. niRKCR, Editor ana I-roprieior. J " VOLUME 6. '1 '.injr jJusX OF POST OFFICES. rjst OJicei. CronwB'n Chess Springs, OoneuiftUS1') treason, Ebenjburcr. fallen Timber, Galiiini Hemlock, johustown, Lorctto, J!unter, plattsville, St. Augustine, Scalp Level, Post Masters. Districts. Steven L. Evan3, Carroll. Henry Nutter, Chest. A. G. Crooks, Taylor. J. Houston, Washint'u. John Thompson, Ebensburg. C. Jeffries, White. J. M. Christy, Gallitzin. Wm Tiley, Jr., Wa3ht'n. I. E. Chandler, Johnst'wn. M. Adlesberger, Loretto. A. Durbin, Munster. Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han. Stan. Wharton, Clearfield. George Berkcy, B. M'Colgan, George B. Wike, Wm. M'Connell, J. K. Shryock, Richland. Washt'n. Croyle. Washt'n. S'merhill. Sonnian, SummeruiU, Summit, Wilmore, cnl HC1IES, MINISTER S, &.C. Presbyterian Rev. T. M. Wilsox, Pastor Vreaching every Sabbath morning at 10 vjock. and in the evening at 7 o clock. Sab fcUh School at o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet inir everv Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. Methodist EpiscopalCliurchTiZv. A. Baker, preacher in charge. Rev. J. Pershing, As $;tuit Preaching every alternate Sabbath Zn. at 10J o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meeting every Wednes day evening, at 7 o'clock. 'Welch Independent Rev Ll. R. Powell, Sabbath ruorninjr. at 10 o'clock, and in the evening at b o clocK. Sall.ath School at 1 o'clock, r. M. i raj er meeting on the first Monday evening of each month : and on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the first week in each month. Calcinistic Me thodist Rev. Morgan Ellis, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 2 and 6 o'clock. Sabbath School atlr o'clock, A. M. Piayer meeting every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening hi 7 o'clock. Discinles Rev. W. Lloyd. Pastor. Preach- iog every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. Particular JJaptistsllKX . 1'avid t,vis, Fastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 3 o'clock. Sabbath School at at I o'clock, P. M. I'jthofic Kev. R. C. Christy, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 0 o'clock uJ Vespers at 4 o'clock in the evening. EKIE.VSII&TKC MAILS. MAILS ARRIVE. Enstfm, daily, t 12.00 o'clock, noon. Western, 44 at 12.00 o'clock, noou. MAILS CLOSE. Eastern, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Western, 44 at 8 o'clock, P. M r! The mails from Newman's Mills, Car- rolltown. c. arrive on Monday. Wednesday iul Friday of each -week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Lpvy kiMouburg oa luesdays, lltursuays md 'Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A? M. ' KAILROAU SCHEDULE. CIIESSOX STATION. West Bait. Express leaves at 0.17 10.07 9.58 8.3S 8.13 4.30 8.50 1.43 7.03 C.3 10.57 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A.M. I'. M. A. M. Plnla. Express ' " Fast Line 44 Mail Train 44 ' Pitt. 4 Erie Ex. 14 Emigrant Traiu 44 K&it PIuIa. Express " Fast Line " lay Express " l'itts. i Erie Ex. 14 iiail Train Don't stop. 41 It COl'XTl' OFFICERS. of the Courts President Hon. Geo. Tivlor, Huntingdon; Associates, George W. Eisley, Henry C. Devine. I'roihonotari Joseph M'Donall. Rtgister and Recorder James Griffin. 5mJ Jame9 .Myers. District Attorney. Philip S. Noon. Cuunty Commissioners John Campbell, Ed wftti Ut?s, U. Dunnegan. Clerk to Commissioners William II. Sech il' r. T rasurer Isaac Wiko. Cltri to TVfnvrtr John Lloyd. Poor House Ihrertors George M'CulIough. fceor-e Dclany. Irwin R.it'.edge. Poor House. Treasurer (leorge C. K. Zahm. Au Uor,X iUiam J. Williams, Francis P. liimcy, John A. Kennedy. County Surveyor. Henry Scanlan. Corona. -William Flattery. Mercantile Appraiser John Cox. svp't. of Common Schools J. F. Condon. ntXSRtRG KOR. OFFICERS. i AT LARGB i'Jnillnd J. WfttPra Harrison Kinkead, iy'"- T- Robert,. Jo.'ui; Jjrne5' IIush Jones Wm-M- trough Treasurer-. W. Oatman. Tn.mpson. ' m' U' Davis' MnJ' Jolm Z'r3RlchATi R- Tibbott, Robert D. r . EST WARD. t-W.W--Tho.. J.Williams. Hurra r ZnTG0r James V 0atmn. tC"' " Kinkead, George W. . '"J Election. John D. Thomas Wor.Capt. Murray. SOCIETIES, &c. e'!srin'VTSum.Rlit Lod?e No. 312 A. T. M. nhrJIr0 I,al1' Ebensburg, on the P.M. lueE(ly of each month, at 7J o'clock, ()r0n,ipb,and Lode No. 428 I. O. V?' ln Odd Fellows' Hall. Ebcnsburtr. -tunesday evening. Vtrn 8UaDd Dision No. 84 Sons of ZrT ln, TemP"ance Hall, Eb 6. every Saturday Pv.ni, OF SUBSCRIPTION TO " TnE ALLEGHANIAN . S2.50 IN ADVANCE, AT THE END OF THE TEAR. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1865. Impatience. Our life is spent on little things, In little cares our hearts are drowned ; We move with heavy laden wings, In the same narrow round. We waste on wars and petty strife, And squander in a thousand ways, The fire that should have been the Ufa And power of after days. We toil to make an outward show, And only now and then reveal How far under the currents flow Of all we think and feel. Mining in caves of ancient lore, Unweaving endless webs of thought, We do what has been done before ; And so we came to naught. The spirit longs for wider scope, And room to let its fountains play, Ere it has lost its love and hope Tamed down or worn away. I wander by the cloister wall, My fancy fretting to be free, As, through the twilight, voices call From mountains and from sea. Forgive me, if 1 feel oppressed By custom, lord and all of me; My foul springs upward, seeking rest, And ciies for Liberty. KIRS. SMITH A NEW TUASE OF THE OLD STORY. We have it on sucli high authority that "there is nothing new ur.dcr the sun," that unless the subject was one on rhich I had thought a great deal, I shouTT hes itate to owu rny conviction tbat the say ing it uot utterly unfounded is only to be interpreted iu the moat general way. Indeed, it has been a melaucholy satisfac tion to me iu very severe trial, to thiuk that my own case is probably quite with out a precedent j and though it was at first an additional thorn that uone, even ot my most sympathizing lriends, ever listened to my btory without smiling, yet now 1 can watch their polite attempt to keep their features straight with a grim satis faction, lor I read in every curve of the mouth an additional evideuce that I have uot grieved as men grieve commonly, and that my love, like others, iu never running siuooih, 1ias at !east chosen a ncir etwrstry , and led me along a rough road, which uo one, perhaps, has ever explored before me. My grandfather wa? an old fashioned country tquire, whose firat wife had died at the birth of her secoud child my mother. In his old age he took it into his head to marry a second time; and my cousin of whom I kucw little mote than that he had beec put into tho Guards as heir to the property, and used to snub mc when he meets us boys took upon hini- felf to exprcES to decided an opinion on the whoie affair, that hardly a year after wards a formal letter which I received in India, announcing my grandfathers death, went on to sav that, in virtue of a will made immediately alter an iuterview with his elder grandson, I was the owner of tSurncaux JlaU and all his property; sub ject only to a few trifling deductions, in cluding a legacy of JCIO'J for my cou?in, and a jointure of 500 a year to his youug widow of twenty-two. Wheu the news reached me I was at one of the best pig sticking htatiuns in Jeagal; and, as there was uo immediate oecosMty for my return, I determined not to hurry, but enjoy as much as possible the change in my for tunes. The tiger-skin on which my leet arc restirjg as I write, and the stuffed birds which stand on the top of the book caso opposite me, are some of the trophies which remiud me of the many pleasant days I spent in the next few months. I did not leave India for more than six months after I had received the news of the old squire's death, when I joined a friend from England on a hunting expedition to the Carpathians, which proved a failure, for we saw nothing larger than a stray deer, and were more than once nearly starved. 1 left him as soon as wo got iuto inhabited regions again, and alter journey ing through Greece and Italy, stopping a week at one place and a month at another, found myself sitting one fine evening in October, 1858, in an easy chair on the balcony at the hotel Biron, Yille Neuve, looking out on the still waters of the lake Geneva. Five days in the Carpathians, with nothing but a measly pig for the whole party to eat, had been a sickener ; and beneath the solt influences of the set ting sun, and gentle breeze from the lake, I was getting very sentimental, and found myself painting charming pictures of peaceful domestic evenings in the old drawing-room at Surueaux, with a grace ful wife on the opposite side of the fire, and modol babies' up stairs, and my old school friend with the poor girl he had been hopelessly engaged to for tho last six years, in tho snug rectory at the bot tom of the park. There are, if what doc tors tell us is true, certain conditions ot the body which render a person more than usually liable to catch any infectious disorder which may be flying abaut; and no one can reasonably doubt that there-are season in every man's life when he is even more hopelessly predisposed to fall in love on tbe slightest provocation. A I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Henry Clay. general benevolence, and unwonted appre ciation of the beauties of nature, are prob ably two of the earliest symtoms of the stale, and I can now sec that my perfect enjoyment as I watched the changing col ors on the mountain?, as the sun set that evening, and the unusual anxipty I felt for the happiness and welfare of the world at large, would, had I been wise, have been enough to wain me that my frame of mind was very dangerous. I remember everything hat night now, as if it was only yesterday ; the very order in which tha ptars came out, as the darkness closed in. The blazing comet curving almost from tho Alps oa the left, to the distant mountains on the other side of the lako, and the perfect reflections in the still black water below. If I shut my eyes, I can still see it all just as it was then. I got up and wandered down to the pier, and as I leaned over the railing, the third hymptora, a longing melancholy, began to creep over me. It was a heavenly uiirht. Presently the quiet reflection of the comet broke up, and spread itito two dancing lines of light, as the red and green lamp of a steamer came in sight, and soon, the vessel splashing up woke me from my reverie. There were not s"o many passengers late in the season. Three tourists in dirty coats with the regulation knapsacks and alpenstocks, a dozen working men carrying their own atmosphere of garlic with them, a few poor women, and a sprightly French maid, in bustling anxiety for a pile ot boxes, and last, her slight young English mistress, in black. One might as well try to paint the scent ot a violet as to con vey in words and notion of the charms of the sweet face I gazed into, as she stepped out of the boat. Comet, lake, mountains, all were forgotten in an instant in the presence of her higher beauty ; aud I slept that night if Meep it were- with the "thank you," which rewarded me as I stooped to pick up her shawl, still sound ing in my ears, "and every nerve fluttering from the contact with her small hanJ. It would be sacrilegious to tell all the incidents ot the next few days. We met and talked at the table d'hote. She was going to Old Chillon; I had been there twice, but could not leave without anoth er visit. She was curious to explore the salt mines at Bex ; but could not go alone. A cnuaintances formed uudcr such circum stances soon ripen into friendships ; and f fie hdships ; soon grow5. "Info "some"! hi fig i more. She was a young widow (Mrs. Smith was her name ;) that was all I knew, or cared to know ; but long before I left tbe dear hotel, there was no concealing it, I was over head aud ears in love. BuC what of that ? I was twenty-five (a year at least older than she,") the owner ot a fine estate ; and with all my diffidence felt sure that my presence and atteutious were not unplea3;iut to her. Never was lover more happy than I, as I said 44Good-by !" aud started off to meet a friend oa business in Paris, with a warm invitation to call on her in Hue , where she hoped tc arrive very soon after me, on her way home. Madamo was fatigued with the journey, and was lying down, I learned from Su zette when the tedious days were over, and tho timo had come lor me to know my fate. The absence had decided mc, and my mind waa quite made up, that life without her would be worthless. 44 Would iuonieur sit down on the sofa, and madamc fchould know who had called," said the little woman, as she frisked out of the room, with an arch look over her shoulder, which made me feel hot. The door opened, and she camo softly in. I jumped and kicked my hat over, blu-hed, and felt my hand get hot and damp as I held it out. 44 Oh Mr. Jones ! it is very good of you to call. I thought you would have been sure to have gone to Englandj or forgotten all about us. Sit down hsre and let me tell you all about thoso horrid railway people." I sympathized with her, and wished I had been there, of course, as I listened to the story of a trunk which was near being put on the wrong train ; and as the con versation flagged," felt my forehead geiting hotter still. (Paris was so close !) I think she guessed why I twiddled my hat and brushed it the wrong way for she looked shy too, but mere beautiful than ever. It was getting painful ; I twiddled my hat harder than ever. I don't believe I should ever have spoken another word but she recovered her presence of mind first and began again. " Oh ! you .must let me show you my photographs; they are so lovely; I got them in Geneva. Here is the dear old Dent du Midi. There is one somowhere of the funny old convent we went together to see on the other side ot tho Ithone, on your last day. You remember my slipping as we clam bered up on to the marble rock behind the garden, to peep at the nuns? You don't know how bad my ankle was after wards. 1 did not get out at all the day you went, and could not even come down to dinner. It is 60 horrid and lonely being laid ,up in an inn, with no on to carefor you. I did get so low-spirited. I did not know a bit how lamo I was, till I tried to go up stairs again aftor you had sone." A' I turned over the photographs, and sfared blindly at them the wrong way up wards, as she passed. It must come sooner later, 1 thought. She dropped her efes, and looked frightened, as I got up, and blurted out, " Perhaps we may never sefe-another again." IIer breath camo quickly, andshelock etj .up timidly and smiled. I was reckless n,0w, and ran on. 4" I can't go to England without telling y6u what I I I No, no! dou't say anything yet. I never told you f I could not all that happy time that I s;joa my. way home to take possession ot j .1 could not say another word : all my courage was gone, and I stood there more sheepish than ever. She had come to the rescue again, and, looking up with her big eyes, said " You come from Shropshire? How extraordinary that I should never have found that out before ! I'm Shropshire, too. I wonder whether you are anywhere near my dear old home, Surneaux''" 5jC "Oh dear, oh dear! what is the "mat ter? Are you ill? Shall I ring? Oh, do speak ! Don't look so ! for my sake. Oh!" Jc r4 What wa3 the matter ? Only my chst had been bulged in, and driven up into my mouth that was all. What was the matter ? f,IIerdear old home Surncaux ! Good heavens ! Yes, my mothers name ! my irandfather's was Smith ! Iln. rlmi m .1.1 1 il.ii r. inrkAV.V f Then wife I Good marry lyy angel was the old man's baby bad heard so much of ! . Her dear old home Surneaux ! heavens ! And a man may not bus sjraiidrnother I ; We were both calmer soon, and I said, 44 Let me kiss you, grand mama." I doubt whether grandmother was ever more touched at a grandson's affection than phe was as I threw my arms round her; and (must it be told?) cried like a baby. It was not manly, I dare say : but no one saw it but she and Suzette, who came in without knocking, and was going to throw a jug of water over us ; but I saw her in time. " My old friend has the rectory at the bottom of tbe park, and I go there every djy ; lor e, -and for it does me good to see his rosy romp with iiis.litt'.e girl. There is no nursery at Surneaux. I am a deputy-lieutenant, and a man of note in the country; but the chair oppo site mine in the drawing-room is never used except when prandmama is with me-. She often comes ; but we never speak of the happy days in Switzerland, and neither of us has been there since. P. S. Since writing this, grandmama has come down with her younger sister. She is very agreeable; and, barring the weeds, reminds me much of what G. M. was when, we first met. London Society. i m A Funny Oil Speculation. A de cidedly funuy oil transaction occurred in Erie a few days since, Mr. Jacob Althoff, of the Althoff well, dis-;overed that his cellar was partly filled with oil. He al ways thought his laud was good oil terri tory, but never supposed it was so near the surface. However, Jacob wa3 a prac tical man, and without speculating much as to whether the oil oozed through the earth, or whether a veritable oil spnug had broken loose in tho cellar, he set to work pumping out. Thirty-two barrels of good quality of oil was thus secured. David Kennedy 4& Co., have a large oil refinery just across the road from AlthofFs and also an immense underground tank, holding some eight hundred barrels. Al thoff showed them the oil, and they pur chased the thirty-two barrels at about six dollars a barrel a reasonable piice and thought they made a good little "spec." They contracted for all Jacob's cellar oil at the same rate. The latter waited pa tiently for mere to collect. Meanwhile, Kennedy & Co., had occasion to examine their underuround tank. Near the top was found a crcvico, and they smelt some thing beside oil. They soon found that when their tank was filled up to this cre vice the oil found its way out and pene trated into their neighbor'3 cellar. They had not only lost considerable of their oil, but had bought back thirty-two barrels of it at over six dollars per barrel ! and had contracted to keep on doing so ! The leak was stopped instanter, and Althoff s cellar is not so valuablfi as it was. Mr. A. threatens to send in a bill for damage done to his cellar by flooding it with pe troleum. Th3 money so far received he ot course retains. m m BSIw -A- loquacious gentleman on fiuding himself a passenger in a stage coach with a prim and taciturn maiden lady of some fnrtv winters, endeavored iu vain to en- trace in conversation. At lenptn night came : as nothing was said, both fell asleep The stage finally stopped, and the driver announced to the lady that she had ar rived at her place of destination. Her fellow passenger being awakened at the same time, thought that he would exchange a word at leaving, and addressed her : 44Madam7as we shall never again, proba bly, sleep together, I bid you a very re spectful farewell." A scream, and silence reigned again. A Russian Wolf Hunt. A SKETCH BY DUMAS. Wolf hunting and bear hunting are the favorite pleasures ot the Russians. olves are hunted in. this way in the winter, when the wolves being hungry are fero cious. Three or four bunt-men, each armed with a double barreled gun, get into a troika, which is any sort of a car riage, drawn by thrae horses' its name being derived from its team, and not from its form. The middle horse trots always ; tho left hml aod right hand hcj'Sea must iw&ys gtJrp.V O'he middle-h&isf trots' with his head hanging down, and he is called the Snow Eater. The two others have only the one rein, and they are fas tened to the polls by the middle of the body, and gallop with their heads free they are called the Furious. The troika is driven by a sure coachman, it there is such a thing in the world as a sure coach man. A pig is tied to the rear of the vehicle by a rope or a chain (for greater security) some twelve yards long. The pig is kept in the vehicle until the hunts men reach the forest where the hunt is to take place, when he is taken out and the horses started. The pig, uot being ac customed to this gait, squeals, and his squeals soon degenerate intc lamentations. Ilis cries bring out one wolf, who gives the pig chase; then two wolves, then three, then ten, then fifty wolves rail posting as hard as they can after the poor pig, fighting among themselves for the beat places, snapping and striking at the poor pig at every opportunity who squeals with despair. Thee squeals arou&e all the wolves in the lorest within a circuit of three miles, and the troika is followed by an immense flock of wolves. The horse3 have au iustinctive horror of wolves, and go almost crazy ; they run as fa?t as they can go. The huntsmen fire as fast as they can load there is no necessity to take any aim. . The pig squeals the horses neigh the wolves howl the quns rattle; it is a concert to make Mephistopheles jealous. As long as the driver commands his horses, fast as they may be ruuuing away, there is no danger. But if he ceacs to be master of them ; it they balk, if the troika is upset, there is no hope. The next day, or the day after, or a week after wards, nothiug will remain ot the party, but the wreck of the truika, the barrels of The guns, 'and the larger bones of lue horses, huntsmen and driver. Lust winter Prince Bepnine went on one of these hunts and it came very near being his last hunt. He was on a vUit with two of his friends to one of his es tates near the steppe, and they determined to go on a wolf hunt. They prepared a large sleigh in which three per.-ous could move at ease, three vigorous horses were put into it, and they selected for a driver a man horn in the country and thoroughly experienced in the sport. Every hunts man had a pair ot double-barrelled guns and a hundred and fifty ball cartridges It was night when they reached the steppe that i-, an immense prairio covered with snow. The moon was full, and shone brilliantly ; its beams refracted by the .now, gave a light ecarcely inferior to daylight. The pig wa3 put out of the sleigb, and the horses whipped up. As soon as the pig felt that he was dragged, he began to squeal. A wolf or two appeared, but they were timid and kept a long way off. Their numbers gradually increased, and as their numbers augmented they became bolder. There were about twenty wolves wheu they came within gun range ot the troika. One ot the party nred ; a wo.t fell. The flock became alarmed, and hall fled away. Seven or eight huugry wolves remained behind to devour their dead companion. The caps were soon filled. On every side howl answered howl, oa every side sharp noses and brilliant eyes were seeu peering. The guns rattled vol ley after volley, but the flock of wolves increased instead ot diminishing, and soon t rn not a flock, but a vast herd of wolves in thick serried columns, which gave chase to the sleigh. The wolves bouudod forward so rapidly they seemed to fly over the snow, and so lightly not a sound wa3 heard; their uu:n bers continued to increase and increase: they seemed 30 be a silent tide drawing nearer aud nearer, and which the guns ot the party, rapidly as they were discharge!,' had uo effect on. The wolves formed a vast crescent, whos-j horus began to en- tompass the hordes. Their numbers in creased so rapidly they seemeu 10 t-pring out of the ground. Thtre was something weird in their appearance, for where could three thousand wolves come from iu such a desert ot snow ? The party had takeu the pig into the sleigh; his squeals in creased tho wolves boldness. The party contiuued to fire, but they had now used about half their ammunition, and bad two hundred cartridges lelt, while they were surrounded by three thousand wolves. The two horns of tho crescent became nearer and nearer, aud threatened to en velope the party. If one ot the horses should have given out, the fate of the whole party was seal ed. " What do you think ot thU, Ivan ?" said Prince Bepnine, speaking to the driver. " I tad rather be at uome prince. '' Are you afraid of any evil consequen TERMS- 3 PEIl AKV31, lSa.-"iO IX ADVAXCE, NUMBER 52. ccs?" 44 The devils have tasted blood, and the more you fire the more wolves you'll have." 44 What do ou think is the best to be dohe ?" " Make the horsea go faster." 44 Are you sure ot the horses ?" 44 l'es, prince." "Are you gure of safe ty ?" The driver made no reply. He quickened tbe horses, and turned their heads towards home. Tho horuea flew faster than ever. The driver excited them to increased peed by a sharp whistle, and made them describe a curve which inter sected one of the horns of the crescent, i'he wolves opor.ed their ranks and le,t tho i5?ses tiass.: . -v . " - ? . . ! ' fhepvince.raiscd his gutl to his shoul der. 44 For God's sake, don't fire I" ex claimed the driver; 44 we are dead men it you do!" Ho obeyed Ivan. Tho wolves astonished by this unexpected act remain ed motionless for a minute. During this minute the troika was a verst to them. When the wolves started again after it, it was too late, they could not overtake it. A quarter of an hour afterwards they were in sight ot home. Prince Itepnine thinks his horses ran at least six miles iu thec fifteen minutes. He rodo over the steppe the next day, and found the bones of two hundred wolves. Proceed viitli Tliy Elephant. In Columbiana county (Ohio) resides an old fellow renowned for his belligerent disposition, who is generally known as Friend Shavey. Born and bred a Quaker; be was long since read out of meeting on account of his quarrelsome propensities, but still pertinaciously clings to the plain slothes and plain language of his early days, possibly as a protection against the wrath which he is continually provoking by his overbearing and irritating demea nor, lie is always the owner of the cross est dog- in the neighborhood, the most troublesome, breecby steers, Sec , and is continually in hot water with some of his neighbors in consequence of the depreda tious committed by his unruly live stock. A few weeks since, Van Amburgh's Me nagerie, traveling through Columbiana, was obliged to pass hn residence. A lit- -tie before dayHght, Nash, the keeper of the elephant Tippoo Saib, as he was pass ing over the road with his elephant dis covered this pseudo Quaker seated upon a fence upon the road-side, watching a bull which ie had turned out upon the road, aud which was pawing, bellowing and throwing up a tremejndcus dustgenerally. Ia fact from the fury of tho animal's de monstrations, .one would readily hav taken him for one of the identical breed that butted the locomotive off a bridge 44 Take that bull out of the way, shout ed Nash, as he approached. 44 Proceed with thy elephant," was the reply. 44 Lf you don't take that bull away he will get hurt," continued Nash, approach ing, while the bull redoubled his bellige rent demonstrations. Don't trouble thyself about the bull, but proceed with thy elephant," retorted friend Shavey, rubbing his bauds with de light at the prospect of an approaching scrinimnge, the old fellow haviug great confidence in the invincibility of his bull, which was really the terror of the whole country around; Tippoo Saib came on with his uncouth, .shambling gait; the bull lowered his head and mad a charge directly upon the elephant. Old Tippoo, without even pausing in his march, gave his cow-catcher a sweep, catching the bull on the side, crushing in his ribs with his enormous tusks, and then raised him almost thirty feet ic the air, the bull striking upou his head as he came down, breaking hid neck and killing him instantly. "I'm alraidyour bull has bent his neck a little," shouted Nash as he passed on. ; "Bent the devil," cried old Shavey, with a troubled look at his defunct bu!l,s "Thy elephant is too hefty for my beast, but thee will not make so much but of, the operation as thee supposes. . I was go ing to take my family to thy show, but I'll see thee and thy show blowed to blazes before I go one step, and thee may pro ceed with thy elephant and be d d, , please ; the "please" being added as Sha voy took a secoud look at the proportion of the stalwart elephant keeper. 1 m A youug lady of New Bedford was intimately acquainted in a family in which there was a sweet bright little boy of Diae five years between whom and her self there sprang up a very tender friend ship One day she said to him 44 Willie, do you love me?" 44 Yes, indeed!" he replied, "with a clinging kis.3. 44 How much V 44 Why, I love you I love you up to the sky," ' Just then his eye fell on his mother. Flinging his arms about her and kissing 1 her passionately said 44 But, mamma; I love you way up to God!" Egk-,"Conie till America, Pat' writes a son ot the Emerald Isle to his friend in Ireland, 44 'tis a fine country to get a liv ing in. All ye have to do is to get a threc-cornerea box and fill it with brick, aud carry ?t to the top of a four-story building, and the man at the top does all the werk." n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers