they then asked me to give them a round of ammunition ; prisoner put in two or three loads, and then asked me to put in the balance, which I did; all the barrels then were loaded ; Robinson asked for a "ban dy billy'' or "black jack ;" showed him one, which he took : prisoner said he'd pay for it ; they were going to start away without paying for it, and I followed them to the door and jerked the billy out of itoDinson s hand ; prisoner said he d put a bullet through me if I didn't look out; tney brougnt sticks with them, and left one or two; the pistol was capped; he paid Cio.uo ior pistol. Adam Biershank, called : Am a clerk for Jake Fend; attend in the oyster sa loon ; the day Holmes was shot, prisoner, Robinson and Ilessel came into the sa loon ; prisoner called for oysters ; while eating them, four or five other meu came in and called for oysters ; deceased and Oster then came in ; the former walked up to Robinson and showed him a piece of paper, saying that he had a warrant to arrest him; prisoner said, "G d d n you, don't arrest him ;" deceased stood alongside of Robinson; prisoner said, "We are going to eat our oysters first," and asked deceased and Oster to take some thing to drink; Oster drank a glass of ale, but deceased did .not drink; before they had finished eating their oysters, Robinson and prisoner jumped up; can't say if former struck deceased or not, but they closed together ; oeceased had a club along, and struck lor prisoner; struck him on the shoulder; prisoner then drew a pistol and shot him ; they were four or five feet apart when he shot ; he held tho pistol down at Holmes', brcapt when ht shot; didn't see deceased going out, but did see prisoner ; deceased had club about two feet long; he held it in both hands, one hand above the other; deceased said he had a warrant, and showed a piece of paper; there was a kind of general scuf fle going on when deceased struck priso ner; when prisoner went out, I went up the steps and saw him talking -to Holmes; couldn t tell what was said; saw deceased afterward lying in Fend's back yard. Cross-examined : I don't think the par ty was under the influence of liquor; dou't know if they got anything to drink at my place or not ; didn't hear Robinson saying he wasn't the man : the trouble com menced between Robinson aud dee'd ; prisoner didn't strike dee'd until he and Robinson were quarreling ; didn't see dee'd strike Robinson; 1 only saw one stroke ; dee'd was about the size of pris oner; prisoner didu't fire tho pistol loose ly; didn't take aim with his eyes; dee'd said warrant was for Robinson and pris oner; didn't say what the wanant was for.' - John C. Fulton called and sw.orn : This witness substantially corroborated the tes timony of the preceding one, and testi fied additionally that when dee'd was go- mg out n3 Knoctcd tne stove over, aua that prisoner followed him up ; prisoner held revolver about as hijrh as a man's breast when shooting, and seemed to use it without losing his presence of mind ; can't nay if prisoner struck or took hold of dee'd, nor if the latter read the war raut. jross-examinea : ucc a uaa a cmo in his hand ; it looked as if it would knock a man down ; didu't see him strike Rob inson ; saw dee'd strike prisoner on the shoulder; not hard enough to knock man down ; immediately alter, prisoner fired; couldn t say prisoner was drunk he might have been drinking. Court adjourned at 9 o'clock, p. m., till Thursday morning. SECOND DAY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. Court met at 9 o clock, a.m.; testi mony for Commonwealth resumed. .Edward Stark called aud sworn: (We merely give a synopsis of this testimony as it was generally the same as preced ing witnesses'.) Vben dee'd put his hand . i ... TSEMSJ 3.00 I Kit AXA'UM. SS.OO I ADVANCE. NUMBER 9. V 1- oulder, the latter said. k the spots off you;" t o quiet; that they'd V 'J. sivj they were done i ii i . c a waisea towards the or v. ueu pri o::-.- miM, "don't bring in ci-owd, cr onjeDouy will be hurt;" when ;ne eating oysters, the prisoner turnd round and walked to the middle of th floor and stood there; Robinson turned round and said. "Holmes, I'll be d d if I go with you ;" dee'd said, "I'll be d d if you don't;" Robinson ran at dee'd; couldn't say that he struck him or caught bold ot him ; dee'd then struck at Rob inson with stick ; Robinson thro up hia hands, and Tthink the stick took him: on the shoulder; dee'd aimed at his head; he then attempted to strike him again, but Robinson pushed him back, and the prisoner then turned and shot him ; couldn't say how far nrisnner win fmm dee'd when he shot, but judge about six feet. In the cross-examination was elicited. nothing new William Reese, called: (We omit that part of this witness' testimony merely corroborative of the last one.) I was in the saloon the day dee'd was shot; saw dee'd give paper to Robineon, who looked at it and said it wasn't his name ; prisoner also looked at it; he said they'd come as soon a9 they would eat their oysters; dee'd commenced beating Robinson with a stick ; was passing so near that I was afraid I'd get hit, .and threw myself down on the floor; I heard a ehot and lookiug round, saw the prisoner with a pistol in hand up to his breast; didn't see any weapons with Robinson. William Stark, called: Was in Fend'a saloon at the time of tho shooting, with the party named before ; Gore, Robinson, and another young man were there; spoke to the prisoner, and called for ale for. him and his party; our oysters wero placed on a counter facing door of cellar; saw dee'd and Oster enter; (the balance of this tes timony is merely corroborative of the fore going.) Robinson said his name was Lot spelled right in warrant, and that he wouldn t go with deceased. AVilIiam Orr, called and sworn: Am Burgess of Johnstown; wa9 standing at the head of steps leading to Fend's cellar on the day when the shootiug-occurred; tiad previously met Oster and dee d; I was going up the street, they going down ; (counsel for defense here object to hear- ng conversation between witness and par ties previous to the affair. Commonwealth propose to prove by witness that he was of Johnstown borough at the time of tho occurrence of the shooting that in the capacity of Burgess, complaint was made before him by Holmes that Robinson had resisted him, Holmes, in the discharge of his duties as policeman. hat he had issued a warrant directing Holmes to arrest Robineon and that at the time, Holmes was a special police offi cer appointed by the witness. Objected to; first, that the witness had -no authori ty to make such appointment, and if he had, and did, he is himself not competent to prove the fact to prove his authority, and what he did. Court overruled the objection.) ltucss proceeded : On mornmcr of day when Holmes was shot, deceased came to me and said that he had undertaken to arrest prisoner, but that Robinson had alien on him, torn his clothes, beat him. and rescued prisoner out of his custody; him a warrant lor arrest of Robin son lor intertering with an omcer in the discharge of his duties ; he took the war rant away Question : Was Holmes a policeman r Answer : I swore Holmes in as a police officer for Johnstown boro. on the 28th of last ; had sworn Oster in a few days before that. V ltness proceeded : About 11 o clock on the day I issued the warrant for Rob inson s arrest, I met Holmes and Oster in the street at' Yeagley's corner; they told me they were going to arrest Robinson ; I told them he was in Fend's cellar, and - they'd better have more men with them ; they went down aud I afterwards went down ; tney were in tne cellar when 1 got there ; I was standing at the head of the; cellar steps on the upper steps; could fce the parties, but could not now tell all they said; dec d came up to where I was standing and s,d, "Robinson says this ain'c his name; does it make any difference V told him it there were not three letters in his name iu the warrant, to take him, if he knew hiui to be the man; dee'd went back to Rubinson and told him he had to rr,- they then got into a scuffle ; couldn't tho shot ee much was heard but couldn't reo who fired ; dee'd ame running up the eteps and passed me with out speaking; he had his hand on the side of Lis breast; he went into Fend's front entry door; I stepped back to Fend's store door; Robinson and prisoner eamo up stairs tgethcr; the latter had a pistol iu his hand which he was flourishing over his head ; Robinson was clinging arnuad prisoner, patting him on the shoulder ; prisoner looked at me and said, "I'll shoot you, you d d son of a b , too;- now come and take me if you dare ;" ho then backed out to the middle of the street and called on me a number of times to come out and he'd shoot me, too ; they then went away, up Clinton street ; I' then went back to the yard where deo'd. -- ' u A -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers